by Adam Cohen
65 Frances Perkins, “The People Mattered,” Survey Midmonthly, February 1946; Diana and James Halsted, Interview with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., January 11, 1979, Small Collections Oral History Interviews, Hopkins Papers; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 448.
66 McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 120, 124-29; Smith, FDR, pp. 377-89, 409-15; Anderson, The President’s Men, pp. 71-72; New York Times, 1/30/46; Reminiscences of Jerome Frank, 1960, CUOHRO, pp. 45-50; New York Times, 10/8/37; Time, 8/5/40; The Nation, 5/22/35.
67 McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 136-38, 145-46, 340-41, 363-69, 397; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins , pp. 202-5, 805; Anderson, The President’s Men, pp. 66, 71, 75, 80; Atlantic Monthly, November 1948; New York Times, 1/30/46; Time, 11/12/34.
68 Letter of Frances Perkins to Harry Hopkins, August 26, 1940, Hopkins Papers, Box 94.
69 Richard N. Goodwin, Remembering America: A Voice from the Sixties (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1988) pp. 259, 272.
70 Boston Globe, 11/4/2007; Robert Kuttner, “Friendly Takeover,” The American Prospect, 3/18/2007.
71 New York Times, 3/2/2007.
Abbott, Edith
Addams, Jane
Aebisher, Joseph
After Seven Years (Moley)
Agricultural Prices (Wallace)
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
domestic allotment plan
Douglas and
Farm Belt depression
Farm Credit Act
Farm Credit Administration
farmers’ debts and foreclosures
Farm Tenancy Act
and FDR’s affinity for farmers
Hoover and
McNary-Haugenism and
overproduction in
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and
in Tennessee Valley
Tugwell as assistant secretary of
Wallace as secretary of
Allen, Robert
Altmeyer, Arthur
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
American Friends Service Committee
American Individualism (Hoover)
American Legion
Arizona Daily Star
Ashurst, Henry Fountain
Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor (AICP)
Astor, Vincent
Atlantic Monthly
automobile industry
Awalt, F. G.
Baker, Newton
Ballantine, Arthur
Baltimore Sun
Bane, Frank
Bankhead, John
banks and banking
Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act)
deposit insurance and
Emergency Banking Act
holidays for
Hoover administration and
Moley and
separation of deposit and investment banking
Woodin and
Barnum, Gertrude
Baruch, Bernard
Beard, Charles A.
Beard, Mary
Beck, James
Benchley, Robert
Bendiner, Robert
Benjamin, Herbert
Berle, Adolf A., Jr.
Berry, George
Beyer, Clara
Bisbee, Ariz.
Bisbee, Dewitt
Black, Hugo
Black, Ruby
Black Bill
Bloom, Allan
Bloor, Ella Reeve
Bluestein, Abe
Board of Child Welfare
Borah, William
Bradley, Charles
Brain Trust
Moley has head of
Brand, Charles J.
Brandeis, Louis
Bridges, Harry
Brinkley, Alan
Brisbane, Arthur
Brown, Edgar
Brown, John Young
Browning, Gordon
Bruere, Henry
Bryan, William Jennings
Bullitt, William Marshall
Bush, George W.
Byrnes, James F.
Perkins as first female member of
Cardozo, Benjamin
Carson, Sara Libby
Carter, John Franklin
Carver, George Washington
Cermak, Anton
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Tribune
Christodora House
Churchill, Winston
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civil Service Commission
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Clapper, Raymond
Clark, Bennett
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Coggeshall, Tomlin
Cohen, Bejamin
Committee for the Stabilization of Industry
Committee on Economic Security
Comstock, William
Conant, H. N.
Conant, James
Concentraton and Control (Van Hise)
agriculture and
banking crisis and
Civilian Conservation Corps and
Douglas in
Economy Act and
federal budget and
Federal Emergency Relief Act and
Glass-Steagall bill and
McNary-Haugen bill and
Securities Act and
Tennessee Valley Authority and
Thomas Amendment and
Wheeler Amendment and
Connally, Thomas
Connery, William P., Jr.
Constitution, U.S.
Prohibition and
Consumers’ League
Coolidge, Calvin
agriculture and
Corcoran, Thomas
Costigan, Edward
Coughlin, Father Charles
Cox, Archibald
Cox, James M.
Crash of 1929,
Creel, George
Cullen, Thomas H.
Cummings, Homer
Curlee, Arthur
Cutting, Bronson
Davies, Joseph E.
Davis, Chester
Davis, James J.
Davis, John W.
Dawes, Charles
Degler, Carl
Democratic Roosevelt, The (Tugwell)
depression, Farm Belt
Depression, Great
and attitudes toward poverty
Crash of
Hoover’s handling of
New Deal and
DePriest, Oscar
Dern, George
Des Moines Register
Dewey, John
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dewson, Molly
Dickinson, John
Dickinson. J.
Dies, Martin
Doak, William
Dodge, Mabel
Dos Passos, John
Douglas, James
Douglas, James S. “Rawhide Jimmy,”
Douglas, Josephine Williams
Douglas, Lewis
as ambassador
in Arizona state legislature
background of
as budget director
budget views of
in Congress
conservative views of
inflation and
on Johnson
lectures given by
Perkins and
relief programs and
resignation of
Roosevelt and
Thomas Amendment and
veterans’ benefits and
in World War I,
Douglas, Margaret “Peggy,”
Douglas, Paul
Douglas, Walter
Douglas, William O.
Dulles, John Foster
Early, Stephen
see also federal budget
Economy Act
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
electric power
Eliot, Thomas
Emergency Banking Act
Emergency Farm Mortgage Act
Emergency Railroad Coordination Act
Emergency Relief and Construction Act
employment, see labor; unemployment
Ezekiel, Mordecai
Fair Labor Standards Act
Farley, James
Farm Credit Act
Farm Credit Administration
Farmers’ Holiday Association
farms, see agriculture
Farm Tenancy Act
Fechner, Robert
federal budget
deficit spending
Douglas as director of
Douglas’s views on
Economy Act
Hoover administration and
Roosevelt recession and
veterans’ benefits and
Wallace and
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
federal employees
federal relief programs
Emergency Relief and Construction Act
Federal Emergency Relief Act
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
Hoover and
Hopkins-Hodson plan
Perkins and
Temporary Emergency Relief Administration
see also public works programs
Feis, Herbert
Felbinger, Joseph
Ferguson, Miriam A. “Ma,”
Fess, Simeon D.
First New Deal, The (Moley)
Flynn, Edward J.
Flynn, John T.
Ford, Henry
Fortas, Abe
Frank, Jerome
Frankfurter, Felix
Friedman, Milton
Garner, John Nance
Garsson, Henry
Garsson, Murray
Gaus, John
Gerard, James W.
Gifford, Walter S.
Gingrich, Newt
Glass, Carter
Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933)
gold standard
Goldberg, Jacob
Goldmark, Pauline
Goldsmith, Samuel
Goldwater, Barry
Gompers, Samuel
Goodwin, Richard
Gore, Thomas
Green, William
Black Bill and
Greenway, Isabella
Gregory, Clifford
Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell
Gruening, Ernest
Gunther, John
Hapgood, Hutchins
Harding, Warren G.
Harper’s Bazaar
Harriman, Averell
Harriman, Henry
Harrison, Pat
Hart, Henry
Hartson, Louis
Haseltine, Edna
Haugen, Gilbert
Hearst, William Randolph
Hibbard, Benjamin
Hickok, Lorena
Hillman, Sidney
Hine, Lewis
Hiss, Alger
Hodson, William
Hoffman, Clare
Hofstadter, Richard
Holden, Charles
Holden, Perry G.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
homeless and transients
Home Owners’ Loan Act
Hoover, Herbert
agriculture and
banking crisis and
Depression and
elected president
in election of
European war debts and
farmers and
FDR and
government as viewed by
government spending and
individualism as philosophy of
New Deal and
poor and
relief programs and
as secretary of commerce
unemployment and
as U.S. food administrator
veterans’ bonus and
Hoover, Lou Henry
Hopkins, Adah
Hopkins, Anna
Hopkins, Barbara Duncan
Hopkins, David
Hopkins, David Aldona “Al,”
Hopkins, Ethel Gross
Hopkins, Harry
FDR’s relationship with
as FERA head
as foreign policy aide
Perkins’s letter to
relief work of
as secretary of commerce
as TERA head
Hopkins, June
Hopkins, Louise Macy
Hopkins, Lewis
Hopkins, Robert
Hopkins, Stephen
Horner, Henry
House, Edward M.
Howe, Julia Ward
Howe, Louis
Bonus Army and
death of
FDR’s inaugural address and
How the Other Half Lives (Riis)
How to Keep Our Liberty: A Program for Political Action (Moley)
Huddleston, George
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hull, Cordell
Moley and
at World Economic Conference
Hull, Mrs. Cordell
Hull House
Hundred Days
national philosophy and
New Deal and
spending and
Hunt, George W. P.
Hunter, Robert
Hyde, Arthur
Ickes, Harold
on Perkins
public works and
relief for
bank deposit
International Workers of the World (Wobblies)
investment trusts
Irwin, Will
Jackson, Andrew
Jacobstein, Meyer
James, William
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Hugh S.
as NRA head
Johnson, Lyndon
Jones, Jesse
Jones, Marvin
Josephson, Matthew
Jurkowitz, Frances
Kahn, Dorothy
Katz, Milton
Kelley, Florence
Kent, Fred
Keynes, John Maynard
Kieran, James M.
Kingsbury, John A.
Krall, Charles
Krock, Arthur
Arizona mines and
Black Bill and
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Department of
Douglas and
Fair Labor Standards Act
immigration and
National Labor Relations Act
National Labor Relations Board
Perkins as secretary of
Perkins’s background and experience in
Shirtwaist Strike
unemployment, see unemployment
unions, see unions
wages and hour regulations
Ladies’ Home Journal
La Follette, Robert, Jr.
public works and
relief legislation and
Laffoon, Ruby
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lamont, Thomas
Landis, James
Landon, Alfred
Leach, Agnes
Lee, Frederic
LeHand, Missy
Lehman, Herbert
Lemke, William
Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Sinclair
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindley, Ernest K.
Lippmann, Walter
Litchfield, Paul W.
Literary Digest
Lloyd, Henry Demarest
Long, Huey
Lord, Russell
Los Angeles Times
Lubin, Isador
Luce, Robert
Lund, Robert L.
Lyon, Mary
McAdoo, William Gibbs
MacArthur, Douglas
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacColl, Christina
McCormick, Anne O’Hare
Macdonald, Dwight
MacDonald, Ishbel
MacDonald, Ramsay
McDuffie, Irwin
McDuffie, John
McIntyre, Marvin
McKinley, William
McNary, Charles
Madison, James
Malthus, Thomas
Matthews, William
Means, Gardiner C.
Mellon, Andrew
Mencken, H. L.
Mercer, Lucy
Meyer, Eugene
Miller, Maurice
Mills, Darius Ogden
Mills, Frederick C.
Mills, Ogden Livingston, Jr.
mining industry
Mitchell, John Purroy
Mitchell, William D.
Moley, Eva Dall
Moley, Raymond
agriculture and
as assistant secretary of state
background of
banking crisis and
Brain Trust headed by
Cohen and Corcoran and
Economy Act and
FDR’s first meeting of
FDR’s relationship with
FDR’s speeches and
federal budget and
ideology of
industrial planning and
inflation and
memoirs of
Muscle Shoals power project and
public works and
resignation of
role of
stock sale regulation and
war debts and
at World Economic Conference
Morgenthau, Henry
mortgages and foreclosures:
Moulton, Harold
Murphy, Charles F.
Murphy, J. Prentice
Muscle Shoals power facility
Mussolini, Benito
National Economy League
National Farmers’ Union
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
National Labor Relations Act
National Labor Relations Board
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Nesbitt, Henrietta
New Deal
Agricultural Adjustment Act and
Berle and
Consumers’ League and
critics of
deficit spending and
Douglas and
duplicate assignments in
Emergency Banking Act and
FDR’s pledge of
FDR’s role in
federal budget cut and
Great Society and
Hoover and
Hopkins and