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The Girl Who Bites

Page 1

by Alice J. Woods

  The Girl Who Bites

  by Alice J. Woods

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form

  or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  Copyright © 2013 by Alchemy House Press

  The day had been hot. Night had fallen and Amy Cooper was pretty sure she’d be overwhelmed with customers as soon as the Silver Bullet opened. Well, overwhelmed was a bit much…Harker Hill, Nevada, boasted a population of less than a fifty souls. And a good portion of them were under the legal drinking age.

  While she didn’t count herself among the living souls of Harker Hill, she still counted herself as their prime source…their only source…for alcohol within the city limits and the best source of a good fuck for the men in town, married or otherwise. And, if she thought about it, the occasional woman looking for some variety in her life.

  She’d learned a long time ago the secret to keeping them all happy was giving them good booze, a good time in bed, and complete and total discretion. There’d been more than one man who’d crossed her sheets that went home to his wife, hopefully happier, if just for that night.

  All that attention to the men, with booze or sex, paid off for Amy. As the town’s resident vampire, it kept her in a constant supply of blood. No one needed to know her secret; they all just thought she was a nymphomaniac.

  Amy was setting out cases of beer behind the counter when Luke walked in. She’d known Luke for a long time, since he was barely able to reach the bar to ask for a soda. She’d taken him to her bed on many occasions, to the great satisfaction of both of them. And she’d taken more from him than just a good time in the sack. Luke had the best blood she’d ever tasted and she’d known thousands over her lifetime. But he was the sweetest, in more ways than one.

  She’d often thought…but never acted on it…about making him one of her own kind. It was a pleasant thought, knowing Luke would be there forever, as long as she was around. It was her one and only fantasy; to have him as a constant companion for all eternity.

  Luke sat down in his usual spot, third stool from the end. Amy wandered down, setting a bottle of beer on the counter, along with a shot glass and a bottle of her best whisky.

  “You’re a little ahead of the game, Luke. I’m not officially open for another, oh, twenty minutes or so.”

  Amy leaned on the counter, giving Luke a good view down her low cut shirt. Luke was so fucking good in bed, able to get her so hot she could hardly stand it, and he knew it. It didn’t take more than a nod and a wink from him on a busy night to get her to toss her apron across the counter, tell Pete to watch the bar, and disappear with him into the back room. She’d be so wet by the time he yanked her jeans down, her panties would be soaked. He’d laugh every time, tease her about how many pair of underwear she went through every night.

  And now, with almost a whole half hour before the rest of the town descended, they’d have time for more than just a quick standing fuck in the store room. They might even have time to actually get upstairs to her room and use the bed, might even get all their clothes off instead of just the necessary bits and pieces.

  “You looking for something special? I’m open to all suggestions.” Amy leaned further over the counter, her breasts practically spilling out of her shirt. Flirting with him, even though they both knew where they were headed, was half the fun. Everything with him was so natural, so easy.

  She saw Luke’s eyes travel over her body, down over the visible tops of her pale breasts, taking in the outline of her hard nipples thrusting against the tight material of her blouse. Amy had never felt the need to wear a bra. Immortal life meant never having to worry about sagging breasts. It also meant roaming eyes and hands from her customers. And she never grew tired of that.

  “Yeah, actually, I do. You game?” He met her eyes, and she saw the passion she felt reflect there.

  “Yeah…” She had her apron off in a heartbeat. “Pete…”

  Pete was at the other end of the bar, fiddling with a hose for the cooler. He didn’t bother looking up, just waved his hand.

  Amy reached over the bar, grabbing Luke’s hand, pulling him along behind her as she headed for the stairs. She all but ran, Luke’s boots thudding behind her. As soon as they were through the door, she spun herself into his arms, hands against his chest.

  “Gee, Amy. You’d think it’s been ages since you’ve seen me instead of, what? Twenty-four hours?” His laugh was low; she felt the rumble in his chest, felt it against her hands.

  “What can I say? You’re irresistible.” She worked at the buttons of his shirt, getting the first few undone, exposing an expanse of smooth skin over hard muscles.

  “What can I say? You’re insatiable.” His hands were between them and Amy heard the almost simultaneous snap as he undid the buttons on their jeans.

  “That I am…are you complaining?” She’d gotten his shirt off his arms, hands running over his chest, leaning in to lick one hard brown nipple. The shudder she got in response sent a wash of arousal through her body, and a corresponding itch in her fangs…the urge to bit. But not yet…

  “Not in the least…just stating a fact.” Luke didn’t bother unbuttoning her shirt. She felt the fabric rip, heard buttons skipping across the hardwood floor.

  “Oh, geez…slow down.” She gasped against his chest. “No, wait…never mind.”

  Her breasts were in his hands, his fingers squeezing, thumbs skating over her hard nipples. She arched against him, moaning.

  “Oh, fuck. I love that…” She looked down, watching his dark hands on her pale skin.

  “How do you manage to stay so pale here in the dessert?” Not waiting for an answer, Luke bent his head, pulling one rosy nipple into his mouth, sucking hard.

  Amy looked down, watching as he drew her breast into her mouth, feeling the electric jolt that his mouth on her sent through her body. She wound her fingers through his hair, holding him against her as he sucked first one tit, then the other.

  He finally pulled away, his eyes hooded. “As much as I could do this all day, darling, there’s other things we need to be attending to.”

  With easy strength, Luke tipped her back onto the bed, tugging her jeans over her hips. His were already down and Amy wondered when that had happened and then forgot about them completely.

  Luke pushed her up on the bed, claiming the space between her legs. She felt his cock pressing against her inner thigh, hot and hard, sliding further north. Spreading her legs for him, she rolled her hips up against his body, feeling his cock slide into her wet pussy.

  “Oh, man…fuck, Amy. You’re hotter than outside. Shit…” Luke buried his face in her neck as he thrust into her. She could feel his lips on her neck, planting wet kisses. As he thrust harder, she felt his open mouth, teeth grazing her skin as he moaned against her flesh. If he were like me, this would be so fucking over the edge…he’d be biting me…

  The thought of being bitten during sex made Amy shiver. There had been times, before she’d come to Harker Hill, back in the old days, when she’d had a vampire lover. They’d bite and suck each other for hours during sex, taking each other to unimaginable heights. But that vampire was long gone and she was here with Luke.

  Luke had started a fire deep inside her body and she planted her feet on the bed, thrusting up hard against him, meeting him stroke for stroke. His thrusts were coming faster now, his breath ragged against her neck. She knew how this would go; his hips would start to jerk in that totally erotic way he had, short jabs from his long cock, then he’d go stiff, buried as far as he could in her cunt.

  Even though they’d done this hundreds of times, she never grew ti
red of this, never got bored with Luke. It might have seemed the same on the outside, but every time felt different, lit a different fire, made her hot in a different way. She wondered what it would be like if they could spend more time together…spend the night in each other’s arms.

  Luke started jerking, his body on the edge of release, and so was Amy. She felt him stiffen, moaning in that way that sent her over the edge every time.

  And then he thrust hard and fast, his cock pulsing inside her, filling her with that heat she loved. Her body took off on its own, desire and passion and lust all spiraling upward together, her back arching, her hands tearing at the sheets. There was a peak, a place where she lost sight of this world and glimpsed something else and then she was coming back, the feel of Luke holding her, hearing his soft chuckle.

  “Holy shit, Amy, you go off somewhere pretty far away. You say things I don’t understand, but it’s sure fun watching you.” He kissed her hard.

  “You’re the one that sends me there, Luke. I thank you, every time.”

  He rolled away from her, a sun-tanned arm across his face. “You’re welcome. Anytime.”

  Amy knew she had a few minutes before he’d want to be getting her back down to the bar. And she needed to make her move.

  Gently she leaned over, licking his neck, feeling his pulse beneath her tongue. It was strong and steady, and she could smell his blood, the sweetness, the scent of life so very strong.

  She was quick; always was with Luke. He didn’t feel a thing and she drank quickly, careful not to take too much, careful not to drool or dribble. When she was done, full and sated in more ways than one, she lay back quietly on the bed.

  Luke started, pulling his arm away from his face. “Sorry, darling. Must have drifted off there for a minute.”

  He sat up, looking down at her. “You’re so beautiful. I could really just stay here and look at you…but you have a bar to run and I’ve got places to be.”

  “Are you staying for a drink?”

  “I’ve got a run to make into Arizona tomorrow, need to get to bed at a fairly decent time tonight. I might have one beer. But that’s it…kick my sorry ass out of here if I ask for a second, okay?”

  Despite herself, she felt her heart sink. Luke knew she bedded other guys, said he didn’t have a problem with that. He was married after all, so he figured they were even on that score. But she still missed him when he was gone.

  Luke had gotten dressed and he held out his hand for Amy. She took it, sliding off the bed. “You best be putting some clothes on, Amy. Can’t go downstairs like that. might be good for business.”

  He picked up her ruined blouse. “Oh, um…sorry about this. I’ll buy you something pretty in Arizona. Something that sets off that pale skin of yours.” He bent to kiss her, cupping her ass as he did.

  “I’ll see you downstairs.” And he was gone.

  Amy pulled out fresh panties and a new blouse, sliding her jeans up over her hips. A session with Luke always made her a bit sad. She knew it was the best she could get, both the fantastic sex and the blood, but it tore at her heart a little knowing he had a life…and a wife…that would probably never include her.

  Luke was sitting in his place, nursing his beer, the shot glass upside down on the bar. He nodded at her, his lips curling into a knowing grin. She grabbed her apron, tying it low on her hips.

  “You got everything you need, Luke?” She leaned on the bar, gazing into his eyes.

  “Everything I need is right here.” He tipped his beer back, watching her. “Nice blouse. Your other one have an…accident?”

  She laughed at him, then went off to see to tend to other customers. It had been a hot day, and as predicted, the bar was filling up. They’d grown accustom to her eccentric hours; dusk to dawn most nights, closed during the full moon. On those nights, temptation was too great, her appetites too great. She just locked herself away, giving Pete the time off too.

  It wasn’t long before Luke caught her eye, waving her down to the end of the bar.

  “I’ll be back in a couple days, Amy. You be a good girl while I’m gone.” He winked and then was out the door into the heat of the dark night. She watched him go, sighing. There were others, there always would be, but he had a special place in her dark little heart.


  She turned, recognizing the shy voice of Riley, sitting at the far end of the bar, away from everyone else. Grabbing a beer, she walked down to where he sat, hunched on his stool.

  Strange guy; every little town probably had one. Kept to himself, no wife or even a girlfriend. Didn’t bother anyone but just seemed odd. Harmless enough.

  Except with Amy. She’d quickly realized there was a hidden side to Riley. The first time he’d followed her shyly back into the storeroom she thought she’d be deflowering a virgin, actually looked forward to popping his cherry.

  But he’d spun her away from him, face down on a crate and proceeded to fuck her brains out. And she’d discovered one other oddity, well, two actually: one, he loved to talk dirty. Amy had been a bit shocked but she’d come to enjoy his filthy mouth.

  Now Riley was smiling at her, that little smile he had when he knew what he wanted…which was her. Amy always had time for Riley; oddities aside, he was just brute force. And sometimes that’s just what she wanted.

  “Hey, Riley. You ready?” She didn’t bother with flirting; that was reserved for Luke. For Riley, it was more direct.

  He nodded, rising from the bar stool. She could see his erection already straining the front of his jeans. She wondered sometimes if he came in that way; she never really knew. He’d always just be there, ready, and off they’d go.

  As usual, as soon as she thumbed the lock on the door he had her by the hips, turning her away from him, yanking her jeans down around her ankles. And, as usual, Amy felt a flood of heat wash through her body, a primal sort of lust that made her want to snarl and bare her teeth, fangs and all. Riley didn’t seem to care, or notice.

  Within seconds he had her bent over a box, her ass in his hands. She could feel him behind her, the breath already rasping from his throat, the sound of his zipper very loud. Then his cock was sliding between her legs as he jabbed and poked at her, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her ass, spreading her cheeks. One thumb slid against her asshole, making her jump.

  “You little slut. You’re such a little whore, Amy. Aren’t you? You want my big cock, don’t you, little slut? You want me to fuck your cunt. Say you do…say it…”

  “I do, Riley. I want you to fuck me, hard. Like only you can.” And she meant it. What might be role-play for him, if it was that, really did turn her on. She did want his cock, did want him fucking her hard…brutal and primal and painful. That’s exactly what she wanted.

  “Bitch…I’ll show you. I’ll fuck you so hard…”

  He thrust into her, pushing her forward on the box, her face pressed against the wall. His cock felt like it had been carved from stone, heated in a blast furnace, and then chiseled to a point.

  And he knew what to do with that hard thing, slamming it over and over into her body, jarring her with each thrust. Tears sprang into her eyes, the force of him banging into her knocking the wind out of her in whistling grunts.

  “You’ve been fucking someone else. I can tell…you’re slick with some other guy’s load. I can smell it on you…the sex you had. Hot and wet…you little slut. I can feel it on my cock, feel how wet you are…fucking someone else…” His words trailed off into an incoherent jumble of sounds and noises.

  “Oh…fuck…Riley…Riley…” She knew he liked hearing his name, managing to gasp out the words between his thrusts.

  “You slut…fucking whore…take my cock….all the way…” Each word was accompanied by a violent thrust, his thighs banging into her ass. He’d jammed his thumb…finger…fingers…into her asshole, sliding them in and out in time to his thrusts.

  Amy felt her knees buckling, the sheer over-the-top v
iolence of his body slamming against her sending her instantly to the edge of her orgasm. There was no holding back, nothing she could do but grip the edge of the box, her body convulsing beneath the onslaught of his cock and fingers, his hands the only thing keeping her from sliding to the floor. And then her orgasm broke like a flash flood, sweeping everything out of its path.

  When she screamed, Riley thrust himself so hard into her it drove her up on her toes. He held himself fully inside her, every muscle straining, even his breathing stopped.

  Amy was pretty sure they could hear Riley in the bar; his cry was loud, primal…somewhere between a roar and a battle cry.

  His cock was pulsing inside her, something that always brought a second wave of orgasmic pleasure surging through her, as he pumped his hips quickly, his hands now resting beside hers, his body almost pressing her into the crate.

  There was no one else, not even Luke, whose cock she was so acutely aware of inside her, every nuance, every vein, every pump and thrust and twitch. She occasionally thought his cock had been made just for her body, the contours matching exactly. But she usually lost the train of that thought pretty quickly as Riley continued moving inside her, humping against her, grinding his hips against her ass.

  Finally he pulled away and Amy slumped down on the crate. Before she had time to catch her breath though, he spun her around, picking her up and setting her up on the box.

  This was the second thing she’d learned about Riley. He enjoyed eating her out after he came inside her. It never failed, he was always there, ready to lap up everything he’d left behind.

  Riley pulled her sharply toward the edge of the box and she leaned back, resting on her elbows, spreading her legs. This part was pure heaven, although sometimes she was so raw it was almost painful as he lapped and sucked at her.

  But tonight, it was going to be perfect, just what she loved about her post-fucking session with Riley, with his little eccentricity. If he caught her just at the right moment, as she was still riding the last waves of her orgasm, he’d trigger a whole fresh set of sensations.


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