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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

Page 47

by Amanda Clover

  She sat up and saw him. He was grooming his crested head and white mane with the hooked protrusion of bone atop his wing. He licked at the dark scales, his tongue pink and reaching out as long as Melinda's arm before slipping back into his lipless mouth. He rubbed the bony hook against the top of his nuzzling head and grumbled with pleasure.

  "Myxus?" she said, her voice small and quiet compared to his grumbling.

  His head snapped up. It cocked to the side and the golden speartips of his eyes narrowed as he looked at her over his snout. He leaned his beastly face down and exhaled his hot, alchemical breath. It blew back her hair, but she did not flinch. Melinda met his gaze. She trembled with fear, her pale skin prickled with gooseflesh. She held.

  His snout lowered over her. She brought up her knees and they touched against the bottom of his jaw. His mouth opened, just a fraction, and his pink tongue slid out, itself as big as any serpent she had ever seen. It steamed in the cool air and he ran it over her leg, up to her knee, curling down between her pale thighs. He lapped at her sex and she could not help but react. Through the terror, she knew the hot muscularity of his tongue and the way it gently opened her quim.

  "Ohhhhh," she moaned.

  His tongue dragged against her groove and tiny bumps on its surface beat roughly over her clit. She exhaled in a his and opened herself wider to him. His clawed hand reached out and, with a single fingertip, he caressed her face, her shoulder, her breasts. He petted her head as his tongue dragged once more along the aching groove of her cunt.

  "Do it," she moaned. "I am yours, Myxus."

  The great red dragon growled and scooped the pale princess up in one clawed hand. In a moment, they were airborne and soaring through the chilly morning air. She expected it to be like her dream, that he would take her in midair and his huge cock, now slithering out of its sheath, would wear her slender body like a cloak.

  Instead, the mighty dragon swooped down through the clouds and emerged above a verdant country. A crystalline stream meandered across a meadow of green grass and pink flowers. He lowered her into the soft grass and the morning sun broke above the surrounding mountains and warmed her body.

  He sat back on his haunches, his huge cock glistening in the sunlight as it stuck up form between his reptilian legs and curved up his pale belly. The position he was sitting in seemed slightly undignified for such a majestic and powerful creature. Like a fat cat sitting upright. Melinda smiled despite her fear. She smiled, in part, because of her growing lust.

  "Do you want me to come to you?" she asked.

  He snorted and his tongue lashed his chin. There seemed to be the hint of a smile on his lipless mouth. Melinda rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled through the soft grass towards the scaly red mountain of the dragon. She could smell his arousal. A musk that seemed familiar and different at the same time. She crawled past his splayed toes and between his folded legs. His enormous bollocks bulged beneath his banded belly and his cock flexed as she drew near. It seemed even bigger than the huge hotstone dildo in its final form.

  "Do you want me to touch it?" She asked, rising high on her knees. "May I?"

  He snorted again, craning his long neck to watch her, the bemused smile still curving at the corners of his lipless mouth. She reached out with both hands and laid them against the underside of the hot shaft of Myxus's cock. It flexed slightly against her fingers and palms. She scooted closer and wallowed in his musk as she wrapped both hands, together, around his shaft. She had to stand up to stroke him from his root to the flared tip. The fleshy bristles that ringed his monstrous glans were nearly as thick around as her fingers. She touched them gently and felt a shudder go through his massive body.

  "Oh, you like that?"

  She leaned her body against his shaft and pressed her face against the bristles. She dragged her lips over them and stuck out her tongue, tasting between them and licking her way up to the slit of his cock. It was as big around as her thumb and she delved her tongue inside, into his hot cock channel, and tasted the welling juice of his loins.

  Her own juices were flowing copiously. She climbed his folded thighs, hanging onto his cock for balance as she wrapped her thighs around it and pressed her slender body against his underside. Part of here wondered what madness had gripped her and the other part, the part ruling her behavior, wanted nothing more than to give in to that madness.

  Myxus shifted onto his back, his glistening pink cock sticking up and Melinda cradled against it. She licked and sucked at his sensitive bristles. The hot juice continued to ooze from his cock's slit and trickled down the shaft to meet her stroking fingers.

  She wanted him. She wanted to be taken and to feel this huge cock rule her body.

  As if sensing her depraved desire, the dragon took hold of her with both clawed hands and gently lifted her up and onto his cock. She balanced atop it, the dripping tip like a stool beneath her aching quim. She looked down at the dragon and took a deep breath. She knew it might kill her.

  "Do it," she said.

  She did not have to repeat herself. The dragon lifted and dropped her again onto his tip, pulling her body down and skewering her once more virginal cunt on his massive member. The hot, bristled tip drove into her and stretched her open. She slid onto him, filled by the heat of his cock, overwhelmed by the size and weight of him. It was as if she was being crushed from within. Agony shot from her anus it was being stretched and deformed so much by the huge cock inside her quim.

  "I can't...oh gods it hurts!" She wailed as Myxus's cock bulged her belly wide and continued until she felt it beneath her ribs, somehow stretching her uterus, her cervix and womb, pushing them all into her chest. "Oh please, oh let it end!"

  The pain was worse than with the hotstone. She a thin membrane of pain and flopping limbs wrapped around his huge cock. Through her watering eyes she could see the bristles pushing her belly out from within and the ridge of his glans sliding under her ribs.

  She fell silent, too out of breath to speak or even cry out. Her mouth opened and closed. The pain lessened. The heat of the dragon's cock seemed to radiate through her and her body became more and more pliant. She sucked in a breath. She swallowed and took another.


  The word was hardly more than a savage growl, but she knew it was a word from the lips of the dragon. She nodded and reached a weak arm up to wipe the tears from her eyes.

  That first time, Myxus did not so much fuck her as gently move her atop his cock. He was insistent, but obviously careful not to let his growing pleasure overtake his actions. She flopped up and down on his cock, guided by his hand, trying to come to terms with the huge member invading her body.

  The pain faded and the fear melted into a sea of growing pleasure. Every part of her was touched by the dragon's cock. She thought of the book and the woman's grisly death. She thought of all the brides painted on the walls of Myxus's cave.

  "Yes," she moaned. "Use me. Use my cunt. Fill...ooohhhh...fill my womb."

  His scaly thumbs pressed and caressed her nipples. His fingers cradled her back. She was too weak to move her arms or legs, but on each downward stroke she felt his scaly bollocks against her ass. He was completely inside her and reveling in the pleasure. His mouth opened in a savage grin of hand-sized fangs. He could swallow her whole without effort.

  "Fuck me," she cried. "Give me your seed!"

  He moved her faster, bouncing the pleasure filled doll of her body atop his cock. He swelled inside her. His balls throbbed beneath her bouncing bottom. Her orgasm rose to meet his and they collided in a sudden, white-hot contraction of human and dragon flesh. Shockwaves rippled through her as his cock pulsed inside her. Scalding dragon cum poured into her womb, overflowing it in a single hot gush. He throbbed again, working against her madly fluttering muscles, spurting another massive wave of cum into her flooded womb. His white seed spurted down along his cock, stuffing her fantastically stretched channel and dripping out in splattering gobs from her pussy.

sp; "YEssssssss!" she wailed, her cry of mad pleasure drowned out by a deafening roar form Myxus. He came again and again inside her until her thighs and legs down to her ankles were milky with his overflowing cum. It pooled onto his tail beneath them both.

  He eased her down, his cock still inside her as his orgasm diminished. He waited, let her recover, and then he rolled her onto her belly and mounted her like a beast. His cum sloshed out of her. His cock worked in and out with terrifying violence. She slid along the cum-muddied earth until he pinned her down with one claw.

  "Please," she moaned, pain spiking inside her again. "Please, you're hurting me."

  The huge dragon was beyond caring. He was in full rut and his pounded his massive cock into her cum-swamped pussy and drove her to breathlessness with his crushing size. She could not escape him. After a few moments, she could not even cry out. Her body was a hot tunnel for his cock. Her mind, an afterthought, bobbling with each stroke as he took her for his savage mate. He grunted with each stroke. His powerful muscles hammered his cock into her.

  Just as the princess was sure she was about to die, the dragon's massive member climaxed again, flooding her once more with his hot cum. It spilled out of her with pressure, spraying onto the earth and onto the backs of her legs. Myxus's strokes slowed. The flow of his seed diminished. Slowly, shuddering, he withdrew his enormous cock from the cum-drenched wreck of Melinda's body.

  She lay in the warm soup of his seed, desperately trying to catch her breath. She wondered if he had damaged her in some way, some irrevocable way. The shadow of him left her and when she finally managed to turn and look for him she found, instead, Quyxus.


  "I apologize for misleading you," he said. "I had a son, you see, but he died with his mother in childbirth. She was not prepared for him. She...I made love to her as a man. I did not know I could even conceive with a human, but her royal womb proved fertile. I loved her..."

  He came to Melinda and knelt beside her.

  "...just as I now love you, Melinda."

  "Quyxus...Myxus...I am in...will I survive?"

  He leaned his lips down to her head.

  "Yes," he said. "And in ten months, if the gods are willing, you will give birth to a pureblood dragon. And you and I will be mated for life."

  "Again?" she rasped.

  He rubbed her belly, still distended with his cum.

  "Oh yes," he said. "We will have to do this many time to be sure my seed finds purchase."

  Despite her pain, the princess smiled up at him and cradled his cheek.

  "Your queen," she croaked. "I will...serve you."

  "Rest now," he said. "You may serve me on another day."


  Eleanora Harowalk awoke in her shabby room at the Dragon's Feast Inn to the shrill cry of a baby. She was used to it. She dragged herself out of the bed, not remembering the name of the man sleeping beside her, and shuffled across the rough floorboards to the basket containing her infant daughter. She wore no bodice and simply lifted the tot to her plump nipple, savoring the immediate suction and the gratifying release of pressure as her baby began to drink.

  Eleanora was no longer the princess she had been just less than a year before, when they took her sister and sacrificed her to the dragon. Since that awful day, her father and mother had been driven away in shame and Eleanora had been forced to a life of whoring. She had to admit, the work did suit her. A coin for each cock she sucked or stroked or clamped between her milky tits. A silver for a man to ride his fleshy dagger into the hot tunnel of her body. Two for a go in her plump arse. If the gods were asking, she would admit, she liked that last bit best.

  She carried her nursing infant over to the chair by the window and she opened the shutters. The moon was out, its light turning the village blue. Hard times here, brigands and lawlessness. She wondered if the town would even muster the will to put up another girl for offering to the dragon. With rapists so plentiful in the shadows, were there even any virgins left of marrying age?

  "Perhaps I'll name you after my sister," said Eleanora. "Melinda. Little Melly. Would you like that?"

  The tot cooed and Eleanora shifted the infant to her other breast. She softly sang a lullaby she learned from her mother. She looked out the window again and the words froze on her lips. The shadow of Myxus rippled over rooftops and across the streets. Horses kicked and whinnied in the stables. Dogs began to bark.

  "No," whispered Eleanora.

  The first gout of fire struck the old constabulary. Thick, liquid flames that belched into the watch tower and spilled over the wooden shingles. It went up like a powder wagon and burning men staggered into the streets. Eleanora screamed and recoiled from the sight. Barely quick enough as the dragon's fire washed into the street beside the inn and set fire to a sleepy man stepping out to have a piss.

  "What's this?" cried the man in the bed.

  It was stout Gren, the brewer and a frequent customer.

  "Dragon!" screamed the fallen princess. "The dragon is setting fire to the town!"

  She gathered her tot against her bosom and, caring little for the fate of the brewer, she fled into the street. Others had the same idea and the streets of the village were nearly crowded with terrified men and women. Another gush of flame struck the temple of Agustain, bright flames swallowing up and silhouetting the antlered statue of the hunter god.

  "But we gave him an offering last year!" wailed an old crone.

  "Why has he betrayed us?" cried Sveg, the tanner.

  "Look!" cried someone from within the crowd. "There are two dragons!"

  It was true. Swooping through the updrafts from the spreading fires was a second, much smaller dragon. It was hardly bigger than a man, its wings almost fragile, but it dove and rolled through the night with the same grace as its much larger companion. For a moment, Eleanora had the strange thought that somehow her sister had been transformed into a dragon.

  Then Myxus swooped over them and turned and Eleanora saw her sister on the dragon's scaly back, her legs astride his muscular neck, her body naked and finally blossomed to womanhood and her fire lit face a screaming sculpture of exultation.

  "Sister!" cried Eleanora. "Sister!"

  The townspeople realized who Eleanora was and began to clear away from her. She did not care. Tears fell from her eyes as she reached up towards the sky and called out to Melinda.

  Myxus landed in the town square with a thump that shook loose shingles from the surrounding buildings. His roar sent the peasants fleeing, but not Eleanora. She was in a daze, walking towards the dragon with her hand raised.

  "Stupid cow," said Gren, dressed only in his trousers. He tried to pull Eleanora away from the dragon, but she fought him off and another roar from Myxus sent him fleeing.

  "Sister!" cried Eleanora.

  Myxus lowered his head, his golden eyes narrowing as he looked at the human woman approaching him with an infant in her arms. He licked his lips, eager to feast on fresh meat.

  "Not her," said Melinda. "She is my sister."

  Myxus dropped his chin to the ground and Melinda slid from his neck.

  "Go," she said to the dragon. "Feast on anyone else you'd like. Particularly that priest if he hasn't been burned alive."

  The dragon leaped and beat his wings, a great wind pressing against Eleanora and Melinda as he took into the night sky above the burning village.

  "Eleanora," said Melinda. "You look's good to see you."

  The two women embraced, their bare breasts equally swollen and soft. The tiny tot momentarily crushed between them.

  "I've had a baby," said Eleanora.

  Melinda smiled and rolled her eyes towards the sky.

  "So have I, sister," she said as the smaller dragon screeched above them carrying a goat in its jaws. "Tonight we have our revenge. By dawn this village will be destroyed."

  "It is the only home I have," said Eleanora.

  "No," Melinda took her hand. "There is another home for you
. High in the mountains. Where we will make our new family, our new kingdom. You will like my king very much. Will you come with us?"

  Although Eleanora was terrified, she remembered that awful night when the mob broke into the tower, how her sister had tried to shield her from the men. She still trusted Melinda.

  "Yes," said Eleanora and she took her sister's hand. "I would like to meet him."

  The two sisters embraced as all around them their enemies burned.

  Book 13 - Zombies

  It was the screams that awoke princess Monika Salandor in her bed. They were a woman's screams, echoing from the stone walls of the castle, and they ended suddenly in a gurgle that chilled the princess to her bones. She sat and reached for the burning stub of a candle on the table beside her bed.

  Was the castle under attack? She strained to hear. There were panting sounds, almost like a dog, and slapping flesh as if profane acts were being committed in the hall. Something scratched at the door handle. She nearly dropped her candle in her haste to leap from the bed and rush to the door and lock it.

  She was not fast enough. The door swung open and a dark figure appeared in the door. For a moment, relief washed over her, as she saw the figure standing in the door was her older sister Felecia.

  The two young princesses could not have been more different. Where Felecia was slender and willowy, Illona was almost prematurely bursting into womanhood. Where Felecia's hair was dark and straight and worn close to her shoulder, Monika's was a golden man of fat curls. Felecia's complexion, always pale, seemed unnaturally so in the faint candlelight.

  "Sister, what is going on in the halls?" whispered Monika. "I heard screaming."

  Felecia staggered into the room. It was only as she came closer that Monika noticed the horrifying details of her sister's appearance. Felecia's white gown was torn open and her small, pert breasts were exposed, her pale skin spattered with blood. Her gown was ripped open as well, the slender princess's dark-furred mound exposed, and Monika thought she saw white trickling down her sister's inner thighs. But more horrifying than these details was the gruesome wound in Felecia's throat.


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