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Page 10

by Sara Dalton

  “What happened?” Richard asked.

  “She was murdered.”

  “What about our Rebecca?”

  “Rebecca is in hospital. She was knocked unconscious and was taken straight to the hospital with head injuries.” Addison said.

  “Can we go and see her?” Susie lifted her head up, the tears were streaming down her red cheeks. She blew her nose on a piece of tissue she had tucked up in her sleeve.

  “Of course, we’ve not been in to see her yet. We will need to talk to her about what happened last night.” Addison mentioned.

  “We will need you to come and identify the body of your daughter, but please take your time. If you contact us at this number if you come up with any reason why someone would do this, it would help our investigation.” Robert handed his card to the family with his number on it. Once they left through the front door Addison could hear the parents grieving. She hung her head down as she got back into the car. Addison jumped at the sound of Robert’s phone. He fished it out of his pocket and answered it.


  Addison sat and watched Robert’s eyebrows pulled down together from the news he was just receiving. She knew it wasn’t good.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Right, fine.” Robert hung up and put his phone back into his pocket. He leaned forward resting his forehead on the steering wheel. He let out a long sigh.

  “Sir, what is it?” Addison asked.

  “Rebecca Charles is in a coma.” He replied. This was another step back in the case. Rebecca Charles was an important witness to the crime.

  “Do you think the killer wanted to kill her?” Addison asked. She wanted to know what Robert thoughts were, the crime is beginning to worry her.

  “I think it was a warning to her. But I don’t know what will happen next time, we need to catch him before his next kill.” He said.

  “The thing that strikes me as odd is that the killer is killing the parents, but the connection lies between the children. Well, we will need to check it out first, it’s no coincidence that the children go to the same school.” Addison told him. He nodded his head along with her theory. He knew she was right, the kids are their biggest lead so far.

  He finally reversed onto the main road and pulled away. Addison pulled out her notebook to check all the information she was collecting. Every little description is important.

  “Anna said she recognised his voice, it’s someone she may have known, even at the school maybe? I hope we catch him because I’m starting to get a really bad feeling about this.” Addison voiced. She put her notebook back into her pocket and started to rub her scar unconsciously. Robert peeked out from the corner of his eye and noticed that she was doing it again.

  “What did you do?” He asked.


  “The scar, how did you get that?”

  “Oh, erm, well, you see. I can’t tell you that.” Addison stumbled over her words. She didn’t want to tell him the truth, the scar was always going to be a personal reminder of what happened to her.

  “I won’t press any further.” He said. Addison glanced out of the window as she noticed they were heading towards Carl Willis’ house. Robert wanted to talk to Anna to see if she knew the Charles family. Addison already knew the answer; the families were connected to each other. But how much did they really know? Addison was curious.

  It was a race against time to find the culprit who did this. The next victim may get a worse kind of fate. Sooner or later, a child was going to die, and Addison knew that very well. It was time to tell Robert about the silent killer case and her personal connection to it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  9th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Addison didn’t realise that Robert’s plan was to drop her off at Carl Willis’s house. He drove off and left her to find out what they know about the relationship between Anna and Rebecca. He said he had more important things to attend to at the office. Just when she thought he was starting to like her, she’s not very convinced anymore. She stood outside the house waiting for someone to answer. To Addison, Anna was the key witness to these murders while Rebecca was in a coma. There was a connection somewhere between these families who’ve been victimised by the killer. Addison just needed to find it. Finally, Carl answered the door, surprised to see Addison there.

  “Have you found something?” His voice sounded hopeful. For a minute Addison thought he may have actually cared what happened to Wendy. She shook her head and he invited her inside anyway.

  “I’ve got a few more questions for Anna if you wouldn’t mind if I spoke to her again,” Addison asked. Carl stared at her. He rubbed his hands over his face, he had black bags under his eyes and his dark hair was disheveled.

  “What now? What is it that you want to ask her now. Don’t you think this is traumatic enough for those kids?” Carl started. Addison stood and took his angered words, she knew she could handle it but she also knew how brave those children were.

  “I’m sorry sir, but there has been another murder and Anna is now our only key witness,” Addison explained.

  “You mean this person killed again.” Carl managed to fall into the seat in the living room.

  “Do you know a Joan Charles?” Addison asked. Carl sat thinking if he thought the name sounded familiar, but it didn’t. He shook his head. “Do you mind if I speak to Anna? Joan Charles had a daughter called Rebecca who goes to the same school as your daughter.” Addison asked.

  “Had a daughter?” Carl stood up heading towards the staircase.

  “She’s in a coma, sir,” Addison replied.

  “That poor girl, did he attack her?”

  “I can’t give you any more details sir, but it’s important I speak with Anna.”

  “ANNA,” Carl called up the stairs. There were a few footsteps before Anna came running down the stairs. “Addison from the police is here again,” Carl told her. Anna came into the living room and saw Addison smile as she entered. She gave her a soft smile back and sat opposite her.

  “Hi Anna, how are you doing?” Addison asked her softly.

  “I’m fine, it’s been a hard couple of days, but we’re fine.” Anna answered.

  “That’s good. I’ve come to tell you some news in our investigation, you might not like it. But you are considered our key witness, do you understand Anna?” Addison asked. Anna’s eyes widened.

  “He’s killed again, hasn’t he?”

  Addison placed the voice recorder on the table, Anna glanced at it and looked at Addison with worry in her eyes.

  “I’m recording this interview as it will be a great help to our investigation if we need it. I hope you don’t mind.” Addison asked. Anna nodded her head and Addison carried on. “I wanted to ask you some questions, but you don’t need to push yourself to answer them, but it would help. There has been another murder, the victim is called Joan Charles.” Addison paused. She saw that Anna recognised the name, her eyes went wide, and her hand came up to her mouth.

  “Rebecca’s mum,” Anna finally said. Addison nodded.

  “Are you and Rebecca close?”

  “She’s my best friend.”

  Addison could see the tears in Anna’s eyes knowing her best friend has gone through the same ordeal as her. Carl came and sat beside Anna, putting his arm around her.

  “Is she ok? Can I see her?” Anna shifted forward in her seat.

  “She’s in a coma. It seems that she attacked the killer when she found that he killed her mother. She put up a struggle, she’s a brave girl. Like you.” Addison told her.

  “Her mother is she really dead?” Anna’s tears started to roll down her face. Addison nodded, she didn’t know what else to say to her. She wanted to wrap her arms around the teenage girl and comfort her. But the comment Fletcher made to her always came back into her mind, so she kept her distance.

  “Anna, I want to know all the classes and everything you and Rebecca did at school.
What clubs were you in together? Did you have lunch together? It will help us.”

  “I’ve got a copy of my timetable if that would help you? Is it someone from the school doing it?” Anna asked.

  “That would be great and we’re not sure. We are still investigating every angle but considering there is a connection between your two families. It’s given us another way to look at it. We are taking every possible clue to solve this murder.” Addison explained to her. Hoping that she could find comfort that they are trying their best in every angle they look at it. Anna got up to grab her school bag and handed Addison the timetable. Addison folded it up and put it into her pocket.

  “Rebecca was always in the same lessons as me which were Maths, Science, Art, and Technology,” Anna told her. “Can I see her? Rebecca?” Anna asked.

  “You can see her.” Addison nodded. Anna turned and put her head on her dad’s chest. Addison heard her weeping as she tried to keep it in as long as she could. Carl held her tight as he nodded to Addison who got up to leave.

  “I can see myself out. Thank you, Anna, you’ve been very helpful.” Addison told her. Anna glanced up at Addison.

  “Trust us,” Addison signed with her fingers. Addison turned to leave the house as she left Carl to comfort his daughter. He didn’t like to see what has happened to his children, to go through something like this in their life. Addison knew that he will try everything in his power to protect his children.

  Addison made her way back home to listen to the tape again. She managed to get Anna’s timetable for her school subjects. Anna and Rebecca are both together in, Maths, Science, Art, and Technology. She circled the subjects on the timetable. When she finally arrived, she placed all her new evidence on the kitchen counter to investigate. She made a note to talk to all of their teachers. She poured herself a glass of wine and started to hang up different pieces of evidence on her wall trying to connect them all together.

  Chapter Nineteen

  10th April 2016

  Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

  Addison had fallen asleep thinking about all her theories of the murderer, who was the killer? What was the connection between the killer and the mothers? Why were the children involved? Everything had run through her mind and she still had no answers. All the old case files from the silent killer case were scattered everywhere in her living room. There were pictures stuck to the walls and autopsy reports laying all over the floor. Addison was getting desperate.

  A few hours had passed until Addison was woken up by the sound of her doorbell. She glanced down at her phone from the sofa and noticed it was past three in the morning. She sat up wondering if she was hearing things until she heard it again. Addison got up and made her way slowly to the front door. She looked through the spy hole to see no one was outside. She bolted the front door and wandered back into the living room and sat down. Addison glanced at all of the paperwork scattered over the floor. She started picking it all backup but she heard the doorbell ring again.

  “For Christ sakes.” She murmured as she got up and headed to her front door again. This time she opened it and no one was there again. She glanced around the street to see if there was anything or anyone suspicious, but the only thing she did notice was her car. It was covered with paper. Her eyes were wide as she headed down the steps, pieces of paper stuck everywhere on her car. She pulled one off and saw there was writing.

  “Madison Reed, I’m coming for you.” She whispered. Her hand covered her mouth as the terror started to ripple through her, her hands shook. They knew her birth name. She ran back inside bolting the door behind her again and grabbed her phone. She dialled a number within seconds. Was it the killer? Was he warning her? He knew who she was?

  “Andrew, I’m so sorry to call you this late but I need your help. Could you come over?” Addison asked. Fletcher could hear the desperation in her voice. He told her he would be there as soon as possible. She gripped the phone in her hand and sat down on the cold floor in her kitchen, her hands still shaking violently. She waited for him.

  Eventually, Fletcher finally showed up. He knocked on her door, but she took her time answering it. She peeked through the spy hole and saw him. She felt immediately safe. She opened the door to let him inside.

  “Mind telling me what this is about?” He said. He was slightly annoyed to be called so early in the morning though he doesn’t know why he was even awake at this time anyway. She handed him the piece of paper that was stuck to her car. He took it while still looking at her when he read the note he didn’t quite understand what she was telling him. “What’s this?”

  “You might want to sit down,” she said. Fletcher started to show his annoyance as she guided him to her living room. The case files were still scattered everywhere, and he saw everything. “Before you say anything I will explain. Please, sit.” She gestured for him to sit down.

  “You better start talking because this isn’t looking good.”

  “My birth name is Madison Reed.”

  “You mean Alan Reed’s daughter?” Fletcher’s voice raised an octave.

  “Yes, he is also the one who was responsible for the murders in the silent killer case. Including me as a witness,” She started. Fletcher noticed that she was rubbing something on her wrist when it suddenly came clear.

  “This case we are working on is a copycat killer isn’t it?” Fletcher asked.

  “I believe so, I honestly don’t want to tell Robert about me but we need to bring this case to his attention.”

  “And not only that, you are being threatened, this killer knows who you are.” Fletcher added.

  “I’m not sure if this is someone I know. I had no siblings, my father killed my mother when she found out what he was doing and he tried to kill me, he found out I was telling the police what I know about him. Which is why I got this.” Addison showed her scar on her wrist. “These murders are going to link into the silent killer case, we need to bring it forward first. We can be a step ahead of the killer.”

  “What happened to you after your father was put away?”

  “I was in care, a foster family took me in. They felt sorry for me because I was a victim of Alan Reed. When I turned eighteen, I changed my name and started training to join the force. It took me a while because of this case hanging over my head, but I eventually got there. Now I don’t want this to blow up in my face. This has to be the unluckiest thing to be left with, is a case that copies my fathers.”

  “I won’t say anything, but sooner or later you will have to tell Robert the truth.”

  “I know, but until I really have to, I want to keep it to myself.”

  “Let’s get all this crap together and take it to Robert. He needs to see this, but we won’t tell him about you.” Fletcher said as he started taking the photos down from the wall. He paused when he came across Addison’s photo from when she was a teen, her face was all bruised and bloodied. He pulled it down and glanced around at her. Why did she keep this all in her house, how did she get the case files? One thing is for sure, Addison trusted him.

  “Once we’ve packed it all up, you are more than welcome to sleep here until morning. If you don’t have anything to get back to? I would feel so much safer you being here for the rest of the night.” Addison asked him sheepishly. She gave him a small smile. He casually strolled over to her and pulled her into his arms. She was surprised at first, but she let herself relax. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Would you mind telling me the whole story?” Fletcher asked. He knew that listening to Addison may give some clues to the copycat killer, the more he knows, they can piece the puzzle together and figure out who it is. Addison’s life could also be in danger, he would have to keep a close eye on her.

  “From start to finish?”

  “Yes.” They both sat down on the sofa, closing the box of the silent killer case. Fletcher turned his full attention to Addison.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if remembering th
at night. It was still fresh in her mind. “I was fifteen at the time, a very naive girl. My mum and dad were arguing quite a lot, I was worried they were going to get divorced. You know what teenagers are like when their parents decided to divorce. My mum thought he was having an affair. She dragged me out, so she could follow him one night, he arrived at another woman’s house. She left me in the car and she went to peek through the window.” Addison told him as she started to stroke the scar on her wrist again. Fletcher saw her and shuffled forward, closer to her. She glanced up at him and he could see it was hard.

  “You don’t have to tell me. I shouldn’t have asked.” He said to her.

  “I want to, it’s about time I got it off of my chest. I need to. It may help our case,” She said. He nodded his head and she thought back to that time. “I sat in the car and watched mum run back. I was expecting to see sadness to find the truth, but she ran back in fear. She was scared. I started to worry as she drove back home, she was driving so quickly, she was in a state of shock. When we got home, she rushed upstairs to pack all our stuff up. She wanted to leave.” Addison glanced up to see Fletcher staring right at her, he knew what was coming but he wanted Addison to tell him.

  “Dad finally got home. I heard him stomping up the stairs and he came into the bedroom. He had a knife in his hand. Mum started calling him the silent killer that was all over the news and he didn’t deny it. I was sat in the corner of the room as they shouted at each other and then she dropped to the floor, covered in blood. I looked up to see him coming towards me, he was going to kill me.” Addison had tears coming down her face, it was a traumatic time in her life but she felt the relief as she finally got to speak to someone about it. “But he didn’t, he cut my arm.” She showed Fletcher the scar on her wrist, the one she kept stroking when she got anxious. “We are bound by blood until we meet again because we will. They were his last words to me before he was taken away by the police. I didn’t realise how many people he actually killed until they got me to stand as a witness against him in court.” Addison finished.


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