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The Substitute

Page 17

by Denise Grover Swank

  “He looks like the type of guy who’s only worried about himself.”

  Ordinarily, he’d applaud her accurate character assessment, but not tonight. “He might appear that way, but deep down, Noah cares about me.” Or at least, Josh liked to believe he did.

  “We need to break up tonight,” she whispered.

  “But I don’t want to break up with you tonight.” His mouth lowered to hers again. “I want to do the exact opposite of breaking up with you tonight.”

  She leaned back, but stopped short of pulling out of his arms. “We are the bride and groom in a very real wedding that is taking place in two days, Josh. We have to break up…and very publicly, at that.”

  She was right. He knew it. As much as he hated to admit it. But not tonight. “Let’s just play it by ear.”

  “We have to do this tonight, Josh. It’s going to be a nightmare to cancel everything now. If we wait until tomorrow…”

  “You’re right.” He dropped his arms. “But it has to be natural. And let me take the lead. I’ll act like a jerk, so when we break up, no one will ever question why the wedding got called off. You have to come off smelling like a rose.” He almost felt guilty deceiving her, but he took solace in the fact that even if his spying job was done, he still wouldn’t want to break up with her. “No matter what, do not yell at me. Be the reasonable one.”

  She studied his shirt for several seconds before nodding. Then she looked up into his face. “And then what?”

  What did she want to hear? That they could go back to Seattle together and date? Was that really possible given that her family knew him as Jay instead of Josh McMillan? They weren’t likely to approve of the pairing if they found out that he’d strung them along, particularly given how much money they were throwing down for this whole wedding. That wasn’t even factoring in the whole patent mess.

  “Then we’ll take it one minute at a time.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Several hours later, Megan was furious with him, and not without cause. For one thing, Noah had been glued to Libby all night, which frankly had both of them concerned. Noah never hooked up with a girl without a purpose other than sex, but he wasn’t flirting like mad with her either. What could possibly be his goal this time? He wasn’t going to get any information about the patent from Libby. The most he could hope for was to get intel on Megan. And what would he want with information about her?

  But the main reason for her mood was because he was being a very attentive boyfriend—getting her food and drinks, joining in conversations, making sure she was comfortable. Megan’s family loved him. Most women wouldn’t find fault in that—in fact, they’d revel in it—but Josh was supposed to be paving the way to their breakup. And after Josh’s behavior over the last couple of hours, the only person at the family dinner expecting that outcome was Megan.

  Josh had spent most of the day dreading tonight’s dinner, but it was exactly the opposite of what he’d expected. Josh genuinely enjoyed hanging out with Bart Vandemeer’s huge family. They were down to earth and fun, the complete opposite of Nicole Vandemeer and her friends. It made Josh wonder why Bart had chosen to marry her.

  The first hour was so fun he’d completely forgotten he was supposed to be laying the groundwork for the breakup he planned to initiate. But even after realizing his mistake, he was in too good of a mood to play the part, even just enough to appease Megan, which had been his original plan.

  He was having a conversation with her Uncle Jeremy about the best fishing places at Table Rock Lake when Megan wrapped her hand around his lower forearm, her nails digging into his flesh.

  “Can I talk to you?” She tried to keep her tone sweet, but he heard the annoyed hitch in her voice.

  “Uncle Jeremy was inviting me to come fishing with him this fall,” he said with a smile, ignoring the pain in his arm.

  “Yeah, I heard, but I need help with the…thing.”

  “What thing?” her uncle asked.

  Her eyes widened in panic; she obviously hadn’t expected her ploy to be questioned.

  A slow smile spread across Josh’s face. “I’ve been summoned.” He gave her uncle a wink. “Never tell a beautiful woman no when she wants to get you alone. Am I right?”

  Her uncle chuckled. “Smart man you’ve got there, Megan.”

  “I’m beginning to wonder,” she grumbled as he stood and took her hand in his.

  He leaned close to her ear and whispered loud enough for her uncle to hear, “Just where did you have in mind?”

  She jerked on his hand. He stumbled slightly but contained his amusement. God, was she cute when she was pissed. But he kept his thoughts to himself and followed her through the kitchen and down the stairs to the basement.

  Why hadn’t he thought to check the basement rather than his botched attempt to find her father’s home office? After all, what better place to stow things best left forgotten?

  But he didn’t have time to look around once they reached the bottom of the stairs. “Your bedroom probably has a better atmosphere for a romantic rendezvous than your parents’ musty basement.”

  “I did not bring you down here to make out!”

  “From the look on your face, you brought me down here to murder me. But I caution you to think it through. It would be difficult to hide my body, and I think Libby’s too busy with Noah to help.”

  “Why is your brother flirting with my best friend?”

  “She’s a beautiful woman, Megan.” He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. “But not nearly as beautiful as you.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Josh.”

  “I really do think you’re beautiful—” his voice lost its teasing tone, “—and I don’t know why Noah is so taken with Libby, but she seems like a smart girl. She can handle herself.”

  She jerked up her head to look him in the eye. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means my brother is not a one-woman kind of guy, but when Libby made it obvious she was interested in him, I mentioned that fact to her. She told me not to worry. She knew what he was.”

  Her eyes narrowed to slits. “When did you talk to Libby about your brother?”

  “After I came home this evening and went upstairs to find you. Libby was in your room. You were in the bathroom.”


  He was still holding her close, resisting the urge to kiss her. Although he suspected it would distract her from the next topic she was sure to bring up, he didn’t want to play her that way.

  “What are you doing, Josh?”

  “I’m standing in your basement, waiting to see if you’re going to murder me or not.” He made a show of spinning his head to take it in. “I’m surprised it’s unfinished. And that your mother didn’t ask your father to set up his man cave down here rather than upstairs.”

  “You can’t change the subject. Why aren’t you trying to break up with me like we discussed?”

  “You haven’t given me much opportunity.”

  She pulled out of his grasp. “We’ve been out there for two hours!”’

  “Really?” he asked in what he hoped was believable surprise. “I guess I was too busy having a good time. I like your dad’s family.”

  She shook her head, as though trying to clear her confusion. “I like my dad’s family too, but you have to stick to the plan.”

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked, spreading his hands. “I’ve never purposely acted like an asshole before.” She snorted and he gave her a look of surprise. “Are you suggesting I’m a natural asshole?”

  “No… I don’t know.” She scowled. “But we have to do something, Josh. We have to end this tonight. This is getting bad.”

  “I know. You’re right. How about I start drinking a lot and then I can act like a sloppy drunk, giving you a good reason to break up with me.”

  She pursed her lips, deep in thought, before nodding and looking up at him. “Yeah. That’s good. If you just start acting like a jerk now, my
family will wonder why you’re like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

  “Okay, so I’ll start getting drunk. Let’s get to it.” He took her hand, surprised when she didn’t protest, and led her up the stairs. When they were in the kitchen, he stopped and dropped his hold on her. “But first I need to visit the restroom before I go back outside.” He patted his stomach. “That pulled pork isn’t quite agreeing with me.”

  The look she gave him said she didn’t quite trust him, but the request was too reasonable for her to deny.

  “You don’t have to wait for me. In fact, it might be safer for me to go upstairs.” He grimaced.

  She released a nervous laugh. “Don’t let Dad hear you say that. He loves Gate’s barbeque. He’d call that blasphemy.”

  “From all the dogs barking outside your fence, I’d say they like it too.” The sound seemed almost appropriate given the laid-back vibe of the evening, but he knew it had to be driving Nicole crazy.

  A sly grin spread across her face. “Those are the Murphys’ dogs. Mom is furious they got loose. In fact, she called animal control, but apparently they haven’t shown up yet.”

  “You really do take a perverse pleasure at your mother’s aggravation.”

  She laughed. “I guess that makes me wicked.”

  He liked the thought of her doing wicked things, but not the kind she currently had in mind.

  “You go on back outside,” Josh said, heading for the stairs. “I’ll be out as soon as I’m fit to be seen in public.” He bounded up the stairs two at a time in his attempt to get away from her. He wasn’t so sure how convincing his gastrointestinal issue was, but he had to talk to Noah. And maybe he could find Bart’s home office while he was upstairs.

  He opened the first room on his right, finding what appeared to be Kevin’s room. Eliminating Megan’s and her grandmother’s rooms, that left one possibility. He pushed open the door, relieved to find a desk with a desktop computer and a credenza and printer. Pulling out his phone, he texted his brother. I found Vandemeer’s home office.

  Seconds later Noah responded. I found it first. I’m sleeping there, Sherlock. Josh could practically hear his sarcasm.

  Sure enough, there was a bag on the loveseat on the wall opposite the desk. Have you checked it yet?

  Not thoroughly, but I have all night. As long as you don’t screw this up now.

  Josh released a heavy breath. She wants me to break up with her tonight.

  Obviously you can’t. Figure something out.

  Figure something out. Sure, no problem.

  He went back downstairs and grabbed a bottle of beer from the cooler by the back door, taking a long drag from it before he searched for Megan. She was standing with a group of her cousins and aunts. She looked nervous, and he hated the knowledge that he was to blame, but he couldn’t give her what he she wanted. Not yet. Now that Noah was here, they could get what they needed to save the business and he’d break up with her tomorrow night at the rehearsal dinner. He could pretend to get drunk tomorrow night, then put the moves on Blair. He almost choked on his beer at the very thought of it, but it was a good plan. Blair would raise holy hell and no one would condone Megan marrying him then.

  But he couldn’t tell Megan his new plan. He’d drink a lot tonight to pave the way to the big finale tomorrow and figure out a way to appease her in the meantime.

  His other problem—how to appease his own hurting heart once she found out what he was about—was entirely his own cross to bear.

  He took another draw off the bottle, trying to chase the feeling away. How could he already be so attached to Megan? He hardly knew her, but he knew enough not to want to let her go. He finished off the beer and grabbed another. Fuel for the performance.

  Megan turned and saw him, her face momentarily lighting up…then fading. He lifted his bottle in salute to show her he was on task.

  He walked toward her and a black cat shot out from a bush, darting across his path. He stumbled to keep from tripping on it and he was sure it made him look drunk, although anyone who had been paying attention would realize it was far from true. He couldn’t face Megan at the moment, so he made his way over to Noah, who was sitting at a small table with Libby. They were deep in conversation and laughing when he sat down across from them.

  “What’s got you so low?” Noah asked, leaning back in his seat. “You looked like you were having a great night until your fiancée dragged you away. You should be wearing a shit-eating grin right about now.”

  Josh glared at his brother and took another long drag of his beer.

  “Have you thought of a way to keep from breaking up with her?” Noah asked.

  Lowering the bottle, Josh cast a glance toward Libby.

  She gave him a sympathetic smile. “He knows I’m helping you.”

  He couldn’t contain his look of surprise. What had Noah confessed to?

  Noah gave him a conspiratorial grin. “I’m all in, bro. I’ll get you to the altar.”

  “What?” Josh asked.

  Noah shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for true love.”

  Libby snorted. “Liar. You wouldn’t know true love if it bit you in the ass.”

  Josh was relieved that Noah still hadn’t fooled her. Many a woman had claimed to go into a relationship with Noah with eyes wide open only to find herself with a broken heart.

  Noah shrugged and held out his hands. “Okay, you caught me. I don’t believe in love. I think what people call love is all about hormones and loneliness.” He leaned his elbow on the table and waved to his brother as he gave his attention to Libby. “Take Joshua here. He’s been so focused on his job that he’s barely dated in the last two years.”

  Josh groaned. “I’ve dated. I just don’t share all the details.” He took a drink, then shot his brother a piercing glare. “Unlike someone I know.”

  Noah chuckled and turned his attention to the pretty brunette sitting next to him. “Like I said. Josh is lonely and he comes to Kansas City in his self-imposed exile, during which he stumbles upon a pretty girl on a plane. Said pretty girl is desperate for rescue and he instantly falls for her.”

  “Shh!” Josh’s eyes flew open in alarm. “Keep it down.”

  Noah’s grin widened as he looked around. “Cool your jets. No one heard.”

  Josh’s chest tightened with anger. He was in this situation because of Noah. And now he was treating Megan’s life like it was some sort of game. He was going to fuck her over for his own purposes without thinking twice about it.

  No. Josh was fucking her over, and he could only imagine how hurt she was going to be when she found out. He had hoped that he could get out of this without her ever finding out. But it seemed pretty unlikely, especially now that Noah was involved. Noah was good for one thing—destroying everything good in Josh’s life.

  Why had he let him come?

  Maybe he should break up with Megan tonight after all, put this farce to rest. Give up on the company. Give up on a real chance with her.

  Josh finished off the beer and set the bottle on the table. He started to get up. “I need another.”

  Noah slapped Josh’s shoulder and pushed him back down. “Cheer up there, young lad,” he said in a fake British accent. “I’ll get you another pint of ale and all will be well.” He stood and the barking dogs against the fence amped up their racket. The black cat Josh had seen earlier was now calmly stalking across the top of the fence.

  “Knickers looks like she’s about to come unglued,” Libby laughed.

  Sure enough, Nicole looked furious. She stomped over to her husband, nearly tripping over a cup on the deck, which only infuriated her more. “Bart!” she shouted. “Do something!”

  Bart, who had been sitting with his brother on the deck, got to his feet. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Make them stop!”

  As he passed Bart, Noah pointed to the cat, which was still on the fence, hissing with its back arched. Then Noah grabbed three beers out of the cooler.

  Libby watched Noah with more interest than Josh liked. All the more reason to seriously consider changing his tactic. “Megan has insisted I break up with her tonight.”

  Libby swung her gaze to him, her eyebrows arched. “You’re not considering it, are you?”

  He sighed. “I don’t know, maybe.”

  She leaned toward him, desperation in her eyes. “You can’t.”

  He rested his palm on the table, the two beers he’d drank within the past five minutes making him feel melancholy rather than buzzed. “She’s right, Libby. I’m putting her in an awkward situation. The longer I wait to do this, the harder it will be to cancel everything.”

  Libby leaned in closer, her face inches from his. “The only person who’s going to be negatively affected by canceling the wedding is Knickers. The money’s gone whether there’s a wedding or not. Don’t let that stop you from going after Megan.”

  “But it’s all a lie, Libby.”

  Her jaw set and determination filled her eyes. “Do you like her?”


  “It’s a simple question. Do you like her?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then whatever you do, don’t break up with her tonight. Wait.”

  “How long do I wait? Until we’re at the altar and the minister says, ‘Do you, Jay—what’s the fucker’s last name again?” The fuzziness in his head held the bastard’s name out of reach.


  “Jay Connors.” The name rolled off Josh’s tongue with a sneer. “So the minister says, ‘Do you, Jay Connors, take Megan Vandemeer to be your lawfully wedded wife?’ and I say… ‘Well, about that…did I mention that I’m just her substitute fiancé?’”

  She sat back, glancing over at her friend. “It doesn’t have to go that far. Just make her realize how much she likes you. Make her admit that she wants this to work.”


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