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Finessing the Contessa

Page 20

by Wendy Soliman

  He swept her into her arms, lifted her from the floor and sat her on the edge of the bunk. She expected him to kiss her, desperately wanted him to. Instead he leaned down and removed her shoes.

  “Do you think it’s warm in here?” he asked.

  “Actually, yes.”

  “Hmm, then let’s see what we can do about that.”

  With tantalising slowness he removed her clothing, all of it, item by item. He was taking too much time. Electra desperately wanted to be naked, and for him to be so, too. She wanted to feel her skin against his, his hands on her breasts, his...

  “Have patience,” he said, chuckling. “There’s plenty of time.”

  Easy for him to say. Electra’s body was on fire, burning with unimaginable need. Impatiently she pulled the shirt away from his breeches and slid her hands across his glorious chest, tangling her fingers in the hairs on it, just as she’d fantasised about doing when she last saw him in a state of semi-undress. He inhaled sharply but said nothing and continued to methodically undress her.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” he said softly when he’d finally rendered her completely naked. “And I’ve spent a lot of time imagining.”

  “You’re overdressed,” she said. “It hardly seems fair.”

  “A situation that can easily be remedied.” He levered himself from the bunk, pulled his shirt over his head and discarded it, reached for the buttons to his breeches and popped them free.

  Electra propped herself up on one elbow and watched him. She very much wanted to see him—all of him—as nature intended. He glanced at her, smiling as he stepped out of his breeches and stood in front of her stark naked.

  Stark naked and very aroused.

  “Oh my,” she said, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue, which, for some reason, appeared to be exceedingly dry.

  He quirked a brow. “Do you like what you see?”

  “Minchia!” she said softly.

  “Glad you approve.”

  He smothered an oath, rejoined her on the bunk and reached for her. She went to him willingly. It begins, she thought, deliriously happy at the prospect because it was obvious that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. It was meant to be.

  Blond hair fell across his face as he lay beside her, pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. Heat swirled through her as she parted her lips beneath his, allowing his tongue access to her mouth. His arms closed more tightly about her as he deepened the kiss. His lips played against hers with heart-stopping precision as his tongue darted provocatively in and out of her mouth. Her pulse quickened as his tongue continued to work its magic and her body reacted to him with strenuous vigour. The sensations tumbling through her body were like nothing she’d ever known before. And yet so far he’d done nothing more than kiss her.

  She felt the ribbon fall from her braid and fingers shaking the long plait loose.

  When he broke the kiss, her hair was cascading all over her shoulders and down her back, almost to her waist.

  “That’s much better,” he said. “I’ve wanted to do that since first setting eyes on you.”

  She lay back, breathing hard, her head cushioned by several pillows, unembarrassed by her nakedness even though no man, not even her husband, had seen her completely naked before. His admiring glance, the soft touch of his fingers as he ran them across her breasts, drove any thoughts of embarrassment out of her head. She was being admired by an attractive man and thoroughly enjoying the experience.

  Without giving her any warning, he lifted her from the bunk and set her facedown across his knee.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, trying to sound indignant. It was difficult to achieve that ambition, given that she was thoroughly aroused and that her voice came from beneath her curtain of hair, now hanging directly over her face.

  “Do you imagine I’ve forgotten how you behaved at Lord Billingham’s when we played chess against one another?”

  “Surely you don’t mean that—”

  “That you distracted me with your toes? Oh, yes.” His voice was a seductive purr. “I did warn you that there would be consequences.” His hand came down lightly over her bottom. “I’ve been looking forward to spanking you ever since.”

  She expected it to hurt and humiliate. Instead it tingled and excited, especially when his other hand reached beneath her and teased her clitoris. A series of needy moans slipped past her lips as she pushed against first one of his hands and then the other, unsure which one she would rather be closer to.

  “If this is punishment, Lord Robert,” she said, “remind me to misbehave more often.”

  “Rob,” he said. “You should address me as Rob.”

  “Thank you. I will, in private anyway.”

  “You’re very wet,” he said in a hypnotic tone. “You’re obviously more in need of my attentions than I’d realised.”

  She harrumphed. “There is absolutely nothing I can say to that without bolstering your already disgustingly over-inflated ego.”

  “Then I’ll just have to draw my own conclusions.”

  Electra squealed with disappointment when he righted her on his lap.

  “Stand up for me,” he said, patting her bottom. “I want to look at you properly.”

  Powerless to defy his quiet command, she crossed the small cabin until her back was against the door. Aware of his heavy gaze watching her every move, Electra squeezed her eyes closed, hoping that she didn’t disappoint. Then she opened them again and stared defiantly at him. Her breasts were too heavy for her slender frame, and her bottom was bigger than she would like, but if he dared to say so then he would be unceremoniously ejected from this cabin, with or without his clothes.

  She trembled as he subjected her to his lazy scrutiny. His expression gave nothing away, but his silence spoke volumes. He hadn’t meant what he said earlier. He didn’t find her beautiful, she disappointed him in some way and he didn’t desire her after all. It was as simple as that. Stillness submerged the moment as Electra willed the floor to open up and swallow her whole, her humiliation was complete. She’d placed her trust in Rob and he found her wanting.

  But then, without warning, his face lit up with a smile of such obvious appreciation that her heart sang with relief.

  “I was wrong earlier,” he said softly. “You’re not beautiful, you’re sensational. Come here and let me make love to you.”

  She scampered across the room, straight into his waiting arms. They closed about her with a feel of such greedy possessiveness that she imagined he would waste little time before he instigated proceedings. Again he surprised her by tipping her onto her back and hovering above her, his eyes alight with expectancy. With painstaking slowness his hands explored her body, as did his tongue. He started at her lips, kissing them, sucking her lower lip between his. He trailed kisses down her neck, his tongue following in the wake of his lips, nipping gently at the places he’d just kissed. He lapped at the hollow at the base of her neck, causing her to squirm with pleasure.

  Finally his lips trailed their way down to one of her breasts and sucked a solid nipple into his mouth. He nipped at it and she cried out. The most unimaginable spangles of pleasure ignited her body and she was unable to remain passive, much less quiet. She squirmed beneath his mouth, desperate to push her breast further into it.

  “Patience,” he said, glancing up at her. “We’ll do this my way or not at all.”

  “Why are you punishing me?” she asked, panting with need.

  “Let me see you massage your own breasts.”

  Electra hesitated. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “Then do it for me, Electra.” He grasped his erection and gently rubbed it through his hand. “Make me want you more than I already do, if you possibly can.”

  This wa
s new and exciting, a thousand times removed from the duty couplings with a husband who’d never desired her—couplings that were over with in mere minutes. Feeling empowered by the appreciation in Rob’s eye, she grasped her breasts in both hands and pushed them together until the nipples almost touched.

  “Is this what you wish me to do? Tell me how to please you.”

  “Pinch one of the nipples and tell me how it makes you feel.”

  Electra did as he asked, tilting her head to one side as she gauged her reaction. “With you watching it feels erotic but it would be a lot better if you did it instead.”

  Rob laughed. “I’m glad to hear it. What else would you like me to do to you, Electra? Tell me what you like.”

  Uncertainly gripped her. “I don’t—”

  “Shush, it’s all right. I shouldn’t have asked you such a question.”

  How did he know she wasn’t sure how to answer him? As his lips continued their downward journey she ceased to care, and gave herself up to the most unimaginable pleasure. She gasped when his head disappeared between her legs and he sucked without mercy on her clitoris, two fingers delving deep inside her vagina at the same time. Her husband had given her orgasms, more by luck than judgement she’d always thought, but they were nothing compared to the fire burning inside her now. She pushed her hips upwards, forcing herself into Rob’s mouth.

  “Please don’t stop. I think I’m going to...argh, yes I am. Rob, please!”

  Pleasure spiralled through her in unstoppable bursts. She closed her eyes and rode the wave, never wanting it to stop. When it did and she opened her eyes again he was leaning on one elbow, watching her and looking inordinately pleased with himself.

  “Better?” he asked, smiling in a manner that brought her satiated body vigorously back to life again.

  “I’ve never experienced anything like that before,” she replied dazedly.

  “Then you have much lost time to make up for.”

  * * *

  Rob lay flat on his back, holding Electra close as he gave her a moment to regain her breath. Her face was charmingly flushed, her eyes still hazy with the residue of passion. The sultry smile playing about her lips satisfied him that she hadn’t given much thought to France and possibly finding her son over the past half hour.

  “Are you all right?” he asked. “You appeared to enjoy being spanked, but was it too much for you?”

  Her smile stretched into a broad grin. “I can’t recall a time when I enjoyed something more.”

  “You have a very sensuous nature,” he said, leaning in for a kiss. “Passion’s in your soul. Let’s see if we can elevate it to a higher level.”

  Rob rolled onto his side, pulling her with him as he kissed her with searing intent, still unable to believe his good fortune. Electra was not only beautiful, she was also intelligent, a fine chess player and a woman who wasn’t fully aware of her own body’s capacity for pleasure.

  Still kissing her, Rob pulled Electra’s posterior against him as he slipped his cock between her legs. She groaned through the kiss and pushed herself against it. Her lack of inhibitions and willingness to go after what she desired ripped his dwindling self-control to shreds. He rolled her onto her back, his throbbing erection still wedged between her thighs. She had clamped her legs around it, as though afraid that he might withdraw its services before she’d taken what she needed from him.

  Rob smiled, almost tempted to tease her by doing so, except he was no longer quite so in control of himself that he could afford to take the risk. It was all her fault. Her haunting beauty unbalanced him, robbing him of his habitual finesse. The dancing light in her eyes as she looked up at him didn’t help matters. He pushed the hair from her brow, sparks flying between them at the simple contact. God’s beard, she would likely rob him of his sanity if she carried on looking at him with such wanton susceptibility.

  “Rob, please!”

  Her voice husky with passion, her body vibrating with need, shimmering expectancy turned her eyes a scorching shade of topaz.

  “Release my cock before you cut off the blood supply and allow me to put it to good use.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so clumsy.”

  Rob chuckled. “Open your legs for me, darling.” He parted her slick folds and again penetrated her with his fingers. “You’re ready for me.”

  It wasn’t a question but she answered him anyway. “I’ve been ready for a long time.”

  Rob accepted the mild rebuke as nothing less than his due. Balancing his weight on one elbow, he removed his fingers and replaced them with the tip of his cock, penetrating her by no more than an inch. It clearly wasn’t enough for her and she lifted her hips to encourage him deeper. He tapped her thigh, refusing to allow her to set the pace, as the hand that had been inside her sought out a nipple. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, pinching it hard. Electra moaned and Rob rewarded her by slipping a little deeper into her tight, wet warmth. His cock stretched her as he worked it steadily into her, filling her completely. She gasped.

  “I’m hurting you?” he asked, ready to withdraw.

  “On the contrary, you’re bringing me to life.”

  “You’re so tight, sweetheart. Relax and let me fill you.”

  “How can I relax when it feels so sublime?”

  Rob chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll think of a way.”

  She lifted her hips again and this time he didn’t chastise her, taking the opportunity to slip a little deeper.

  “I have you all now,” she said. “I feel complete.”

  “Er, unfortunately not quite.”

  “There’s more?” She chewed her lower lip. “I thought—”

  “Can you take it?”

  “Absolutely. Women’s bodies are supposed to expand under such circumstances.”

  He smiled down at her, the strain of holding back starting to test his resolve to take things slowly. Her creative energy, the enthusiasm with which she embraced their...well, embrace, unbalanced him. Never had it been more important to give a woman pleasure, even if it came at the expense of his own.

  “Then shall we put that theory to the test? Wrap your legs round my waist, sweetheart, and let me plunge deeper.”

  She did so, enabling Rob to manoeuvre slowly all the way into her, inch by glorious inch, until she’d accommodated him all.

  “There, now you have me at your complete mercy.”

  “A situation that I ought to exploit,” she said with a smile.

  He started to move slowly. “I wouldn’t recommend that you try it.”

  “I don’t believe in wasted opportunities,” she replied, moving with him.

  Rob pinched one of her nipples as hard as he thought she could stand it. She cried out, her eyes sparkling with increased desire.

  “You like that?” He moved a little faster, thrust deeper and pinched her nipple harder.

  “I adore it. I had no idea.”

  She seemed to enjoy everything he did to her, especially when he didn’t treat her gently. That knowledge empowered him to awaken her sensuous nature. She cried out so suddenly that he thought he must have hurt her. Instead she thrashed her head from side to side and her cries became soft moans. He sensed the excitement coursing through her, felt her close her muscles around his cock and knew she was close to orgasm.

  “Go with it, darling,” he said, moving harder and faster. “Take what you need from me and let it all go.”

  “I am. I must...dear God, Rob, don’t you dare stop!”

  “That’s not what I had in mind,” he said, his voice heavy with suppressed need. His own pleasure steadily built, the sensation burning and intense. It was almost impossible to hold it back but somehow he managed it, concentrating on Electra’s requirements, reminding himself that she deserved everything he was able to g
ive her.

  Her body suddenly went into a series of spasms. She moaned softly as her orgasm erupted, eyes screwed tightly closed, but Rob could tell it struck her right to the core. She lifted her hips to take him as deep as he could get and her entire body continued to vibrate. A long sigh slipped past her lips when she was finally spent.

  Rob paused inside her, kissing her lightly as he gave her a moment to come back to earth.

  “Thank you,” she said, her eyes shining with tears. “I don’t know what else to say.”

  “Say nothing, sweetheart. Just stay with me while I take my turn.”


  Rob picked up the pace again, a vein pulsating at his temple as the pressure built and he attempted to delay the moment. Fire lanced through him, his cock thickened and filled and a jolt rocked him as his climax threatened.

  “Feel free to join in,” he said.

  “I can’t, not again. Already twice I have—”

  “Who’s counting?”

  It clearly hadn’t occurred to her that multiple orgasms were possible but she now embraced the concept with unbridled enthusiasm. With an anguished cry she closed about him again and he only just managed to withdraw at the final moment, shooting his seed over her stomach.

  “Ah, love,” he said, rolling onto his back, breathing hard. “You never cease to amaze me, contessa.”

  Rob levered himself from the bunk, found a washcloth beside the basin and used it to make Electra comfortable. Then he wrapped her in his arms, stroked her hair and whispered soothing words until her eyes fluttered to a close. She sighed and fell asleep almost immediately, using his shoulder as a pillow.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rob glanced through the porthole and saw the French coast on the horizon. Gently he kissed Electra’s lips.

  She woke immediately, stretched and smiled at him. “Did I sleep?”

  “For two entire hours.”

  “No!” Her hand flew to her mouth. “How could I at such a time?”

  Rob chuckled. “Denying yourself sleep won’t help the situation any more than fasting will.”


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