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The Russian Billionaire: A Romantic Suspense Novel

Page 17

by Georgia Le Carre

  “Well, it’ll be easier for you to do that from our place, since they’ll be moving to an apartment two floors down from us.”

  Her eyes narrow with confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “I bought an apartment two floors down from us for them.”

  She whirls out of the circle of my arms and stares at me with her enormous eyes. “You bought an apartment for my mom and sister?”


  She swallows hard. “Are you kidding me?”


  “That’s… that’s… I don’t even know what to say. Than—” Her voice breaks and tears fill her eyes.

  “And it’s in your mother’s name so even if I die tomorrow she has no worries about being homeless.”

  “Are you even real?” she mumbles through her tears.

  “I’m real, Raine. I’m as real as the little life growing inside you. We’re a family now. The three of us. And families live together.”

  “How can you be so sure? What if you are not acquitted?”

  I grin. “You want the honest truth? We didn’t even know you were going to come up with your surprise superstar performance today. We weren’t counting on anything from you, as we have figured out how the murder was committed.”

  “You know who did it?”

  “No, but we figured out how the killer did it.”


  “Remember how our bed creaked.”

  She giggles. “How could I forget?”

  “That’s because they had legs. Which means there was space under it. Whoever killed Vassily didn’t come in through the window. It was tightly shut from the inside. The killer arrived at least a day earlier and must have found out which room Vassily was booked into. He easily picked the old-fashioned lock of the room, once inside, all he had to do was wait. Our investigators found biscuit crumbs and other bits of food under the bed. Clearly, his mission was to steal Vassily’s files, then kill him, but I met Vassily in the reception upon his arrival, he passed his files to me, and we went up to his room together.”

  She shivers. “So the whole time you were in the room with Vassily, the killer was under the bed.”

  “It is the most likely explanation.”

  ‘’My God you could have been killed too!’’

  ‘’I was never the target.’’

  ‘’I thank the universe you were not.’’

  I take her hand and we walk down the steps together. The sun is shining brightly and I feel on top of the world. There is only one thing I haven’t done yet…


  It’s All Coming Back To Me Now

  * * *

  As soon as we arrive at his, well, our home, we put our phones away into the Faraday cage, and I turn to him. “You know that time you asked me to come to that apartment… why?”

  “Because I was going fucking mad being away from you. I wanted to touch you, fuck you, taste you. It was the only way I could have you for those few minutes without letting them know I still wanted you.”

  “Do you still have that apartment?”

  “I rented it for the minimum time possible. Six months. Why?”

  “Because one of these days I want to do that again. I want to arrive and have you do exactly what you did that last time.”

  He laughs. “You liked that, huh?”

  I nod. “Yes, it was mysterious and exciting and I waited and waited for you to call me again.”

  “Oh, baby,” he growls, as he pulls me up to him, my body pressed tightly against his as he searches my face hungrily, but for what he is looking for I can’t tell. It just seems as though he can’t quite believe that I belong to him. He crushes his lips to mine in a searing kiss.

  I’m instantly light headed. It barely registers as he pushes the skirt of my suit up and tears off my underwear. Then he lifts me into his arms and carries me up to his bedroom. He puts me down on the ground and lays down on the bed. Then he pulls me to him and positions me until my ass is directly above his face. I gasp as he sits me down on his mouth.

  Every fiber of my being feels like it is on fire.

  I grind my sex wildly into his mouth as he sucks, licks and fucks me with that naughty, energetic, greedy tongue of his.

  The edge of his teeth grazes and nips at the engorged bud of my clit constantly. I don’t want to climax yet. I want to make it last, but it is too good. Too amazing. I rock my hips to the maddening burst of ecstasy through my body until I am completely sated.

  “Now, I want you to get naked and ride me.”

  I love the sound of those words, the incredibly seductive tone in which he speaks them is beyond exciting.

  I pull myself down his body until my ass sits on his crotch, and pull my clothes off my body. His eyes never leave my body. He leans forward and squeezing both my breasts together sucks both nipples into his warm, wet, velvety mouth. I watch him in wonder. This is my man. Mine. It seems too incredible to believe, but he is.

  My breasts start to throb with pleasure. By the time my nipples pop out of his mouth they are swollen and tingling.

  He looks up and our eyes meet, my heart feels as if it would burst with happiness.

  “Now. Do it now,” he says.

  I grab his cock to position it at my entrance. We are both slick and ready, so when I take him inside me the entrance is a smooth and flawless glide.

  “Ah,” I whimper, as my sex sheaths his hard cock like a second skin.

  I run my hand across his chest, my eyes clench shut as my body tries to adjust again to his size. Already, my sex has forgotten how big he is. Hell, he is buried so deeply inside of me I feel his thick hardness filling me all the way to my abdomen.

  He lifts his upper body off the mattress, and the shift sends a sharp burst of pleasure tearing through me. He pulls his shirt over his head and his smooth, flawless skin, carved into the ridges of his torso is fully on display. I lean forward to cover his nipple with my mouth knowing it will drive him crazy. He has very sensitive nipples. When his hand comes up involuntarily to cover the hardened little buds, I seize his wrists with a laugh, and weld them to the bed on either side of him.

  “Konstantin,” I warn.

  He gives me a heart wrenching look.

  I lean forward and suck him again. He groans with pleasure.

  I move my mouth upwards for a deep kiss. I suck his tongue mindlessly. Oh, how I missed this. Then I shower more kisses down his jaw. I nibble on his chin, deliberately let the tips of my breasts graze against his chest, and suck on the skin just above the frantically beating pulse in his neck. I move my lips to his neck, and down to his chest, licking, tasting, sucking, and grating my teeth across his supple flesh.

  All the while my hips are rocking on him, in a slow, beguiling rhythm. Every time we are joined together like this, I’m all the more awed by him. It feels as though I’ve been completely transported off the earth, and thrown into another dimension where I’m not whole without him inside me.

  With my knees planted firmly on the mattress, I writhe against him, guiding his cock in a to and fro motion inside of me. I do it until I can see the muscles bulging in his neck with tension.

  Finally, I’m ready to fuck him properly.

  With my hand planted solidly on his chest, I lift my ass off his crotch, the friction of his cock grating against my walls. It’s all too sweet to process. My vision blurs and all of my focus zeroes in on the place where we are joined.

  I stop just as the head is about to pop out of me. His cock completely coated with my slickness. I do a little shimmy with my hips. A sensual circle that makes his mouth open in a silent gasp. I slide back down on him.

  The next time I pull my sex up him, I come back down with a vicious slam.

  “Holy fuck,” he pants, “Raine.”

  My head and heart swells with smothering heat. I think I’m going to climax. My gaze feels narrow and fuzzy. I force myself to think of something else. B
ut my mind is blank. Fuck it. If I climax, I climax. I deserve it for today’s performance in court.

  I begin to ride him ruthlessly, lifting my hips and pumping back down his raging cock. My hips move with the fluidity of a snake, gyrating, grinding against him.

  I thought I would climax before him, but instead I watch him come apart before me, and it’s beautiful. I see him, the man who is always in control, lose control. His head thrashing from side to side.

  While watching him I feel myself start to shatter, my walls contracting violently as my orgasm sears through me like a bullet. I break into pieces, every piece exploding with delicious sensations. I scream, not caring if the housekeeper hears me. This is the only way I believe I will be able to hold onto my sanity.

  He pulls me down and covers my mouth with his, muffling my cries. He hooks my tongue into his mouth and sucks it hard, and it triggers my orgasm even more.

  My clit throbs painfully as hot pleasure pours down my thighs, whilst I continue to writhe my hips against him, prolonging the euphoria even longer.

  Eventually, when it is all over, he pulls me to him, and buries his face in my neck.

  “You’re a fucking miracle to me,” he whispers. “You have no idea.”

  I fall back onto him in complete exhaustion, his cock still buried inside me.

  I must have fallen asleep on his chest. I wake up with the sensation of being sticky between my legs and something very hard and hot between my pussy lips. I lift my head and he smiles at me.

  “Put me back inside you,” he says.

  So I do and we make love again. Afterwards, we shower together. Then he makes me sit on the bed, his expression serious.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “Raine, we Russians when we find something good we always like to seal the deal. I want to make you mine, permanently. Will you marry me?”

  My heart feels as if it has stopped. “Yes. Of course, I’ll freaking marry you.”


  Sound Of Freedom

  “I just need to run an errand for Konstantin. Will you come with me, Mom?” I say to my mom after she has helped me to move into Konstantin’s place.

  “Well, as long as it is not for long. I need to be back at work in three hours.”

  “No, it won’t take long. It’s just a few floors down from here.”

  “All right.”

  We take the elevator down three floors and get out. Mom says nothing as I put the key through the door and walk in. “I just have to do something in the kitchen. Have a look around.”

  “I’m not going to look around someone else’s house.”

  “She won’t mind. She’s a really cool person. Go ahead. Have a little look. See if you like the way she has done up the place.”

  “Well, all right.” Mom wanders off towards the living room.

  I wait awhile and follow her. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Come and see the bedroom.”

  Mom follows me silently down the mirrored corridor. “Wow, look at that view. Must be nice to live here and wake up to this.”

  “Would you like to?” I ask quietly.

  She turns towards me. “No honey. I wouldn’t like to live here. The rent will be astronomical and I don’t want you to be beholden to Konstantin.”

  “Mom, I have something to tell you.’’

  Her jaw drops. “What?”

  ‘’Konstantin bought this apartment for you. He bought it for you and Maddy.”

  My mom blinks. “What?”

  “He bought it for you and Maddy so we can all be close by.”

  She walks over to the big bed and sits on it. “This place is mine?”

  I press the key into her palm. “Yes, Mom. It’s all yours. Bought and paid for.”

  She looks up at me. “I don’t know what to say. It’s too much. Who will clean this big place? I could never afford to pay the yearly upkeep fees. It must be astronomical.”

  I kneel next to her. “Mom, you don’t ever have to use that word again, astronomical. He put some money into a fund for you. He says he doesn’t want you to ever have to stock shelves again. You’ve worked enough for three lifetimes. It’s time to relax. You’re going to be a lady of leisure now. Once Maddy is well again, you’ll go shopping, you’ll go to lunch with your friends, you’ll go to the cinema, and you’ll vacation in far-flung exotic countries.”

  My mother brushes her hand against the silky duvet on the bed. “This is my bedroom?”

  “Take whichever one you want. There are three bedrooms, but this is the one with the best view.”

  “Maddy can have her own bedroom?”

  I smile. “Yes, Maddy can have her own.”

  She shakes her head. “I still remember that night you found me crying in the bathroom. To think I tried to stop you from going to that auction.”

  “Well, we have Maddy to thank. If she had not needed the medical attention, I would never have even thought of doing something like that.”

  My mother squeezes my hand. “When your father left this world, I didn’t know how I would manage. How I would bring up two girls on my own, but life has been good to me. You’ve both turned out to be little angels. I couldn’t have asked for better.”

  I want to cry. It takes a very special person to suffer as much as my mom has and still say life has been good to her. At that moment I promise myself to turn my mother’s life into a life extraordinaire.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  She hugs me tightly. “I love you too, honey. I really, really love you. Now, if Maddy’s procedure is successful, my life would be perfect.”

  Three days later my mother's life is officially declared perfect. Maddy’s transplant is successful. She claims to feel no pain at all. Later that evening Mom comes to our apartment and we open a bottle of champagne. We raise our glasses and I make a toast.

  “Because life is perfect.”

  And we take one little sip. Afterwards we laugh, and eat, and talk until it is late. Then Mom goes down to her apartment and Konstantin and I fall into bed. We stare into each other’s eyes.

  “It’s not a dream, is it?” I whisper.

  “No my darling, it’s not a dream,” he whispers back. “It will be a dream when we beat the enemy, and give our children back the earth they deserve.”



  * * *

  Everything I Do I Do For You.

  * * *

  Konstantin is acquitted of all charges and his reputation is restored, which I expected, of course. What I didn’t expect is how all his friends and business acquaintances stood by him and never once doubted his Innocence. I guess they knew, as I did, that he is good guy, incapable of such a brutal act.

  It is a good day for us. We spend it in bed with a massive tub of ice cream. Sex and ice cream. I don’t know if I would recommend it. It’s good while it's going on, but the state of the sheets. Ugh what a mess.

  Then the next day Mom and I begin to plan for the wedding. We plan it so it takes place a week after Maddy comes home from hospital. That day falls on the first week of September.

  I wake up with excitement fizzing through my veins like a newly opened bottle of champagne. I sneak out of the bed I shared with Maddy that night, go to the fridge, and sit alone at my mother’s kitchen island drinking some lovely, cold milk and smile to myself. I know for sure, I’m the happiest woman in the world at that moment in time.

  Every dream I ever had has been fulfilled.

  I’m still not showing and can just about get into my fabulous mermaid wedding dress. Mom cries when she sees me, even Maddy gets all emotional.

  “The billionaire is a lucky guy,” she sniffs.

  Outside we couldn’t have hoped for better weather. The sky is a brilliant blue and not a cloud in sight, the perfect omen. The ceremony is held in a beautif
ul old Russian church. It is filled with the scent of flowers. The pews are full of people, most of them I do not know. Friends and business associates of Konstantin. He has no family. He was an orphan.

  None of the members of the alliance turn up. They have an understanding. They do not congregate in groups of more than two. In this way they can be taken out easily.

  Maddy teases me just before I walk down the aisle. I remember feeling really nervous. My stomach in tight knots. My uncle from my father’s side walks up to me. He will be giving me away.

  “You look beautiful,” he says. “Your dad would have been proud.”

  Then the music starts and I slip my hand through his elbow. We begin the walk down. I start to feel faint, like I’m floating. Then I see the most beautiful, precious man in the whole world waiting for me, his eyes, his eyes, so full of love. My heart beats so fast I think I might expire with joy.

  It is a beautiful and simple ceremony, but it all goes too fast.

  The reception is quite a lavish affair held at an exclusive hotel.

  It’s all a blur now but I remember his eyes watching me, so much love in them. I remember rice raining down on us. I remember the tall cake. I remember Maddy laughing. I remember Mom crying, I remember Lois laughing at something.

  And then I remember leaving our reception and Konstantin’s strong arm around my waist as we ran towards the car.

  We honeymoon at the beautiful island of the Seychelles. Ah, what a happy time. We are indescribably happy. I almost dread coming back to the States. Coming back would mean facing up to all the problems, and sure enough our return is hard for me.

  Konstantin would lock himself in his coding room for hours at a time while he slowly built his alternative internet, one string of zeros and ones at a time, all in his mind. And all that time I would sit around and start to worry about what would happen if the alliance doesn’t win. I keep thinking of Helena’s cautionary tale of the rat with the venom in his body. Running, thinking it’s wounded but it has escaped, but in fact, it is already more dead than alive.


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