by John Fowler
Francolin hen, 341
Fulica cristata, 246
Galdikas, Biruté, xi, 329
Galium spurium, 71
Gallirex johnstoni, 342
Gallium, 71, 75, 78, 80, 82
Genocide, 241, 331, 374
Giant rat, 88–89, 140, 344
Giant senecio, 157, 159–160, 341, 353, 359
Giles (surgical assistant), 308–310
Ginseng (gorilla), 345, 364
Giraffa tippelskirchi, 324
Giraffes, 9, 320, 324–325
Gombe Reserve, xi, 270–271
Goodall, Jane, xi, 270–271, 314
Gorilla berengei berengei, 51
Gorilla berengii grauerii, 348
Gorilla Fund International, 370–371, 376
Gorillas. See also specific gorillas
attacks by, 98, 232
autopsy on, 299–300, 307–309, 375
behavior of, 98–105, 203–221, 230–232, 246–250, 268–269, 299–303, 330–338, 351
diet of, xix, 71, 75, 78–82, 107–110, 121–122, 190, 203–204, 207–208, 247, 269, 314, 353
graveyard of, 52–53, 66, 75, 84, 181, 244, 247, 272–274, 285–286, 306, 309, 311, 374–375
grooming activity of, 118–119, 247–248
group dynamics of, 98–105, 208–219, 246–250
habitat of, 39, 82–83, 114, 314
mother-infant behaviors, 26, 105–122, 247–248, 300–303, 360–361
research on, xi–xx, 12–14, 93–113, 119–126, 131–132
sexual activity of, 94, 236, 248–249, 302
vocalization of, xix, 51–52, 75–77, 92–93, 108–109, 118, 178, 189, 192, 217, 220, 242, 248–249, 290, 302, 307
Gorillas in the Mist, 346, 364, 367–368
Graphiurus murinus, 344
Grassy sedge, 157, 159
Grebe, 246
Groove-toothed rats, 344
Guggenheim Foundation, 245
Gunn, André, 235–236
Gwehandegaza (porter), 41, 85, 98, 133, 145, 241, 266, 271, 291, 294, 347
Habyarimana, President, 39, 258, 370
Hagenia abyssinica, 44
Hagenia trees, 44, 47, 53
Halsey, Ann Howard, 331
Hancocks, David, 17, 22
Harcourt, Sandy
as field scientist, 238, 328–338
goring by buffalo, 351
Mountain Gorilla Preservation Fund and, 170
Mountain Gorilla Project and, 170–171, 226, 363, 371
ORTPN and, 245–246
as researcher, 113, 223–227, 238, 328–338
return to Karisoke, 261, 328–338, 363–367
tourism and, 170–171, 245–246
Harry, Debbie, 347
Hausfater, Glenn, 84, 148
Heart of Darkness, 43, 265, 373
Heliosciurus ruwenzorii, 49
High Wind in Jamaica, 86
Hoff, Mike, 7
Holliman, Earl, 95
Hornbills, 324
Hypericum lanceolatum, 44
Hypericums, 44
Hyraxes, 83, 166–167, 170, 259, 350, 372
Icarus (gorilla), 93–100, 212, 215–220, 269, 293, 299–303, 308–310, 351, 356–357
International Primatological Society, 349
Jampel, Barbara, 235–236, 270
Japanese film crew, 177–188, 199–200, 206–207, 210–213, 216–222
Japanese film production, 177–188, 227, 230, 245, 265
Josephine (baby gorilla). See also Bonne Année; Nani
caring for, 65, 75–84, 90, 104–112, 117–126, 134–139
name changes for, 105, 148, 173, 227
Jozi (gorilla), 360–361
Kabara Meadow, 80, 195–196, 258, 359–360
Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, 173, 221, 348–349
Kajiura, Jinzaburo (Kaji), xix, 179–188, 199–200, 206–222, 227–228
Kanyaragana (house servant), xii, 54–66, 78–81, 141, 144, 162, 179–181, 204, 240–243, 272–286, 293, 297–298, 329, 342–343, 369
Karisoke Research Center
anniversary of founding, 370–376
arriving at, 23, 43–64
founding of, xi–xv, 196, 273, 374
growth of, 376
justifying, 131–132
leaving, 362–363
new location of, 376
news from, 367–369
research at, xi–xx, 12–14, 93–113, 119–126, 131–132
return to, 370–376
Kima (pet monkey), 52–53, 56–57, 138, 179, 223–224, 241–245, 252, 271–276, 286–288, 306, 375
Kiwis, 321–322
Kramer, Rick, 30–31
Kramer, Theresa, 30
Kweli (gorilla), 52, 84, 368
Laerm, Joshua, 105
“Land of a thousand hills,” 32–38
Land of a Thousand Hills: My Life in Rwanda, 331
Laportea alatipes, 71
Leakey, Louis, xi, 103
Leakey, Mary, 103
Lee (gorilla), 52
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, 327
Liza (gorilla), 174
Lobelia, 70, 160
Lobelia gibberoa, 70
Long-eared owls, 342
Lord of the Rings, 349
Lowland gorillas, 164, 173, 348–349
Loxodonta africana, 257, 261
Loxodonta cyclotis, 257, 261
Lyon, Lee, 310
Macho (gorilla), 84
Maggie (gorilla), 236–238, 252, 268, 358, 360
Makonde carving, 349–350
Maple, Terry
at Audubon Zoo, 365–366, 369
at Georgia Tech, 6, 11–12, 120
in Kenya, 6–17, 69, 119–120
in Nairobi, 312–316
research proposals by, 11–13, 16, 89–90, 105, 120, 348
Marchessa (gorilla), 100, 298–311, 366, 375
Masai giraffes, 324
McGuire, Wayne, xiv, 369–370
McIlvaine, Rob, 128–129, 143–146, 154
Melone, Harry, Jr., 20, 24, 27
Merz, Anna, 319–327
Merz, Karl, 318–327
Mikumi National Park, 266
Milles Collines, 33
Morrison, Van, 347
Moss, Cynthia, 10–11
Mother-infant behavior, 26, 105–122, 247–248, 300–303, 360–361
Mother-infant research proposal, 12–13, 16, 90, 105, 120, 348
Mount Karisimbi, 38–39, 47, 53, 62–63, 84, 117, 236, 250, 255, 260, 341, 346, 357–362, 371–372
Mount Nyamuragira, 158–168
Mount Visoke, xvii, 36–42, 67–69, 76, 91, 112–114, 134, 141, 155–163, 172–173, 190–199, 219–233, 246, 258, 268, 272, 282–284, 292, 298, 306, 332, 340–346, 352–359, 375
Mountain Gorilla Preservation Fund, 170
Mountain Gorilla Project, 68, 116, 170–171, 226, 235, 292, 328–329, 334–336, 363, 370–371
Mountain Gorilla, The, 14, 195
Mountain gorillas, 51. See also Gorillas
Mousebirds, 22
Mukera (woodman), 81, 86, 204, 241
Munyarukiko (poacher), 291
Muraha (gorilla), 100, 214–217, 302–303
Mutarutkwa (poacher), 148–149
Nairobi National Park, 9–10, 314, 323
Nameye (tracker), xviii, 67, 206–207, 220, 241–243, 257, 304, 341, 346, 358–360
Nani (baby gorilla). See also Bonne Année
adopted family of, 344–345
bivouac with, 182–183, 186–202
caring for, 372
death of, 367
film of, 203–221, 245
name changes for, 105, 148, 173, 227
observations of, 344–345
painting of, 242, 295
pictures with, 225
release of, 203–221, 227–228, 314, 367–368
resting place of, 375
sketch of, 242
updates on, 364
visiting, 230–234
National Geographic, xiii, 4, 13, 39, 48, 56, 84, 94, 97, 115, 139, 144–145, 154–155, 187, 226, 234–235, 242, 245, 270, 284, 314, 364–366, 369
National Geographic Society, 12, 115, 127–129
Necropsy, 299–300, 307–309, 375
Nettles, 71, 91
New York Zoological Society, 115
N’gee (gorilla), 127–131, 141, 148, 173, 206
Nippon AV Productions, 177–188, 227, 230, 245, 265
Nkubili, Paulin, 291
Norton, Guy, 266–267
Nshogoza (housekeeper), 329
Nshuti (gorilla), 334–338
Nunkie (gorilla), 62, 106, 126–127, 154–156, 160–163, 172, 179, 246–247, 267, 278, 283–284, 292–298, 340, 345, 364
Old Goat (gorilla), 247
Orangutan research, xi, 329
Orchids, 258
ORTPN, 24, 27, 62, 246
Otomys denti, 344
Out of Africa, 319
Owls, 342
Pablo (gorilla), 100, 174–175, 214–217, 353
Pantsy (gorilla), 214, 249, 358, 360–361
Papoose (gorilla), 283, 345
Parc des Volcans, 24, 32, 38–40, 61, 80, 258, 269
Parrots, 258, 321, 324
Peanuts (gorilla), 134, 155, 227, 230–234, 247, 292, 340, 344–345, 364
Perlmeter, Stuart
as acting director, 224–225, 268
arriving at Karisoke, 43–64
baby gorilla release and, 227–228
at Karisoke, 43–66, 82–96, 106–107, 112–117, 125–128, 132–141, 147–197, 220–238, 243–276
leaving Karisoke, 276–283, 286, 292–294
meeting, 15, 22–23
poacher patrols and, 147–150, 172
traveling with, 25–42
Petula (gorilla), 283
Peucedanum kerstenii, 71
Phillips, Carolyn
arriving at Karisoke, 43–64
caring for baby gorilla, 65, 75–76, 90, 104–106, 130–141
at Karisoke, 74–82, 86, 115, 121, 130–142
leaving Karisoke, 141–148, 266–267, 292
meeting, 15
traveling with, 17–49
Poacher patrol, 79–85, 128, 146–153, 172, 223, 247, 258–260, 340, 346, 374
Poacher traps, 80, 83, 148–152, 258–259, 290, 334–336, 346, 353
Poachers, xiii–xiv, 18, 83–85, 90–93, 103–104, 127–132, 148–152, 202, 221, 257–260, 290–291, 320, 370
Poats, Susan, 263
Poicephalus fuscicollis, 258
Polystachya kermesina, 258
Poppy (gorilla), 99–100, 210, 214–217, 249, 301–302, 353
Portraits in the Wild, 10
Prunus africana, 342
Pternistis nobilis, 341
Puck (gorilla), 94, 100, 132, 216, 237, 270, 302, 375
Pucker (gorilla), 48, 76, 82, 153, 173
Pygeum trees, 342
Queen Elizabeth National Park, 157
Rain forest, 22
Rats, 88–89, 140, 344
Ravens, 47, 133–134
Ray, Ola, 348
Rector, Dick, 236, 237
Red-knobbed coots, 246
Redmond, Ian, 103–104, 171, 289–294
Reed, Dan, 313
Release attempts, 203–221, 227–228, 314, 367–368
Research proposals, 11–13, 89–90, 105, 120, 348
Rhine, Ramon, 12–17, 54, 266, 268
Rhinos, 322, 326–327
Richardson, Clare, 371
Ronstadt, Linda, 348
Rothschild, Daisy, 320
Rudman, Bert, 369, 370–371
Ruwenzori sun squirrel, 49
Ruwenzori turacos, 342
Rwanda documentary, 369–370
Rwanda research camp, xi–xviii, 12. See also Karisoke Research Center
Rwandan Office for Tourism and National Parks (ORTPN), 24, 27, 62, 246
Rwelekana (tracker), xiv, 150–164, 172, 189, 199–202, 242, 246–247, 252, 257–258, 370
Rwindi National Park, 156–157
Salinger, J. D., 319
Sato, Yuki, 228
Schaller, George, 14, 38, 96, 103, 195–196
Sedge, 157, 159
Sekalyongo (tracker), 374–376
Sendak, Maurice, 4
Senecio, 157, 159–160, 341, 353, 359
Servais, André, 251–252
Shangaza (gorilla), 345, 364
Shinda (gorilla), 100, 300–303, 309
Sign language, 307
Simba (gorilla), 368
Smith, Leslie, 6
Smith, Patti, 347
Snares, 83, 148–152, 258–259, 334–336, 346. See also Traps
Sophie (baby gorilla), 104–112, 148, 173, 227. See also Bonne Année
Speckled mousebirds, 22
Spotted hyenas, 350
Stallsmith, Brooke, 19
Stampedes, 194, 352–357
Stevens, Beth, 315
Stewart, Jimmy, 113, 333
Stewart, Kelly, 113, 171, 250, 333
Strum, Shirley, 314–315
Sumu, 35–36, 291, 310, 369
Swahili, learning, 240–242
Sykes monkeys, 323
Syncerus caffer nanus, 165
Tachybaptus ruficollis, 246
Takenaka, Haruhiko (Taka), xix, 179–184, 187–188, 199, 206–222
Tanzania research camp, xi
Thistle, 71, 76, 78, 80, 82
Tiger (gorilla), 134
Titus (gorilla), 368
Tolkien, J. R. R., 349
Toni (tracker), 57, 107, 113, 182–183, 189–199, 204–205, 220, 240, 260, 284–286, 289, 292, 357
Topi antelope, 263
Tourism, 68–69, 114–116, 161, 170–171, 230, 245–246, 269, 289, 371
Tragelaphus scriptus, 50
Traps, 80, 83, 148–152, 258–259, 290, 334–336, 346, 353
Tuck (gorilla), 99–100, 210–219, 237, 302–303, 366
Turacos, 318, 324, 342
Uncle Bert (gorilla), 52, 84, 179, 247, 283, 375
Up Country Swahili, 173
Urtica massaica, 71
Vedder, Amy
filming of, 61, 236
at Karisoke, 21, 98, 113, 170, 224–226
leaving Mount Visoke, 282, 329
Mountain Gorilla Project and, 68, 226, 334, 371
studies by, 21, 114, 170–171, 228–230, 236–238, 328–329
tourism and, 68–69, 114–116, 161, 170–171, 230, 289
Veit, Peter
baby gorilla release and, 203–221, 227–228
at Karisoke, xviii, 54–74, 81–82, 86–101, 106, 109, 113, 131–141, 147–153, 162–177, 183–188, 206–212, 218–229, 234–238, 250–281, 292–310, 329–334, 340–362
leaving Karisoke, 362–363
meeting, 15, 54
photo credit for, 366, 368
stolen photos of, 96–97, 234, 298, 329–330
Vernonia calvoana, 44
Vimont, Pierre, 104, 150, 153, 242, 300, 306–310
Virunga Volcanoes, 34, 103, 115–116, 181, 188, 245, 250, 257, 357, 376
Von Blixen, Karen, 319
Von der Beck, Jean-Pierre
baby gorilla release and, 227–228
filming of, 237–238
at Karisoke, 226–228
Mountain Gorilla Project and, 371
travels of, 261–262, 266–267
visiting, 228–230, 234–238, 243, 280–283
Von Sommerin, Cunningham, 317–318
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 10, 16
Waterbirds, 246
Waxbills, 48
Weber, Bill
attack by gorilla, 98
ng of, 61, 236
at Karisoke, 21, 98, 113, 170, 224–226
leaving Mount Visoke, 282, 329
meeting, 21
Mountain Gorilla Project and, 68, 226, 334, 371
studies by, 21, 114, 170–171, 228–230, 236–238, 328–329
tourism and, 68–69, 114–116, 170–171, 230, 289
Weed, Jim, 312–313
Weiss, Peter, 244, 252, 306
Where the Wild Things Are, 4
White-necked raven, 47, 133–134
Wild celery, 71, 121–122, 207, 247, 269
Wildlife conservation, 82–83, 145, 327
Wisdom, Betty, 14
Woodland dormice, 344
World Book Encyclopedia, 4
Yamagiwa, Juichi, 348–349
Yancey, Ann, 19, 262, 330
Year of the Gorilla, The, 195
Young, Jesse Colin, 347
Ziz (gorilla), 248, 270, 351
Zoos, xiii, 82–83, 153, 164, 173, 365–366, 369
Zumalinda (tracker), 370
A Forest in the Clouds
Pegasus Books Ltd.
148 W 37th Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2018 by John Fowler
First Pegasus Books cloth edition February 2018
Interior design by Maria Fernandez
All photographs copyright © John Fowler unless otherwise noted
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN: 978-1-68177-633-0
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Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company