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Dolphins of Pern

Page 30

by Anne McCaffrey

  "I got questioned by the Eastern Pod,” T'lion put in, "and so did Master Persellan who forgave me, by the way!”

  "That's a relief,” Readis said.

  "And The Tillek asked me when would dolphineers come back to the sea to work with her pods,” Idarolan went on. "So naturally I informed Lord Oterel ‑ and he gestured to the Lord Holder.

  "And I asked T'bor of High Reaches and he ‑ ‑ Oterel said and then turned to the Master Harper.

  "Didn't know anything about dolphin pods and, while I knew a little from Menolly here,” Sebell said, "I conferred with Alemi, who told me of your disappearance, Readis, and why. I also spoke to

  "Us,” Lessa said, picking up the tale in her turn, "and I remembered something that Master Robinton had told me about these creatures." She turned to D'ram.

  "And I remembered all the tapes which Aivas had shown of the early days when there were dolphineers,” the old Weyrleader said and then shrugged. "So The Tillek went to Paradise River and spoke to your parents."

  "She asked us, Jayge said, looking slightly embarrassed while Aramina ducked her head and nervously twitched the hem of her tunic ‑ one of her gather tunics, Readis now noticed, "if we objected to your becoming a dolphineer.

  Readis waited.

  "It is an honour to be asked,” his mother said softly, hesitantly, before raising her head to look him straight in the eye. "I was once asked to accept and honour,” and she shot Lessa a quick glance, "and could not. I cannot stand in your way, Readis."

  "Thank you, Mother,” he murmured, his throat blocked with the surge of relief and happiness.

  "You're in for a lot more training before you can become a Craft Master, young Readis,” Master Idarolan said, "but you've made a fine start. Ahemm,” and he cleared his throat, "however, The Tillek plans to instruct you herself which is why she has come all the way down from her natural habitat."

  "She will?" Readis closed his mouth as soon as he realized that it had dropped open in surprise.

  "She has insisted,” Sebell said with a wry grin. "She is the living repository of all delphinic history, tradition and knowledge."

  "She speaks the best of any dolphin I've ever heard,” Readis said.

  "She claims it's because she has to repeat the Words and History every spring to all the new dolphins wishing to take the Test. I gather that's swimming across the great subsidence whirlpool."

  Readis nodded and then asked softly, "I wouldn't have to do that, would I? I mean, I'm a good enough swimmer but Sebell wasn't the only one to chuckle. "She'll set her own test and you should know that you've already passed the critical entrance examination."

  "I did?"

  "You did, that's why she brought you to us.

  "You'd have all just gone home?" Readis was astonished.

  "No, we'd've gone in and brought you back home, lad,” Alemi said, "and no blame.”


  "Listen!" Menolly said, holding up one hand. "Listen!”

  "To what?" Idarolan asked but now Sebell held his hand up and they fell silent. Even the sailors in the rigging and on deck stopped what they were doing, as the odd but melodious sound reached their ears.

  "Music, but where is it coming from?" Sebell said, glancing around the ship.

  "I've heard that before,” Aramina murmured to Jayge and leaned close to him. "Only it's not quite the same.”

  "It's not so lonely a sound,” Menolly said as she swung slowly to face the sea. That's when those on deck saw the wedge of leaping dolphins coming alongside. Suddenly Menolly jumped back in surprise as a loud squee was clearly heard.

  "The big one's back, Master,” one of the seamen in the rigging said, pointing. He, too, involuntarily flinched away as The Tillek reared high from the sea.

  "Readis,” she said plainly before she fell back into the water.

  "Coming,” he said and started toward the rail. Then he paused, startled by his own compliance, and not sure he could just leave the eminent company on the Dawn Sisters' deck. "Do I just go?"

  "When your Master calls, lad, you go,” Idarolan said, grinning, and giving him an encouraging push on his way.

  "We'll drop the supplies at your caves,” Alemi shouted after him.

  "Listen well, learn hard,” Sebell added.

  "We're proud of you, son,” his father said just as Readis arched himself in a dive over the railing and into the sea, carefully aiming himself at the space left free for him by the dolphins waiting there.


  The dragonriders stayed a while longer, talking about this unusual meeting between humans and dolphins and eating the small repast which Master Idarolan had had prepared.

  "Sometimes, I feel that we are rushing forward at unbelievable speeds,” Menolly remarked, "with hardly time to catch our breaths. So much has happened!”

  Sebell nodded. "And not enough time to make songs out of most of it." He gave his wife a droll smile and ducked as she playfully swatted at him.

  "The song . Aramina said, leaning toward Menolly, "the song we heard. Where did you hear it?"

  "At night, near the sea, I must admit.” And Menolly paused, frowning, "at Paradise River when I was there harpering the children. You've heard it?"

  "Yes,” Aramina said in a sad, wistful tone. "I always thought it was a dream but I wasn't always asleep when I heard it."

  "When you think how long the dolphins have waited for us to acknowledge them again, it would make any creature sad,” Sebell said, slipping a reassuring arm about his wife.

  "Dragons don't sing, so I knew it wasn't them, but Ramoth has complained about ‘lonely’ sounds impinging on her sleep,” Lessa said. Then, with a brisk twist of her shoulders, she smiled at Aramina. "Now we all know, don't we, that the Dolphins of Pern are part of our future. I like to think, one of the better parts of our future when this Pass is over."

  "When this Pass is over!" said Master Idarolan loudly, raising his glass. And the others drained their glasses to that toast!




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