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Phoenix Rising (the New Age Saga Book 3)

Page 14

by Timothy A. Ray

  It was at least half an hour before he pulled up on his reins and wheeled himself about. The other riders did so as well. He turned to the commander of the scouting party and bowed his head. “Much thanks for your assistance, I trust none under your command are hurt?”

  “Nay,” the man responded, his chain mail glistening in the moonlight. “The devils took a few to the chest and then fled back into the darkness like the sewer rats they are.”

  “Who are you?” he asked, looking for a banner designating their allegiance.

  The man shook his head, the others in the group looking back the way they came, checking for signs of pursuit. “You first.”

  “My name is Merlin,” he told the man after careful consideration, but not believing the warrior would recognize it. He was surprised when the man broke into a loud fit of laughter.

  “Oh, I’ve heard of you, you are indeed working against the black bitch. Though, I thought you were long dead magician,” the warrior chuckled, shaking his head again. “But there’s no doubting who you are after that fire display back there.”

  Reyna rode closer. “That’s good and all, you recognizing him, but that doesn’t tell us whether we should trust you.”

  The horseman glared back at her. “We just saved your lives, is that not proof enough?”

  Reyna’s stare showed that it wasn’t.

  “Come on, my commander is expecting us back and our army is camped just south of here,” the horseman replied.

  “You expect us to ride back with you?” the black knight countered with raised eyebrows. He was still exhausted from the intense use of magic and couldn’t manage enough energy to calm her down.

  The man sneered. “You say you’re on your way to Forlorn? Well, so are we. You folks look like you could use all the friends you can get, why not travel together?”

  Merlin sighed and waved Reyna off. “We’ll go with you.” The black knight glared at him but he ignored it. He was tired, they lost Melissa, and their ranger was in need of medical attention. She wouldn’t get it while they were on the run from the Dark Elves, who might be even now chasing after them in the dark; waiting to see if they would separate from the horsemen and head out on their own.

  Kore nosed his horse in his direction. “Where brownie?”

  That startled him out of his thoughts, he had been busy watching the horseman give the other scouts orders to ride south and hadn’t been paying attention. He glanced around at the other horses around them; Melissa’s mare had been tied to his own mount and the saddle was empty. He reached out with his mind but didn’t feel the familiar feel of the brownie’s thoughts anywhere nearby.

  “Oh, what the hell?”


  The army they approached was larger than he expected, and most of it was on horseback. He turned in his saddle as the fires came into range, looking straight at their orc warrior. “Maybe it’s best that you get your cloak out.”

  “There’s no need for that,” the horseman told him sternly. “He has no reason to hide who he is from us.”

  That caught Merlin off guard. The riders were obviously scouting for the Phoenix’s forces and he had noticed their lack of interest in their orc companion. Questions hadn’t been asked about the nature of Kore’s involvement with their party and the lack of concern on the horsemen’s part was an oddity he couldn’t put a finger on.

  Kore ignored what had been said and was busy sliding his cloak into place.

  “So be it,” the rider muttered after seeing the orc’s persistence. “Let’s get you folks to our commander and get some food in you. Maybe then you’ll begin to relax.”

  He nodded and rode with the scouts through the army lines. “My ranger companion could use some medical attention.” Kylee was bent over her mount and looked like she would fall off at any moment. Kore and Reyna had secured her legs, but with the way she was leaning, she might pull herself free and fall to the ground before anyone could catch her.

  “Porda, find these folks a tent and get the elf into a bed, then summon a cleric to tend to her,” the horseman commanded and the other man bowed his head, then motioned for a couple of others to assist him. They took the reins from Reyna and began leading Kylee’s horse away.

  “This way,” the man told them, nodding his head to the left.

  They rode towards the center of the camp and pulled up in front of a very large tent. Dismounting, he tied his horse to a pole and joined the others grouped outside the doorway. Only the commander remained, having dismissed his men to go seek food and rest. “Ready?”

  “Let’s get this over with,” Reyna muttered with a gruff tone.

  Walking through the tent flaps Merlin noticed that a large table had been set in the center and several armored men stood over it carrying on a deep conversation. When they entered, the five men glanced their way and suddenly stood at attention. Then they bowed their heads and muttered as one “Hagl Konungr Haraldsson!”

  The warrior next to him bowed his head and motioned for the men to go about what they were doing. Merlin was giving him a perplexed look, which made the man break into a fresh bout of laughter. “Ah, I told you I’d take you to our commander, and here I am. Jorund, bring us some ale! Apologies that I didn’t inform you of this sooner, as I said, these are dark times. Thor’s lightning flashes to the east while Hel fans the flames of the Phoenix and sends his dark witch chasing after.”

  “You’re the King of Alamar,” Merlin managed and saw Reyna stiffen in response. She had been one of the commanders that had helped lay siege to the castle and it must have made her even more uncomfortable to be here amongst the people she had tried to slay.

  “Not at the moment,” the man stated mournfully, but then gave him a widening smile. “But I will be again. Once the Elves are free from threat of invasion, I will have words with King Erik. With the Elves behind me, I will retake Alamar once more. Grackthor, take off your cloak and greet our guest.”

  Merlin’s eyes drifted to a solitary figure standing nearby. He was wearing a long brown cloak that barely hid the monstrous frame underneath. Gauntleted hands reached up and pulled his cowl back, revealing the dark red skin and fiery eyes underneath. Tusks worked slowly as the orc’s eyes settled on the warrior standing to his right. Kore had moved around the others and was now focusing on the other orc as well.

  The King laughed. “As you can see, you are not the only one traveling with orcs these days. Strange times these are, but I owe them a debt of gratitude and it will not be said that Storvirk Haraldsson is not a man of honor.”

  Jorund appeared with several jugs of ale and the King immediately reached out and filled a glass. “To new friends and the death of our enemies!”

  “Hagl Konungr Haraldsson!” the others intoned, draining their own glasses, then clapped each other on the shoulders while bellowing quick bursts of laughter.

  Riska stepped forward and took one of the glasses. “Ah yes, the dwarf. Sorry friend, we don’t have any Grog, but this should help put some hair on your chest!” Jorund suddenly roared and the others joined in.

  “I’ve got hair enaw, thenk ye,” Riska barked, draining a mug of ale. “Kin’ ay weak, isn’t it?” he retorted, wiping his beard with his armored sleeve and refilling his glass.

  Storvirk slapped the dwarf on the back and clinked his mug against his. “Give it time my friend, it’s not done with you yet.”

  Grackthor had come around the table and stood face to face with Kore. After a moment of staring at one another, Grackthor suddenly dropped down to one knee and bowed his head.

  “Oh, have you been holding out on me as well, Merlin?” Storvirk suddenly roared and broke out into fresh chuckles. “Got your own King hidden amongst you?”

  “Kore no King,” the tall orc blurted, but the kneeling orc remained where he was. “Grackthor up.”

  Slowly the orc rose to his feet and a whispered conversation broke out between the two warriors. By the animation on their faces he could see that it was having a stro
ng impact on his companion, and he began inching his way towards them in order to hear what was going on.

  He saw an odd look come over Kore’s face and it took him a moment to realize what it was; joy. The warriors paused suddenly and he thought he saw a shimmer of a tear beginning to trickle down Kore’s green cheeks. Turning to Merlin, he couldn’t help but feel the happiness radiating his way. “Army Orcs here, free from whipmasters.”

  “Oh shit,” Reyna cursed, then reached for her own jug of ale. “Fill it up boys, I’m going to need a lot of this by the time this night’s done.”

  “A lady in armor who drinks like a man? Would you marry me?” one of the larger men suddenly piped in, looking upon the black knight with naked hunger.

  She stopped and drew a dagger, “you’re gonna lose that sword if you keep pointing it at me.”

  The group broke out into loud guffaws as the man took a step backward, hand racing to his crotch.

  Kore ignored them, he was too happy to even pay attention to anything else but the other orc in front of him. “Kore greet brothers,” the orc told him. Then he grabbed Grackthor by the shoulder and left the tent at a swift pace.

  “I told you not to worry about your orc friend there, he’s got nothing to worry about here!” Storvirk laughed.

  Merlin, the master of past and future, stood stunned as the tent flaps closed and for the first time in a long time, was at a loss for words.

  Chapter 9



  Merlin pulled sat on the ground by Kylee’s bedroll. She appeared to be sleeping, but he could sense the irregular pull of breath and knew that her mind had not yet allowed her to rest. “I’m here,” he breathed softly, reaching out and putting a hand on her shoulder.

  She shrugged it off and he saw the quick crack of her eyes. Her cheeks were swollen and he heard her clear her swollen throat. “Leave me be.”

  “I know that’s what you want, how you deal with things like this, but you aren’t alone like you were when you were a child. You have friends that care about you; that will help to see you through this,” he soothed, replacing his hand on her shoulder and surprised that she didn’t immediately shake it off. “I’m sorry about Tuskar.”

  She nodded but refused to speak.

  He understood. Having a companion that you shared so much with, the degree of intimacy, ripped from you so violently, had to leave a gaping hole behind that refused to be filled. He had been there when the wolf had died and had experienced firsthand how strong their bond had been when he’d searched the dying wolf’s mind. There was nothing that he could say to soothe her loss, only be there for her as she slowly struggled through it.

  “Bleak’s gone. He must have found out what Melissa had done and gone after her. The two were inseparable for so long, I doubt there was any other course he’d even consider,” he relayed softly, not sure if she was hearing it, but letting the tone of his voice roll over her like a blanket.

  “Found out why these horsemen weren’t worried about us traveling with an orc. They have an entire regiment camped on the south side of the army. Seems like Kore’s defection had an effect on those that remained and when they were ordered to attack Alamar’s retreating forces, they turned on their whipmasters, and killed the goblins traveling with them. The King of Alamar saw this and took advantage of the orc’s rebellion; offering them weapons and food if they traveled east with them to Forlorn. I’m sure that’s got that witch’s panties in a bunch,” he offered with a smile, not expecting one in return.

  He wasn’t disappointed.

  “Riska is playing a drinking game with the Alamar King, while Reyna just sits there and glowers at them. I swear, nothing will ever please that woman,” he commented dryly and he thought for a moment that Kylee’s mouth had twisted into a slight smile. It was gone when he looked closer, maybe just a figment of his imagination.

  He leaned forward and spoke softer, so that nearby eavesdroppers wouldn’t be able to hear. “I haven’t heard from Melissa yet and I’m not sure I ever will again. I have no idea whether she even still lives. What she did was so uncharacteristic, giving herself up to them in order to save you, that I have not yet been able to reconcile it with the woman I know. Maybe she changed since she began journeying with us. Maybe being around other people affected her more than she would care to admit. But either way, it’s done now, and she’s given you a new chance at life. Focus on that, on putting one foot in front of the other, and slowly this grief you feel will start to loosen up and eventually fade.”

  “Don’t pretend to know what I’m going through, mage,” she finally spoke with a sneer, turning over so that she could look him in the face. “This isn’t some random acquaintance or traveling companion. He was more than a friend; he was everything to me. Even the loss of a loved one, a lover, a brother, or a mother, cannot compare to what has been taken from me. We were one and with him gone, I feel like I’m dead as well.”

  “You are not dead, you are still here clinging to life, and if Tuskar could tell you anything it’d be that he wouldn’t want you to give up. He’d want you to go on,” the mage countered with compassion.

  Her mouth tightened and he saw anger lighting up her eyes. “Don’t you dare! I think I would know best what he would say! We were joined since the time he was a pup and have very rarely been apart since. He was there when my family was slaughtered, he nurtured me through my grief afterwards, he joined me in my quest of vengeance, and died because I was foolish enough to keep going with you after my chance at revenge was sacrificed on the altar of Merlin’s crusade. It’s my fault he’s dead, my fault for ever believing in anything you’ve ever told me. We aren’t going to defeat the Phoenix and his death is only the first of what will become a very quick slaughter. The only consolation I get from any of this is that I will be with him again real soon.”

  “You don’t believe that,” he said after a moment, letting her rage subside a bit before continuing on.

  “Yes, I do,” she stated simply, then turned her head away from him.

  He sighed.

  Closing his eyes, he let his mind drift across the streams of possible futures stretching out before him. He reached out with his mind and slowly drew Kylee’s in with him. He felt her resistance, but the soothing touch he offered eventually won her over and together they looked upon what might be.

  King Erik is restored.

  They both watched as Tristan placed the sword on the King’s chest and the magical transformation that followed. Willow was there, a hand upon her belly, watching with amazement from the clutches of her betrothed, as Erik’s body filled out and his eyes opened to gaze at them for the first time.

  Images sifted past of a dinner shortly after and they could both hear the ringing laughter of her sister and future brother-in-law. Then they watched as Erik drew them both to him and embraced them as family, his soul fully restored, and his body healthy once more.

  Tristan is now a Knight of the Realm.

  They watched as Tristan knelt in the chapel, donned his armor, and went to the knighting ceremony. He heard Kylee inwardly gasp at the beauty of the Knight’s Hall and the beautiful elven girl standing behind Erik’s right side as he laid Excalibur on Tristan’s humble shoulders. Brief images passed through of Tristan and Willow walking the halls together and the beginning of their training.

  The Fairies have come to Forlorn.

  The Fairy Queen stood talking to Erik, her retainers keeping a proud stance behind her, then the view zoomed out of the throne room and into the forests just south of the castle. Sprites darted through trees chasing pixies, while nymphs bathed in a nearby stream. Salamanders curled up under the trees as sylphs swept by, their glorious wings of air rustling the branches in their passing. Nereids and fauns watched over the others as a handful of leprechauns lunched in a clearing under the mid-day sun. A large army of centaurs and hobgoblins trained for combat as female dryads watched from a distance with hungry eyes. Their view was shattered by t
he flutter of enormous white wings and several Pegasus dove into view, then rose up to the heavens, their spirits high and their majesty unmatched.

  All the Elves of the East have ridden to Forlorn.

  The vision swept into the trees and a vast army of elves could be seen making its way around the mountain to Forlorn’s rear; the supply trains following the heavily traveled road behind. The numbers heartened them both as they admired the grace in the elven advance.

  John of Lancaster and your father have almost arrived as well.

  Back into the sky the vision zoomed as they hovered over the southern plains. A large force was marching straight to Forlorn, silver armor gleaming at the front of the advance with three armies following behind. The short forms of dwarves could be picked out easily bringing up the rear as they soared closer on the middle of the army. Dodging through the humans and the Lancaster King, they caught quick glimpses of both Windel and Serix riding at his side. Then they went through the ranks faster until an elder elf with short gray hair came into view, his face stern, his eyes stoic, the banner of Griedlok flapping at his side.

  We will join them soon, with the Bordermen of Alamar, and the Orcs of the Deadlands. We will create a force unlike anything this world has ever seen. Not even in the dark times of the Freedom Wars has an army like this been assembled. The Phoenix is full of pride and fears nothing, she will throw everything she has at us, and she will not be expecting the resistance her armies are about to face. We have a chance here to turn the tide of this war before it ever really starts, and end this conflict before the loss of life gets too much to bear.

  I know it’s hard for you right now, but I need you to fight. Fight to be here, to live, to join us once more. I’ve lost many friends on this crusade of ours, I cannot afford to lose you too. You are my rock, the one person I can lean on and count on the most. Without you, I am lost.

  He let her consciousness go and stopped the flow of images racing through their heads. “Your sister is going to be married in a couple of days, don’t you want to be there to see that happen?”


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