The Curve
Page 7
“That was a little slow,” Kelley rang in my ear and I flinched and shifted for the straight. “Focus. Look at the track, the first turn is coming up you need to maintain or better yet build some speed while keeping those tires steady.” I leaned into the wide curve taking the car to the top of the track and hitting the gas, mustering all my confidence as my speed climbed and the track slowly curved to the left. A wide, constant curve that would take me right into the last straight and the highest speeds. I grasped the wheel tightly, struggling against the pull of the turn, watching the signals on the wheel, listening for Kelley’s voice.
“300 yards, and I want you to push her. Go hard!” His voice was low, commanding. As I came out of the final apex of the curve I slapped the paddle and dropped my foot. The car moved like a bullet, the track a wavy hallucination in front of me as the early morning heat began to rise. 220… 235… 240. My heart was pounding, the speed was exhilarating. I flew past the concrete barriers, everything but the track a blur. I held my speed for the length and banked around another wide curve and hit the last straight steady.
I heard nothing but the beat of my own heart; I was solely focused on the road ahead of me, my speed, the car. I sank into her, tuned into the engine, my foot responding, the car my guide. My hands gripped the wheel with ease and I flew down the straight past the empty grandstands.
“Bring her in kid,” Kelley’s voice broke through my euphoria. I let off the gas reluctantly and veered onto the inner circuit, cruising into the pit. I brought the car to a stop where I was signaled to do so, popped the steering wheel out and tossed it on the nose before a hand reached out and pulled me from the car. He raised my visor and I saw the seriousness of his face. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath and our eyes met.
It was electric, every inch of my skin tingled from the speed, the euphoria, the look in his eyes. He narrowed his gaze on me and pulled my helmet from my head, not uttering a word. I pulled the balaclava off and my braid fell over my shoulder. His tongue swept across his bottom lip before he pulled it roughly through his teeth and I felt it in my gut. His warm eyes swept over me before he turned back towards the monitors.
“That was a good first run,” he said, scrolling back through readings. “Damn good if I’m honest,” that was barely a whisper, not even sure he meant me to hear it, but I did and my stomach flipped. I fought back an ecstatic grin as he pointed out the stress points of the car and my error on the first turn. “Next time I want you to push harder,” he said turning on me, his face serious, body rigid.
“You’re the boss,” I returned coyly, but it didn’t make a dent in his steely armor.
“I am, and it would be in your best interest to remember that,” his voice was low, looking sideways at me as he walked away. “Go get changed, you’re done for today.”
I slipped from my jumpsuit, hanging it on the back of Kelley’s office door. I pulled my jeans back on and pulled the tank over my head, slipped into my tennis shoes and walked out into the garage to see Kelley and Robert going over my run at the monitors and the car being rolled back in.
“You looked good out there, Kiki,” Robert said with a wink as he turned to me. “Kelley wants to get you into the simulator this week. He thinks you need to work on your speed.” He turned back to the monitors as I stepped between them.
“You see there?” Kelley put his finger on the monitor. “Right there,” he looked down at me, “you hesitated.”
“I did not.” My mouth worked quicker than my mind and I snapped it shut as he stared me down.
“You did.” He turned back to the monitors and again pointed to the screen, turn three.
“And there as well”
“Yep, I can see that,” Robert affirmed Kelley’s observation. They look to me and started discussing amongst themselves, discussing me, my driving, as I stood there. I barely listened, distracted by Kelley accusing me of hesitating. I was in the car, I know how I felt. There was no hesitation. I felt focused, I was in control.
“You have a lot to work on but I’m sure we can get you up to speed quickly. I’ll agree to take you on if you agree to put in the work, and it will take hard work. Are you ready for that?” He looked at me, waiting for an answer but my mind was reeling. I am going to drive. Correction, I am going to drive….for Kelley. My heart leapt into my throat and I wanted to jump out of my skin, into the air, into his arms. Happiness pulsed through me, but outwardly I stayed as cool as I could.
“Yes,” I responded, my lips twisted so they didn’t break into a big Broadway-style smile,
“Good,” is all he said looking immediately away. “Robert will schedule you for the simulator, but I want you working with me. I want you to get to know every in and out of what I want. I want you to read me and drive just as I drive. We will do conditioning and I expect you to keep up.” He snapped, stopping and rounding on me for effect, pausing for one last look. He motioned to Robert and they turned to walk away. “Get with Cade and the guys and get to know that car,” he called behind him.
Kelley quickly had me on a tight schedule and we did spend a lot of time together but he was coolly distant and he made sure that we were never alone. He made me wake early 6 days a week to run with him and brought his trainer, Aaron, along. This was a special kind of torture, running had always been hell for me, I have always felt like a baby giraffe just learning her legs, running with two men who were definitely natural athletes…. the notion was ridiculous. Not to mention, the early morning hours and I have never been properly acquainted. I was decidedly not a morning person, and never would be.
Chapter 9
Breaking Bread
“Dinner tonight!” Ina called as I heard her struggle through the door. I came down the stairs to find her arms full of groceries and helped her into the kitchen.
“Ahh, she’s at it again I see,” Robert walked in from the mudroom and put his arms around Ina, placing a small kiss on the tip of her nose as she blushed and twirled out of his arms.
“My wife has always loved a dinner party.” He watched her with a smile on his face and love in his eyes.
“We’re having a party?” I whirled excitedly on Ina’s shining, yet coy face.
“Mmhmm,” she returned with a wink. “I ran into an old friend,” she said unpacking produce from a paper bag. “Decided to throw something together. Robert invited Kelley and Jo,” she looked at me from the side and I turned my back, not wanting her to see me curling my lip most unattractively. She knows it’s over, my ass.
“So who is this friend?” I ask following her to the refrigerator with an arm full. She opened the French doors wide and turned, emptying my arms one item at a time, never looking me in the eye.
“That, my dear,” she said as she removed the last pint of strawberries from my hand finally making eye contact, “is a surprise.” She winked, patted my cheek and was gone. I closed the fridge and turned to see Robert wide-eyed, looking more than a bit skeptical.
“Who is it?” I mouthed to him but he shrugged me off, seemingly as puzzled or perhaps uninterested, grabbing his beer and heading out of the fire. I offered to help prep but she just shooed me out of the kitchen, insisting I put on ‘the sweetest thing I have’.
I showered, shaved and moisturized, then attempted to tame my wavy hair well enough, letting it fall loosely down my back. The weather had warmed nicely and for once it wasn’t raining so I pulled out the only dress I brought, thinking at the time that even that was futile. My favorite dress, sleeveless pale blue jersey with faded white polka dots. It went everywhere, and I was comfortable in it, it made me feel good. I loved the way the high narrow waist accented what I believed to be two of my best assets. If I was going to have to sit across from Jo and Kelley, I was going to feel good damn it, I needed that tonight.
I leaned forward and shimmied a bit, running my hands along the ladies, making sure that cleavage was on point. As I turned and looked into the tiny closet I realized I didn’t
have any shoes that would work, none that I was willing to wear. I was not about to wear heels in my own house, and I’m not sure even Ina would be ok if I wore my racing boots, so I decided, happily to go down barefoot. My toes were painted as they always were, this week it was a pale pink with a little glitter that played off the silver ring I wore around one of my toes.
I walked into the kitchen to find Ina sitting on a bar stool with a woman I had never seen. She was pretty, dirty blonde hair cut to her shoulders, stick straight and shiny. She smiled politely and I smiled back, waiting for Ina to introduce us, but she didn’t wait, she stepped from her stool, a head and a half taller than I was on her stiletto boots, and extended her well-manicured hand.
“You must be, Kiki,” she said with a thick accent. “I am Lilly.” Ina rescued me as I shook her hand.
“Lilly is Cade’s wife,” she said handing me a glass of wine. Cade sidled up behind her giving me a wink as he took a long swig from his beer.
“Oh,” I smile and take a quick sip of wine, “So nice to meet you.” She smiled and took her seat and returning her attention to Ina. I’m relieved, small talk is hard for me, small talk with women…torture. The front door chimed and I heard Robert greeting whoever had just arrived, his voice boisterous and loud.
“Ina!” He called as they came through the kitchen door. “I believe your guest of honor is here.” Robert stepped to the side and I saw him standing in the doorway. Damn It, Ina! Luc. I look to Ina and she grinned widely at me, her cheeks already in mid-flush from her nefarious plotting and most likely already at least a glass of wine. Fuck. His eyes grew wide when he caught sight of me and he moved around Robert to take my hand, planting a slow, too wet kiss on the back.
“So lovely to see you again, Makayla. I was so pleased when Ina said you were eager to see me.” I turned to her so fast it almost gave me whiplash. What the hell, Ina? She just grinned a too toothy grin and shrugged guiltily before turning back to the stove. I turned back to him with a forced smile and a terse nod.
“Um yes, Luc. What a nice surprise.” I paused, feeling totally on the spot. “How nice to see you again,” I smiled through gritted teeth and tried to take my hand back but he just pulled me closer, lowering his face to whisper in my ear. Just as he did the kitchen door swung open and Jo floated through followed closely by Kelley, who stopped dead in the doorway, filling it, sucking the air from the room. I watched his eyes widen as he zeroed in on me, then on Luc. He cleared his throat and furrowed his brow before swiftly looking away and following Jo’s lead to say their hellos. I can’t believe he fucking showed up with her, can’t believe she is here after his declaration. ‘ Nobody has a claim on me. ’ I watched as they made their way around the kitchen, Luc, unfortunately, refusing to leave my side or return my hand.
“Well,” Jo said as she stepped before me, all lean and dressed to the nines right down to her nude Loubitons. “A proper introduction I think Kelley, please.” She turned back to him with a sickly sweet look before she took my other hand.
“Jo, this is Makayla,” He said, not meeting my eyes, knowing he shouldn’t, the ass. Claiming they were done when they so clearly weren’t.
“The Kiki,” she smiled, “It’s so lovely to meet you. I am so sorry about the way I breezed into the garage the other night. I’m a bit embarrassed by my behavior,” she turned back to Kelley and scooped his hand in hers, cradling it to her cheek in a most rehearsed move. “I just missed this wonderful man so much. I was half out of my mind. I do hope you can forgive me.”
“Um, sure,” was all I could manage as she looked from me to him. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said taking my hand back, using the opportunity to wrench my hand from Luc at the same time. Kelley fought back a smile before he looked Luc in the eye and they shared a silent, familiar nod.
“Luc,” he said.
“Ah, Kelley,” he smiled a networking smile, “always nice to run into the number two driver. I wonder, do you think moving to such a young team…a team with only one car will move you closer to the podium this year? Risky move my friend.” The kitchen went still for an impossibly long moment before Luc smiled his brows high on his forehead and Jo erupted into quiet, uncomfortable, laughter. Luc rounded Kelley, patting him on the back. Kelley’s face was stone as he looked down at Jo who quickly lost her smile.
“Oh, honey,” she reached up to his face, but he flinched away from her touch. “It was just a joke.” He lowered his head to her and I turned my back not wanting to seem nosey, but I didn’t move away because I was nosey.
“I hate that fucker Jo, and you know it. Fucking Ina knows it.”
“Don’t let him ruin your night. Clearly, he is here for Kiki anyhow. No skin off your nose.” She whispered mockingly as she walked away from him. I turned back around just in time to watch him, watch her walk away as he mouthed, ‘over my dead body.’
I’ll hand it to Ina, she did throw a good dinner party. Her food was impeccable, Individual Wellingtons with roasted spring peas and silky mashed potatoes. She kept the wine flowing and the chatter was electric. The men bantered about the upcoming season, time trials and the controversial new engine Renault was rumored to be working on. Ina, Lilly, and Jo made small talk, hanging half in the boy’s conversation and I just listened to the whole thing. It was nice to be surrounded again, to have a full dinner table and lively conversation, even if I wasn’t really a part of it.
“Kiki?” I heard my name and it pulled me back to the room. I looked up to see the whole table focused on me, to see Kelley focused on me.
“I’m sorry what?” I blushed, taking a sip of my wine.
“Luc was just telling us about your time in Paris,” Jo said with a smile. I choked slightly on my wine and forced a smile, looking over at Luc, wishing he would shut the hell up, and then my eyes slid to Kelley.
“Um yeah, it was a good time.”
“She is being coy,” Luc said as he reached across the table, grabbing my hand and pulling it towards him. “The city was lovely but the company was exquisite. Next time we will see more of the city perhaps,” he said with a coy smile and a wink, “perhaps not.” He kissed the back of my hand and I pulled it quickly back across the table and dropped it in my lap, wiping my hand on my dress. Luc watched me like a hungry vulture and it turned my stomach. He needed to dial back the charm, it was about to make me wretch. I caught Kelley staring daggers at me before he had his attention pulled away by Jo as she pulled his face to hers and tried to kiss him. He turned his face half towards her, allowing her access only to his cheek and his eyes stayed locked on me for a split second before he closed them and pulled away from Jo.
“Excuse me, please.” He pushed back from the table and disappeared. Robert just shrugged and asked for another beer. I went to the kitchen and got him one, asking after anyone else in the process. Not wanting to sit back across from Luc I decided to start clearing dishes and tidying up for Ina’s next course.
“Luc,” Robert turned to him with a full beer and a renewed fervor, “I hear you’ll be working with Mercedes this year?”
“Oi,” he said with a grin. “They made me an offer I could not refuse. Mario was persistent, as he is.” Kelley walked in the room and Luc looked him dead in the eye. “This is why he is so successful on the track.” Why is he being such a dick? They stared each other down, neither relenting. “This is why they are saying he is unbeatable. This season will be the proof.”
The kitchen was quiet, the air so thick with tension you couldn’t wade through it. Kelley’s rigid form, his tense jaw all set the tone. He didn’t move, Robert didn’t move. Luc smiled, Ina choked on her wine and Jo giggled, breaking the silence. Kelley looked down on her with a cool malice in his eyes as she reached for his hand.
“Darling, let’s not do this.” She said quietly, bringing his hand to her lips. He watched her kiss the back of his hand, his eyes not softening, but the hard lines of his face relenting, even if only slightly. He sighed took hi
s hand back and went for the fridge, brushing by me and I felt a jolt as our eyes met before he passed me by and went back to the table.
“How is the development going on your top secret engine, Robert?” Luc grinned, determined to keep talking cars and all things that would piss Kelley off. “Word has it that you don’t even have a development driver yet.” Robert sat straight in his chair and looked to Kelley, then to me.
“Our development team is set, and if you haven’t heard about it, well then, I’d say that’s a good thing.” Luc burst out laughing and Robert followed suit as they toasted to their mutual distrust of one another.
“Enough car talk,” Ina said rising from her seat at the head of the table. “Let’s give the ladies a break and have some tea and cake,” she hiccupped quietly and giggled leading the group out of the kitchen and into the sitting room.
I stayed behind and finish gathering dishes and avoid Luc, Kelley stayed behind too. I felt him behind me, watching my every move, staring a hole through me, yet saying not a word. I finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher and turned to him.
“What?” I said exasperated from the oppressiveness of his silent gaze. He watched me for a moment, his hand coming up, and his fingers running along his jaw in thought. He smacked his lips and stepped closer to me.
“Luc.” Oh thank God, I let out a deep sigh of relief, worried he was upset with me, relieved to know he wasn’t. “I know right? What an asshole.” I smiled at him but he didn’t smile back.
“You and Luc?” Oh no. He stepped closer and placed his arms on the counter to either side of me, caging me in. I backed up as far as I could but there was nowhere to go. My back was against the counter as he loomed large above me. He pulled his arms in so they were touching me, the feel of his oxford shirt against my bare skin sent a light shiver down my spine. I scrambled for thought as he pressed ever closer, but his cologne clouded my thoughts, citrus and sandalwood and Kelley. He narrowed his eyes and looked at my lips as he licked his own. Oh my god