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Razing Grace: Razing Grace Part 1

Page 18

by Amo Jones

  His lips drop down to mine as he pulls my bottom lip into his mouth slowly. He kisses me and doesn’t stop. Every deep penetrating pound of his dick entering me is matched with him licking and sucking on my tongue. My breathing picks up and I squeeze my arms around the back of his neck, my kissing becoming needier as my core tightens and my pussy clenches around his cock. He groans deep into my mouth, his hips circling into me, the head of his cock rubbing over my G-spot and his pelvic bone smashing against my clit.

  It is all too much, but he doesn’t stop. His kisses become more intense, and I tilt my head to the side to give him even more access, letting his tongue take what’s his. Every single inch of me is owned my Raze in this very moment.

  “Take it, baby,” he whispers into my mouth, slowing his grind but pushing in deeper.

  I let out a loud scream just as my orgasm rips through me, shaking me to my bones, and he picks up the pace, slamming into me in feral speeds until his body jerks his release inside of me and his kisses stop, his face falling to the crook of my neck.

  We remain there, our hearts beating together in unison. I tap him. “Raze? I’m getting squashed.”

  He pushes himself up from me and drops down beside me. I can see the blood all over our sheets and all over both our bodies through the shadows of the room, but I ignore it. He pulls me under his arms where I mold into him like a tiny mouse would an elephant. “Sleep, baby.”

  The next morning, I stretch out my arms and find the spot empty where Raze was.

  Sitting up, I clutch the sheet around my chest and swing my legs off the bed. Noticing all the blood on the sheets, I let them go and pull on my loose shirt that I wear to bed. The bedroom door creaks open and Miles stands there with a coffee and a pained smile.

  “Hi!” I rake my fingers through my hair to push it out of my face, ignoring the dried knots that are tousled in it and knowing it’s blood.

  He steps forward and hands me the coffee. “Hey.” His smile is strained and his eyes look tired. “Holy shit, you have dried blood all over you and…” He lifts the sheet. “Dude, that’s next level right there, damn.” He readjusts his crotch. “That’s fucking hot.”

  “Miles!” I snap and he looks back at me.

  “Shit, sorry.”

  “You okay?” I ask, blowing on my coffee.

  “Yeah, sit down. I need to talk to you about something before you walk out of this room.”

  I take a seat back down on the bed and draw my knees up, blowing on my coffee. “What’s going on?”

  He stares straight ahead for a few silent minutes. I’m about to say how he’s freaking me out a little when his hoarse whisper leaves him. “You know Raze has never been like this with anyone, right?”

  I look to the side before looking back into Miles’ eyes. “Okay… but no, I didn’t.”

  “Don’t play dumb, Millie. Raze didn’t get his name, the executioner, for being a lady’s man. Actually, he has never brought in a girl who doesn’t have a purpose. He’s not a little boy that runs around holding his dick out to any girl that will take it.” Miles pauses and grins. “That’s what I do.”

  “Miles? Get to it.”

  “Did he tell you about Cassia?”

  “Yes,” I grit out through clenched teeth.

  He watches me closely before turning around to face me. “I think you’re the only girl who can handle Raze. I think that scares the fucking shit out of him, and I think that’s why he’s in the room with Cassia right now.”

  “Wait, what?” My heart begins to beat erratically. “What do you mean?” I stand from the bed. Why would he be with Cassia? I thought we shared something deeper last night and besides that, we had a deal. I bolt to the closet and pull on some skinny jeans and a tight tank which rides up my belly.

  Miles exhales. “He’s with her. I didn’t know until I walked past to bring you your coffee, but Millie—”

  I fly out of my room and head down to Cassia’s door. I can hear the groans, pants, and moans. With anger seeping through me, I launch my foot through the door, my tear-struck eyes finding Raze underneath Cassia, who’s riding him with the blanket pooled around her waist. A tear drops from my eye, the first tear I’ve shed since coming out of the dungeon. I had begun to find myself again, begun to feel because of him, and in one simple act, all of that comes crashing down and evidently has pulled me in deeper. I see red.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I shout out.

  Raze’s hands grip onto Cassia’s hips, halting her movements because obviously the bitch didn’t stop.

  “You gave me your word, Raze. You lied!” Cassia rolls her eyes and unlatches herself from Raze.

  “Listen, bitch. I told you that he is mine.”

  I step back, shaking my head. “I need to go.”

  “Ah, nah, I’m not done with you yet.”

  I spin on my heel and crash into Miles’ hard chest. He already has a duffle bag filled with all my belongings in it ready for me. Snatching it from him, I bolt down the hallway and down the stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I go to the drawer where Raze keeps his car keys because fuck him, basically. He wants to cheat on me? Fine, I’ll just borrow his four-hundred-thousand-dollar car.

  “Fuck off, Cassia,” I whisper, feeling her walk into the kitchen as I search the drawer. I start opening cupboards and moving items around in my search.

  “Fuck off? Mmmm, no sweetie.” She steps up to me and I spin around. Her finger jabs into my chest. “You fuck off.”

  “Don’t touch me,” I snarl.

  “Why?” She pushes me again and all my anger, betrayal, and hurt bursts out from me. Swinging my elbow back, I launch my fist straight into her face, and a loud crack vibrates against my knuckles as her blood squirts out all over me. She screams a bloodcurdling scream, her hand flying up to her nose. I take the long kitchen knife which was on the counter and push her until her back hits the floor. Just as I climb on top of her, Miles comes running down the stairs with Raze behind him. Raze has one arm through his t-shirt with nothing underneath and his jeans are unbuttoned, hanging off his waist.

  Asshole. Jealousy, hate, and pure rage fills me to the brink and I slowly press the knife against Cassia’s thin neck. Her panicking stops instantly. The bright red blood I created was now trailing all over her face, mouth, and eyes.


  “Fuck you.”

  “Oh!” Cassia smirks, the blood from her nose smearing over her teeth. “That’s not even the best part.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Cassia.” Raze steps forward and kneels down, studying me. “Think about what you’re doing, pet.”

  “Raze? Call me ‘pet’ again and I’ll slit your fucking throat too.”

  “Wait!” Cassia laughs again, blood sliding down her throat. “We’re getting married!”

  Her eyes widen and my head snaps back down to her. Raze cusses under his breath.

  “Well, you can fucking have him.” I look at Raze, the knife still pressed up against Cassia’s throat. “I hate you.” The front door crashes open, but I don’t flinch. Raze gets to his feet instantly while Miles draws up his gun.

  “Holy fucking shit, Millie!” was the next thing I heard, and I knew that voice.


  “Holy fucking shit, Millie!”

  “Melissa?” I whisper, dropping the knife to the ground and climbing off of Cassia.

  “How many did you kill?” Raze asks Beast and Hella.

  “None, fucker. I told you I wouldn’t,” Beast replies.

  “Told you! What the fuck!” I yell at Raze. “Are you fucking with me right now, you piece of fucking shit?”

  I don’t look at Melissa. I’m not ready yet to see the disappointment in her face at my words.

  “Ohhh, so hot, Mills.” Frost grins behind Melissa.

  “Fuck you, Raze.” I step around Cassia and she laughs again, clutching her broken nose. I pause, turn on my heel and stomp the heel of my foot down onto Cassia’s face. She lets out another lo
ud scream and Raze’s arm snakes around my waist.

  “Hey! Calm the fuck down. Remember what I told you?” he whispers harshly into my ear.

  “Your word means shit to me, Raze. Fuck you.”

  He loosens his grip and my feet find the floor. I look up through tear-stricken eyes and it’s the first time I notice everyone who is here. All of The Devil’s Own MC are here with Melissa leading them in.

  Melissa steps forward and I step back, keeping my eyes locked on the wall behind them all. “Don’t. I can’t, not yet…”

  “Okay, that’s fine,” Melissa encourages me, “but you’re coming home.”

  I swallow past the rock that’s formed in my throat.

  “I don’t have a home.” Then I bring my cold eyes to hers finally. Everything shifts. What was once black and white in my mind begins to fill with color and soft tingles erupt in my belly. “Melissa?” I whisper, tears now pouring down my face.

  “It’s me, sis.”

  My legs give way and my body drops to the floor. Melissa walks towards me and kneels down, wrapping her arms around me, and I lose it. The sobs break out as my chest rips open and allows all my feelings to come rushing inside of it.

  “Shhhh, I got you. I’ve always got you.” She inches back and wipes the tears off her face. “Come on.”

  “I got her,” Frost says, stepping towards me. Raze halts Frost from moving any closer.

  “I don’t need any of you.” I glare at Raze and then unintentionally at Frost. Cassia laughs again, getting to her feet.

  “Told you, bitch,” Cassia continues, but Melissa turns on her heel, and launches her fist into Cassia’s face. Her head snaps back and her body falls to the ground again.

  “Don’t you ever speak to her again or I’ll fucking kill you myself, bitch.” Melissa drops down to a now crying Cassia, more blood spurting out everywhere. She pats her chest like one would pet a cat. “And Millie’s the nice sister.” Then she smirks and gets back to her feet. Melissa exhales and looks up to catch Hella staring at her with his eyebrows quirked. She feigns innocence. “What?”

  He shakes his head, a small smirk on his lips.

  Melissa’s hand clutches mine and she pulls me forward. “Come on.”

  I move past Raze, not giving him a second glance. My eyes find Miles and I push out of Melissa’s grip, running towards him. Launching my arms around Miles’ neck, his arms wrap around my body and he relaxes into my grip. “I love you,” I whisper into his ear and then inch back, my hands gripping his cheeks. His eyes gloss over, a blank look pulling across his face. “Do you hear me? You’re amazing and incredible and I love you.” Raze growls behind me but I pay him no attention. Running my thumb over his cheek, I continue. “You were the first person to try to help me.” His Adam’s apple bobs past his swallowing before he exhales and grips me again.

  “I love you too. Maybe a little too much.” He smiles weakly before his soft lips press against mine. I take it, my hand wrapping around the back of his neck. Biting down on his bottom lip, he groans. “You might have just signed my death certificate, but that was totally worth it.”

  I smile. “I’m only up the road, you know,” I nudge my head. “Wink, wink…”

  He lets out a loud laugh before pulling me back into him. Running his soft lips over my earlobe, he whispers into my ear, “There’s a brand new phone in that bag with my number programmed in.”

  I inch back and smile. “Thank you.”

  “Come on, hussy.” Melissa takes my hand and leads me towards the front door. I pause at the threshold and tilt my head over my shoulder to catch Raze watching me closely, some sort of emotion rippling over his face.

  I turn to Melissa. “Take me home.”


  I watch as Melissa walks Millie out the door before bringing my attention to Beast.

  “So what the fuck’s going on, man? You’re going to have to fill me in on why exactly it is that you decided to call me,” Beast says, stepping forward and pulling out a chair.

  “Yeah, this conversation will need reinforcements.”

  I walk towards the kitchen pantry, pull down a bottle of whiskey and my cigars before walking back to the table, snatching a couple glasses on the way. I look up from my pouring to see all of Beast’s MC brothers standing behind him. I smile because truthfully, even though it’s just me and Miles, we could take them all out with our eyes closed, and that’s not being cocky, that’s just the truth. I look at Frost, the one who seems a little too comfortable with Millie, and my jaw clenches.

  Sliding Beast’s glass toward him, I lift the rim of mine to my lips and take a large sip. “We’re brothers.” May as well cut the shit.

  “I fucking knew it!” Frost blurts out behind Beast.

  Beast doesn’t flinch. He cocks his head and studies me. “How so?” Then he takes a drink of his whiskey.

  “Same mom, different dads.” I fill up our glasses. This is the part that’s going to go one of two ways. First way, he’ll lose his shit and kill me on the spot, or two, look at it as a way to use me. The latter would work in my favor more.

  “What?” His eyebrows draw together. “How the fuck does that happen?” He leans into his chair, running his index finger over his upper lip.

  Leaning over onto my elbows, I tell him, “My dad’s Kurr. Our parents had a thing. They hated each other, no doubt about that, but they fucked regularly.” Beast pauses, a blank look coming over his face. Tipping the whiskey down my throat, I note, “You don’t look all that surprised, brother.”

  He scoffs, snatching the bottle back from me and skipping the glass, going straight to his mouth. “That’s because I’m not,” he says, wiping away the excess alcohol residue from around his lips.

  “Huh.” I lean into my chair and clipping off one of my cigars. “And why’s that?” I roll the cigar around in my mouth and flick the zippo around my fingers, keeping my eyes locked on his.

  “Because nothing can shock me anymore, least of all, who is fucking who,” he answers smoothly.

  I chuckle, sparking the zippo and lighting the cigar before sliding the humidor over to him. He takes one out and lights up. “Speaking of fucking,” he adds, his eyes falling on me, “I take it you broke the nun?”

  Miles scoffs behind me and I narrow my eyes. “Break?” I smirk, placing the cigar back in my mouth. “That girl was born broken. She just filled her cracks with a synthetic filler named ‘Catholic bullshit’. That sort of crazy? It isn’t made; it’s born. Though I gotta warn you,” I add with a grin, taking a puff on my cigar, “she’s a little rough around the edges now.”

  “And what the fuck is this all about?” Beast asks. “I mean, I know a fucked-up relationship when I see it. I watched this fucker,” he hitches his thumb over his shoulder to who I know is Hella, “fuck things up with his woman epically. Is what you have with Millie going to be a problem for me?”

  “No. Things won’t be a problem for you, but she’s mine.” I look over Beast’s shoulder and directly at Frost. His face is blank and expressionless until a sly smirk slowly creeps onto his lips. Beast nods his head, understanding setting in. “Yeah, I can’t be controlling her, especially if she’s wild. Have you met her sister? If she’s turned into something like that, we all have no chance in hell.” Beast shakes his head and downs the rest of his drink.

  “The reason why I called you, and why this is happening, is because you and I can help each other.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees as I glance at Miles.

  “How so?” Beast asks.

  I smirk, looking up at him from hooded eyes. “Do you know who I am?”

  Beast’s eyes run over my body before landing back on my face. “I honestly have no fucking idea.”

  I grin, lean back into my chair and run my index finger over my upper lip. “000, that number resonate with you?” I flick my eyes over his shoulder towards Hella. “Or you?”

  Hella exhales a heavy breath and leans his palms on his knees, hunching over. �
�That you?” he asks.

  I bring my eyes back to Beast. “Yes.”

  “You’re the damn executioner?” Beast asks, half in awe, half taken aback.

  “In the flesh.”

  “Why the fuck are we here?” Beast asks, watching me closely. I see his defense mechanism shoot up. Good. It shows he’s smart.

  “Because I need to run something past you.”


  Walking back into Hella’s house isn’t as mortifying as I thought it would be. There’s no rush of haunted memories, nothing. If anything, I feel out of place, like I’m not sure where I stand with Melissa anymore. Though she is my sister and, in the past, we’ve gone longer than three months without talking before, I still feel a sense of disconnect.

  “Okay, so you can sleep down here in the room Garret uses as his media room. That going to be okay?” she asks me, her eyes etched in worry.

  I plaster a fake smile. “Of course, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Her shoulders slack. “Millie, I’ll always worry about you. I’ve been a terrible big sister and words cannot begin to describe how fucking sorry I am about that.” She pauses, her hand covering her mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to swear.”

  I chuckle. “No, it’s okay, Melissa. Say fuck all you want, that part of me died three months ago.”

  She takes my hand in hers and leads me towards the kitchen. Hella’s place is like a warm fireplace on a cold winter’s night. It’s a modernized log cabin situated on the very back of the MC property’s land. The living room has floor-to-ceiling glass windows which overlook the yard and where there’s a waterhole that leads into a river. The outside is just as warm as the inside with the branched trees and green grass. It’s homey and I should be thankful for them taking me in.

  “Come on, we can cook something up.”

  I follow her to the kitchen that’s filled with silver appliances and built with dark marbles and rich wood before pulling out a barstool and taking a seat. She begins pulling out the flour, milk, and eggs and I immediately know she’s going to make pancakes. It’s Melissa’s go-to comfort food. She and my dad used to make them together when we were younger before he turned into an alcoholic.


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