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The Complete Trilogy by Zi'ere: The Trilogy Completed

Page 6

by Zi'ere

  In my eyes, this clears up the possibility of hearing negative things about him from Neka and NaNa, who always seem to be in the right place at the right time in order to see something messed up. I am lost in my thoughts when Gavin speaks out of the blue and he startles me.

  “I can’t believe how cool you are.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I think back to the first night that we met. You looked so uptight and uncomfortable. Now that I know you, I can see that’s not your personality at all. I’m really feeling that about you too.”

  “Really now? I’m feeling that I am able to relax with you.”

  “Not once have you asked where we are going. You just hop in, get comfortable in your seat, drink your champagne, and chill. That’s sexy as hell to me. I know a million men, who would kill for a woman like you to be on their team.”

  Gavin flirts at me with those sexy eyes that I can’t seem to get used to, no matter how hard I try.

  God, if there is something that I need to know about this man- please show me now. Show me if he is the one that’s worthy of all my love.

  “I’ve never heard you complain about anything that we’ve ever done to spend time with each other. Usually females be like: ‘Why are we going here, why we are staying in the house, I wanna go out to here, this is popping tonight, blah-blah-blah.”

  “I told you that is a lot to a woman like me.”

  I smile at him.

  It is a big smile, like I’ve just gotten my teeth whitened. I am feeling my chocolate King. I’ve seen pictures of my dad in the old days and I can totally understand how and why Clara had fallen for him so hard. But she also ended up broken hearted and lonely. I frown at the thought.

  “So….I’ve been thinking.”

  Gavin keeps the conversation moving, even though I have a million things going through my head.

  “About what, Boo?”

  “Just how comfortable I am around you. You came into my life at the right time. I’m ready to make some changes in my life. I want to know if I have your support, even though it is so soon in our relationship.”

  “I’m listening Babe, tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “Being with you has shown me that there is a way to live life drama free. Only thing is that when I’m not at your spot, I don’t ever seem to get a full night’s sleep.”

  “Why is that, Gavin?”

  “I told you Babe, my dudes treat my house like its Hooters or something. Somebody is always coming thru, watching the game, bringing a case of beer, and playing cards. Shit like that and I’m tired of it. I want a quiet resting spot like yours.”

  “Okay, well why won’t you change the rules of your house? It’s yours….you do have that right you know?”

  “I would like to move in with you. It’s not quite time for you to meet my daughter yet but when the time comes, we will already have built a solid foundation.”

  “Gavin, I’ve never shared my living space with any man. I really don’t know what to say.”

  “I know it’s a lot to consider.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I’m very serious, Kamille.”

  “I don’t know what to say Gavin. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I’m not going to pressure you. Take some time to think about it, I’m not going anywhere.”

  He grabs her small dainty hand and kisses her on the knuckles. What she cannot do is lie. She is terrified. She is young but she knows that she doesn’t want to end up shacking with a man before he has made the ultimate commitment to her- marriage. Kamille has done everything in her power to keep herself pure.

  She’s never been pregnant or at risk and she definitely isn’t going to start now. She wants a future for herself. She wants to show her parents that she can make it on her own. Years of hard work and it all can come tumbling down with the wrong decision. And all because she is thinking that Gavin is the right man.

  Kamille empties the fancy champagne flute and allows the strawberry that had been soaking in the bottom of the glass to fall into her mouth. She gives Gavin another mental point for remembering that she likes strawberries. She has her choice of Ace of Spades infused plump berries and also there are chocolate covered ones in all kinds of designs.

  She leans over the arm rest and then plants a sweet yet wet kiss on Gavin’s cheek. She sees that Big Gavin reacts in the form of a teepee, which is now rising in his pants. Kam gets comfortable in her seat again as he pours herself another glass of bubbly.


  At the Grand casino on the strip, Gavin holds her hand as he escorts her across the casino floor and then he leads her upstairs to one of the expensive clubs. She doesn’t know it but Gavin’s entire family is there celebrating that night.

  Kamille is introduced to his two sisters and to their men. Gavin’s three brothers are almost identical twins. She can tell just by looking at their height and facial hair, the order of their ages.

  She is also introduced to the high class dressed but hood mentality women that his brothers are with. Each of the women screams Neka’s type to Kam, as she says hellos to them all. Gavin’s uncle is there with a young woman that can pass for Kam’s age, except no one really knows her real age. All ten of her man’s best friends, as he calls them, are there with their women as well.

  I only see two sets of hands with legitimate wedding bands. The Brown children and all of their besties take up an entire side of the high rise VIP section. I take in the surroundings and am shocked that none of these people are calling my man that name that I am accustomed to.

  They are continuously calling him by the name of P or Pain. I suddenly get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Looking around, I can tell that each person here has money and plenty of it. I can’t really understand why P, Pain, or whoever Gavin really is- wants to change his surroundings so bad and why does he need me to do it.

  All things considered, I allow the drinks to do their job and end up having a good time in the midst of who seem to be my new extended family. The team is so wasted here, that there is no way that any of them can drive off of the Vegas strip, let alone make it back to Arizona.

  Hotel rooms to rest each head has been purchased by the men sometime during the night without my knowledge. When Gavin and I make it up on the twentieth floor to our suite, I see that he has planned ahead, instead of going with the flow this time.

  He’s picked up and packed everything that I will need to get dressed for another day of fun in a large black Louis Vuitton duffle bag. I assume that the other is his overnight bag. It’s an ivory and grey Louis duffle that’s about the same size.

  Deep down in my heart I feel like a well-kept princess. It seems as though Gavin is very thoughtful and will go to the end of the earth to please and take care of me. When he grabs me from the back around my waist, I close my eyes and commit this feeling to memory. The man smells absolutely amazing.

  “Soooo Mr. Brown, can you please tell your possibly new roommate, why everyone around you tonight called you Pain?”

  “Ms. Foster, possibly the soon to be Mrs. Brown- I don’t want to tell you, but I will if I just have too.”

  “I don’t want to force your hand at anything. I’m not that type of woman.”

  “That’s why I need you by my side. Case and point, end of discussion.”

  “Just like that? Is it really that simple to be with you?”

  “For you it is.”

  “Ahh, I bet that you tell all of the girls that!”

  “Females know me by Pain because they don’t need to really know who I am. They don’t need to know that I bring my woman flowers every time that I come to see her. They aren’t in a position to be official and legal with me. So therefore, it’s not important that randoms know that my name is Gavin. I tell all of the girls that my name is Pain.”

  “Just one word huh- like Prince, Shaq, and Oprah?”

  He chuckles.

  “The less they know, the safer that Gavin and
Kamille are.”

  The hairs on my neck stand up. I still feel safe, even though I don’t know what kind of danger that I am in, it still fits right. My small body is being held by the strongest hands that I’ve ever felt.

  His biceps are the size of my body. Nothing can get me out of his grip, even if he wants to let me go. I have a feeling thumping against my but cheeks. It only further confirms that letting go of me isn’t even an option at this point.


  It isn’t long before the both of us are naked and making unprotected love, while out on the high rise patio of the hotel room. The night’s breeze feels amazing, as it blows my long hair all over my head.

  Gavin has a tight grip around my throat, as he kisses me roughly all over, marking my body up with passion marks at the very same time. He is sitting up in a lounge chair, as I straddle onto his lap, feeling his long thick dick planted firmly inside of me.

  The new woman that I have become feels sexy and liberated. I gyrate my hips, as if I am a naughty video vixen. Pain encourages me to keep up the pace, as his moans and groans can be heard all the way down on the ground floor below. It isn’t long before he is letting out yet another loud as scream, which signals his beastly orgasm is about to arrive.

  I cringe at the thought that I have managed to ride him raw, yet once again without thinking of the consequences before, nor after the deed is done. My bare breasts lay up against his smooth bare chest, as I listen to his beautiful and strong heartbeat.

  I can hear his cell phone ring from inside of the room. I not ready to let him out of my hole or to break the soft strokes that he is tenderly giving my back. I lean in closer onto his chest and then I wrap his arms around my body tightly. There a feeling of safety again. If I am to become pregnant, this moment just confirms that he will continue to always hold me, just like he’s doing tonight.

  No sooner than the phone stops ringing, it starts right back up again. Pain acts as if he is oblivious to it, even after he’s checked it when we re-enter the room. He then puts it on vibrate and joins me inside of the large shower stall. After sweet kisses, soft caresses, and washing each other clean, we fall onto the king sized bed.

  Another love making session is in order. Instead of going for a triathlon session, Pain is down for the count after about five minutes. He spoons me from the back, with his flaccid penis still inside of me.

  I listen to his breathing, as I pretend to be asleep. I look at the clock on the nightstand. It is nearly five am and Gavin’s phone is still ringing back to back. Something is going on with him and I want to know exactly what it was.

  I have an uneasy feeling in my spirit but I can tell that he is trying to keep me on track by continuously kissing the back of my neck. His fingertips tenderly massage my scalp, as he gently strokes my hair. It’s an Ambien like I’d never experienced before. I drift off into a mesmerizing sleep. Whoever she is, she’s assed out tonight.

  The next afternoon is show and tell. I begin to stir, when I hear Gavin out on the patio having a heated discussion with someone on his cell. The words that he speaks are laced in anger and disrespect. He cusses like I’ve never heard him do before. Yet no matter how many times that he ends the call, the phone always rings again just a few seconds later.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see him check on me in the bed through the sheer panels that fit down over the patio doors. I try to lie still, so that I can continue to eavesdrop. A few seconds later, I realize that the person he is talking to has to be his child’s mother. I frown.

  I hope that this is not the set-up for the type of bullshit that Kamille doesn’t do! Damn, everybody in the world has baggage. I have baggage too but I keep my shit to myself. I don’t go around scooping up people and trying to involve them in all of my crazy ass mess? He wants to move in and she’s tripping that he spent the night outside of Arizona!


  Nine months is enough time for the two of them to have accepted that their relationship is over. This unnamed woman is angered at the fact that Gavin has spent the night out of the state with another woman. I don’t hear her words but I can certainly hear his. Gavin doesn’t give a damn about how she feels.

  I haven’t laid eyes on her before. But I am sure once faces and names are matched, that his baby mama will put on her cape and be super mad. I never have had an issue with other beautiful women. Just the ugly and insecure ones that try to find flaws in my natural features.

  I don’t even have to see her to know that she will be a hater just like Neka was. It’s never really ever crossed my mind, how she looks or how she dresses. I will never understand why that’s so important to folk.

  Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder and without a pretty heart, you will forever be ugly. These same insecure women are the same little girls that I’ve had to fight all through middle school and high school. They used to try their best to scar my face, so that I could end up being ugly too.

  They always assume that I am interested in their men, just because their men flirt with me. Nobody cared that the last thing on my mind during that time was the likes of a boy. I had real issues going on at home. I was only interested in graduating early, so that I could get out of Clara’s house and move on to safety.

  Unfortunately for whatever her name is, I am interested in a man. And I only want Gavin to fulfill that position. Her worst mistake is giving him the opportunity to step into my life. He’s let me know how he feels on the way here and I will make it official on the way home.

  She’s shit out of luck! And it’s best that she understands that last night is just one of many that Gavin will be busy. I haven’t had a fight in a while but I am more than willing to fight for this man.

  “See that’s why we aren’t together anymore! You are so conniving, messy, and hateful! I’m not about to deal with a problem that I don’t have to deal with! The only thing that you can do is be a mother to Giselle.

  If you can’t do that, then you know damn well that I will get someone who can! I promise you that I am moving on. As a matter of fact, I have moved on, and I suggest that you do the same damn thing! I’m done with your ass, so don’t call my fuckin phone no more!”

  Pain disconnects the call.

  The phone rings again seconds later.


  I know that he’s talking to himself and even more excited that he isn’t feeding into the games that she has been giving him. He’s just told everyone within listening range that he wants to be broken up. I hear the sliding door open and a few seconds later my man is kissing me all over my face.

  I opened my eyes with a smile on my face. Whatever the stress of his past has been, he won’t get that same kind of behavior out of Kamille Foster. I may not have the experience of his baby mama, as far as experiencing what it’s like to be a part of his world. But what I do have is a positive attitude and I am full of energy and more than willing to learn how to be the woman that he needs. By his kisses I can measure just how much that he wants me.

  “Ya’ll ladies think that ya’ll can just get up whenever ya’ll feel like it and not a minute too soon, huh?”

  I giggle.

  “I can’t help it that you put it on me last night, after all of that partying that we did. You know that I’m not used to you laying it down like that. Cut me some slack and let me get myself together.”

  “Uh-huh, whatever!”

  “It takes a day for me to get my legs together after my man does his thing.”

  I sit up in bed and begin to massage his shoulders.

  “All I know is that if ya’ll want to shop today, then ya’ll had best put it in gear!” He smiles at me, as he tries to smooth out my bed hair.

  “Babe, you just took me shopping yesterday. I don’t have a desire or a need for a new anything else.”

  “Yeah, I wonder how long that outlook on the mall is going to last. But, sorry bae- majority rules! You�
�ve been outnumbered. The other ladies will be ready in an hour. I suggest that you get to humping sweet cheeks.”

  He gently pulls me out of bed and leads me to the dining area. He uncovers the plates on what have to be my breakfast tray, since some of the other plates are already empty.

  “You were so beautiful sleeping, that I didn’t want to wake you. With all that you do during the week, I know that you needed the rest.”

  “Babe you don’t have to apologize and you are right. I did need the extra rest.”

  I kiss him on the chest, wanting to keep my morning breath to myself.

  He watches Sports Center from the seat across from me, as I stuff my face with the delicious hotel food. After a shower and a blow dry, I am feeling brand new. I spruce up my pale face with mandatory lip gloss and a little foundation. I use it to take the shine off of my face.

  Eyeliner and mascara are the only things that I use, as far as make-up goes. I open up the bathroom door, to let out the steam from the shower. My audience of one is standing in the doorway and watching my every move. He isn’t smiling but he isn’t frowning either. He looks like he is deep in thought.

  “Is everything okay, Babe?”

  “Everything is fanfuckintastic, Boo!” He winks at me.

  As soon as I go to grab the duffle bag, he is already on the job, holding my new pieces in his hands. He’s selected a simple white linen spaghetti strapped sundress, which hits my mid-thigh. Along with it are a pair of perfectly comfortable tan colored wedges to match.

  He’s even gotten me accessories: matching earrings and necklace along with a bracelet set. Everything is blinged out in simple, clear VVS diamonds that aren’t too flashy. They appear to be very subtle and dainty- just like me. I look and feel like my worth is priceless.

  As I step out of the bathroom, he hands me a tan colored Birkin bag that matches my outfit just perfectly. The bag feel extremely heavy, as if a brick is in it. I open the clasp, not ready for what I see.

  Inside there are all of my personal belongings, as well as a stack of one hundred dollar bills. Ten thousand dollars to be exact, before I can form the words, he is taking over the conversation yet once again.


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