216. Guardian, 13.10.01
217. Sunday Telegraph, 7.10.01
218. Observer, 14.10.01
219. Independent on Sunday, 14.10.01
220. Jenkins to Philippa McEwan, 16.5.01 [Jenkins papers]
221. ibid., 20.9.01
222. Lord Callaghan to Jenkins, 2.6.98 [Jenkins papers]
223. Roy Hattersley to Jenkins, 10.8.94 [Jenkins papers]
224. Woodrow Wyatt to Jenkins, 5.2.90 [Jenkins papers]
225. Lady Falkender to Jenkins, 24.9.93 [Jenkins papers]
226. Philip Ziegler to Jenkins, 19.9.93 [Jenkins papers]
227. David Mellor to Jenkins, 5.97 [Jenkins papers]
228. Kinnock papers, KNNK 21/8
229. William Hague, William Pitt the Younger, p.xvii
230. Address at Mark Bonham Carter’s memorial service, 27.10.94 [thanks to Leslie Bonham Carter]
231. Jenkins to Canon Robert Wright, 18.9.01 [Jenkins papers]
232. Address at Lord Zuckerman’s memorial service, 1.4.93 [Jenkins papers]
233. John Peyton, Solly Zuckerman: A Scientist out of the Ordinary, p.xii
234. Robert Harris, ‘A Late Friendship’, in Adonis & Thomas, p.308
235. ibid., pp.310, 313
236. Robert Harris diary, 1.8.98, 2.11.98
237. ibid., 20.6.02
238. Evening Standard, n.d. 2.01
239. Jenkins to Max Hastings, 5.4.00 [Jenkins papers]
240. Robert Harris diary, 8.4.13
241. ibid., 14.6.96
242. Andrew Adonis to Jenkins, 10.11.00 [Jenkins papers]
243. The Times,16.1.03
244. Radice, p.482 (7.3.01)
245. Robert Harris diary, 26.2.01
246. Interview, Sir Crispin Tickell, 11.3.01
247. Daily Telegraph, 28.1.01
248. Jenkins papers
249. Spectator, 19.1.02
250. Craig Brown, The Lost Diaries, pp.156, 246
251. Jenkins to Craig Brown, 30.12.02 [thanks to Craig Brown]
252. Jenkins to Scott Moyars, 12.12.01 [Jenkins papers]
253. Roy Jenkins, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, p.28
254. ibid., p.36
255. ibid., p.37
256. ibid., p.144
257. ibid., p.151
258. Interview, Sir Anthony Kenny, January 2009
259. John Mortimer, The Summer of a Dormouse, p.205
260. Independent, 23.9.02
261. Robert Harris in Adonis & Thomas, p.313
262. Independent, 23.9.02
263. ibid.
264. House of Lords, 24.9.02 [Vol.638, cols 892–4]
265. Michael Beloff, QC, to Jenkins, 9.10.02 [Jenkins papers]
266. Robert Harris diary, 11.2.00
267. Jenkins to the Queen, 3.11.02 [Jenkins papers]
268. Robert Harris in Adonis & Thomas, p.314
269. The Times, 14.12.02
270. Tony Benn, More Time for Politics: Diaries 2001–2007, pp.75–6 (4–5.1.03)
271. Interview, Michael Sissons, 3.10.12
272. Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank in House of Lords, 7.1.03 [Vol.642, col.877]
273. The Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mirror and Evening Standard, 6.1.03
274. Independent, 6.1.03
275. Observer, 12.1.03
276. Ferdinand Mount, unidentified press cutting
277. Observer, 12.1.03
278. Daily Telegraph, 11.1.03
279. The Times, 16.1.03
280. Mail on Sunday, 12.1.03
281. Daily Mail, 21.1.03
282. Interviews, Leslie Bonham Carter, 16.7.08; Marie-Alice de Beaumarchais, 1.10.08
283. Benn, p.108 (27.3.03)
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Aberdeen, Lord, 699n
Abersychan, 4, 11–12, 17, 744
abortion, 2, 182, 192, 198, 255–6, 261, 294–300, 422, 579
Abse, Leo, 9, 17, 104, 294, 296–300, 459, 685
Acheson, Dean, 690
Adams, Gerry, 424n
Adenauer, Konrad, 385, 690
Adonis, Andrew, 8, 687, 705, 713, 729–30, 736–7
Aitken, Ian, 655n
Aitken, Jonathan, 644
Albu, Austen, 173, 224, 385n, 386
Alexander, Robert, 710–12
Alison, Barley, 160, 257, 310, 459, 597; affair with Jenkins, 166–8
Alison, Michael, 167
Allen, Maurice, 79, 79n
Allen, Sir Douglas, 325, 326, 350, 421
Allen, Sir Philip, 263, 279, 421
Alsop, Joseph, 654
Altrincham, Lord, see Grigg, John
Amery, Julian, 27, 245–7, 254, 261, 597, 655
Amis, Kingsley, 163–4, 525, 657
Anderson, Sir John, 163
Andreotti, Giulio, 495, 630
Anglesey, Henry (7th Marquess), 519–20, 520n, 737, 738
Anglesey, Shirley, (Marchioness of), 519–20, 685, 708, 737
Annan, Gabrielle, 290, 310–11, 451–2, 504
Annan, Noel, 4, 257, 290, 310–11, 451–2, 473, 504, 508, 655n
Anne, Princess, 428
Annigoni, Pietro, 239
Annual Register, 148
Any Questions? 696, 707, 744
Aristophanes. 31
Armstrong, Sir Robert, 312, 318n, 322, 473, 532–3, 642,
Armstrong, Sir William, 312, 318n, 329–1, 325
Arnold, Matthew, 27
Arnold-Forster, Mark, 224
Arran, Lord, 294
Ashcroft, Michael, 32, 33n, 59, 83, 90
Ashdown, Paddy, 7, 598, 622, 665n, 673, 721n, 723, 738; Liberal Democrat leader, 666, 700, 702, 702n; and ‘the project’, 703–16, 737; Jenkins on, 702, 710, 715–16
Asquith, H.H., 5, 27, 98, 106n, 126, 139, 163, 192, 212, 217, 234, 249–50, 252, 267, 269n, 271, 288, 306, 317, 327–8, 357, 448, 588, 595, 610, 615, 625, 649n, 650, 653, 661, 690, 691, 748; Jenkins’ biography, 236–9; Jenkins compared with, 238
Asquith, Margot, 235
Astor, Bill (3rd Viscount), 164
Astor, Chiquita, 276, 287, 290
Astor, David, 164, 219, 234, 594
Astor, Sir John Jacob (‘Jakie’), 164, 236, 276, 287, 290, 473, 504, 655, 655n
Astor, Michael, 164, 290, 504
Astor, Nancy, 164
Astor, Pandora, 290
Astor, Waldorf (2nd Viscount), 164
Atkinson, Fred, 100
Atiyah, Sir Michael, 683
Attlee, Clement, 10, 11, 22, 26, 34–5, 40, 41, 51–2, 56, 60, 89–90, 94–5, 101, 105–6, 106n, 111, 117, 120, 122, 128, 129–30, 132, 134, 138–9, 148, 169, 171, 174–3–4, 176–8, 187, 188, 192, 212, 217, 228, 229, 236, 257, 329n, 376, 392, 508, 512, 563n, 569, 615, 682, 683, 727; Jenkins writes biography, 105–6
Attlee, Violet, 22, 101
Audland, Christopher, 414, 685
Austen, Jane, 634, 634n
Ayer, A.J., 653
Bach, J.S., 198
Bacon, Alice, 265
Bagehot, Walter, 231
Bailey, J.M., 177, 202
Baker, Kenneth, 342n, 657
balance of payments (1967–70), 311–12, 336–9, 341–5, 349, 357–8
Baldwin, Peter, 312
Baldwin, Stanley, 365, 506, 629–30, 644, 684, 696, 742
Balfour, Arthur, 115, 335, 335n, 699–700
Balliol College, 26–8, 30–1, 42, 56–7, 60, 98, 185–6, 236, 238, 257, 289, 346, 418, 434, 459, 507, 571, 650–2, 654–5, 684, 687, 734
Balls, Ed, 725
Balmer, Joseph, 120, 147, 471
Balogh, Thomas, 56, 60, 72–4, 141, 160, 196n, 318, 351
Bancroft, Ian, 655
Bank of England, 79n, 127, 323, 336, 339, 642, 708
Barber, Anthony, 364, 370, 377, 498–9, 411–12, 436
Baring, Evelyn, 525
nbsp; Barnes, Anne, 385n
Barnes, Michael, 385n, 391, 541–2, 543
Barnes, Rosie, 659, 661n
Barnes, Susan, see Crosland, Susan
Barnett, Joel, 381, 385, 392
Barre, Raymond, 495, 501
Baudouin, King of the Belgians, 654
Baxter, Beverley, 41
Beale, Celia, 476n, 481, 507
Beardsley, Aubrey, 301
Beatles, 260
Beaverbrook, Lord, 237, 365
Beeching, Dr, 14n
Beetham, Roger, 483–4
Beith, Alan, 618, 673
Bellow, Saul, 167
Beloff, Max, 657
Benenson, Peter, 83
Beneš, Eduard, 38
Benn, Caroline, 149, 160, 203, 749
Benn, Tony, 7, 9, 149, 160, 180, 207, 232n, 281–2, 326, 351, 394n, 407, 419, 438, 450–1, 458–62, 467, 469, 491, 551, 578, 582, 586, 676, 685; diary quoted, 284, 316, 317, 322, 327–8, 384, 390–1; and Europe, 371, 378, 383, 389–91, 443–4, 446–8; on Jenkins, 158, 203–4, 228–9, 285, 316–17, 328, 351–2, 364, 375–6, 377, 382, 632–3, 748–9; Jenkins on, 447, 633
Bentley, Derek, 182
Berkeley, Humphrey, 296
Berlin, Aline, 397, 654
Berlin, Isaiah, 164, 377, 651, 654, 693, 734
Berlinguer, Enrico, 536n
Berlusconi, Silvio, 721
Bernhardt, Sarah, 531n
Berrill, Kenneth, 318n
Berry, Lady Pamela (later Lady Hartwell), 180, 257, 266n, 310
Besford, Sue, 476n
Betjeman, John, 163, 229
Bevan, Aneurin, 11, 49, 49n, 115, 120, 127, 129–32, 177, 179, 187, 195, 201, 204, 207, 208–9, 224–5, 313, 345, 365, 367, 392, 646, 690; Jenkins on, 125, 131–2, 171–3
Beveridge, William, 511
Bevin, Ernest, 130, 134, 138, 148–9, 187, 208, 332, 365, 560, 646, 679
Bidwell, Sidney, 437
Biffen, John, 528
Biggs, Ronnie, 275
Biggs-Davison, John, 29, 31
Bingham, Thomas, 738
Binney, Marcus, 736n
Birch, Nigel, 218
Birkenhead, Lord, see F.E. Smith
Birley, Sir Robert, 426
Birmingham, 119–23, 144–7, 517
Birmingham Evening Mail, 329n
Birmingham Gazette, 122, 123, 131, 146
Birmingham Mail, 147, 154, 233
Birmingham Post, 122, 231, 257
Black, Sir Cyril, 296
Blackstone, Tessa, 717
Blair, Cherie, 700, 702, 705, 747
Blair, Tony, 3, 6, 26, 208, 307, 329, 344, 435, 562, 641, 689; and Jenkins, 700–26, 729, 737–8, 745, 747–8; Jenkins on, 701, 703–4, 705, 720–1, 722–3, 725–6, 738, 742–3
Blake, George, 275n, 275–9, 324
Blake, Robert, 164, 650–2, 693, 712n
Bletchley Park, 78–9, 81–4, 87, 90–1, 94, 95, 98, 105, 250, 474, 734
Blum, Leon, 149, 366–7
Blunkett, David, 719, 726
Boaks, Bill, 579n
Bogdanor, Vernon, 597, 689, 746
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 679
Bond, Edward, 300
Bonham Carter, Helena, 729n
Bonham Carter, Jane, 236
Bonham Carter, Leslie, 282–3, 377, 474, 477, 503–4, 527, 577, 655n, 662, 674, 708, 732, 738; relationship with Jenkins, 168, 235–6, 277n, 322, 635, 637, 680n, 684, 747–8
Bonham Carter, Mark, 27, 185, 217, 235–6, 282–3, 287, 377, 429, 473, 480, 492, 504, 525, 571, 577, 635, 654–5, 662, 674, 683, 734, 739; Jenkins’ publisher, 149, 168, 676; chairman of Race Relations Board, 271–3
Bonham Carter, Raymond, 148, 236, 729, 729n
Bonham Carter, Lady Violet, 148, 237, 239
Boothroyd, Betty, 378, 410, 459, 561
Bott, Dr, 525
Bottomley, Arthur, 267
Bowden, Herbert, 203
Bowen, Elizabeth, 634
Bower, Tom, 630
Bowra, Maurice, 229
Boxer, Mark, 458
Boyd, William, 633
Boyd-Carpenter, John, 116
Boyle, Sir Edward, 147
Brace, Hugh, 20–1, 23, 683–4, 738
Braddock, Bessie, 108
Bradford, Sarah, 636
Bradley, Tom, 244–5, 245n, 322, 345, 391, 439, 453, 467, 558n, 572, 588, 618n, 619
Brandt, Willy, 229, 490, 512, 536n, 563, 578
Brennan, Alannah, 471
Brennan, Dennis, 471
Brien, Alan, 190
Briggs, Asa, 83, 87, 90, 239, 651
Britain in Europe (BiE), 443–5
British Airports Authority (BAA), 255
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 508–11, 515, 545–6, 622, 642, 707
British European Airways (BEA), 220
British Overseas Aircraft Corporation (BOAC), 220, 244, 246, 254–5
Brittan, Leon, 26n
Brittan, Samuel, 311, 326, 329, 395
Brivati, Brian, 168, 230n
Brock, Michael, 651
Brocklebank-Fowler, Christopher, 546, 560, 613, 619
Brockway, Fenner, 119, 215, 272
Brodie, ‘Chick’, 589, 589n
Brogan, D.W., 634
Brooke, Henry, 259, 277, 279
Brookner, Anita, 695
Brooks’s, 238, 245, 250, 254, 275, 290, 291, 380, 384n, 416, 425, 449, 457, 542, 545, 547, 587n, 589n, 630, 655n, 683, 715, 718, 733, 734, 746
Brown, Bob, 279
Brown, Craig, 740n
Brown, George, later Lord George-Brown, 213, 241, 296, 300, 330, 361, 374, 560, 577; and Labour leadership, 226–9, 458; at DEA, 243–4, 247–8, 329; and devaluation, 280–2; and Europe, 215, 284–5; opposes defence cuts, 313, 314–15, 316; resignation, 319–20
Brown, Gordon, 3, 307, 329, 700, 703, 709n, 717–18, 737, 742; and the euro, 720, 722, 724–5
Brown, Tina, 737, 747
Browning, Robert, 21, 510
Bruce, David, 449n
Bruce, Evangeline, 449n, 688
Bruce, Neil, 28, 33n, 655
Brunner, Guido, 478, 481
Buccleuch, Duchess of, 504
Bull, R., 413n
Bullock, Alan, 149, 560
Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor, 18, 18n, 90, 116, 141
Bundy, McGeorge, 233, 404
Burgess, Guy, 169, 275
Burke, Richard, 481
Burnet, Alastair, 231
Burroughs, William, 301
Bush, George W., 727, 748
Butler, David, 201, 331, 354, 356, 411, 443, 447, 536n, 610n, 620
Butler, Mollie, 690
Butler, R.A., 116, 133, 144, 171, 184–6, 216, 259, 278, 290, 291, 309, 332, 334, 679, 690
Butler, Sir Robin, 704
by-elections: Southwark Central (1948), 106–10; Orpington (1962), 217; Leyton (1964), 248, 253; Chester-le-Street (1972), 401, 418; Dundee East, Rochdale, Sutton and Cheam (1972), 401–2; Lincoln (1973), 400–401, 561; Ely, Ripon, Berwick-on-Tweed (1973), 402n; Warrington (1981), 574–81; Croydon North-West (1981), 583–4; Crosby (1981), 584–5; Glasgow, Hillhead (1982), 588–95; Peckham (1982), 616; Bermondsey (1983), 616; Darlington (1983), 616–17; Penrith (1983), 628; Portsmouth South (1984), 646; Brecon and Radnor (1985), 646; Ryedale (1986), 646, 648; Greenwich (1987), 646, 659; Bootle (1990), 666; Newbury, Christchurch (1993), 700; Eastleigh (1994), 700
Cahn, Alison, 684–6
Cairncross, Sir Alec, 317, 318n, 322, 325, 326, 336, 339, 560, 650–1
Callaghan, James, 7, 26, 41, 87, 213, 226–8, 232n, 255, 279n, 285n, 296, 300, 307, 331, 361, 380, 383, 390, 407, 414, 419, 465, 552, 567, 598, 669, 676–7, 693–4, 732–3, 749; as Chancellor, 243, 246, 247, 248, 280–3, 303–4, 305, 311, 319, 325, 328, 329, 342, 457, 698; as Home Secretary, 273, 280, 301, 313, 316, 319, 353, 356, 422, 429; rivalry with Jenkins, 331–2, 334, 361–2; opposes trade union legislation, 345–9; and Europe, 372–3, 375; Foreign Secretary, 420, 435, 442–3, 449, 452–3; 454n, 526; Prime Minister, 349, 430, 462–3, 467–8, 478, 48
5, 487–8, 491, 495, 496, 498–9, 503–3, 506–7, 509, 534, 538, 640
Calman, Mel, 594n, 595
Cambridge University, 26n, 46, 61–2, 656–7
Campaign for Democratic Socialism (CDS), 212–13, 215, 229, 285, 376, 543
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 209–10
Campbell, Alastair, 715
Campbell, Elspeth, 665, 696
Campbell, Menzies (‘Ming’), 660, 665, 673, 708, 716, 716n, 723, 738
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 679
Camus, Albert, 166
Cameron, David, 26, 689
Cannadine, David, 737
Canning, George, 449, 471, 560
capital punishment, 2, 153, 182, 192, 198, 260, 274–5, 426–7, 598–9
Cardiff, University College, 23–4
Carmichael, Neil, 625–6
Carpenter, Humphrey, 686n
Carr, Raymond, 412
Carr, Robert, 421
Carrington, Iona, 738
Carrington, Lord, 444, 478, 508, 528, 531–5, 737, 738, 744
Carter, Jimmy, 498–9, 504, 521
Cartwright, John, 560, 624, 661n
Cartwright, Justin, 620
Castle, Barbara, 7, 194, 228, 287, 331, 399, 403, 438, 439, 451, 465, 610, 632; as minister, 256, 281–2, 295, 314, 320, 329, 351; In Place of Strife, 334, 345–9, 368–9; and Europe, 215, 371, 373, 375–6, 379, 379n, 380, 389, 443, 536n; diary quoted, 263, 284, 286, 288, 288n, 289, 303, 314–17, 319–20, 322, 326–7, 329, 329n, 335, 339, 345, 347–8, 350–55, 361, 369, 370–1, 373, 376, 379, 379n, 380, 382, 383n, 385, 388–9, 392, 394, 397, 403, 430, 434, 437–8, 443, 449n, 453, 454, 461, 468–70, 488, 536n; Jenkins on, 286–7, 327, 536n
Castle, Ted, 382, 437
Cater, Douglas, 504
Cather, Willa, 634
Cattermole, Jim, 560
Cave, Lord, 650
censorship, 2, 182–6, 192, 198, 255–6, 260, 300–2
Cézanne, Paul, 79
Chalfont, Lord, 374, 392
Chamberlain, Austen, 679n
Chamberlain, Joseph, 98, 120–1, 149–51, 314, 485n, 630, 648, 661, 670, 679
Chamberlain, Neville, 29, 30, 40–41, 342n, 378, 389, 643, 670, 679n, 742
Chapman, Ian, 364, 506, 676
Chapple, Frank, 546–7, 560
Charlemagne Prize, 385, 399, 721
Charles, Prince of Wales, 586
Charmley, John, 728, 731
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 372
Chequers, 276, 469, 527, 737
Cheysson, Claude, 477–8
Chilcot, Sir John, 264n, 287, 710–12
Chirac, Jacques, 536n
Church, Bess, 360, 364n, 476n
Churchill, Lord Randolph, 98, 192, 727
Churchill, Winston, 1, 4, 26, 41–2, 95, 101, 121, 133–4, 148, 171, 174, 187, 238, 259, 269n, 287n, 385, 420, 535, 588, 631, 633, 634, 636, 646, 679, 683, 699, 721, 725n, 739, 742, 743; Jenkins’ biography, 728–32
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