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An Adventurer's Heart

Page 11

by Tao Wong

  “Attack!” roars one of the guards and the shout makes Daniel move, automatically reaching for his shield. Crouching low with his shield in front of him, he searches for the attackers and spots a good dozen bearing down on him. Another scream from behind makes Daniel turn, and he spots another dozen human bandits, making Daniel’s mouth run dry. They are out outnumbered two to one, and many of the guards are still struggling awake.

  Making a snap decision, Daniel rushes the group ahead of him, holding his shield in front of his body. While he might not have the skill, there was no reason he could not use his shield as a battering ram, and so he does, ducking low and scooping his arm as he runs into his opponent. For once, his shorter than normal stature benefits Daniel and the screaming, dirty bandit is flipped over his shoulder to smash into the ground. His first opponent taken care of, Daniel’s grin widens, and he stands swiftly, engaging his Double Strike to crush the arm and then knee of his next opponent, flashes of electricity lighting up their fight. As the downed bandit begins to roll over, Asin pounces onto him and shoves a blade into his throat. With the blade caught, she leaves it in his throat as she draws a throwing knife to provide Daniel further support, hissing in anger at the blood that coats her pants.

  His second opponent crippled, Daniel spins and steps forward quickly to his next adversary, engaging Perin’s Blow for the first time in combat. Daniel strikes low, and to the side, the bandit’s clumsy block is smashed aside as the mace catches him on the hip and sends him bowling into the line behind him. Grinning in elation at the successful use of his Skill, Daniel wipes the spray of spittle off his face as Asin works her knives and a bolo into the struggling pile, tangling the group before casting an enchanted oil flask into the mass.

  Daniel can feel the heat behind his back, drying his shirt as he steps forward to deal with another bandit, ignoring the screams of pain and the smell of charred meat. He catches the first strike high and raises his mace to strike high but an arrow slams into his unarmored torso, spinning him around. Daniel screams, the coarse wood of the arrow shaft digging into his muscles as he stumbles away from his attacker, a second arrow missing by inches.

  Daniel’s attacker follows up, swinging his sword once and then again, both blows caught by Daniel’s shield as the Adventurer hides behind it. Stepping forward, his attacker hooks his foot behind Daniel’s and pulls, dropping the Adventurer onto his back and eliciting an involuntary scream as the arrow in his chest shifts. As Daniel recovers from the fall, the bandit thrusts and Daniel feels the blade sliding into him and grating along his ribs.

  Asin meanwhile has spun away from her finished opponent but is forced to dodge to the side as the archer fires, again and again, ensuring that the Catkin is unable to close the distance to her partner. She snarls, her thrown weapons unable to reach the cowardly archer. Not given a choice, Asin jumps back again as the archer fires and throws a knife, activating her newest Skill Fan of Knives. Her single knife transforms into four, each newly created knife mirroring the original’s flight path and plunging into Daniel’s attacker’s back and forcing the bandit away. Even as she lands, Asin rolls and comes up, catching and sliding a short sword that thrusts at her in an attempt to catch the Catkin unaware. She snarls, the blade scoring her shoulder as she fails to entirely divert the attack, jade eyes turning back to her downed partner in worry.

  Given a moment’s respite, Daniel grabs and pulls the arrow out and then casts a Minor Healing on himself, whimpering in pain as his body forcefully heals the wound closed. The puncture in his chest closes slightly as well, sufficiently enough that Daniel can focus and pull the shield across his body. It is not a moment too soon as an arrow smashes into the shield as the archer attempts to kill the downed Adventurer. Still injured, Daniel is forced to cast another Minor Healing before he is able to stagger to his feet.

  Lips pulled tight, Daniel totters to the side, both fighters swaying slightly from their injuries. As his opponent closes on him again, Daniel focuses and triggers a Shield Bash, slamming the shield forward into his opponent’s face before he finishes the fight by braining his opponent with his mace.

  Realizing that Asin is hard-pressed by two attackers, he rushes over to aid her, barely dodging another arrow. The momentary distraction of the short, stout adventurer is enough for Asin to spin away and draw a throwing knife, sending a Piercing Throw deep into the groin of an attacker and dropping him.

  A sudden scream abruptly cuts-off from where the archer shoots at the pair, his demise swiftly ended by a second bolt. Waggoneers, woken from their sleep grab at crossbows and clubs to aid the guards and the Adventurers finally. For a moment the last of the bandits’ pause, wavering as they realize so many of their comrades have fallen.

  Daniel does not pause, throwing another brutal blow into his opponent’s stomach with Perin’s Blow, throwing the bandit up into the air. Still, Daniel does not pause even though he struggles to breathe, triggering a Double Strike as the man is in the air, slamming blows into the body and casting blood into the air.

  The brutal attack is the last straw for the untrained, ill-equipped group. Screaming, the bandits flee back into the forest, letting Daniel collapse onto the ground in exhaustion. All his strength used up; he begins to feel the injuries that cover his body. When Daniel is finally able to focus, he taps into his Gift to finally finish closing the wounds in his chest. Memories shift, fading away, but for once, Daniel ignores the cost for the pure pleasure of being free of pain. When the wounds are finally closed, Daniel pushes himself up, ignoring the numerous smaller wounds across his body. He has others to heal.

  As always, the aftermath of a battle is a sad affair. The smell of iron and voided bowels fills the camp, along with the stifled cries of pain and the slow dragging of bodies as the caravan guards first finish off the seriously wounded and then dispose of the bandits’ bodies. No one objected - bandits were the lowest of the low and were killed on sight in Brad, and the caravan had lost many. Three waggoneers had been slain in their sleep, another two guards dead before Daniel can make his way to them. Numerous others carry injuries, too insignificant for Daniel to waste mana or his Gift on.

  When the healing he can do is done, the caravan master comes over and offers Daniel a drink. Daniel gratefully takes it, coughing slightly as the spirit burns its way down his throat.

  “Bad luck this trip,” the caravan master said.

  Daniel can only nod, waving Asin over. She sniffs, taking the bottle while Daniel lets a finger linger on her palm, sending his Gift into her body to check for injuries. Finding nothing more than a few treated cuts and a pulled lower back muscle, he leaves her alone.

  “Thank you,” the caravan master adds, stroking his mustache absently. “It would have been worse without you two.”

  Asin can only nod again, too tired to suggest a monetary bonus. Perhaps later if the caravan master did not make the offer himself. For now, there were still bodies to put aside and fires to rekindle and a watch to be set.

  It is only later that night when others are asleep that Daniel finds a moment of peace. Having offered the excuse that he needed to wait for his mana to regenerate, Daniel hunkers in a corner away from the gathered bodies; his trembling hands clutched beneath his cloak. Daniel forces himself to breathe through his mouth, the smell of blood reminding him of what just transpired.

  So close. He had been so close to dying. If his opponent had shifted his aim a few inches, he would have pierced his heart. If the archer had fired an inch lower, the arrow would have pierced his liver, probably incapacitating him for the rest of the fight and ensuring his death.

  Daniel at first tries to stop the shaking but eventually gives in, letting his body shudder and tremble as it reacts to his near-death. His mind replays the incident over and over again, and for a bitter moment, Daniel wishes his Gift would have taken those memories. Damn thing – it took memories of evenings with Khy’ra and evening conversations with his Grandfather but left memories like this and being turned
by Pearl.

  Slowly, his body stops trembling, his mind becoming less of a jumbled mess. Looking up, Daniel sees a streak of blood, and he wonders if it was a bandits’ or a friend’s. Damn them. Orcs, monsters, Dungeons and more existed, and yet, and yet, these bandits felt the need to attack other sentients. They were so many ways to make a living with Skills, but somehow, these scum felt the need attack others for their living. Lips curling up in disgust, Daniel growls softly. Damn them.

  Days later, the caravan has pulled to a stop near a river bend, sheltered from the rain by a copse of trees and from attack on two sides by the river. The group is more relaxed now, the caravan master having found replacements for the guards at the next town they had stopped in along with another Adventuring group. That evening, after dinner, Daniel walks to the water to fill his waterskin and finds Asin sitting by herself.


  At her name being called, the Catkin scrubs at her face before she looks to Daniel. Black fur is plastered down by tears, dark green eyes daring Daniel to mention her weakness. He knows better, instead choosing to sit down next to his partner in silent companionship.

  As the silence stretches to the breaking point, Asin finally speaks. “Tevfik liked me. Yes?”

  “Yes, I think so,” Daniel replies and she nods jerkily.

  “Stupid,” she mutters, claws coming out to knead her knees. She stares at them for a time, disgusted at her own actions, for reacting so emotionally and blaming him. Yet, she had truly felt betrayed. “I liked him.”

  “I know.”

  “No future,” Asin says again, rubbing at her knees. “Stupid.”

  “To fall in love?”

  “No love. Like,” Asin insists, glaring at Daniel who offers a quick nod. “Stupid anyway.”

  “Why?” Daniel frowns, on uncertain ground now. After all, they were consenting adults.

  “Because over. Always. I leave. He leave. Stupid,” Asin insists, shaking her head. “You, Khy’ra, stupid.”

  “Hey!” Daniel glares at his friend, waving a finger at her. “Just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean it’s stupid. Khy’ra and I are adults. We know what we’re doing.”

  “Stupid. Get hurt,” Asin states again.

  “Maybe. No, certainly. But in-between, I know a smart, wise, tough, and beautiful Elf,” Daniel points out, shaking his head. “We know what’s coming, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it.”

  “Still stupid.”

  “Yes, but it’s a good kind of stupid.”

  Asin lets out a chuff of frustration and then puts her head on her knees again, her tail uncurling from her back slowly. “Hurts.”

  “Yes,” Daniel sighs, unsure of what else to say. So, he says nothing.

  After a time, Asin stands up, moving back to the fire. As she passes, she pauses to say, “Thank you.”

  When she is gone, Daniel stares back into the water, thinking of Khy’ra and the talk he must have. Stupid. Yeah, it probably was.

  Chapter 13

  “Daniel!” Khy’ra gasps, smiling up at the adventurer as he steps into her Clinic. Weeks of travel with the caravan had finally taken them back to Karlak without further incident of note. This time around, the trip had passed through numerous villages and a few towns but none with Beginner Dungeons. The pair had spent their time at these new settlements sightseeing, for the most part, each stop no longer than a day and often only a few hours. Slightly spooked, the wagons had moved at a quicker pace than normal, and so the pair had arrived in Karlak a day early. Having delivered their goods to an enthused Maxwell, the pair had split up immediately.

  Daniel smiles, stepping forwards and wrapping his arms around Khy’ra, kissing her passionately before pulling away as sudden guilt flashes through him. Seeing the change in expression, Khy’ra stops and pushes at him gently, murmuring, “What’s wrong?”

  “I…” Daniel frowns, searching for a way to say this before just going with the bald truth. “I slept with someone else.”

  “Oh…” Khy’ra sighs and steps back, blue eyes raking over the man. They glimmer for a moment as she does so before she speaks. “Was she pretty?”

  “Umm… a bit,” Daniel says.

  “A bit,” Khy’ra repeats and Daniel nods. “Really? Just a bit?”

  “I was drunk!” Daniel adds, grimacing. “I’m sorry, it’s not an excuse.”

  “It’s not, but I’m not angry about you sleeping with her,” Khy’ra says and smiles slightly at Daniel. “We never made any promises to each other after all. And really, I’ve been alive and will be alive for many more years. I’ll have many more lovers than you, dear boy, so why would I begrudge you yours?”

  Daniel blinks, then nods slightly, exhaling. His reasoning had been along those lines too but… his thoughts fall to disarray as Khy’ra raises a finger.

  “But, I am disappointed about the betrayal,” Khy’ra continues, blue eyes flashing again.

  “You just said…” Daniel stutters, confused.

  “Not me, yourself.” She taps with her finger at his chest, continuing, “You felt it was wrong, did you not? So, it matters not whether I viewed it wrong, you betrayed yourself. And for that, I am disappointed.”

  Daniel opens his mouth and then shuts it, blinking in understanding. She was right - he had struggled with his actions. He had chosen poorly, and he had felt guilty about it - and even if she did not think it was a betrayal, it was one of himself.


  “For that, dear boy, I must enact suitable punishment,” Khy’ra continues, stepping forward and then pushing gently at Daniel, guiding him out of the door. Daniel opens his mouth then shuts it under the firm gaze of the blonde Elf. The door shut on him, Daniel grimaces and stares at the empty Clinic, wondering what to do. After all, he had sent everyone home.

  Inside the room, Khy’ra leans against the door, eyes half-closed. She bit her lips, turning to look at the door, a hand raised briefly before dropping it and turning to her desk and the paperwork that awaited her.

  “Late!” Asin grumbles at Daniel as he hurries up to her at the Dungeon entrance. He flashes her an apologetic shrug of his shoulders having spent the night drinking alone. His head pounded, and he still wasn’t sure - were they broken up permanently? Or just that night? Should he try to see her again tonight? His rambling thoughts are brought to a stop as Asin asks. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” Daniel shakes his head and winces, finally giving in and casting a Minor Healing on himself to clear the hangover. It was not a good idea to go into a Dungeon, even one as familiar as Karlak, distracted and in pain. He forcibly pushes thoughts of Khy’ra aside and does a final check of his weaponry and armor, adjusting his backpack before they finally enter the Dungeon for the seventh floor.

  “Mine?” Daniel asks as they spot their first Ogre. Asin just yawns, hiding her teeth with her furry hand. Not waiting any further, Daniel rushes the Ogre that has started running to him, focusing on the battle.

  He staggers his steps, breaking his timing for a brief moment to throw off the Ogre’s swing, letting the club pass by him before he steps in and engages Perin’s Blow. The blow from under the monster with his mace pushes the mace into the creature’s body, throwing the creature upwards long enough for Daniel to slam the rim of his shield into its airborne body. The Ogre falls back, doubled over by repeated strikes to its stomach and diaphragm, and Daniel takes the time to line up an overhand strike on its head. He bends with his knees, putting his weight behind each attack before repeating the strike again and again, never letting up, even as the Ogre attempts to hit him as well.

  As Daniel stands over the dispersing body, breathing heavily, Asin calls out a warning and points. In the distance, a trio of Ogres is jogging to the pair to take revenge. Sliding his mace into his belt again, he reaches for his crossbow and loads a bolt quickly, sighting down the weapon before firing. Hours of practice has made loading the crossbow much smoother, Daniel’s considerable strength aiding in this endeavor. Th
e bolt flies through the sky, slamming into a thigh and Daniel curses as he works the crossbow. He was aiming for the Ogre to the right of this one. Could he not do anything right?

  Asin steps up to buy Daniel time, throwing a pair of blades that blossom into a storm as she activates her Skill. The Ogres duck and twist, attempting to dodge the thrown weapons. Most of the knives miss except for a pair that embed in the unlucky, injured Ogre. The creature groans, blades and arrow embedded in its body and noticeably slows down its movement. Loaded, Daniel aims and fires another bolt, this one targeted to finish off the injured Ogre, and with the close range, he manages to hit.

  The remaining pair of Ogres finally reach the two Adventurers, forcing Daniel to drop the crossbow to his side and pull out his mace. A slight smile crossing his face at their ability to injure one of the opponents significantly, Daniel steps forward to the monster on the right while Asin fades to the left, tossing her knives with more care.

  Her opponent swings its club at her, forcing the young Catkin to dart forward and to the side, raking the exposed arm with her blade, her enchanted aura sending electricity through the contact and forcing the arm to spasm.

  Daniel’s Ogre stops just outside of its range, swinging first one then the other arm as it wields two crude, short clubs. Unable to find a good opportunity, Daniel feints to the left and then ducks right, aiming for the last injured opponent that is struggling back to its feet. He feels a club glance off his shield, the blow sending tremors through his body as the Ogre instinctively lashes out and then he’s pass and rushing the last Ogre.

  He triggers his Double Strike skill the moment he gets into range, taking his new opponent’s attack on his shield with a grunt and feeling his arm and shoulder compress, flaring in pain under the heavy strike. Still, he stays focused and lands both blows, sending electricity dancing through the monster at the points of impact, darting to the right immediately as the monster exhales, washing him with its fetid breath. The Ogre finds it difficult to keep up with his smaller and faster opponent, injured as it is and for a moment, Daniel finds himself facing its back. Twisting at his hips, Daniel puts as much strength into the next attack that he can while triggering Perin’s Blow, smashing his mace into the Ogre’s back, targeting its kidney and sending it flying into its brethren.


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