32. OULC Bulletin, 17.1.40
33. David Walter, The Oxford Union: Playground of Power, p.113
34. Crosland to Hattie Jenkins, 18.1.42 [Crosland papers]
35. Crosland to Philip Williams, 13.3.45 [Crosland papers, ACP 3/26]
36. Sunday Times, 20.2.77
37. Jenkins to Crosland, 22.3.40 [Crosland papers, 9/1]
38. Arthur Jenkins to Crosland, 19.4.40 [Crosland papers, 9/1]
39. Crosland to Philip Williams, 10.7.40 [Crosland papers ACP 3/26]
40. OULC Bulletin, 30.1.40
41. ibid., 20.2.40
42. ibid., 22.4.40
43. Oxford Magazine, 2.5.40
44. Crosland papers, 2/22
45. ibid.
46. Denis Healey, The Time of My Life, p.46
47. Jenkins, ALATC, p.37
48. Oxford Magazine, 2.5.40
49. ibid., 9.5.40
50. ibid., 16.5.40
51. ibid., 23.5.40
52. OULC Bulletin, 14.5.40
53. Oxford Magazine, 6.6.40
54. Sunday Express, 5.11.72
55. Crosland to Jenkins, July 1940 [Jenkins papers]
56. Crosland to Jenkins, July 1940 [Jenkins papers]
57. Crosland to Jenkins, July 1940 [Jenkins papers]
58. Crosland to Jenkins, July 1940 [Jenkins papers]
59. Crosland to Hattie Jenkins, summer 1940 [Jenkins papers]
60. Crosland to Arthur and Hattie Jenkins, summer 1940 [Jenkins papers]
61. Jenkins to Jennifer Morris, 12.4.43 [Jenkins papers]
Chapter Three: The Gate at Dartington
All letters are from the Jenkins papers, unless otherwise credited.
1. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.39
2. Jennifer to Roy, 10.8.42
3. Roy to Jennifer, January 1942
4. Roy to Jennifer, 29.4.42
5. Arthur Jenkins to Tony Crosland, 27.8.40
6. Jennifer to Roy, 13.12.40
7.Roy to Jennifer, 13.12.40
8. Roy to Jennifer, 16.12.40
9. Jenkins, ALATC, p.40
10. Francis Bennion in The Times, 9.1.03
11. Oxford Magazine, 28.11.40
12. Arthur to Roy, 23.11.40
13. Jenkins, ALATC, p.36
14. Crosland to Jenkins, 8.10.40
15. Crosland to Jenkins, 21.10.40
16. Crosland to Jenkins, undated, autumn 1940
17. Crosland to Jenkins, undated, autumn 1940
18. Crosland to Jenkins, 23.12.40
19. Crosland to Jenkins, undated, January 1941
20. Crosland to Jenkins, 26.1.41
21. Arthur Jenkins to Crosland, 31.1.41
22. Jenkins to Crosland, undated, February 1941 [Crosland papers 9/1]
23. Crosland to Jenkins, 10.2.41
24. Roy to Jennifer, undated, March 1942
25. Jennifer to Roy, 21.3.41
26. Roy to Jennifer, undated, March 1941
27. Roy to Jennifer, undated, April 1941
28. Jennifer to Roy, 20.4.41
29. Jennifer to Roy, 22.4.41
30. Jennifer to Roy, 12.5.41
31. Crosland to Jenkins, 11.5.41
32. Crosland to Jenkins, 3.6.41
33. Crosland to Jenkins, 18.6.41
34. Jenkins, ALATC, p.42
35. Interview, David Ginsburg, 18.2.82
36. Jenkins, ALATC, p.42
37. Roy to Jennifer, undated, May 1941
38. Roy to Jennifer, undated, April 1941
39. Roy to Jennifer, undated, May 1941
40. Jennifer to Roy, undated, June 1941
41. Jennifer to Roy, undated, January 1941
42. Roy to Jennifer, 8.3.41
43. Jennifer to Roy, 22.3.41
44. Jennifer to Roy, 24.3.41
45. Roy to Jennifer, undated, March 1941
46. Jennifer to Roy, 3.4.41
47. Oxford Magazine, 8.5.41
48. Roy to Jennifer, 4.5.41
49. Jennifer to Roy, 7.5.41
50. Jennifer to Roy, 12.5.41
51. Jenkins, ALATC, p.43
52. Attlee to Jenkins, 24.7.41
53. Jennifer to Roy, 23.6.41
54. Jennifer to Roy, 9.10.41
55. Jennifer to Roy, 19.7.41
56. Jennifer to Roy, undated, September 1941
57. Jenkins, ALATC, p.45
58. Roy to Jennifer, undated, October 1942
59. Jennifer to Roy, 6.10.42
60. Roy to Jennifer, 25.11.41
61. Jennifer to Roy, 25.11.41
62. Jennifer to Roy, 30.11.41
63. Roy to Jennifer, 18.7.44
64. Jennifer to Roy, 20.12.41
65. Roy to Jennifer, 15.1.42
66. Jennifer to Roy, 30.5.41
67. Jennifer to Roy, 30.10.41
68. Roy to Jennifer, undated, November 1941
69. Roy to Jennifer, undated, January 1942
70. Crosland to Hattie Jenkins, 18.1.42
Chapter Four: Captain Jenkins
All letters are from the Jenkins papers, unless otherwise credited.
1. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.46
2. ibid., p.51
3. Roy to Jennifer, 16.2.42
4. Jennifer to Roy, 18.2.42
5. Roy to Jennifer, 2.5.42
6. Roy to Jennifer, 16.2.42
7. Roy to Jennifer, undated, March 1942
8. Roy to Jennifer, undated, May 1942
9. Roy to Jennifer, 24.4.42
10. Roy to Jennifer, 22.5.42
11. Sunday Express, 5.11.72
12. Roy Jenkins, The Chancellors, p.393
13. Roy to Jennifer, 2.7.42
14. Interview, Sir John Chilcot, 16.6.09; see also John Mortimer, In Character, p.143
15. Jennifer to Roy, 17.5.42
16. Jennifer to Roy, 24.12.41
17. Roy to Jennifer, undated, July 1942
18. Jennifer to Roy, 15.5.42
19. Jennifer to Roy, 2.9.42
20. Roy to Jennifer, undated, August 1942
21. Jenkins, ALATC, p.48
22. Jennifer to Roy, 29.4.42
23. Roy to Jennifer, undated, June 1944
24. Jennifer to Roy, 27.10.44
25. Jennifer to Roy, 17.12.42
26. Roy to Jennifer, undated, January 1943
27. Jennifer to Roy, 20.10.41
28. Sunday Telegraph magazine, n.d. 1993
29. Roy to Jennifer, 22.12.42
30. Jennifer to Roy, undated, March 1943
31. Roy to Jennifer, undated, March 1943
32. Jennifer to Roy, 21.4.43
33. June Morris, The Life and Times of Thomas Balogh, p.40
34. Jennifer to Roy, 27.4.43
35. Sunday Express, 5.11.72
36. Jennifer to Roy, 2.6.43
37. Jennifer to Roy, 21.5.43
38. Jennifer to Roy, 27.4.43
39. Jennifer to Roy, 4.5.43
40. Jennifer to Roy, 24.6.44
41. Jenkins, ALATC, p.49
42. Roy to Jennifer, 22.6.43
43. Jennifer to Roy, 7.8.43
44. Roy to Jennifer, undated, August/September 1943
45. Roy to Jennifer, 30.9.43
46. Jennifer to Roy, 3.10.43
47. Jennifer to Roy, 23.3.43
48. Jenkins, ALATC, p.50
49. Arthur Jenkins to Roy, undated, July 1943
50. Roy to Jennifer, undated, June 1943
51. Roy to Jennifer, 22.6.43
52. Jennifer to Roy, 17.9.43
53. Roy to Arthur and Hattie Jenkins, 19.9.43
54. Jennifer to Roy, 17.10.43
55. Jennifer to Roy, 7.8.43
56. Jennifer to Roy, 19.9.43
57. Jennifer to Roy, 21.5.43
58. Jennifer to Roy, 16.7.43
59. Jennifer to Roy, 7.8.43
60. Jennifer to Roy, 13.7.43
61. Jenkins, ALATC, p.50
62. Roy to Jennifer, 16.11.43
sp; 63. Tony Crosland to Philip Williams, 12.2.44 [Crosland papers, 3/26]
64. Jenkins, ALATC, p.51
65. Paul Gannon, Colossus: Bletchley Park’s Greatest Secret, p.164
66. Michael Smith, Station X; The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park, p.161
67. Jenkins, ALATC, p.54
68. Asa Briggs, ‘Bletchley’, in Andrew Adonis & Keith Thomas, Roy Jenkins: A Retrospective, pp.22–3
69. Jennifer to Roy, 26.3.44
70. Roy to Jennifer, 29.5.44
71. ibid.
72. Roy to Jennifer, undated, May 1944
73. Jennifer to Roy, 11.7.44
74. Jennifer to Roy, 14.3.44
75. Jennifer to Roy, 21.6.44
76. Jennifer to Roy, 11.7.44
77. Jennifer to Roy, 2.8.44
78. Jennifer to Roy, 18.9.44
79. Roy to Jennifer, 18.9.44
80. Jennifer to Roy, 21.9.44
81. Roy to Jennifer, 18.9.44
82. Jennifer to Roy, 21.9.44
83. Jennifer to Roy, 3.10.44
84. Tony Crosland to Hattie Jenkins, 22.2.44
85. Crosland to Roy, 21.9.44
86. Jennifer to Roy, 18.5.44
87. Roy to Jennifer, 29.5.44
88. Roy to Jennifer, undated, June 1944
89. Arthur Jenkins to Roy, 5.10.44
90. Jennifer to Roy, 3.10.44
91. Roy to Jennifer, c.7.10.44
92. Woodrow Wyatt, Confessions of an Optimist, p.105
93. Jenkins, ALATC, p.54
94. Address at Wyatt’s memorial service, 1.4.98
95. Roy to Crosland, 28.11.44
96. Crosland to Roy, 10.10.44
97. Jennifer to Roy, 30.10.44
98. Roy to Jennifer, 18.9.44
99. Hattie Jenkins to Roy, 16.10.44
100. Ronald McIntosh interview, 23.7.08
101. Jennifer to Roy, 6.2.45
102. Jennifer to Roy, 9.2.45
Chapter Five: False Starts
1. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 21.5.45
2. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.56
3. Birmingham Gazette, 5.7.45
4. Roy to Jennifer, 24.7.45 [Jenkins papers]
5. Jennifer to Roy, 24.7.45 [Jenkins papers]
6. Roy to Jennifer, 24.7.45 [Jenkins papers]
7. The Times, 27.7.45
8. Jenkins, ALATC, p.63
9. Arthur to Roy and Jennifer, 14.7.45 [Jenkins papers]
10. Arthur to Roy, 26.6.43 [Jenkins papers]
11. Arthur to Roy, undated [Jenkins papers]
12. Edward Pearce, Denis Healey: A Life in Our Times, p.66
13. J.H. Lawrie, general manager of ICFC, typescript of an undated 1964 Sunday Times profile [Jenkins papers]
14. John Kinross, Fifty Years in the City: Financing Small Business, p.130
15. Memorial address for John Kinross, 8.11.89 [Jenkins papers]
16. ibid.
17. Jenkins, ALATC, p.63
18. ibid.
19. ibid., pp.63–4
20. Ben Pimlott, ed., The Wartime Diaries of Hugh Dalton, p.846 (4.4.45)
21. Jenkins, ALATC, p.65
22. ibid., p.66
23. Monmouthshire Free Press, 3.5.46
24. Tony Crosland to Hattie Jenkins, 29.4.46 [Jenkins papers]
25. Monmouthshire Free Press, 5.46
26. ibid.
27. Jenkins, ALATC, p.68
28. The Times, 27.4.46
29. Councillor Les Jackson in Sunday Express, 12.11.72
30. Leo Abse, Private Member, pp.34–6
31. Jenkins, ALATC, p.64
32. Jenkins papers
33. Speech to the Royal Society of Literature, 2.3.96 [Jenkins papers]
34. Roy Jenkins, Mr Attlee: An Interim Biography, p.19
35. ibid., p.97
36. ibid., p.74
37. ibid., p.132
38. Jenkins, ALATC, p.64
39. The Times, 21.4.48
40. Jenkins papers
41. Manchester Guardian, undated April 1948
42. Observer, 25.4.48
43. ibid.
44. Jenkins papers
45. The Times, 30.4.48
46. ibid.
Chapter Six: Baby of the House
1. Ben Pimlott, ed., The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, 1918–40, 1945–60, p.430 (15.4.48)
2. Jenkins to Hugh Dalton, 1.6.48 [Dalton papers, 10/21]
3. Speech to Newport Model Parliament, 1949 [Jenkins papers]
4. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], pp.73–4
5. David Eccles in the House of Commons, 3.6.48 [Vol.451, col.1252]
6. House of Commons, 3.6.48 [Vol.451, cols 1252–5]
7. Roy Jenkins, Nine Men of Power, p.83
8. House of Commons, 3.6.48 [Vol.451, cols 1252–5]
9. ibid. [cols 1255–68]
10. ibid., 5.7.48 [Vol.453, cols 93–8]
11. Walter Fletcher in the House of Commons, 5.7.48 [Vol.453, col.98]
12. House of Commons, 20.9.48 [Vol.456, cols 590–95]
13. ibid., 15.11.48 [Vol.458, cols 132–7]
14. Tribune, 17.9.48
15. ibid., 5.11.48
16. Financial Times, 8.11.48
17. Jenkins, ALATC, p.75
18. Jenkins papers. Jenkins also described his meeting with Croce in Twelve Cities, pp.66–7. Boyd-Carpenter described the trip in his memoirs, Way of Life, pp.79–81
19. Sunday Express, quoted in Douglas Bence & Clive Branson: Roy Jenkins: A Question of Principle?, p.68
20. Jenkins, ALATC, p.76
21. ibid., p.62
22. House of Commons, 7.4.49 [Vol.463, cols 2238–47]
23. Jenkins, ALATC, p.73
24. House of Commons, 3.11.49, 11.11.49 [Vol.469, cols 637–44, 1569–73]
25. Observer, October 1990, reprinted in Jenkins, Portraits and Miniatures, p.255
26. Roy to Dalton, 31.10.50 [Dalton papers 9/10]
27. Tribune, 11.3.49, 13.5.49; Socialist Commentary, July 1949; The Times, 20.7.48, 23.7.49
28. Tony Insall: ‘Haakon Lie, Denis Healey and the making of an Anglo-Norwegian special relationship, 1945–51’ (Oslo Academic Press 2010), pp.110–11
29. Picture Post, 26.7.49
30. New Statesman, 26.2.49
31. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1949, p.143 (7.6.49)
32. The Times, 8.6.49
33. Jenkins, ALATC, p.77
34. ibid., pp.77, 82
35. Jenkins papers
36. The Sphere, 23.8.52
37. Roy Jenkins, Twelve Cities, p.52
38. HM Inspector of Taxes to Roy, 21.7.50 [Jenkins papers]
39. Notes for Stechford selection conference speech [Jenkins papers]
40. Stechford election address, 1950 [Jenkins papers]
41. Birmingham Gazette, n.d. [Jenkins papers]
42. Birmingham Post, 18.2.50
43. The Times, 25.2.50
44. Birmingham Gazette, 25.2.50
Chapter Seven: Fair Shares for the Rich
1. Jenkins papers
2. House of Commons, 19.4.50 [Vol.474, cols 208–13]
3. Town Crier, 24.6.50
4. Roy Jenkins, Portraits and Miniatures, p.18; A Life at the Centre [ALATC], pp.83–4
5. Jenkins to Hugh Dalton, 31.10.50 [Dalton papers, 9/10]
6. Jenkins, ALATC, p.85
7. Time and Tide, 14.4.51
8. Roy Jenkins, Fair Shares for the Rich, p.16
9. Review of Economics and Science, n.d., in Jenkins papers
10. Woodrow Wyatt, Confessions of an Optimist, p.172
11. Roy Jenkins, The Chancellors, p.430
12. Ben Pimlott, ed., The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, 1918–40, 1945–60, p.489 (29.9.50–6.10.50)
13. Dalton to Gaitskell, 19.5.52 [Gaitskell papers A 47]
14. Roy Jenkins, Nine Men of Power, pp.170–71
15. House of Commons, 12.4.51 [Vol. 486, cols 1248–57]
6. Dalton diary, pp.521–2 (9.4.51); Tony Benn, Years of Hope: Diaries, Papers and Letters, 1940–1962, pp.146–7 (11.4.51)
17. Birmingham Gazette, 28.4.51
18. Birmingham Gazette, Birmingham Post, 30.4.51
19. Yorkshire Post, 21.4.51
20. Dalton diary, pp.541–2 (11.5.51)
21. Jenkins papers, notes for 1951 eve-of-poll speech
22. The Current, 10.10.51
23. Jenkins papers, unidentified cutting
24. The Times, 27.10.51
25. John Campbell, Nye Bevan and the Mirage of British Socialism, p.258
26. The Diary of Hugh Gaitskell, 1945–56, ed. Philip M. Williams, p.311 (21.3.52)
27. Roy Jenkins, ALATC, pp.98–9
28. House of Commons, 22.5.52 [Vol. 501, cols 804–5]
29. ibid., 28.5.52 [Vol.501, col.1615]
30. Dalton diary, p.588 (29.5.52)
31. Roy Jenkins in W.T. Rodgers, ed., Hugh Gaitskell, 1906–1963, p.120
32. ibid., p.115
33. Wyatt, p.225
34. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.110–11
35. Michael Foot, Aneurin Bevan, 1945–1960, p.376
36. The Times, 6.10.52
37. Roy Jenkins to Gaitskell, 3.10.52 [Gaitskell papers p.50, in Williams, p.304]
38. Roy to Dalton, 31.11.50 [Dalton papers, 9/10]
39. Jenkins, Pursuit of Progress, pp.96, 104–5, 176
40. ibid., p.38
41. ibid., pp.44–5
42. ibid., p.24
43. ibid., p.37
44. ibid., pp.153, 158–60
45. ibid., p.161
46. Aberdeen Press and Journal, 18.4.53; Glasgow Evening News, 28.4.53; National and English Review, June 1953; Manchester Guardian, 12.6.53; Daily Worker, 11.6.53; New Statesman, 30.5.53; Tribune, 22.5.53; The Economist, 25.4.53
47. Daily Telegraph, 15.4.53
48. Times Literary Supplement, 17.4.53
Chapter Eight: Expanding Horizons
1. The Times, 6.1.03
2. Talk on New York radio, 9/53 [Jenkins papers]
3. House of Commons, 30.5.52 [Vol.501, cols 18935–42]; 16.3.53 [Vol.512, cols 2024–7]
4. Nigel Birch in House of Commons, 26.7.51 [Vol.491, col.706]
5. Sir Waldron Smithers in House of Commons, 8.4.54 [Vol.526, col.614]
6. House of Commons, 11.2.54 [Vol.523, cols 1383–94, 1401–8]
7. Leeds Weekly Citizen, undated cutting
8. Roy Hattersley, Who Goes Home?, p.11
9. The Current, 10.52
10. ibid., 9.53
11. Interview for The Thatcher Factor, 003/10 [LSE]
12. Birmingham Post, 6.5.71; Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], pp.106–7
13. Woodrow Wyatt, Confessions of an Optimist, pp.174–5
14. Birmingham Gazette, 2.10.55
15. Birmingham Mail, 10.11.55
16. Sunday Telegraph, 24.2.84
17. Roy Jenkins, Twelve Cities, p.51
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