by Adam Cohen
Hundred Days and
introduction of phrase
Moley and
Perkins and
start of
TERA and
as unified plan
New Republic
New York Daily News
New York Herald
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
New York Tuberculosis Association
New York World
New York World-Telegram
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Norris, George
Norton, Mary Teresa
O’Connor, Basil “Doc,”
O’Neal, Edward
“Ordeal of Herbert Hoover, The” (Degler)
Other People’s Money (Brandeis)
Oits, James
Pan-American Union
Panic of 1907
Patman, Wright
Patten, Simon Nelson
Patterson, Eleanor “Cissy,”
Peabody, Endicott
Pearson, Drew
Pecora, Ferdinand
Peek, George
Pegler, Westbrook
Perkins, Cynthia Otis
Perkins, Frances
background and experience of
Black Bill and
at Cornell
Douglas and
on FDR’s character and views
FDR’s meeting of
as first female Cabinet member
Hopkins’s letter from
housing of
on Industrial Commission and Industrial Board
as industrial commissioner for FDR
industrial planning and
marriage of
memoir of
New Deal and
NIRA and
press and
public works and
relief programs and
religious faith of
resignation of
as secretary of labor
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and
unions and
Perkins, Frederick
Perkins, Susanna
Persons, W. Frank
Pierce, Dante
Poole, Margaret
Pound, Roscoe
Poverty (Hunter)
power, public
Prairie Farmer
President’s Emergency Committee for Employment
President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief (POUR)
Progressive Era
Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party)
public works programs
Civilian Conservation Corps
Civil Works Administration
Douglas and
Economy Act and
Hoover and
industrial policy and
NIRA and
Perkins and
Public Works Administration
Works Progress Administration
Pyle, Ernie
Rainey, Henry T.
Rankin, John
Raskob, John J.
Rayburn, Sam
Reagan, Ronald
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Red Cross
Reed, David A.
Reisner, Christian
relief programs:
charities and
federal, see federal relief programs
Reno, Milo
Republic, The (Plato)
Richberg, Donald
Rif kind, Simon
Riis, Jacob
Ritchie, Albert
Rizzo, Fiore
Robinson, Arthur
Robinson, Joseph T.
Roerich, Nicholas
Rogers, Edith Nourse
Rogers, Will
Roos, Charles
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Bonus Army and
Civilian Conservation Corps and
Economy Act and
and FDR’s affair with Mercer
FDR’s polio and
marriage to FDR
Perkins and
press conference held by
public role of
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR):
as assistant secretary of the navy
background of
Brain Trust of, see Brain Trust
Cabinet of, see Cabinet
conflicting views of
as Cox’s running mate
education of
elected president
fireside chats of
first day as president
as governor of New York
Hundred Days period of, see Hundred Days
inaugural address of
inauguration of
marriage to Eleanor
Mercer’s affair with
as New York State senator
nominating speech for Smith given by
philosophy of government
polio contracted by
reelection of (1936)
religious faith of
second inaugural address of
thriftiness of
as tree lover
U.S. Senate campaign of
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jr.
Roosevelt, James (father of Franklin)
Roosevelt, James (son of Franklin)
Roosevelt, Sara Delano
and FDR’s affair with Mercer
FDR’s polio and
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt I Knew, The (Perkins)
Roosevelt Revolution, The: First Phase (Lindley)
Roosevelt’s Revolution (Tugwell)
Root, Elihu
Roper, Daniel
Rosenman, Samuel
Rumsey, Charles Cary
Rumsey, Mary
Ruutul, Oscar
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Saturday Evening Post
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Schneider, Louis I.
Schneiderman, Rose
school lunches
Schwab, Charles M.
Schwartz, Anna
Securities Act of 1933 (Truth in Securities Act)
Securities and Exchange Commission
Shaver, Robert
Sheehan, William
Sherley, J. Swagar
Sherwood, Robert E.
Shoemaker, Francis
Showalter, Mrs. William
Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury
Simmons, Robert
Simpson, John
Sinclair, Upton
Smith, Alfred E.
Perkins and
Smith, Ellison
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
Snell, Bertrand H.
Social Security
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act
Somers, M. J.
Soule, Annah May
Special Board for Public Works
Starling, Edmund W.
Steagall, Henry
Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933)
Steiner, Edward
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Ethelbert
stock market
Crash of 1929,
Securities Act
Straus, Jesse Isador
Supreme Court, U.S.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration and
Brown v. Board of Education
child labor and
FDR’s effort to pack
maximum hours laws and
NIRA and
Survey Graphic
Swanson, Claude
Swope, Gerard
Taft, William Howard
Talmadge, Eugene
Tammany Hall
Tarbell, Ida
Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA)
Tennessee Valleyr />
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Thomas, Elmer
Thomas, Norman
Thomas Amendment
Thompson, Huston
Thompson, William
Thoreau, Henry David
Thurmond, Strom
Tobin, Daniel J.
Townsend, Francis
Trading with the Enemy Act
Trammell, Park
transients and homeless
Traylor, Melvin
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Truman, Harry
Truth in Securities Act (Securities Act of 1933)
New York Tuberculosis Association
Tucson Citizen
Tugwell, Rexford
as assistant secretary of agriculture
Douglas and
federal budget and
Hoover and
on Hopkins
industrial planning and
memoir of
Moley and
Perkins and
political views of
public power projects and
public works and
Wallace and
Tully, Grace
Economy Act and
governors’ conference on
Hoover and
Hopkins and
in New York City
Woods Committee and
see also federal relief programs; public works programs
Arizona mines and
Black Bill and
Civilian Conservation Corps and
in labor conference
organizing protection for
Perkins and
Untermyer, Samuel
Vandenberg, Arthur
Van Hise, Charles
benefits for
bonus for
Wagner, Robert F.
federal relief and
industrial recovery and
public works and
Wagner Act
Walker, Frank
Wallace, Annabelle
Wallace, Henry
background and experience of
corn company of
Wallace, Henry (cont.)
at Cornell
Douglas and
FDR’s meeting of
foreign policy and
plants as viewed by
presidential campaign of
public works and
as secretary of agriculture
spirituality of
Wallace Henry Caldwell “Harry,”
Wallace, Ilo Wilson
Wallace, May Brodhead
Wallace, “Uncle Henry,”
Wallaces’ Farmer
Wall Street Journal
Walsh, David
Walsh, Mina Perez Chaumont de Truffin
Walsh, Thomas
Walsh-Healy Act
Warburg, James
Warm Springs
Washington, George
Washington Daily News
Washington Herald
Washington Merry-Go-Round (Pearson and Allen)
Washington Post
Washington Star
welfare policies
Wheeler, Burton K.
Wheeler Amendment
White, Robe Carl
White, William Allen
Whitney, A. F.
Willard Hotel
Williams, Aubrey
Williams, John
Williams, Joseph
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Edith Galt
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, M. L.
Wilson, Paul
Wilson, “Tama” Jim
Wilson, Woodrow
Winchell, Walter
Withrow, Gardner
Wolman, Leo
Women’s Democratic News
women’s suffrage
Woodin, William
banking crisis and
Woods, Arthur
workers’ rights, see labor
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
World Economic Conference
World War I,
Douglas in
European debts from
farmers and
veterans of, see veterans
World War II,
Wyatt, Walter
Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr.
Zangara, Giuseppe
a The legislation passed during the Hundred Days includes: the Emergency Banking Act, March 9; the Economy Act, March 20; the Civilian Conservation Corps, March 31; abandonment of the gold standard, April 19; the Federal Emergency Relief Act, May 12; the Agricultural Adjustment Act, May 12; the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, May 12; the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, May 18; the Truth in Securities Act, May 27; the abrogation of the gold clause in public and private contracts, June 5; the Home Owners’ Loan Act, June 13; the National Industrial Recovery Act, June 16; the Glass-Steagall Banking Act, June 16; the Farm Credit Act, June 16; and the Railroad Coordination Act, June 16.