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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

Page 40

by Amanda Clover

  He bared his jagged tusks above her. Molochel was ten times her size, his stiffening cock nearly as long as her body from quim to throat. She actually smiled up at him. Whether she survived his bedding or not, he would savor her.

  The giant demon lord grabbed the princess around her belly with one huge hand and thrust the ruinous pillar of his cock into her slick channel. Her belly bulged. Her milky tits flopped on her chest as he drove his cock into her womb. He bellowed with delight as her hot body clenched around him.

  She did not, as was sometimes the case, burst in a bloody mess. Castigoroth must have used powerful magic to make her body more pliant.

  "One hundred days," Molochel promised. "I will bathe your womb in a ceaseless flood of my seed. I will plunder you until you will feel as if you cannot live without my cock filling you. Then I will take it away and you will know the emptiness. But a new lord of hell will grow within you. Only then shall you rest."

  She had no response for him. Her mouth hung open in mindless pleasure. He began to thrust into her stretched cunt as her eyes rolled back into her head. The princess once known as Olivia Veritus was damned to serve as the concubine of Molochel and to bear his demonic brood.

  Book 11 - Perverted Plants

  The wild elves of the Dalish tribe did not remain in any place for long, but they made the Golden Dale their home. Its lands were temperate, the wood rich with game and the meadows a peaceful place for the elves to raise their tents and make camp. There were many natural beauties in the Golden Dale and few dangers. Even the predators of the Golden Dale seemed to leave the elves in peace. So long as the Dalish stayed clear of the ominous Darkwood, they were safe.

  It was the first year of Aluna Dalish's adulthood that war came to the Golden Dale. Aluna was the only daughter of Arrowsing Thaspin Dalish, wisehunt of the Dalish tribe. To the other elves, Aluna was a bramblemaiden. To a human, she might have been called a princess, for privilege and authority were her birthright.

  There was no dispute that she was the most beautiful elf in the tribe. She had inherited her mother's dark hair, unusual for a wild elf, and her green eyes were as bright as the sun on emerald poppies. Her slender body was the envy of any maiden seeking marriage, particularly for her large, pert breasts, another unusual trait for an elf. She was an expert with her whiteroot bow and her pull was nearly able to match the finest bowmen her father had trained.

  Unless she took a husband, Aluna was destined to inherit the leadership of the Dalish tribe. At least, it was her destiny until the orcs began to set their fires. The orc warlord Black Tooth was a new sort of threat. His orcs were numerous and better-disciplined than the savage parties of orc raiders the Dalish were accustomed to driving away. His warriors carried human-crafted weapons, suggesting slaving of human smiths or, worse, the conquest of human lands.

  Arrowsing and his bowmen ambushed the orcs almost constantly, inflicting heavy losses, but Black Tooth was undeterred. His greenskinned horde began to burn the trees and carve huge tracts of forest from the wild hunting grounds of the Dalish.

  Every day, the camp moved deeper and deeper into the Golden Dale. Every night the hunters went out and fewer came back in the morning. Arrowsing was losing bowmen that could not be replaced. Aluna watched her father seem to grow older by the day.

  The women and even the older children were being prepared for battle. Aluna did what she could to prepare healing salves and tend to the wounded, to assure her father's tribe that he was still in control of the situation.

  "My sons are too young to join the hunt against the orcs," worried one mother.

  "At this rate, we will be pushed into the Darkwood before the month is out," said one of the infirm elders.

  "I promise you," said Aluna, "father is doing everything he can to thwart the invaders."

  Arrowsing returned just before dawn with barely half the men he had departed from the camp with. He was in low spirits, wiping the blood away from his face and hands and drinking heavily from the wine skin Aluna offered to him.

  "They are learning our ways," he said. "Nearly encircled us tonight, but we made them pay for it. They travel with many half-orcs among them. They must have been raiding the humans and breeding with them. These orcs are wiser and faster than their kin."

  Aluna followed Arrowsing into his tent. Her father was a bit shorter than a human, lean and muscular, with a gaunt face and big, green eyes. He washed his face, scrubbing away blood and the black berry used to color stripes on his face to better hide among the trees. Like all wild elves, he was quite pale, for shade was never far away in the Golden Dale. His hair was sandy blond, falling beneath his shoulders and braided on the left side into a widower's braid.

  She waited until he had refreshed himself and taken off his boots before worrying him with the tribe's concerns. She voiced everything they had said to her. He listened without speaking. When she finished, she looked into his eyes, her pained expression and glistening green eyes seeming to channel the woes of the tribe.

  "Your mother would be proud of you," said Arrowsing. "You are a great leader."

  "I do what comes naturally," said Aluna, trying to conceal the pride she felt to hear her father's compliment. "Do you have an answer for them?"

  "I do," said Arrowsing. "They are right. We are losing and there is not much time before we are forced to retreat into the Darkwood. The orcs might follow even there, for courage is not a quality they lack, but they will not follow if the tribe divides."

  "The tribe will end?" cried Aluna.

  "No, shh, calm yourself." Arrowsing took her hands. "We will depart at dawn in groups of two and three and we will slip through the Darkwood. There are human settlements on the far side. Some of them quite large. We will seek the aid of the humans there."

  "Many will die traveling through the Darkwood."

  "All will die or be enslaved if we continue to fight the orcs. You must go, my beloved daughter. I have lost your mother and your brother. I cannot lose my only daughter." He caressed her hands. "I will summon my finest hunter to accompany you and safeguard your passage through the Darkwood."

  "What of the others?"

  "There are enough hunters remaining, just barely, to escort them through." Sadness weighed on his brow. "Not all will make it. If it is the will of the Huntress then it will be enough for the Dalish to survive."

  "I am afraid, father," said Aluna, her voice barely a whisper.

  Arrowsing held her tightly in his arms, her full breasts crushed against his chest. She inhaled the smell of sweat and blood on her father. Smoke and, she guessed, the feral stink of the orcs he killed.

  "You must be strong," he said into her ear. "For me. For all of us."

  "Yes," she said. "I will go."

  Aluna left her father to prepare to make the journey. The Dalish did not value material things much so she took only a blanket roll, her mother's knife, her ashroot bow and arrows, and a few traveler's nut cakes wrapped in cloth. With her cloak and leathers, Aluna felt as ready as she would ever be to travel into the Darkwood. Although sad to leave her tribe and afraid of the danger she might encounter, the princess was excited for the adventure. She swore to her dying mother that she would rise to any challenge she faced.

  Her father was waiting for her on the edge of camp. The fires of morning were already climbing into the sky. With him was a slender, smallish woman with a pretty face and short-cropped blond hair of buttery gold. She had slim hips and no bust to speak of, but this did not detract from her beauty. Aluna thought this girl looked very young, although she wore a short sword and dagger on the belt that secured her leathers.

  "This is Sammareal," said Aluna's father.

  "Sam is just fine," said the woman.

  Sam bounced on her feet and offered her hand to Aluna. The princess shook it and was surprised to find it calloused.

  "Not an archer?" asked Aluna.

  "No, your highness. I never took to the bow, but I'll put my skill with blade against any among the Da

  "She has saved my life more than once," said Aluna's father. "She will see you through the Darkwood."

  Aluna embraced her father, hugging tight and fighting back the tears in her eyes. Few in the village knew what was happening and father did not want to alert them. Aluna nodded.

  "This is only a short farewell," said father. "I will see you on the other side of the Darkwood."

  They set off from the Dalish camp and towards the distant hills at the edge of the Golden Dale. The Darkwood was a shadow climbing those hills. It was a twisted place, the forest itself and all that dwelled within it corrupted by some ancient curse.

  "Stay close to me," said Sam. "I won't let anything hurt you."

  They reached the lower hills by morning and we paused, surveying their last approach to the Darkwood. Sam inspected her leaf compass. Aluna squinted at the golden light of the high sun breaking through the upper reaches of the forest.

  "It is a beautiful day to travel," she said.

  "Yes," agreed Sam, smiling. "May the sun bless us."

  Sam was still reading the floating twig of her compass when the orcs found them. Aluna felt them before she saw them. A prickling fear at the back of her neck.

  Two orcs stepped out from the nearby trees. They were thick-bodied and had crude, piggish faces with tusked under bites. They wore ragged jerkins splashed with red paint, or blood, and carried wicked swords on their belts. For a moment, Aluna thought she might be able to escape their notice, but then two more orcs emerged and saw Sam and Aluna straight away. The red eyes of the orcs narrowed and they drew their blades.

  Aluna reached for an arrow from her quiver and a powerful hand caught her wrist. She gasped in pain as it squeezed and twisted. The orc stepped behind her, pulling her back against his solid chest as he pressed the jagged edge of a blade to her throat. Sam heard Aluna's cry of shock and turned. She reached for her sword.

  "Do not draw blade, little one," warned the orc in the human tongue. "Or I cut friend open."

  Sam raised her hand in surrender. The orcs surrounded and disarmed Aluna and Sam. The excitement at capturing two elf women was undisguised. They leered. They prodded with the tips of their swords and exchanged lewd comments in their snorting language. Aluna did not want to look at them, but she could see their leathers bulging with the thickness of their cocks. She had been so afraid of the Darkwood she had never imagined they would be caught by orcs.

  Caught and raped. She swallowed her fear and tried not to imagine this fate.

  "This one is special," said the orc that had spoken before. He pointed the tip of his blade at Aluna. "Dark hair elf. You are princess. Black Tooth like princess."

  A particularly fat and leering orc reached a big hand up to Aluna's breasts and squeezed her through her leathers. The orc that spoke the human tongue snarled and smashed the other orc's hand away. He snapped a command and jabbed the tip of his knife in the direction of Sam. The orcs laughed with pleasure, pushing Sam away from Aluna and molesting her petite body with their hands. The small elf cried out.

  "No!" cried the princess. "Leave her alone. Take me instead."

  "Take you to Black Tooth," said the orc. "Little one belongs to us."

  "It's okay," moaned Sam. "Don't...nnnn...don't worry about me."

  "Please," moaned Aluna as tears began to drop from her emerald eyes.

  "Enjoy watch," laughed the orc holding the knife at her throat.

  He would not allow her to turn away as the other four orcs, like giants compared to Sam, tore open her leathers until the tiny mounds of her breasts were freed. Her nipples were as small as brown pebbles on her pale skin. One orc squeezed at her little mounds and ran rough fingers over Sam's nipples. The others tore again, ripping away her leather trousers and the soft cloth of her under wrap. They laughed as the exposed her trembling buttocks, thighs and the white golden thatch of her quim.

  Despite her anger and fear, Aluna felt a tremble of excitement deep in her loins. She was ashamed of such perverse desire, but watching the greenskins fondle her naked protector was making her aroused. She wished she could hide the flush in her face.

  Sam tried to remain silent as the big, rough hands of the orcs roamed over her naked body. One orc held her wrists above her head while the other three squeezed her breasts, strummed fat fingers between her thighs and played with the firm roundness of the elf's bottom. She finally cried out as they pushed her to her knees in the grass.

  The huge orcs blocked Aluna's view of her traveling companion, but she knew what was happening as the orcs unbuckled their sword belts and took out their huge cocks. They were as big around as Aluna's wrist, bulging with veins and darkening from green at the root to almost black at the bulbous tips. They wanked their huge tools and smacked them against Sam's face. One orc held her short hair in his fist and turned her head back and forth.

  "Suck!" growled the orc, no doubt a word he had learned to use on many occasions when raiding human settlements.

  For a fleeting instant, Sam made eye contact with Aluna. The princess saw the little elf's blue eyes welling with tears. There was a plea in those eyes, as if she was begging for Aluna's forgiveness.

  Sam obeyed the orc's command. Her lips stretched around one of their cocks and she began to suck. They thrust into her mouth, gagging her again and again, yanking her head back and forth. Her pink tongue swirled around their cockheads. Her lips stretched down their shafts until pained tears were pouring down her face.

  "She likes orc cock," chuckled the orc that held the knife to Aluna's throat. "Make you wet, princess? Make you want to fuck?"

  The orc slid his hand down Aluna's body and roughly squeezed her tender mound through her leathers. She let out a cry of shocked pleasure as her under wrap bit into the delicate groove of her virgin slit. She was wet. She could feel it. The orc squeezed again and she let out another gasp.

  Aluna could see Sam's head bobbing. Her slurping, gagging mouth slipping up and down the lengths of the swollen orc cocks. One of the trio being pleasure let out a mighty roar of pleasure and cum spilled down Sam's chin and dripped across her thighs. The orc slipped his cock from Sam's cum-stuffed throat and drizzled the last gooey strands of white spunk across her tear-streaked face as she gasped for air.

  The orcs bent her over a stump, her firm bottom raised and her pussy showing pink beneath her silky hair. The orc behind her bent back her arms, locking her into a submissive pose splayed on her belly across the log. The other orc at her head yanked her face up and stuffed his cock unceremoniously into her mouth. Aluna could see Sam's throat bulging as the orc fucked her mouth. The bladeswoman cried out around the invading cock as her pink mound was plundered by the orc behind her. Blood dripped from his balls as he claimed her virgin cove.

  "Please," whimpered Aluna. "I can't stand this."

  "Wish it was you?" laughed the orc forcing her to watch.

  She did, somewhere inside her. She ached to be taken. To have her virgin quim violated by thick orc cock.

  "I just...I want it to be over," she moaned.

  "Ha ha, silly elf bitch. Only starting."

  The orc yanked Aluna's head back by her hair, forcing the elf princess to watch the full violation of her protector. The orc's hand kneaded into her aching quim through her leathers. She felt taken by a fever as the small clearing filled with the smacking flesh and grunts of sex. She watched.

  Sam's petite body shook as the orc behind her stretched her virginal pussy with his massive fuckprod. The orc holding Sam's head sawed his swollen meat between the forced oval of her lips, his huge bollocks slapping against Sam's chin as his cock stretched her throat. Strands of drool wobbled from her chin. A third orc stood nearby, fondling his cock, impatiently waiting to have his go at the helpless elf warrior.

  The orc behind Sam grunted in his language. He took hold of Sam's slender hips and pulled her back. The cock left her throat with a loud slurp. She gasped and coughed as she was pulled up from the stump and fell, still impaled on
the cock in her cunt, onto her back atop the orc fucking her. She cried out at the sensation of gravity ramming the cock even deeper. The orc lifted her off his length and before she even seemed to realize what was happening, he dropped her firm bottom onto his cock and impaled her virgin ass on his length.

  Sam's scream of shock and pain echoed in the woods. Her cry was silenced by an orc cock being forced into her mouth. A moment later, the other orc mounted her dripping cunt from the front. Every hole was filled by orc cock and the petite elf warrior could do nothing but receive the fury of their lust. The orc beneath Sam moved her body up and down on his huge cock, fucking her ass like she was a doll while the other two thrust their hips and used her mouth and pussy.

  The brutal, four-way fucking only enhanced Aluna's ardor. Her eyes danced across the lurid details as the orc hold her upright squeezed and massaged her pussy through her leathers. He pressed his snout against her neck and seemed to revel in her scent as his fingers drove her mad with lust. She pressed her ass back against him, gasping as she watched the enormous orc cocks pounding in and out of poor Sam's ass, cunt and mouth.

  "Yes, you like it, don't you, elf bitch?" asked the orc holding Aluna.

  He thrust his cock against Aluna's ass, grinding against her soft roundness between their layers of clothing. She could feel the heat of his body. She inhaled the sour smell of his breath as he nuzzled against her neck and began sucking at her supple flesh. The blade of the knife never left her throat. Her full lips fell open and a deep moan of lust escaped from Aluna.

  The orc fucking Sam's ass did not last long. He came inside the poor elf warrior with a chest-shaking snarl of pleasure. Sam's eyes went wide once again as scalding ropes of hot orc cum basted her bowels. Cum overflowed her stretched pucker and slid like bubbling milk down the orc's twitching shaft.

  Moment's later, the orc fucking her pussy similarly rewarded the petite elf with a tidal wave flood of orc semen. Her belly bulged from his massive cock and the quantity of cum pouring into her virgin womb. The orc slipped his cock out of her pussy with a slurp and dropped his twitching tool against her creamed groove. He slid it along Sam's goo-lubed velvet as the last pearly drops of cum rolled out from the slit in his green-black bell and soaked her blond hairs.


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