Rock Solid? (The Next Generation #1)
Page 34
Rob’s spin on my incident turned out just the way he had planned. There was enough time in between the photo scandal and the tour for me to get my head straight with Aston’s help, or at least that’s what the public think. Aston and I even had a magazine interview and Rob coached us on exactly what to tell them. Needless to say, the world thinks of Aston as a hero, and that he was the one who saved me from myself. Everyone knows we’re together now, and I can shout it from the rooftops and not worry about hiding it, which I love.
Aston and I walk onto the jet and Mum is handed her customary pill by Tamara as we walk in. I giggle at her. I still find it strange that even with all the flying she has done it still makes her uneasy.
“We don’t have a long flight to Stockholm. It’s just over two hours and then we will go to the Ericsson Globe and set up,” Mum says and we both nod as Ella follows closely behind us. She seems the most excited I’ve seen her in days. I think it might have something to do with Danger being a part of the show when we get to Stockholm. We all take our seats and Anna and Sia both walk onto the jet.
“Oh thank God,” Mum says and Anna laughs at her.
“You didn’t think we’d let you take all the kids and be on a jet without Colt for the first time by yourself did you?” Anna asks and Aston laughs like he knew his Mum was planning on surprising my mum. I look over at her and I see she’s starting to cry.
“Oh Lia, stop being so dramatic,” Anna says.
I giggle as she walks over and sits down next to Mum and cuddles into her side while Sia organises her three boys at the front of the jet. “That was a nice surprise,” I whisper to Aston as Mum and Anna laugh together and start talking to each other.
“Yeah, Mum was talking to Dad about it yesterday and she decided to come with us. They all thought it was a bit much for your mum having to look after us all, even though we are all adults now anyway. You know how over-protective all our parents can be,” he says and I nod knowing exactly how over-protective a certain parent can be.
We walk over and sit down next to Ella and Aston sits across from me as Caleb madly dashes onto the jet.
“Sorry I’m late, but I’m here, don’t panic,” he says and we all laugh. I hadn’t even noticed he wasn’t here.
It feels so weird being on this plane without Dad, but I know he will join us when he can. Rob walks onto the plane and then Tamara closes the door and soon after we’re on our way to our first concert as the headline act.
Performing with Aston at my back again and on stage was the best rush I’ve ever felt, other than when Aston is inside me. Nothing beats that rush. The music was bright and colourful as it flooded my veins. The sounds ripping from my guitar were happy and cheerful again, not somber and depressing. And playing ‘I Knew You Were Always Mine’ again didn’t tear my heart out like it has done for the last two years. Instead, it fills me with hope and a love bursting at the seams for Aston, like nothing I’ve experienced before.
Being in love is such an amazing experience, and the only thing I regret is waiting this long to fully let it in. Staked were on fire tonight and the crowd absolutely ate it up. Caleb was in a particularly great mood and it showed. Same with Ella, she was rocking it out like she was in love with her guitar. It was great to see fewer nerves from her and more excitement and enthusiasm. We really are coming together as a whole and tonight we sounded the best we ever have, and I know this tour is going to do great things for us.
We’re now sitting in the VIP section of a club for our after-party and everyone is having a good time. I’m sitting in a booth with Aston, Ella and Danger. Even though I still think Danger is a bit of a douche I can tell he has a thing for Ella, and she definitely has a thing for him. Mum went back to the hotel and decided to let us have our first after-party as a band like adults. She trusts us which is nice. I know if Dad were here he would be in this booth with me.
“Want another juice, baby?” Aston asks and I nod as he leans in kissing my cheek. “I’ll be right back,” he says and slides out of the booth walking across to the bar.
“So you really aren’t going to drink anything with alcohol tonight, Annie?” Ella asks as she sips on another cocktail.
“Nope, I’m done with that shit. Look what happened last time I drank. I yelled at you, went home with a stranger and ended up in the hospital, not to mention the damn photographs. Nope, no more alcohol for me,” I say and Ella smiles while Danger nuzzles in behind her ear. I smirk at him and he straightens up like he’s embarrassed he was caught being affectionate.
“Well, I’m proud of you sis,” she says and then starts talking to Danger.
I nod like I’m proud of myself too, and then glance over at the bar to see a trashy redhead walk up to Aston. She wraps her arm around his waist and I open my eyes wide, as jealousy surges through me. I sit up taller as I watch him take hold of her hand and peel it off him. I breathe a little easier watching him reject her. I guess I’m still not one hundred percent sure why Aston loves me. Even though I know he does, I don’t understand why. She moves in wrapping her arms around his neck and her face is so close to his that it makes me stand up in the booth. He moves her off him and turns to walk back to me without the drinks. I step out of the booth and he looks at me and shakes his head like he’s pissed off. He looks into my eyes and I smile at him letting him now I’m not angry at him. He smiles back and then I see the redhead walking up quickly behind him. I gesture with my head for him to look over his shoulder and he turns just as she launches herself at him. She jumps, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. People start laughing as Aston stumbles with the sheer aggression she’s showing toward him. I tense up as he tries to pry her off him. She leans down and plants her lips to his and my heart drops into my chest, and all I can see is Amber kissing Aston. Even though I know it isn’t Amber, but my jealousy is raging so hot I feel like I am on fire. I race forward as I hear my name being yelled from behind me, but I don’t stop. I’m in a blind rage and this trash does not get to kiss my boyfriend, no matter how much she might want to. Aston pulls back from her just in time for me to reach out and grab her hair pulling it fiercely as I scream at her.
“How dare you kiss my boyfriend? He’s mine,” I yell as my heart races so damn fast I can’t even think. My body is reacting and my brain can’t keep up. I pull her hair so forcefully she falls from Aston to the floor and I rip some of it out as she falls. I kneel down over her and start to slap at her. My anger is making me so hot I’m sweating and breathing so fast I don’t know if I’m actually getting in any oxygen.
“Annie, stop!” I hear yelling from behind me, but I’m in a blind rage and I can’t stop.
I feel someone pulling at me from behind as I continue to slap and basically assault this vapid whore, who’s on the ground flailing about trying to stop me from hitting her.
“You’re a crazy bitch,” she yells.
I scream and slap her hard across her face and then I am pulled back by two people as she scurries up and looks back at me while my back is being held to a strong chest.
“I’m going to press charges you psycho,” she yells and runs out of the VIP room.
“Do it then you stupid whore,” I yell back at her.
“Annie, shut it,” Danger says stepping in front of me as the hands holding me let me go.
“She deserved it, stupid bitch,” I murmur and run my hand through my hair.
A hand grabs my arm and pulls me around. I turn to see Aston glaring at me and flaring his nostrils like he’s beyond mad. “What the fuck was that Annie?” he asks and I swallow a lump in my throat as my heart continues to race frantically.
“What? She was all over you,” I say and he shakes his head.
“So that gives you the right to beat her up?”
“Shouldn’t you be happy that I got her off you, seeing as you weren’t doing a very good job of it yourself?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that
you wanted her on you like that, didn’t you?” I yell and his body slumps and he rolls his eyes.
“Annie, you’re jealous and I know that would have been hard for you to see. But no Annie, I did not want her on me like that.”
“Yeah right! You were loving it, weren’t you?” I yell, my mouth is talking before I have a chance to think.
“No, Annie I wasn’t. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“You want Amber back, don’t you? That’s why you went after a redhead? I’m right, aren’t I?” I ask, letting all my fears out as my eyes start to well with tears.
“Annie, what are you on about?” he asks stepping forward and taking my hand in his. I pull away and wipe the tears that are falling down my cheeks.
“I’m never going to be enough for you, am I? I thought you loved me, but I always knew that you couldn’t because I’m so… so fucked up.”
He grabs my arms pulling me to his chest and embracing me tightly. I fight against him and my tears fall hot and fast.
“Let me go, Aston. If you don’t want me just tell me because I can’t do this again,” I yell as I struggle against him.
“For God’s sake, Annie. Will you stop and look at me, baby,” he says and the way he said baby stops me in my tracks and makes me look up at him. I feel weak in his arms and he holds onto me so tightly. “Annie, please stop doubting yourself. You’re my forever, and I know me being with Amber hurt you and that redhead reminded you of that. But Annie, I love you. I always have and always will. Stop thinking you’re not worthy of me because Lennox you are. I don’t want anyone but you, okay?” he says and very slowly lets me go bringing his hands up to caress my cheeks. His thumbs wipe away my tears and I try to calm down as I take in what he’s saying. My bottom lip trembles while I gather myself together. It was hard letting all my fears out, especially in front of a VIP room full of people, but maybe I needed to get it off my chest. I needed to hear that from Aston because my insecurities about Amber have been there since we got back together, and it’s been bottling up inside me for a month. Seeing a redhead all over him pushed me over the edge and now if she presses charges I’m going to be in the papers again for all the wrong reasons.
I look into Aston’s eyes and he smiles at me.
“You with me, Lennox?” he asks and I gently nod my head. “I love you. Only you. Okay?” he asks and then leans in kissing my trembling lips.
I can’t fight the tears as they fall down my cheeks and I wrap my arms around his neck and hold onto him for dear life. I hear cheering around us, but I ignore it as I kiss him with everything I have. I love him and I never want to be without him. That could be unhealthy, but it’s the only thing keeping me going. The thought of being with Aston is what keeps me grounded and when anything comes between that, I immediately feel intimidated and threatened. That’s why I went after that girl, and that’s what’s probably going to cause the next scandal for the wayward Annie Slade. He softly ends the kiss and pulls back still holding onto my cheeks. I sniff and he wipes my tears again and then drops his hands down and takes mine in his.
“Are you okay?” he asks looking into my wet eyes.
“Yeah. Thank you and I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just couldn’t stop myself,” I whisper to him and he smiles and nods.
“I know, but you have to remember that you’re the one I go home with. Girls are going to throw themselves at me, Annie. And every time I will tell them to get lost, but you can’t assault every groupie that comes up to me. You know that, right?”
“I know if she was a blonde or brunette it might have been different, but all I saw was Amber kissing you and it killed me, Aston,” I say honestly and he winces.
“I’m sorry baby—”
“No, I’m sorry. Can we just go back to the hotel?” I ask as I risk a glance around the room. Everyone has gone back to partying, and no one cares about me and Aston anymore, except for Ella, who’s watching me carefully.
“Yeah, I just want to make a quick stop on the way if that’s okay with you?” he asks and I nod.
“Let’s get out of here.”
He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we go to walk off.
“Annie, wait,” Ella calls out and comes over to us. “Are you okay? You’re not going to go off and do something stupid are you?”
I chuckle and shake my head. “No, I think I’ve had my fill of stupid things for one night. We’re going back to the hotel.”
“Okay, well I’ll meet you there. Is it okay if Danger comes back to the hotel room for a while?”
I smirk and nod my head. “Aston can I stay in your room tonight?”
“Of course, if you think we can get away with it?”
I smile and nod. “Have the room to yourself Ella, and have over whoever you like. Just be safe.”
“Thanks guys. I owe you,” she says and runs back over to Danger.
“That could be a bad move if he hurts her, you know?” Aston says and I wince and look back at her.
“I think if Danger was actually dangerous he wouldn’t still be around all these years later,” I say and Aston nods.
“C’mon I want to take you somewhere,” he says and I raise my eyebrows and smirk.
“Lead the way Mr. Soulding,” I reply and he takes my hand and we walk out of the club.
Making our way down the stairs and just as I think we’re about to walk out to catch a taxi he turns right and takes me into a little shop. I smirk at him wondering what he’s up to when we walk down the corridor and into an open space. I look to see the walls are covered in art and there’s a desk and a lady with bright pink hair and she is covered in piercings and tattoos. I look at Aston and he smirks.
“Remember our promise to get matching tattoos when we were eighteen?” he asks and I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Well, we never got around to it on your eighteenth birthday, so we never got to fill that promise. But tonight made me realise that I need to show you how in this I am with you, Lennox. So, let’s get our matching tattoos tonight, to prove how much I love you,” he says and my heart skips a beat and I get goose bumps all over my body. I look around and the place seems really clean and sterile so I decide to go along with him.
“Okay,” I say and he smiles brightly looking into my eyes.
“Yes, Aston. Let’s mark our bodies for the rest of our lives showing how much we love each other. Yes, let’s do it!”
We walk over to the reception desk.
“Behöver du hjälp?” she says in Swedish and I look at Aston and shrug.
“Umm, sorry do you speak English?” he asks and she smiles and nods.
“Ya sorry, I ask how can I help you?”
“We’d like to get a tattoo each please, if possible?”
“Young lovers, ya?”
“Yeah,” he says.
“You look familiar,” she says and I giggle.
“We get that a lot,” Aston jokes and I laugh.
“Okay, let’s get you looking at designs,” she says and I stretch up on my toes in excitement.
We head over to the wall and I immediately see something I like. It’s a tree with birds flying out of it.
“Aston look,” I say and point.
“The tree represents the willow tree and the birds because we fly when we’re together, right?” he says and I nod smiling that he knows me so well.
“Right, what are you going to get?” I ask and he smiles. “A tree with some birds flying out and maybe a piano and some swirling music, to represent your dreams.”
“Really?” I ask and he nods.
“Really,” he answers and we walk to the back of the tattoo parlour and chat with the artists about our designs.
I have my tree and birds on my left upper arm, and Aston is having his design on his right upper arm. Whereas mine is small and just one tattoo he’s getting a half-sleeve where it’s covering his entire upper arm. And I can’t wait to s
hare this experience with him.
We spent the next few hours getting inked up and it hurt a little, but Aston was a real girl and said it hurt like a bitch. Admittedly he had way more done than me, but the pain really wasn’t that bad. And I guess girls do have a higher pain threshold than men. But at the end of the session our artwork was finished and they looked amazing. It was nice knowing that we are forever inked in each other’s skin. Seeing Aston going through pain to show me how much he loves me filled my heart with pure love. And nothing can ever take that moment away from us.
We spent the night in Aston’s hotel room and we made love gently and passionately until the early hours of the morning. Ella’s hotel room was right next to ours and I heard her giggling all night and some sounds that definitely weren’t giggling, which made me giggle in response. It’s nice to know that she’s now experiencing the same kind of amazing things I am. I just hope Danger isn’t going to hurt her. I know Dad will kill him if he finds out.
I’m cuddling into Aston and he’s holding me and softly stroking my arm when I hear a scream and then some yelling. I look at Aston and he opens his eyes wide.
“What the hell?”
I listen to an argument that’s happening outside our room.
“Wait, is that Ella?” I ask and Aston nods. “Shit,” I jump up from the bed and rush around the room putting my panties on and some pants. I quickly pull a shirt over my head as Aston rushes to get dressed too. The anger coming from the yelling is palpable and I want to get to Ella so bad, but I have to be clothed first.
“Aston c’mon,” I say and he pulls his shirt over his head and we race to the front door and open it to see Dad standing there with Danger by the scruff of the neck against the hall wall. Ella is pulling at Dad’s arm wrapped in only a sheet. I gasp when I notice Danger is completely naked.