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Piper: A Last Score Spin Off

Page 20

by K. L. Shandwick

  “Get the fuck out of here and let me get it over with or you won’t be eating breakfast today.” I smirked and turned away from him, believing every word he said.

  I thought the day I lost my virginity was perfect. Between Simon playing on a track for my album and the way he took care of me made me the happiest I’d ever felt inside. I felt lucky, like another step forward in my new beginnings.

  My good fortune carried over into the studio as track after track was laid down smoothly and the album was completed four days ahead of my allotted studio time.

  Oddly, I had mixed feelings, elation mingled with the sense of an anti-climax when we made the final cut because everyone said making an album was much more difficult than I had found it to be.

  I felt sad not to be working directly with Otto anymore. His experience and insight helped incredibly. He was a very gifted producer; and with Grunt for that matter, who had turned out to be a real blessing. Talking about blessings, I was thankful I didn’t have to face Jeff again.

  Simon had wanted to take me out to dinner to celebrate, but with the album complete I felt a little homesick, especially when I knew it was Melody’s week at home with Gibson and Chloe. If I was being honest, I was torn between spending time with Simon, and seeing Melody. I really had missed her.

  “I’ll fly you up there,” Simon offered. I hesitated because I didn’t want to face another confrontation with Gibson. My heart and my head were conflicted because the last thing I wanted to happen was for Gibson and Simon to have another spat about me. Nor did I feel it appropriate to thrust my relationship with Simon in Gibson’s face.

  “What do you say?” he prompted when I hadn’t replied. Before I could answer he sighed. “Gibson, huh?” Pinching my lips together, I nodded. I felt terrible because I saw the disappointment in Simon’s eyes.

  “I don’t…” I shrugged, “I guess I feel…”

  “What? What do you feel? Embarrassed that you’re with me?”

  “Of course I’m not. I know he appeared to accept our relationship, albeit reluctantly, but I don’t know how he’s going to react in his own home.”

  “React to what? You think you have a neon sign above your head that says, 'Simon's fucking the shit out of me', or you’re walking bow-legged?” His remark was cutting.

  Apart from when Simon had spoken with Gibson about me, it was the first time I’d heard him sound angry. A note of fear crept into me that I’d never felt before around him. As I tried to shrug it off he continued.

  “We dealt with this already, Piper. Maybe you felt Gibson’s visit put you under pressure, but our news is out there, baby. We’re either together or we’re not. I’m way too long in the tooth to be dealing with half and half. I laid out my intentions to Gibson and if I’m not mistaken you had no hesitation of doing that too. So, what’s the problem?” He shrugged, staring seriously at me.

  Simon challenging me made me face exactly what I was worried about. “I’m trying, Simon. It’s not like any of this has been planned. Around three weeks ago, I was in the middle of nowhere planning to come here, and since then I haven’t had time to draw breath with all that has happened.”

  “So what are you saying? Do you want me to back off… after all that’s gone down between us?” Panic set in and I shook my head. Of everything, losing Simon was the last thing I wanted. I sighed.

  “It’s the last thing I want. I thought you would know this.”

  “Then what the fuck is it?” he asked, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

  “I guess it’s like any young girl taking a guy home for the first time where the dad isn’t convinced he’s right for his little princess. Good lord, now I’m even calling myself a princess.”

  “Want my two cents worth? If you don’t take this to Gibson and force him to make peace with it, you’ll be skirting around his ass for the foreseeable future.” A stony silence fell between us. Simon stood and pulled his car keys from his pocket.

  “I know everything’s happened too fast. I’ve been here… been a part of this. You think I wanted it to go the way it has? I get it… you need time. Come on, I’ll take you home to Colorado, then I’ll head out. Before we got together I was heading up to Chicago next week to party with Lennox. If you’re going back to Colorado, there’s no point in me hanging around California.”

  My heart sank into my stomach. The last thing I wanted was to leave him and I felt torn between meeting my obligations to Melody and staying in California with him.

  Swallowing past a lump in my throat I felt tears burn. I barely managed to keep them at bay as we stepped out of the studio. I walked less than six inches from Simon, but it felt as if we were miles apart.

  Two avid reporters lurked by the studio door hoping for a sensational scoop of some kind and an old balding photographer took several candid pictures as we both kept our heads bowed and walked briskly toward the car. Even I felt the contrast in our public display compared to the image of bliss we’d previously portrayed.

  Simon hit the car fob and walked purposely around the hood, opened my door and quickly closed it after I had sat inside. Less willing to engage with the press, he walked around the wide trunk and entered the driver’s door avoiding the questions they called out completely.

  When he started the engine, “Naivety” by A Day To Remember played on the radio and I sunk low in my seat as he drove out the car lot and onto the open road. The route to my apartment had only just begun to feel familiar, but the feeling in the car was uneasy between Simon and me.

  I’d never been around Simon where the conversation didn’t flow, and I hated the feeling that the closeness we had slipped away with one difference of opinion.

  “How long will you be gone?” He suddenly asked. “Didn’t Otto say your PR team were setting up some gigs and interviews soon?”

  “We’ve got auditions for the band first, then they’ll form a schedule of PR for me. I’ll be gone three, maybe four days. You?” I asked, fighting my distress that he was going to party without me. What did I expect? That a man like Simon would sit around and do nothing while I took off to do my thing? Yes… maybe I did, or maybe it just never crossed my mind he wouldn’t wait around.

  I stared at how tightly Simon’s hands gripped the steering wheel and noted his shoulders looked locked with tension and I instantly felt his frustration. Wasn’t I doing exactly what Gibson was? It wasn’t very adult to shy away from supporting Simon and showing Gibson we were serious. I was also depriving Simon from the opportunity to manage his relationship with Gibson.

  Worse than that, I was doing what I swore I wouldn’t, by trying to avoid any confrontation that we may face by turning up at home together. The reality of my circumstances hit me like a brick to the chest and I sighed. Sometimes I pissed myself off by getting in my own way. “Come,” I blurted.

  Simon’s head snapped around, and he looked directly at me. He eyed me with suspicion and for too long for someone driving. I felt panic rise to my chest because I had no idea how he’d respond. Dropping his gaze, he turned it back to the road. “Why the change of heart?”

  “Because I’m trying to be brave? Or maybe it’s because I can’t avoid Gibson’s reactions forever… but mostly because I don’t want to spend my free time apart from you.” I sighed. “I should be supporting us, not hiding what we have.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, holding back a small smile as he turned again to check out how serious I was.

  “Yeah. I mean I’ve a lot to learn about relationships and I know you’re trying to be patient with me, so I guess I need to remember that and meet you halfway.”

  “Do it for you, Piper. Not for me.”

  “I am doing it for me… and you,” I added, and reached over, placing my hand on his thigh. Dropping his hand from the wheel he turned my hand palm up and laced his fingers in mine. Lifting them up to his mouth he pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

  “Thank fuck for small mercies, because the thought of dropping you off and le
aving you there has been eating away at my gut for the past five minutes. The best way to handle this is to meet Gibson head on.” He said it with such conviction I never doubted he was right for a minute.

  “Chloe’s a great ally. She’ll keep him calm… make him see sense,” he sighed. “I get it with him, Piper. He thinks I’m only out to corrupt you, and as I keep saying, brutal honesty is the best I can offer. There have been many women in my past, but none have made me feel the way I do about you. Christ, I sound like a broken record but the way I feel about you, I’m serious when I tell you I hope you’re the last.”

  At my place, Simon’s eyes followed me diligently around the room as I grabbed some lingerie and clothing before stuffing them into my weekend case.

  As I casually moved around the room, I tried to discuss how to approach Gibson about us arriving together, but when I suggested where he would sleep to spare Gibson’s feelings out of my respect for him, Simon shut me down.

  “No fucking way. You think Gibson would have slept in another room if he’d gone to Chloe’s parents’ place? Would he fuck. He’d rather have cut his own dick off,” he said in frustration. “You’re mine and I’m not waiting four fucking days to have you back in my bed. That’s the equivalent of taking a sugar junkie into Krispy Kreme donuts and say you can choose one donut hole… no pun intended,” he smirked.

  “We’ll play it by ear,” I said, zipping the case closed and pulling it to the end of the bed. Before I could lift it, Simon sprang to his feet and lifted it like it was weightless off of the mattress and stuck it under his arm. “It has wheels, Simon,” I said pointing them out.

  “Playing by ear, are we? Then you’d do well to remember I’m pitch perfect. But, baby, that doesn’t only apply to my music. You and I are in the same bed if I’m going.” His firm demand made me swallow nervously.

  Simon shook his head and laughed as he pulled me into his side. “Jesus, Princess, it’ll be fine.” I felt my face flush, and he chuckled heartily, kissed me on the temple and led me toward the door.

  I didn’t reply, but I knew my bravado wouldn’t last until we got all the way to Colorado.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  My smile was wide as I heard the excitement in Chloe’s voice when I told her I was on my way home. I told her Simon was bringing me and her conversation didn’t drop a beat which was a positive sign in my view.

  By the time we took off from Santa Monica, Melody was already in bed and Chloe had thought it best I sleep in the pool house because we weren't expected to land until 10pm.

  I already knew Melody was a light sleeper; she woke up every time the alarm was reset on the house so that made perfect sense.

  The sleeping arrangements suited me fine because it meant I didn’t have to face Gibson until morning and that gave me time to adjust to being back home. If he wanted to challenge Simon being there at least it would be out of Melody’s earshot.

  Both Simon and I were dead on our feet by the time we arrived and after a quick shower we flopped into bed. It had been a very long day, but it wasn’t too long for us not to enjoy each other’s bodies.

  Exhausted and sweating, we lay heaving for breath as Simon turned and swiped a few stray wet strands of hair from my forehead. “Damn, baby, you learn fast. I figure if I’m not careful you’ll wear me out.”

  “I’ll try,” I replied, turning to grin at him and he scooped me into his side. I laid my head on his chest. Once I had made myself comfortable, I listened contentedly to the strong steady beat of his heart. The feel of his warm, smooth, satiny skin under my palm felt perfect and the smell of his scent engulfed me in a feeling of security I had never felt before. Stroking my back gently, he let out a long sigh.

  “I can’t explain how happy you make me feel, Princess,” he whispered.

  “Yeah?” I murmured, still finding it a little surreal I was all he wanted.

  “You bet your sweet ass,” he replied and bent his head to kiss my temple. Getting more comfortable, he nestled my head just under his chin, placed his large hand possessively over my butt cheek and held me firmly in place.

  “Sleep, baby,” he muttered, then he inhaled deeply and let out a long slow breath. I lay listening to the steady rhythm of his breaths after that until his heart beat slowed and his breathing got deeper. Eventually my eyes became so heavy I couldn’t stay awake any longer.

  A text alert woke me.

  Chloe: You may want to get over here, honey, I think your rock star may need your support.

  For a moment I was confused then I realized Simon was already out of bed and I was in the pool house on my own. The fresh mountain air had knocked me out and when I glanced at the time it was already 10:30 am.

  Guilt rolled through me because I knew instinctively Simon had chosen to face Gibson on his own. Swiftly, I moved around the room, showering quickly to wash the smell of sex from my body.

  I shrugged into some jeans and a sweater and headed over to the house. I stopped for a second and took a large gulp of cool mountain air before I went inside.

  My heartbeat grew quicker with every step that I took, wondering what kind of reception I would receive when Gibson saw me because I knew in the cold light of day the comments he had made the last time I saw him would hardly be the last.

  Pulling the slider open into the music room I padded down the hallway toward the kitchen, but I didn’t get that far before I heard Gibson and Simon’s voices raised in a heated discussion.

  “You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, could you?”

  “No, Gibson, I couldn’t, but it’s not how you think.”

  “And how is that?” Gibson bellowed.

  “Newsflash, you’re not the only one who wants to protect her.”

  Gibson scoffed, “So what? You’re gonna tell me you’re fucking her to protect her?”

  “I’m not tapping her,” Simon said, and my heart almost stopped. He’s denying we’ve slept together? “I swear she’s not the same as the others. I wouldn’t use a girl like Piper. You think I’d risk all what we are to each other for a quick fuck? You know me better than that, dude. If that’s all I wanted I would have done that with anyone else in a heartbeat. You know how many texts land on my phone every day? The constant offers from girls who would let me do anything to them I had a mind to do?” This was another part of the mystery about Simon I was yet to learn. I hated hearing this.

  “And there it is. This is exactly why I don’t want you around, Piper. She deserves the fucking world after all she’s been through.” Gibson sounded furious.

  “She’s entering an industry where there are so many sex hungry guys like we were waiting in the wings to pluck a gorgeous little peach like her.”

  Gibson’s voice bit back loudly, “What do you mean were? I may have changed, but it’s a weekly event for you to be linked with someone else.”

  “Yeah, and I told you the press made that up about Jess and me. I swear there’s been no one else since Piper… no one for months before her.”

  Gibson scoffed but didn’t speak.

  “You don’t believe me? Take a look online. You won’t find any women on my arm. I’ve been extra careful lately and I haven’t had sex in months. Clean living and a change in direction were long overdue for me and let me tell you, it’s not been easy.” Simon sighed, “Gibson what I’m saying is Piper is worth changing for.”

  “So you’re a changed man, Si? Just like that?”

  “No. I’ve explained how it is and you of all people should know how hard it is to change opinions. If you don’t believe me maybe we should get Jess on the phone.”

  Silence fell between them and I thought I should show myself, but Simon spoke again before I could move. “You gonna tell me you’ll take them all on, Gib? Why not trust me? I don’t want to break her heart, I’m serious about her. Are you saying there’s no one worse for her than me? Maybe someone who won’t give a fuck about her feelings or be able to take care of her the way I want to?”

p; “Simon, I don’t doubt at this minute how you feel. You forget I know you, so I know you can treat a girl right when it suits, it’s what happens when you get bored. We’ve been here before.” My heart stopped, hearing Gibson tell him that.

  “No I haven’t, Gibson. The only similarity is Amy’s age to Piper’s, and I was twenty-three back then.” Who’s Amy? I wondered.

  “Have you forgotten the way her father beat you for how you treated her? Don’t make me regret carrying your sorry wounded ass to the van and driving you to hospital.” A shock of electricity ran through me that someone had hurt Simon in the past.

  “Gibson, I’m really trying to give you your place right now with Piper, but let’s do this. We’ve never really spoken about what happened since, so as we’re being so fucking honest let’s bring it all to the table. You weren’t so fucking innocent in all that happened, Gib, or have you forgotten you fucked Amy as well?” Gibson fell silent for a few moments then his voice was much less volatile.

  “No. I haven’t forgotten. I had her first. She begged, remember?” Gibson said in a quieter voice.

  “Then you asked me to take her off your hands,” Simon added. I cringed at the distasteful conversation between them.

  “I’m not proud of how that turned out, but she was there night after night and I had no attraction to her in the first place. It was me who placated her at first, but the chick freaked out when I said I wasn’t interested and went out of her way to fuck anything around her that moved.”

  “Of all the guys, you were the one who kept the conversation going. You shouldn’t have given her mixed messages, Si.”

  “Jesus, Gibson. I slept with her once and I did tell her there was no future beforehand. It wasn’t my fault she became fixated on me and the reason I tried to placate her was because it became pretty apparent she had emotional issues. The reason her father beat my ass was because I was the name she couldn’t stop talking about. I was doing you a favor.”


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