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Cancer - Mr. Intuitive: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 7)

Page 20

by Tiana Laveen

  Cain and Victor bent over laughing at this, while Kenneth rolled his eyes and smirked at being the butt of yet another joke.

  “Cain here was the one with the big imagination!” Kenneth sat a big straighter, ready to dish out what had been served to him. “Cain, what about when Mama asked you for your report card and you said the teacher wanted to keep it because your grades were so good! Mama found out you got straight Ds that time!” They all burst out laughing again, this time harder than the last. He swiped at his face; it burned and he was certain he was red as a beet. “Speakin’ of Mama, she right there.”

  The woman was standing out front, waving at them. Cain rolled the window down and leaned over Kenneth.

  “What’s up, Mama?”

  “Don’t you what’s up me! You all get your narrow asses in here! Everybody is sittin’ down! How you gonna be late to your own weddin’, and you sittin’ right outside the place?!” The woman huffed and stormed inside of the opera house.

  They all began to get out of the truck, when Victor tapped his shoulder.

  “Oh shit… man, the media has pulled up. You’ve got paparazzi.”

  “Well, they weren’t invited ’cause this place only seats two hundred and Tapestry and I wanted a little somethin’ private for ourselves. They’ll have to just chill here outside.”

  Cain got out of the truck, and his brothers soon followed. He locked it and adjusted his tuxedo jacket, a big smile on his face as he heard the clicking of cameras and strangers calling out his name.

  “Caaaain!!! Cain Johnson!”

  His brothers huddled around him, one on each side, like the three amigos that they were. They marched into the old church, and the door was closed and locked behind them. Mama raced up to him with a handkerchief and patted it hard all along his face while his brothers stood with the other groomsmen.

  “What tha hell was you doin’ out there?! You’re all sweaty, like you been mowin’ my lawn!” Cain chuckled. “It ain’t funny, boy.” He didn’t miss the smile on his beautiful mama’s face. “I saw Tapestry… my word! She makes a beautiful bride! Make sure she eats as soon as we get to the reception, Cain.” The woman looked at him sternly. “She practically starved herself to get into that dress… I don’t like that. God makes all sorts of folks, and I fear she is bendin’ to the pressure… especially now that she’s in the limelight.”

  “Mama, she’s all right.” He took the woman into his arms and hugged her. “I’ve been watchin’ ’er, and she’s under a doctor’s care. She eats right and exercises, but I make ’er cheat once a week and have dessert with me.” Mama laughed at that. “I also told her I like women wit’ meat on their bones so I don’t want her to go too far. Tapestry got more curves than a country road… and I like to travel ’em.” Mama laughed and hugged him tight, finishing it off with a kiss against his cheek. “Where’s Daddy?”

  “Sittin’ down up front. He don’t want to use his cane so I gotta keep an eye on him.”

  Cain nodded in understanding. Minutes later, everyone was seated and he was standing under the large, white arches, candlelight illuminating the groomsmen’s and bridesmaids’ faces. All the bridesmaids were dressed in various shades of coral, looking like soft rose petals in a garden. Tapestry knew a lot of folks. He could see that from the sea of people that had come out to help her celebrate their special day.

  The minister from her church stood beside him, smiled at him, and tapped his shoulder in a loving sort of way. When he turned back around, the pianist began to play. ‘Songbird’ by Eva Cassidy was being performed by a female soloist. The doors opened, and there his songbird stood, her father’s arm wrapped around her own.

  The man stood proudly by his daughter, a smile on his face as they walked down the aisle together. His stomach stirred and his heart beat harshly within him when the realization of his dream coming true hit him hard. Wearing a white flowing gown with a crown of white roses on her head, Cain wasn’t certain if he was seeing Tapestry or an angel. The woman damn near glowed and floated towards him, one slow step at a time. She had on a simple diamond necklace and tear drop diamond earrings, which added to that glow. The makeup was on point, her lips painted a nude color… she was Heaven in the flesh. In her hands she held bright red and coral roses. Moments later, her father was asked if he would be giving her away.

  Mr. LeBlanc looked at Cain, and with a smile, he nodded and said, “Yes.” The older man took his seat next to his wife and Cain’s fingers trembled as he reached out to touch her.

  He paused. “You aren’t real… you can’t be real.” A tear streamed down his face. Tapestry took his hand and squeezed.

  She’s real! I felt that! I’m not dreamin’…

  They faced the minister, who had them say their vows. They went through the lines, meaning each one from the bottom of their hearts. Right before they were pronounced husband and wife, Tapestry asked for the microphone. Cain’s eyes widened. She’d been keeping secrets.

  “I want to sing a song to my husband… a special song that means so much to me. He has been with me through highs and lows. He has loved me through them all, even risking his career in the name of love.” The woman’s face wrinkled as she fought back tears. He reached out to her and took her free hand. “This man loves me for me, whatever that entails… and I can’t… I can’t even tell you Cain, how much you mean to me.”

  She motioned towards the piano player. Another tear fell down her face, and his, too. Music began to play…

  “Grow ooold, along with meee…” she began to croon—“Grow Old with Me” by Mary Chapin Carpenter. Cain glanced out into the crowd and saw Mama sobbing. He wasn’t certain he could make it through the song without cryin’ all over his nice suit. They swayed back and forth, smiling at one another and when she was through, he cradled the back of her neck, pulled her close, and kissed her cheek. He could hear sniffling throughout the place. The minister turned to them, and they exchanged rings. He then went on, going through the rest of their vows.

  “Hold on, please,” Cain said. Kenneth moved a chair towards him, reached behind a bench, and pulled out Cain’s guitar. “Girl, you ain’t the only one tryna pull the wool over somebody’s eyes! Tryna be slick and show up ’nd show out. This a competition now!” The crowd lit up with laughter and applause.

  “I can’t believe this!” Tapestry chuckled. “On second thought.” She rolled her eyes and put her hand on her hip. “Yes, I can.” He grinned and winked at her, got situated, and began to strum the guitar.

  “It’s a beeeautiful niiight! We’re lookin’ for somethin’ dumb to do… Hey baby… I think I wanna marry you!” The crowd erupted in applause, some jumping to their feet as he crooned Bruno Mars’, ‘I Think I Wanna Marry You.’ Tapestry tapped her foot and approached him, swaying her hips as he sang with all of his heart. Even through her theatrics, the tears kept falling down her cheeks.

  I make ’er happy… she loves me… she loves me so much…

  When the song was over, Cain stood. Swinging his guitar to the side, he took her in his arms and planted a hard kiss against her lips. Their family and friends cheered and whistled. When it all settled down, they finished their vows. His heart was beating a mile a minute.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride… again.” The minister chuckled. Tapestry jumped into his arms before he could make a move, causing a hilarious ruckus. She crushed his lips in a kiss, then turned towards their crowd and waved her wedding band about.

  “We married now!” She laughed, causing many others to join in her silly jubilation. Rose petals fell from the sky and their family jumped to their feet, stomping and applauding. He slid his arms around her waist and poured all of his cravings for her mind, body, and soul into that kiss. She shook in his grip, and when they broke away from one another, he looked into her eyes, his need for her practically burning him down from the inside out.

  “My intuition told me to keep travelin’ that dark tunnel… that there was a brigh
t light at the end of it if I just stayed the course. My intuition is God’s voice… ’cause he knew that bright light was you…”

  Two years later …

  “Today in the studio we have none other than Cain Johnson!!!” Cain smiled as he sat in the radio station studio, WWOZ New Orleans, 90.7.

  “Thank you for havin’ me!” He swiveled back and forth in the black leather seat.

  “Thank you for coming. Cain, it’s a true pleasure!” DJ Magic Monroe, one of the DJs in there, said. “I am so glad you took a break from your tour and blessed us with an interview! Your song, “Jack Rabbit,” has been burnin’ up the airwaves, man!” The Black man chuckled, mirth in his eyes. “I like it. It’s a little naughty… but hey, I like the subtleness in the lyrics.”

  Cain burst out laughing at this.

  “Yeah, I wanted it to toe the line, you know, to make sure it could be played on the radio but for the grown folk to get it,” he said real easy like. He was ultra-relaxed; the sex with Tapestry that morning had been

  “Now, you talk about your mama a lot in interviews. What did Mama think of Jack Rabbit?”

  The whole studio erupted in laughter, including Cain.

  “Hell, man, I mean…” He shrugged and thoughtfully ran his fingers over his goatee beard. “She knows ’er son. I’mma freak… I got it honest. Runs in the family.” More laughter exploded.

  “All right, all right, fair enough. Now, I understand you’ve got another album comin’ out in the summer. At least that’s the rumor, is that true?”

  “Yeah… it’s my last record with Nola Notes Studio and then I’m goin’ over to Pilot Records.”

  “Wow! Really?! You all heard it here first, folks! Pilot Records is a big move, my man!”

  “It is… it is…”

  “What brought that about, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I mean… It’s about growth, really. I love Nola Notes Studio with all of my heart. Spinely, who’s like a big brother to me, gave me my first break. He and I are real close but it was just time that I spread my wings, and there’s no hard feelings… nothin’ like that.”

  The DJ nodded in understanding.

  “Cool, I dig it. So, this summer you do have somethin’ planned then. What is it and when will it drop?”

  “It’s a new single. Mum is the word but we’ve got some features on it, too. Lil Kim for one. You know I like to mix a little hip hop in some of my songs sometimes.”

  “Awww, man! That’s wild! Cool… cool… now, speakin’ of women in the industry, let’s talk about your wife man. Whew!” Cain smiled proudly. “I know this interview isn’t about Tapestry Johnson, but y’all…” The DJ looked around the studio. “I mean, come on, man! She’s been on so many of your albums, and you worked on hers too. She. Is. Phenomenal! My wife is a huuuuge fan of Tapestry’s. Is she staying with Nola Notes records?”

  “Well, see, her contract was only two years long so it expires soon. She’s followin’ me over to Pilot, got her own record deal with them now too.”

  “Niiice, I see. What else do you two have planned? Like collaboration wise?”

  “Oh, we’ve been workin’ together real close… real close and personal.” He winked at the guy.

  “Yeah? Just give us a little hint…”

  “I asked her permission to let the cat out of tha bag before I came here today, but, uh, the press made a big deal about her havin’ to cancel her performance at the Carlton. It’s because we indeed have been workin’ on somethin’ real special together… Tapestry is pregnant.”

  “OHHHHH!” The people in the studio began to clap and laugh at Cain’s announcement. “Are you serious?! Congrats, man! How far along is she?”

  “’Bout four and a half months, almost five. We were gonna keep it a secret for as long as possible but rumors have popped up ’cause of all the baggy clothes she is suddenly wearin’, you know, things like that.” Cain shrugged.

  “How is she doin’?”

  “Tapestry is good, man. She’s a workaholic like ’er old man, so I tell her to slow down but she’s doin’ great.”

  “Awww, man, congratulations again!”

  “Thank you.”

  “You heard it here first, everybody! WOOO WEEE! The rumors are true! Jill Scott and Adam Levine are expecting their first child!”

  “Awww, man!” Cain bust out laughing and waved the guy off. “You play too much… but yeah, thank you.”

  “Do you know what the sex of the baby is or is that a surprise?”

  “We’re expectin’ a little boy…”

  “That’s beautiful, man… just beautiful. So I understand you two started a foundation for musically talented children to receive scholarships?”

  “Yeah, we did. It’s so they can afford their instruments, get lessons, go to music schools and get singing coaches, things like that. There’s a lot of talent in these streets, man.”

  “True that.”

  “And we don’t want somebody held back because of a dollar bill, you feel me?”


  “And we’ve got a few things set up, so if anyone wants to donate or volunteer, please hit up my and Tapestry’s website and the guy that runs it will get right back with you. My wife is very much into elder care and senior rights, and she’s got a volunteer program for people—kids, nurses you name it, to come visit elderly people in their homes and in hospitals. There’s a screening process and it means so much to the folks in their golden years. You’d be surprised how much just a few minutes of simple conversation can brighten someone’s day… not have them feel so alone.”

  “That’s beautiful man. Yeah, I remember hearing one of her interviews where she explained that her song, “Adrieux,” was dedicated to a woman she used to provide nursing care for. That song… whew! Beautiful…”

  “Yeah, it is… and that came from Tapestry’s soul. I wrote it and she sang it. Everything she and I do is from the heart, and we just wanna give back…”

  The interview continued and as in all public appearances, Cain remained humble. Cain sat in that studio with all those lights, machines, and buttons, and an energetic guy hurling jokes and questions his way—and he felt at peace. Over the two years since they’d been married, he and Tapestry had bought a big and pretty historic home in the Garden District and had a custom studio built within it. They weren’t just lovers; they were each other’s best friend.

  Nobody could ever fully understand the love he had for that woman. There were no words in existence, no song yet written or sung that could capture what he felt in his heart for her. Their lives were so much different from when they’d first begun, but they still treasured the simple moments, like just them sitting on the couch eating popcorn and drinking wine with red strawberries.

  “So, Cain, do you have any words for your fans in closing? Anything for the listening audience?”

  “I do…” Cain leaned forward and wrapped his hand tightly around the microphone. “Whatever you do in life, do it to the best of your ability. That inner voice inside of you, trust it… it’s your intuition. It will guide you in the right direction. Try to be positive, ignore negativity, but if you see somethin’ ain’t right, that somethin’ is goin’ wrong, speak up. Live your life to the fullest! Cherish it… respect it. Live it till the wheels fall off! Write things down! Take pictures, pick roses with the thorns still attached so you can feel pain and see beauty all at one time… Eat chocolate cake ’till you’re sick, travel abroad, get to know folks who are totally different from you. Respect one another, too. Be the change you wanna see in others. Drink Gin Fizz and white wine with strawberries but most of all, the most important of all, ladies and gentlemen… don’t ever be afraid to fall in love…”

  ~ THE END ~

  Cancer – Mr. Intuitive

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  About the Author

  Tiana Laveen is a USA Today Best Selling author. She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio though her soul resides in New York.

  Tiana Laveen is a uniquely creative and innovative author whose fiction novels are geared towards those who not only want to temporarily escape from the daily routines of life, but also become pleasantly caught up in the well-developed journeys of her unique characters. As the author of over 39 novels, Tiana creates a painting with words as she guides her reader into the lives of each and every main character. Her dedication to detail and staying true to her characters is evident in each novel that she writes.

  Tiana Laveen lives inside her mind, but her heart is occupied with her family and twisted imagination. She enjoys a fulfilling and enriching life that includes writing books, public speaking, drawing, painting, listening to music, cooking, and spending time with loved ones.

  If you wish to communicate with Tiana Laveen, please follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.



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