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Adam's Promise

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by Gail Gaymer Martin

  The lecture he’d heard before he came to Doctors Without Borders rose in his mind. Staff needed the ability to work together and live as a team, to manage stress, to be tolerant and flexible.

  Flexibility was for the nurses and technologists, not surgeons, but here, he had to adjust.

  Instead of heading back toward the nurses’ station, Adam headed for the dispensary to carry back a few supplies. He dug into his pocket for the dispensary key, but as he neared the doorway, he saw it was ajar.

  Who would leave the room unlocked? He picked up his pace and pushed open the door.

  “What are you doing?” he yelled.

  A shot tore through him. Heat and pain seared his flesh as his legs buckled.

  Books by Gail Gaymer Martin

  Steeple Hill Single Title

  The Christmas Kite

  Love Inspired

  Upon a Midnight Clear #117

  Secrets of the Heart #147

  A Love for Safekeeping #161

  Loving Treasures #177

  Loving Hearts #199

  “The Butterfly Garden”/Easter Blessings #202

  “All Good Gifts”/The Harvest #223

  Loving Ways #231

  Loving Care #239

  Adam’s Promise #259


  loves life. She cherishes her husband, family, singing, traveling and her Lord. With all those blessings, God gave her one more gift—her dream of writing novels. Gail is multipublished in nonfiction and fiction, with eighteen novels and seven novellas. Her novels have been finalists for numerous awards and have won the Holt Medallion (2001 and 2003), The Texas Winter Rose (2003), the American Christian Romance Writers 2002 Book of the Year Award and a nomination by Romantic Times as Best Love Inspired Novel of 2002.

  Besides writing, Gail travels across the country guest speaking and presenting writing workshops. She lives in Lathrup Village, Michigan, with Bob—her husband and best friend.

  She loves to hear from her readers. Write to her at P.O. Box 760063, Lathrup Village, MI, 48076 and visit her Web site



  But the Lord is faithful,

  and He will strengthen and protect you

  from the evil one.

  —2 Thessalonians 3:3


  Dr. Adam Montgomery—After surviving several attempts on his life, the arrogant surgeon has a change in attitude—and in faith.

  Katherine Darling—The compassionate nurse offers lots of tender, loving care to Adam as he recuperates.

  Liza Montgomery—Adam’s mother can’t resist matchmaking for her eldest son.

  Frank Montgomery—The mayor of Colorado Springs is concerned about his injured son as well as the city’s rising crime rate.

  Dr. Lionel Valenti—Is Adam’s co-worker suffering from a mere infection…or something more insidious?

  Detective Samuel Vance—Can he stay objective while working on his friend’s case?


  Two powerful families wage war on evil…and find love.


  Gail Gaymer Martin (LI #259, July 2004)

  FINDING AMY—Carol Steward

  (LI #263, August 2004)


  (LI #267, September 2004)


  (LI #271, October 2004)

  PETER’S RETURN—Cynthia Cooke

  (LI #275, November 2004)


  (LI #279, December 2004)

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed the first story of the series FAITH ON THE LINE. Though Adam’s and Kate’s struggles may be a little different from our own, many of us cling to our flaws and fears and let them control our lives. Kate held on to her past, ashamed of what people might think. Adam used his aloofness and arrogance to shield him from relationships.

  But the most important lesson in Adam’s Promise is what God will do for us if we let Him. He will give us strength and protection, and Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will find us when we stray and return us safely to the fold.

  If flaws and griefs of the past hold you in bondage, remember that Jesus is the Way and “God works for the good of those who love Him.”

  Next month look for Carol Steward’s Finding Amy, in the continuing saga of FAITH ON THE LINE. You’ll spend more time with the Montgomery and Vance families as they fight to rid Colorado Springs of crime.

  Thanks for reading Steeple Hill Love Inspired. May God send you His richest blessings.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter One

  “I don’t get it.” Kate Darling pivoted her head toward Dr. Adam Montgomery standing in the clinic’s office doorway.

  “Get what?” Adam pulled his shoulder away from the doorjamb, his stethoscope swaying at his neck as he crossed the room.

  Kate gestured toward the papers she held, then used them as a fan. “We ordered adequate supplies last month, but we’re running short again. I’ve checked against our computer records, and it doesn’t match. I helped stock the last shipment, and now I’m wondering where my mind is.”

  “I’ve wondered that myself,” Adam said, standing above her and watching Kate’s cheeks tint a soft shade of pink.

  Her chair grated against the wooden floor as she shifted and rose to face him. “I’m sorry that you find me inadequate, Dr. Montgomery.”

  Adam stepped back, surprised at the spunky attitude she’d shown lately. Should he remind her that she was only a nurse? He held back the comment, figuring the hot, humid climate had set them all on edge. “I didn’t question your ability as a nurse, Miss Darling. You’re an exceptional nurse. I question your competence in keeping accurate records of our supplies.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and the look she sent him nailed him to the floor. “Perhaps we should hire a local to handle supplies. Is your Spanish prolific enough to give her orders?”

  Adam held up his hand to calm the waters. “I’m not arguing with you, Katherine. We’re dealing with drugs here, and we need to be responsible. We can’t lose cartons of morphine and Demerol.”

  “I didn’t lose anything. I just can’t find the boxes.” She spun around and headed for the doorway.

  He watched her rounded hips sway as she charged across the room. Besides being irked by his comment, he knew she hated him to call her Katherine. Everyone called her Kate, but Adam thought that calling her Katherine kept things more professional.

  Before she passed through the doorway, Kate paused, eyeing him over her shoulder. “You know, when I volunteered for Doctors Without Borders, I agreed to leave my cozy apartment and come to this village miles from nowhere, except mangroves and jungle.” She spun around to face him. “But I didn’t agree to be called inadequate.” She pivoted again and hurried out of the room.

  “Look, Katherine. Come back…please.”

  In a moment, she reappeared in the threshold, her arms folded across her chest.

  “I’m not blaming you. It’s a month between shipments, and when we come up short—”

  “I know
.” Kate stepped into the room and approached him, her arms swinging in a hopeless gesture. “I’m upset, too. I don’t understand what happened.”

  A movement at the doorway caught Adam’s attention.

  “What happened?” The clinic’s internist stood inside the doorway, eyeing the two of them. “What’s the problem?” Perspiration beaded Lionel Valenti’s face, and he pulled out a handkerchief to blot the moisture.

  “Our supplies,” Kate said, her tone as defeated as she looked.

  Valenti’s gaze shifted from Kate to Adam as if not sure who had the answer. “What about them?”

  “We’re running low on some of the meds,” Adam said, studying his co-worker’s face with concern. The man’s haggard look grew worse everyday, and Adam prayed he hadn’t contracted some type of jungle virus. The Venezuelan climate had been difficult for everyone.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” Valenti said. “When I give away meds, I list them on the charts.”

  “No one’s accusing anyone,” Adam said. “But according to Katherine, the computer records and what’s on the shelves don’t match.”

  Valenti shrugged. “Our new shipment should be here on Thursday. It is the second Thursday of the month, isn’t it? If so, we don’t need to worry.”

  “I’m not worried about running out. I’m worried about being accountable,” Adam said.

  Kate held up her hand to halt the discussion. “I forgot to tell you. I got a call this morning. The Thursday shipment will arrive on Tuesday, two days early.” She shrugged. “Don’t ask me why.”

  Valenti eyed his watch. “Tuesday. July sixth.” He swung his arms out at his sides and let them drop. “Then there’s no problem. In four days we’ll have a restocked dispensary.”

  “But that still doesn’t answer my question,” Kate said as she marched toward the doorway and vanished into the hallway.

  “What’s eating her?” Valenti asked.

  Adam shrugged. “Prima donna. She doesn’t take criticism well.” He swung his frame into the chair Kate had vacated and eyed the computer screen. “She’ll get over it.”

  Valenti leaned over with him and studied the monitor. When he drew back, he swayed and grabbed the chair back to steady himself.

  Adam looked into his colleague’s face. “I’m concerned about you, Lionel. You don’t look well. You’re flushed and look tired. Have you checked your temperature?”

  “It’s nothing,” Valenti said, waving Adam’s words away. “It’s the climate. I hate humidity. And I’ve got a sinus infection.”

  “You sure? If you need a day off, we’ll cover for you.”

  “No need. I’m fine.” Valenti dug his hands into his lab coat pockets. “We’re all looking bad. It’s this late shift.”

  “Someone has to do it,” Adam said.

  Valenti shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. There’s not much to do here anyway except slap at mosquitos and listen to those incessant insects.”

  “This isn’t Colorado Springs.” Adam chuckled. “I have to keep reminding myself this is Santa Maria de Flores. No luxuries here.” He swiveled the chair from side to side, thinking of the comfortable town house and silver sports car waiting for his return. “I soothe myself with the thought that people wouldn’t have medical treatment if we weren’t here.”

  “You sound like a true humanitarian, Adam.”

  Valenti’s comment had a sarcastic ring to it, but Adam didn’t challenge the man. He’d been tense lately. Like Valenti had said, so had everyone.

  Prima donna. Kate stormed away from the doorway with Adam’s words ringing in her ears. If she were going to tag someone with that label, his name wouldn’t be Kate. Daily she struggled to put a Christian spin on Adam’s arrogance. He irked her to the core with his Katherine this and Katherine that. Who did he think he was?

  Kate’s footsteps whispered along the hallway as her thoughts swung from her frustration with Adam to her admiration. The man could be self-centered one minute and filled with compassion the next…when it involved the patients. Beneath her irritation, she admired the man. He’d come from a prestigious family in Colorado Springs. His father was the mayor, and yet, here he was in Venezuela providing health care to the poor in a rustic community so many miles from the comforts of home.

  Kate reached the end of the long hallway, turned right for a short distance and entered the dispensary on the left. She scanned the shelves again, concerned. Had she mislabeled the inventory when it arrived? She pulled the ladder to the end of the row and checked the boxes lining the wall.

  Perspiration beaded her skin, and with her exertion, moisture collected along her hairline and rolled down her face, stinging her eyes. She blinked and climbed down from the ladder.

  Stepping back, she tripped over a pile of empty cartons and gave them a swift kick. A box cart-wheeled through the air and landed near the doorway.

  “Take that, Adam Montgomery,” she said, then chuckled at her childishness.

  What made her most angry was her attraction to the man. Since they’d arrived, she’d watched him work and had observed his skill as a plastic surgeon. He transformed deformed children into beautiful youngsters—healthy and unscarred by their tragic births or their horrible mishaps. And, though Adam strutted his stuff in the office, she witnessed a humility when it came to working with the families. His kindness touched her heart. Somewhere beneath that arrogance was a true Christian man.

  Longing for a breath of air, Kate turned off the dispensary light, locked the door and walked a step farther to the outside delivery door. Once a month a truck pulled up behind the clinic to bring lifesaving drugs and supplies to the volunteer group of doctors, nurses and personnel who worked there.

  Darkness enshrouded her as she stepped outside. No convenient streetlight glowed to dispel the gloom. Only the moon’s faint glint flickered from beyond the tree leaves. She stood beside the door, drawing in the humid air. An occasional whiff of breeze rustled the grasses around the stucco building, her home away from home.

  Home. She didn’t allow herself to think about home. She loved her small apartment in Colorado Springs. She’d made something of herself despite her difficult past, a past she pushed out of her mind as soon as it entered.

  Kate peered into the night until her eyesight adjusted to the darkness. In the moonlight, she could see the silhouette of the wild chinaberry and trumpet trees whose dried rose and white flowers still lay crumpled beneath their branches. Despite the remoteness, Kate felt safe surrounded by jungles, lagoons and mangrove swamps.

  Feeling comforted by the night, Kate drew in a calming breath and opened the door, returning to her quandary. She passed the dispensary door and treaded the hallway toward the front office. When she turned the corner, she spotted the local woman who cleaned and did odd jobs at the clinic. Kate hurried forward. “Hola, Carmen,” Kate called.

  Carmen stepped backward from an examining room and smiled, her white teeth contrasting her tanned skin. “¿Sí?”

  Kate slowed her walk and pantomimed as she spoke. “Did you store medicine somewhere besides the dispensary…la farmacia?”

  “¿Mi? ¿Medicina?”

  “Sí. Did you?”

  Carmen’s eyes widened. “No, señorita. No sé nada.”

  I know nothing. Kate peered at the woman, sensing perhaps she did know something.

  The young woman’s eyes shifted back and forth, and she clutched her hands to her chest.

  They had always trusted Carmen. She’d worked for the clinic the past two months, but… Kate cringed at her suspicion. She had no reason or right to accuse this woman without any more proof than a faint inkling. Kate realized she was looking for a scapegoat for her own mistake. Keeping track of the inventory was her responsibility.

  “Está bien,” Kate said, letting Carmen know everything was fine. She waved her hand in the air as if erasing her earlier question.

  A look of relief covered Carmen’s concerned face. “Sí. Gracias.”

  Kate forced a ha
lfhearted smile, then continued toward the office. Surprised that she’d let her thoughts wander in such a horrible direction, Kate asked the Lord for forgiveness. Why would Carmen steal the drugs? Kate needed to check the computer again. Perhaps she overlooked something.

  But she didn’t think so.

  Four days later, Adam grasped a moment’s reprieve and looked out the small window of his office, watching the sun set behind the wild chinaberry tree. A coconut palm stood tall, unbending in the windless sky. Heat permeated the room, and a pesky jejen—a small voracious fly—circled past, hoping to sink its stinger into his body, Adam figured. He swatted the insect away, then left the office and headed down the hall.

  He stopped at an examining room door and checked the clipboard, then walked inside to greet the mother cradling her infant who had received plastic surgery on a cleft palate three weeks earlier.

  “Hola,” Adam said.

  The mother murmured a greeting, not lifting her gaze from her child. Anxiety weighted the woman’s expression, and Adam tried to calm her with his limited Spanish.

  With the mother standing beside him, he removed the sutures and motioned to the scar. “Luce bien,” he said, hoping she agreed that it looked flawless.

  She beamed.

  As she watched, he demonstrated how to massage the scar in a circular motion, encouraging her to try her hand at the needed therapy. When she finished, he disinfected the site.

  “Señora Fernandez, mírame, por favor.” He gained her attention and pointed to the dressing, demonstrating how she should change the sterile strips.

  The woman nodded, seeming to understand.

  Adam lifted the infant and cushioned him in his arm, grateful for the skill God had given him to make a child’s life better. Too many children were born with deformities in this land of poverty. Sometimes he wondered how a loving God could allow this to happen, but he’d been raised to trust the Lord and know that all things had a reason.


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