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Magic Cries

Page 20

by Miriam Greystone

  The King smiled and shook his head. “Your heart does you credit, but we have healed you when no mortal power could have. You, too, are indebted to us.”

  Molly stepped forward so that she and Jake stood shoulder to shoulder. Her hand found his and their fingers intertwined.

  “Alright,” she said steadily. “What do you want from us?”

  The King smiled and spread his hands in front of him apologetically. “I am afraid,” he said, “everything.”

  Epilogue: Molly

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Two weeks later, the crowd in the Homeland bar buzzed all around them. Standing in front of the stage, Jake and Molly might as well have been in their own world.

  “I'm sure.” Molly slipped the jacket from her shoulders and laid it on the edge of the stage. “I get it now. I can keep it under control.” She smiled at Jake, laying a hand against his cheek. “I can do this. I need to do this.”

  “I know you do.” Jake reached up to take her hand, pressing it against his lips. He sighed. “Alright. It'll be fine. You go on up there and do your thing. Just try not to start a riot or anything, okay? We've had enough craziness.”

  Molly's smile tightened. “We have,” she agreed. “But we're going to have a lot more. You know that, right? It'll get a lot worse before it gets better. If it ever does get better.”

  “Molly, listen.” Jake leaned in close to her, lowering his voice, “Let's not worry about it. Let's not even think about what's coming. Right here, right now, we're together. I'm back in treatment. You're alive. That feels like a victory to me. It feels like enough.”

  “You're right.” Molly smiled and glanced over her shoulder, to where Janice stood on stage, tapping her foot and watching them closely. “I'd better get up there. Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck,” Jake muttered. “Try not to sing too well. Miss some notes. Forget the words every once in a while. Anything.”

  Molly laughed and bounded up to take her place at the microphone. Everything was just like she remembered. The warmth of the lights on her skin, the heavy smoke-smell of the air. The thrill of the audience's upturned faces. She took the mic in her hands and glanced around at the band. They had welcomed her back—of course they had. Only Janice seemed suspicious. She knew Molly too well and seemed to know that more was going on than Molly was willing to tell her. Molly smiled at Janice, trying to reassure her. But when Janice smiled back, she didn't quite meet Molly's eyes. She was studying Molly's neck, staring at the twin symbols that she and Jake now both wore, etched into their skin.

  The music started, and the thrum of it was like electric current, traveling from Molly's eardrums straight to her heart. She felt it coursing through her, waking her up, watering the thirsty places in her soul that had begun to run dry. The tempo increased, and Molly felt her heart rate rise. She let herself forget. She forgot about Janice's anxious stares. Forgot about all that she had lost, about what she and Jake had endured. She forgot about the war that soon was coming. She looked at the audience, and at Jake, standing close in front of the stage. The worry had melted from his eyes, too. He smiled up at her.

  The music swelled inside her. It felt different now, now that she knew herself well enough to hold back. It felt less explosive. But it was still beautiful and piercing and true, and it was still everything she wanted. Molly leaned in close to the microphone and closed her eyes.

  She sang.

  Thank you so much for reading the second book of Molly’s story! Don’t worry, more is coming soon! If you enjoyed this book, I cannot say enough how much it would mean to me if you would leave an honest review. Reviews are critical to a book being seen and finding more readers. I read every single review, and they all mean a lot to me. Every review helps, no matter what rating you give.

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  This book goes to some hard places, and I want to thank the many people who have been in hard places, and gone through difficult times, by my side. My husband, whose love is a light for me in dark places. My children, who are the light of my life and give me more joy than can be described. My father, who is my teacher and also my friend. My sister, who puts up with me when no one else would, and has come through for me more times than I can count. My mother, whose absence is a constant source of pain, and whose memory is a constant source of comfort. Yocheved, whose friendship has been one of the anchors of my life. Kerry and Mike, who are two of the best people that I know—I feel so honored and lucky to call you family.

  My critique partners, Grace and Michelle, who are also amazing friends and who are a huge part of bringing everything I write to life. Michelle Rascon, who once again did an amazing job of editing this book. Clarissa Yeo, who created one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen.

  And thank you again to all the readers. These stories are such a big part of me, and it means the world to me when others enjoy them and find them compelling. I am grateful that you read the books that I work so hard to create.






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