Roy Jenkins

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by John Campbell

18. ibid., p.43

  19. Ben Pimlott, ed., The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, p.542 [11.5.51]

  20. Violet Bonham Carter, Daring to Hope, p.136

  21. Jenkins, ALATC, p.96

  22. Jenkins papers

  23. Roy Jenkins: Sir Charles Dilke: A Victorian Tragedy, p.303

  24. ibid., p.239

  25. The Times, 23.10.58

  26. Observer, 26.10.58

  27. Conor Cruise O’Brien to Jenkins, 14.1.59; Jenkins to O’Brien, 2.2.59 [Jenkins papers]

  28. Roy Jenkins, ‘Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke’, in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

  29. The Current, 3.3.54

  30. ibid., 10.6.53

  31. ibid., 5.9.51

  32. ibid., 5.1.55

  33. ibid., 26.9.51

  34. Birmingham Mail, September 1958

  35. Spectator, 7.11.58, 14.11.58

  36. Roy Jenkins, Nine Men of Power, p.183

  37. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.100–1

  38. The Current, 1.10.53

  39. Jenkins, Twelve Cities, p.119

  40. The Current, undated cuttings, 9–11.53

  41. New York Times, 30.11.67

  42. Jenkins papers

  43. Observer, 3.12.67, quoted in Douglas Bence & Clive Branson, Roy Jenkins: A Question of Principle?, p.94

  44. Bence & Branson, p.93

  45. Roy Jenkins, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, p.50

  46. Jenkins, ALATC, p.136

  47. Spectator, 19.1.02

  48. Jenkins, Twelve Cities, p.236

  49. Tony Benn, Years of Hope: Diaries, Papers and Letters, 1940–62, p.256 (18.12.57)

  50. Bill Rodgers’ unpublished diary, 4.12.56

  51. House and Garden, February 1992

  52. Jenkins, ALATC, p.103

  53. ibid.

  54. Nicholas Henderson, Old Friends and Modern Instances, p.95

  55. Kevin Jeffreys, Anthony Crosland, p.53

  56. Wyatt, p.179

  57. Benn, p.237 (25.5.57)

  58. Susan Crosland, Tony Crosland, pp.57–8

  59. Henderson, pp.93–4

  60. Wyatt, p.178

  61. Robert Harris diary, 26.7.96

  62. Dalton diary, p.529 (12.4.51)

  63. Roy Jenkins, The Chancellors, p.411

  64. ibid., p.433

  65. Jenkins papers

  66. Nicholas Davenport, Memoirs of a City Radical, p.106

  67. Jenkins, The Chancellors, p.262

  68. Frances Donaldson, A Twentieth Century Life, p.176

  69. George Weidenfeld, Remembering My Good Friends, p.172

  70. Jeffreys, p.69

  71. Interviews, Dame Jennifer Jenkins, Leslie Bonham Carter

  72. Roy Jenkins to Barley Alison, 7.6.52 [by permission of Rosie Alison]

  73. ibid., 10.6.52

  74. ibid., 7.6.52, 19.9.52, 15.6.52

  75. ibid., 10.9.53

  76. Jenkins papers

  77. The Times, 2.6.89

  78. Brian Brivati, Hugh Gaitskell, pp.244–5

  79. The Current, 5.10.55

  80. Quoted in Bence & Branson, p.94

  81. Susan Crosland, p.108

  82. ibid., p.58

  83. John Spedan Lewis to Jenkins, 8.6.53 [Jenkins papers]

  84. ibid., 30.7.53

  85. ibid., 15.8.53

  86. Bence & Branson, p.98

  87. Jenkins papers

  88. Article for the Royal Society of Literature journal, dated 11.3.96 [Jenkins papers]

  89. Jenkins papers

  90. Roy Jenkins, Churchill, p.432

  91. The Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, pp.280–81 (3.12.53)

  92. The Current, 28.4.54

  93. Crossman diary, p.411 (3.55)

  94. Dalton diary, p.653 (18.3.55)

  95. Jenkins, Wyatt and Crosland to Gaitskell, 21.3.55, in Philip M. Williams, ed., The Diary of Hugh Gaitskell, pp.394–5

  96. Dalton diary, pp.663–4 (7.4.55)

  97. Birmingham Evening Dispatch

  98. The Current, 18.5.55

  99. ibid., 3.6.55

  100. The Times, 28.5.55

  101. Daily Express, 12.12.55

  102. Crossman diary, p.453 (2.12.55)

  103. Jenkins, ALATC, p.112

  104. The Current, 28.12.55

  105. Clement Attlee to Jenkins, 13.11.55 [Jenkins papers]

  Chapter Nine: The Liberal Agenda

  1. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.114

  2. Tony Benn, Diaries, Papers and Letters, 1940–62, p.237 (31.5.57)

  3. The Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, p.634 (26.11.57)

  4. Tribune, 5.10.56

  5. C.A.R. Crosland, The Future of Socialism, pp.520–24

  6. Forward, October 1956

  7. Crosland, p.522

  8. The Current, 21.4.54

  9. ibid., 11.2.53

  10. ibid., 4.2.53

  11. Encounter, October 1959, reprinted in Roy Jenkins, Essays and Speeches, p.103

  12. House of Commons, 22.2.55 [Vol.537, cols 1089–97]

  13. Encounter, October 1959

  14. Spectator, 22.3.57

  15. R.A. Butler to Jenkins, 19.12.58 [Jenkins papers]

  16. ibid., 15.7.59

  17. The Author, Autumn 1959

  18. Hugh Fraser to Jenkins, 25.4.59 [Jenkins papers]

  19. Jenkins to Butler, 9.8.59, in Anthony Howard, RAB: The Life of R.A. Butler, p.267

  20. Encounter, October 1959

  21. Jenkins, ALATC, p.103

  22. The Current, 4.1.56

  23. Speech notes [Jenkins papers]

  24. Roy Jenkins, The Labour Case, p.14

  25. Jenkins, ALATC, p.104

  26. Roy Jenkins, Gladstone, p.67

  27. The Times, 23.10.56

  28. Jenkins, ALATC, p.105

  29. Jenkins, The Labour Case, p.11

  30. Caroline Gilmour to Jenkins, 24.10.60 [Jenkins papers]

  31. ibid., 26.10.60 [Jenkins papers]

  32. Spectator, 22.11.57

  33. ibid., 7.3.58

  34. ibid., 22.5.59

  35. ibid., 14.8.59

  36. ibid., 22.9.59

  37. New Statesman, 2.11.57

  38. William Rodgers, Fourth Among Equals, p.48

  39. Interview, Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank

  40. The Times, 23.7.56

  41. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1956, pp.121–2 (3.10.56)

  42. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1957, pp.152–3 (2.10.57)

  43. Speech at Bedford, 21.7.57

  44. Jim Tomlinson, The Labour Governments of 1964–70: The Economy, pp.32–3

  45. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1958, pp.157–8 (1.10.58)

  46. Jenkins, The Labour Case, p.7

  47. ibid., p.74

  48. ibid., p.51

  49. ibid., p.75

  50. ibid., p.127

  51. ibid., p.146

  52. ibid., p.46

  53. ibid., pp.11–12

  54. The Economist, 3.10.59

  55. Spectator, 18.9.59

  56. Interview, Lord Taverne, 1.12.08

  57. Crossman, p.654 (21.1.58)

  58. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.126–7

  59. ibid., p.127

  60. ibid., p.128

  61. The Times, 10.10.59

  Chapter Ten: ‘Fight and Fight Again’?

  1. The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton, p.694 (10.10.59)

  2. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.129

  3. Douglas Jay, Change and Fortune, pp.273–5

  4. Dalton diary, pp.694–5 (11.10.59)

  5. Tony Benn, Years of Hope: Diaries, Papers and Letters, 1940–62, p.318 (12.10.59)

  6. The Times, 22.10.59

  7. The Backbench Diaries of Richard Crossman, pp.793–5 (21.10.59)

  8. ibid., p.796 (23.10.59)

  9. Philip Williams, Hugh Gaitskell, p.543

  10. Crossman diary, p.797 (27.10.59)

  11. Speech to the Fabian Society, 4.
11.59 [Jenkins papers]

  12. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.130–31

  13. J.K. Galbraith, The Affluent Society

  14. Spectator, 27.11.59

  15. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.130–31

  16. Crossman diary, p.748 (14.5.59)

  17. Benn diary, p.312 (15.9.59)

  18. Alastair Hetherington diary, 13.2.59 [Hetherington papers 1/1]

  19. Jenkins, ALATC, p.131

  20. House of Commons, 7.4.60 [Vol.621, cols 569–82]

  21. Roy Jenkins, ‘British Labor Divided’, in Foreign Affairs, April 1960

  22. Spectator, 11.11.60

  23. Peter Hennessy, Whitehall, p.707

  24. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1957, pp.179–83 (3.10.57)

  25. Patrick Gordon Walker, Political Diaries, 1932–1971, pp.259–60 (12.5.60)

  26. Dalton diary, p.698 (4.5.60)

  27. Birmingham Post, Birmingham Mail and Daily Telegraph, 20.6.60

  28. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1960, p.201 (5.10.60)

  29. Jenkins, ALATC, p.144

  30. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1960, pp.211–12 (6.10.60)

  31. Daily Telegraph, 25.10.60

  32. Spectator, 11.11.60

  33. Bill Rodgers to Roy Jenkins, 12.11.90 [Rodgers papers]

  34. Jenkins, ALATC, p.109

  35. The Times, 28.7.60

  36. BBC2 interview 2.1.66, reprinted in Robin Day, . . . But With Respect, pp.61–2

  37. Sunday Times, 1.10.61

  38. Spectator, 23.9.61

  39. ibid., 13.10.61

  40. ibid.

  41. ibid., 11.11.60

  42. Alistair Horne, Macmillan, 1957–1986, p.353

  43. Spectator, 7.7.61

  44. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1961, pp.215–16 (5.10.61)

  45. Spectator, 12.1.62

  46. Foreign Affairs, April 1960

  47. Spectator, 12.1.62

  48. Woodrow Wyatt, Confessions of an Optimist, p.278

  49. Observer, 25.10.59

  50. Crossman diary, p.770 (13.8.59)

  51. The Letters of Ann Fleming, pp.314–15 (2.8.62)

  52. Roy Jenkins, ‘David Astor and the Observer’, in Portraits and Miniatures, p.246

  53. Observer, 18.3.62, 25.3.61 and 11.4.61, reprinted in Roy Jenkins, Essays and Speeches, pp.143–64

  54. Jenkins, ALATC, p.138

  55. ibid., p.140

  56. Observer, 14.7.63 and 21.7.63, reprinted in Essays and Speeches, pp.165–81

  57. ibid., 27.10.63, reprinted in Essays and Speeches, pp.84–97

  58. ibid., 12.7.64 and 19.7.64, reprinted in Essays and Speeches, pp.182–96

  59. Jenkins, ALATC, p.145; Williams, p.708; Jay, p.282

  60. New Statesman, 1.6.62

  61. Jay, pp.283–4

  62. Jenkins to Gaitskell, 1.5.62 [Gaitskell papers, C/2565]

  63. Gaitskell to Jenkins, 8.5.62 [loc.cit.]

  64. Williams, p.719

  65. Hetherington diary, 11.9.62 [Hetherington papers 3/15]

  66. Gaitskell memo to President Kennedy, 11.12.62, in Philip Williams, ed., The Diary of Hugh Gaitskell, 1945–56, p.668

  67. Austen Albu diary, 18.9.62, in Williams, Hugh Gaitskell, p.731

  68. The Times, 21.9.62

  69. Manchester Guardian, 23.9.62

  70. Jenkins papers

  71. Jenkins, ALATC, p.146

  72. Williams, Hugh Gaitskell, p.736

  73. Jenkins, ALATC, p.146

  74. ibid., p.147

  75. Jenkins to Bill Rodgers, 23.1.63 [thanks to Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank]

  76. Roy Jenkins, Gallery of 20th Century Portraits, pp.44–5

  77. Jenkins to Bill Rodgers, 23.1.63 [Lord Rodgers]

  78. Peter Kellner & Christopher Hitchens, Callaghan: The Road to Number Ten, p.41

  79. Bill Rodgers to Jenkins, 28.1.63 [Lord Rodgers]

  80. Crossman diary, pp.978–9 (15.2.63)

  81. Sunday Times, 14.10.90

  82. Jenkins to Bill Rodgers, 23.1.63 [Lord Rodgers]

  83. House of Commons, 4.3.63 [Vol.673, cols 107–18]; 8.4.63 [Vol.675, cols 996–1005]; 19.6.63 [Vol.679, cols 503–8]

  84. Tony Benn, Out of the Wilderness: Diaries 1962–67, p.16 (10.5.63)

  85. Jenkins, ALATC, p.149

  86. Roy Jenkins, ‘Leader of the Opposition’, in W.T. Rodgers, ed., Hugh Gaitskell, 1906–1963, p.131

  87. Evening Standard, 2.9.96

  88. Jenkins, ALATC, p.149

  89. Memo of conversation with Harold Wilson, 12.9.63 [Jenkins papers]

  90. Jenkins, ALATC, p.151

  91. Jenkins to Sir Geoffrey Crowther, 19.12.63 [Jenkins papers]

  92. Birmingham Post, 6.5.71

  93. Sunday Express, 29.9.63

  94. Susan Crosland, Tony Crosland, p.117

  95. The Times, 22.11.63

  96. Observer, 24.11.63

  97. Lecture to the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, April 1990, in Portraits and Miniatures, pp.157–8

  98. Birmingham Mail, February 1963 (typescript dated 14.2.63 in Jenkins papers)

  99. Observer, 22.4.62

  100. ibid., 24.11.63, reprinted in Jenkins, Essays and Speeches, p.96

  101. ibid., pp.94–5

  102. ibid., p.94

  103. Jenkins, ALATC, p.142

  104. Caroline Gilmour to Jenkins, n.d. (possibly August 1965) [Jenkins papers]

  105. Ann Fleming to Clarissa Avon, 16.2.64, in The Letters of Ann Fleming, p.336

  106. Jacqueline Kennedy to Jenkins, 29.1.66 [Jenkins papers]

  107. Roy Jenkins, Nine Men of Power, p.216

  108. Lady Violet Bonham Carter diary, in Daring to Hope: The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter, 1946–69, pp.284–5 (9.2.64)

  109. ibid., p.285 (6.3.64)

  110. ibid., p.286 (17.3.64)

  111. Violet Bonham Carter to Mark Bonham Carter, ibid., p.286 (26.3.64)

  112. Violet Bonham Carter diary, p.290 (31.7.64)

  113. Roy Jenkins, Asquith, Preface to the 1978 edition

  114. ibid., p.364

  115. Personal knowledge

  116. Roy Jenkins, Asquith (1978 edition), pp.23, 29, 51, 63, 69, 161, 334, 256–7, 337

  117. Sunday Telegraph, Evening Standard, Manchester Guardian, October/ November 1964

  118. Violet Bonham Carter diary, p.295 (1.11.64)

  119. Spectator, 6.11.64

  120. Observer, 1.11.64

  121. Violet Bonham Carter diary, p.295 (1.11.64)

  122. Observer, 29.6.63

  123. House of Commons, 11.4.62 [Vol.657, cols 1404–14]

  124. ibid., 8.4.63 [Vol.675, cols 996–1005]

  125. ibid., 15.4.64 [Vol.693, cols 482–90]

  126. Daily Telegraph, 25.9.64

  127. Election address, October 1964

  128. Daily Mail, 29.9.64; Daily Telegraph, 25.9.64

  129. The Times, 18.9.64

  130. ibid., 1.10.64

  131. ibid., 17.10.64

  Chapter Eleven: Office at Last

  1. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.157

  2. William Rodgers, Fourth Among Equals, p.77

  3. Alastair Hetherington diary, 18.2.64 [Hetherington papers 5/5]

  4. Jenkins, ALATC, p.158

  5. Daily Mirror, 19.10.64

  6. Spectator, 23.10.64

  7. Speech notes, October 1964 [Jenkins papers]

  8. Jenkins, ALATC, p.161

  9. Observer, 19.7.64, reprinted in Roy Jenkins, Essays and Speeches, p.196

  10. CAB 128/39, CC2(64)

  11. Jenkins, ALATC, p.162

  12. Roy Jenkins, Twelve Cities, p.12

  13. Jenkins, ALATC, p.163

  14. House of Commons, 5.11.64 [Vol.701, cols 503–15], reprinted in Jenkins, Essays and Speeches, pp.213–20

  15. Daily Telegraph, 6.11.64

  16. New Statesman, 7.2.97, reviewing Gerald Kaufman, How to be a Minister

  17. Daily Mail, 19.22.65

  18. R
ichard Crossman, The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Volume One, p.58 (16.11.64)

  19. House of Commons, 20.1.65 [Vol.705, cols 197–202]

  20. Interview for The Seventies

  21. Evening Standard, 21.1.65

  22. The Cecil King Diary, 1965–70, p.23 (16.7.65)

  23. Harold Wilson, The Labour Government, 1964–70, p.100

  24. ibid.

  25. Jenkins, ALATC, p.171

  26. Jenkins to Wilson, 24.1.65, in Philip Ziegler, Wilson, p.187

  27. Sunday Times, 10.1.65

  28. Daily Mail, 19.2.65

  29. Observer, 14.2.65

  30. Crossman diary, p.152 (8.2.65)

  31. Edward Pearce, Denis Healey: A Life in our Times, pp.269–70

  32. House of Commons, 9.2.65 [Vol.706, cols 227–41]

  33. The Times, 10.2.65

  34. Jenkins papers; Sun, 9.3.65

  35. Jenkins, ALATC, p.172

  36. CAB 128/39, CC20(65) and CC21(65)

  37. Crossman diary, p.203 (18.4.65)

  38. The Times, 14.4.65

  39. Observer, 12.7.64 and 19.7.64, reprinted in Jenkins, Essays and Speeches, pp.182–96

  40. The Times, 2.3.65

  41. Foreword to Lord Plowden, An Industrialist in the Treasury, 24.11.87 [Jenkins papers]

  42. Jenkins to Michael Montague, 21.8.64 [Jenkins papers]

  43. Jenkins, ALATC, p.173

  44. ibid.

  45. Alastair Hetherington diary, 10.9.65 [Hetherington papers]

  46. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.176–7

  47. King diary, p.38 (14.10.65)

  48. Jenkins, ALATC, p.178

  49. The Times, 23.12.65

  50. ibid.

  51. Daily Telegraph, 23.12.65

  52. Birmingham Post, 23.12.65

  53. Time, 31.12.65

  54. Caroline Gilmour, Ann Fleming and Tony Crosland to Jenkins, 12.65 [Jenkins papers]

  Chapter Twelve: ‘A More Civilised Society’

  1. BBC2, People to Watch, 2.1.66, reprinted in Robin Day, . . . But With Respect: Memorable Television Interviews with Statesmen and Parliamentarians, pp.51–63

  2. ibid.

  3. Roy Jenkins, Churchill, p.183

  4. Kenneth Younger to Jenkins, 29.12.65 [Jenkins papers]

  5. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.182

  6. Sir Charles Cunningham memo, 11.1.66 [Jenkins papers]

  7. Jenkins, ALATC, p.184

  8. Cunningham memo, 11.1.66 [Jenkins papers]

  9. Barbara Castle, The Castle Diaries, 1964–70, p.94 (14.1.66)

  10. Jenkins, ALATC, p.184

  11. Interview, Sir John Chilcot, 16.6.09

  12. Private information [Sir Geoffrey de Deney]

  13. The Times, 13.1.70

  14. Jenkins to Margaret Clayton, 4.2.98 [Jenkins papers]

  15. John Harris to Jenkins, 31.12.65, 4.1.66 [Jenkins papers]

  16. The Times, 13.4.01

  17. Dr Michael Gibson to Jenkins, 6.1.66 [Jenkins papers]


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