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When We Were Dancing (The Wolf of Oberhame Book 2)

Page 6

by Auryn Hadley

  Leyli put one hand on his chest and shoved him back behind the shrubs, into a secluded nook, then pressed her other to his mouth. They were no longer alone.

  Chapter 7

  Cursing at every god she could think of, Leyli slapped her hand over Tristan's mouth and pressed him into the lover's nook. Instead of acting shocked, the Lion just let her, moving where she guided him, until he hit the stone. Then she leaned against him, turning so her pastel dress wouldn't shine through the evergreens. Unless their guest knew the stories her father had told, he wouldn't know this was here. It had been built for her mother.

  Beneath her palm, she felt him smile. A second later, Tristan reached up for her wrist, pulling her hand away, but the smirk on his face made her tension fade. He guided her hand to his belt, then to the hilt of a sword strapped there. The message was clear. If she needed it, that one was for her. She nodded once to let him know she understood.

  "Welcome to the Queen's Garden," a man said.

  Leyli recognized it as her cousin, but Tristan's face was blank. He had yet to meet the man who'd tried to have her killed. Mainly because she wasn't sure how he'd react. From the look on his face, she should have known better. He was protective, not stupid.

  A girl giggled. "You know this is reserved for only the Aravatti, right?"

  "And their family," Palino assured her. "Ilario is my uncle."

  Across from her, Tristan nodded. He could put the pieces together easily enough. Then he tugged at her hair and flicked a finger toward the speakers. Leyli's mouth dropped as she suddenly understood. The girl! It was Fiona, her maid!

  "Aren't there secret rooms built out here?" Fiona asked.

  Palino chuckled. "No. The only way to get into this place is through that one door. The whole thing is a lover's paradise. That's why I told the guards that I didn't want to be disturbed. The only person who could possibly interrupt us is the king, and we'd hear as soon as the door opened."

  Tristan was smiling and nodding his head. Leyli furrowed her brow, wondering what had him amused. He pressed his hands together, then opened them, as if indicating the door. In other words, the man who'd applied for her guard had just impressed him. It was also a good hint that her father wasn't the only person who suspected Palino of killing Kale. They'd just been given the chance to listen in without shame, and the man - Horace? - had seen that Tristan was well armed.

  Fiona's feet were moving past as she followed the stone trail. "So what does the king do with a garden?"

  "Ilario is a sentimental fool. He kept the flowers because his wife loved them. Said his children deserved to have a place to remember their mother, or something." Palino made a disgusted noise. "I think he's been bringing his mistresses out here, so no one sees him sneaking them into his rooms."

  Fiona huffed. "Oh, trust me, he doesn't really sneak them. The chambermaid, Ylosa, said he invites them in like nobles."

  "Sounds about right."

  "What about you?" Fiona asked. "Do I ever get to see your rooms?"

  "I'm sure you will," he purred, sounding false to Leyli's ears, "since your lady will be my wife. Means it'll be easier to explain away why you're spending so much time with me."

  "Yeah?" The girl giggled. "Trying to say you'd like this to be a long term thing, huh? I figured you were just looking for a little fun."

  "A lot of fun."

  Fiona squealed, but it sounded playful, not frightened. A second later, Palino laughed before their feet scampered farther away. Leyli lifted her head, straining to hear, but Tristan's hand caught her chin. He stepped closer and leaned, pressing his mouth to her ear.

  "I'm pretty sure you won't be hearing much for a few minutes."

  She pulled him down to whisper back, "Just a few minutes? Thought that took an hour."

  He turned to look in her face, but was grinning. "Only if you're good." Her mouth flopped open, but he pressed his finger to her lips and shook his head. "When he's done, he'll either take her back inside, or try to get information. We're staying here for a bit."

  Nodding, Leyli slid down the wall until she was sitting. She wasn't going to stand there and wait. Besides, the ground was still the most comfortable place she'd found. There was something liberating about it, even if her skirts might get a little stained. She'd just make up some excuse about picking flowers.

  Across from her, Tristan was vigilant. The sword across his back made sitting a bit less possible. He'd have to unbuckle the sheath, and the chances of something clanking loud enough to be heard was pretty good. He didn't seem to mind, so she took her chance to enjoy the view. It wasn't like she could do that anymore.

  Everyone in court was convinced her relationship with Tristan was improper. It was, but only in her mind. Well, unless she counted the kisses. She wasn't sure the first one counted, since he hadn't known her position. All he'd known was that she was his partner. A few minutes ago?

  Her teeth found her lip as her eyes roamed across him. A few minutes ago, he'd kissed her again and it had been just as amazing as she remembered. More, because she'd felt his excitement pressing into her. She knew that's why he'd stopped. What she didn't know was why. He'd said that men got hard when the wind blew the wrong way, but they didn't always like it. Was this one of those times?

  If he liked it, he wouldn't stop, right? Nona, her first maid, always said that men took what they wanted from a lady. Her body was there for his pleasure. It didn't matter his rank, and the more common a man, the more likely he felt like he deserved it. If she didn't push him away, the only way she'd be safe from his attentions was if he found her too disgusting to tumble.

  But Tristan wasn't like that. Leyli wasn't guessing about that, and she wasn't making excuses. She'd seen it for herself. Every evening, he'd lain naked while Petya massaged out his aches and he'd never tried to have his way with her. Petya wasn't thrilled about that, but it wasn't because he found the masseuse displeasing. Leyli knew. She'd asked. He said he wouldn't fuck her because he wanted more than just the act. Said he was tired of fucking women he barely knew.

  Not that her mental ramblings helped. Sitting so close to him, she couldn't ask for fear of being overheard. She also wasn't sure she really wanted to know. What if he said he didn't want her like that. Would the blow to her pride be something she could live with? Tristan wasn't exactly going away. Then again, would knowing that he did be any different? He wasn't going away, and she had to find a husband with a proper title who could make an alliance good enough to please the country. In other words, no matter what she wanted, she couldn't have him.

  That didn't mean she didn't want him. Standing there, he looked like everything women dreamed of. Not even thick leather could hide the bulk of his muscles. His biceps were massive, proof that he'd spent hours swinging the swords strapped to him, and she knew what was under all of that. She'd seen the lines in his abdomen and knew the stories behind all his scars. So many nights she'd traced them as she fell asleep. She knew his skin as well as she knew her own. Maybe better.

  Around the corner, Fiona let out throaty gasps. Palino's voice was a murmur too soft to hear. Leyli knew she should be blushing, but didn't care. She wasn't innocent anymore. She might still be a virgin, but she knew exactly what happened between a man and a woman. In the games, Gladiators were sold for the profit of their owners. She'd never had to face that because Tristan had done more than his fair share. It didn't mean she hadn't heard him in the cell next to her - or any of the other men in the dungeons they'd called home at an arena.

  And right now, Fiona's performance was sadly lacking. Maybe she was trying to keep the guards from hearing, or hoping that her voice didn't carry, but her pleasure sounded as false as Palino's affection. Evidently they were a well matched couple, both trying to use the other for the most benefit.

  With a loud grunt, her cousin finished his evening activities. Tristan just pressed his hand to his face and shook his head, trying not to chuckle. A few short minutes later, the pair made their way leisurely bac
k to the doors.

  "So how do you like working for my cousin?" Palino asked.

  Fiona made a dismissive noise. "It's easy enough. She keeps her cosmetics simple, only changes clothes when her duties require it, and at least one of those I'm not even called for. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really helping. She says she did well enough without a maid for six months, there's no reason to bother me now."

  Palino latched onto that. "She ever talk about her time as a gladiator?"

  "Not really." Fiona hummed as if thinking. "I mean, she said Tristan was her shield brother, and made jokes about him finding a woman he could tolerate, but that's about it."

  "You think she's bedding him?" He sounded a little too curious.

  Fiona giggled, trying to make it pretty. "No. I think he prefers men. His attentions to her Highness are much too cool to be anything but duty. Hers are distant, but that's just how she is. Sometimes I think your cousin would've been happier as a man."

  "She's trying to become one, don't you think? Look at the way she's been behaving, as if she deserves the same rights and privileges! Never mind how brazen she's become. Like a whore, if you ask me. And her father is allowing it to happen."

  "Stupid bitch," the girl almost growled. "She has everything. The best dresses, the most expensive jewels, and every luxury I could dream of, but she's so busy playing swords with her guards that she doesn't even care. I think the Secor cares more about clothes than she does."

  "Is that what you want?" Palino asked. "Dresses?"

  "Not like I could wear them. Best a girl like me could do is a tiny necklace, or maybe a ring that would get overlooked as a family heirloom."

  "Or maybe both. Tell me, does the Princess keep a regular schedule at all, or will I have to sneak you out late at night? Do you think she'd even notice?"

  Fiona tittered in a way that was far from pleasing. "I think she notices everything. Whatever happened to her while she was gone made her a very odd woman, indeed."

  Their voices were fading, but Leyli knew how the talk would end. Most likely her maid would have a new trinket the next time she saw her. Maybe more than one. Not that she could blame the girl. A cheap ring for a noble was often enough to pay rent for a month. If spreading her legs made her life easier, then Leyli wouldn't think less of her, but selling secrets was different. A lady's maid was supposed to be someone the lady could trust and confide in.

  Shortly after, the garden door opened and Horace made a point of welcoming them back just loud enough to carry. His words were well scripted, asking if they'd gotten the chance to see the roses in bloom. Leyli couldn't hear the answer, but didn't honestly care. Her mind was still stuck on what Fiona had said.

  "Tristan?" she asked, keeping her voice low.

  He offered her a hand up. "Don't you dare feel guilty about keeping up your training. Not when that bastard is trying to kill you."

  She shook her head, proving that wasn't what she wanted. "Do you prefer men? Is that why you despised your sluts so much?"

  "What?!" His head snapped to her.

  "I've never asked, and I don't know how that would work, but it does make sense. I mean, if you prefer men, then -"

  "No." He tugged her against his chest. "Listen to me, Ley. Listen real close, because I'm not going to say this again. I only have interest in one woman. I can't have that woman, and I'm not going to replace her with any cunt willing to let me stick my cock in it. If all I want is to get off, then I can do that on my own, no need to end up smelling like jasmine or whatever."

  "Oh." She sucked in a breath, then another, before gaining the courage to ask what she really wanted to know. "Who? The miller's girl?"

  "No. Leyli, you're beautiful and brilliant, but sometimes you're insufferably dense."

  "Then just tell me who, damn it!"

  He lifted her chin slightly and looked deep into her eyes. "You. Now let's get you back to your rooms and find some guards."

  Chapter 8

  The next night, with a coin purse filled with Leyli's money, he arranged to meet the eight potentials at a local pub. Ilario's guard promised to watch her door, and the hoard of women crawling all over her for the most recent dress fitting meant he wasn't needed. Not even Palino could manage to get through that gaggle.

  So Tristan got to see Oberhame. Growing up, he'd always imagined the city to be paved with marble and every home made of gold. The reality was very different. Inside the palace gates, the world was exquisite. Down both main roads, homes were built to impress. Everything else was like every other big town in Norihame. The farther he walked from the nobility, the darker the streets became and the more garbage littered the corners. He'd have to take Leyli out here some time. She probably had no idea.

  Thankfully, the pub was pretty decent. It was also supposed to be cheap. He barely stepped inside before he heard the men laughing. That made them easy to find. The bruises proved he had the right crowd. At least they didn't seem upset about being pushed so hard. He had no idea how things worked before he came, but now? Yeah. All bets were off. Ilario had given him complete control over Leyli's protection, and that meant pounding these fuckers until they proved they could take it.

  "The man of the hour!" Gregori called, standing up with a tankard of something.

  Tristan waved him down as he claimed the last empty chair at the table. A young woman hurried over, intending to take his order. Tristan gestured to the entire group as he caught her eye.

  "I'm paying for everyone here."

  "Sir?" she asked, her eyes growing wide. "One round?"

  "All their rounds, plus a real meal." He dropped the coin bag on the table. "Compliments of her Highness, Leylani Meridia Aravatti."

  "Yes, sir!"

  Just like he expected, that brought forth another round of cheering. Tristan leaned back and smiled. He'd let them have it for a few minutes, then he'd break the news. The least he could do was buy them dinner.

  It didn't take long to figure out that most of these guys knew each other. Some were rowdy, like Gregori. Others, like Temotio, were exceptionally well mannered, but they all were men. When the first girl returned with their meal and smiled at Tristan for a little too long, it made them laugh. She was cute. She also seemed easy, and he was done with that. Unfortunately, the guys didn't understand his reticence.

  "You should at least flirt back," Temotio said. "Otherwise, we might think she's not your type."

  "She's not." He cut into the pork, pleased to see it was still tender.

  Beside him, Temotio's back stiffened. "Is that why..."

  "Relax," Tristan grumbled. "I'm not going to start flirting with you."

  He wasn't shocked to find Gregori eavesdropping. "Is that why Ilario lets you spend so much time alone with Leyli?"

  "The Princess," Tristan corrected. "Her Highness. Leylani Meridia Aravatti. You - " and he pointed his knife at the idiot " - have not earned the right to use that name."

  "Sayin' I'm gonna get to?"

  The table fell silent. Tristan shoved the meat into his mouth and made a point of chewing. Just as the group began to squirm, he gave up and washed it back with some of the best beer he could remember having. No wonder Leyli had always been picky. This is what she thought was normal.

  First he looked at Temotio. "I'm not into men. Been a gladiator long enough that I don't give a shit what you think, but I damned near earned enough fucking noble widows to buy Ley's title. I'm kinda tired of fucking for a few more weeks." Then he turned his head to Gregori. "Sure you wouldn't rather enjoy your meal before I crush all your hopes and dreams?"

  Gregori's face fell. "Yeah. I suppose."

  "Wait," some guy at the end of the table asked, leaning forward to be seen. He thought it was the merchant's kid, Edwyn. "Did you just say you fucked nobles?"

  Gregori groaned. "Who do you think pays for the services of a gladiator, you nimwit? Think a farmer's girl is gonna be able to afford that shit?"

  Tristan tilted his knife to indicate Gregori. "What
he said. And it's not as nice as you think. Nothing but prudes. You ever see a noble fuck?"

  "Bet you have," another teased. "Hear you're pretty close to The Princess." The inflection he put on her title was condescending.

  "Yep." He kept his attention on his plate.

  "Heard she sleeps on velvet sheets." The idiot wasn't about to give up.

  Tristan couldn't stop the chuckle. "Nope."

  "Bet silk," Gregori said.

  Armando gestured for the girl to bring another round of beer. "I'm just hoping to find out - and not for the reason any of you think. Heir's guard gets into her private chambers, which is the only reason I want to know. My wife'd kill me if I even looked."

  The man at the end laughed. "The Lion knows. Which is it? You been spending the night twined up in silk or velvet?"

  "Linen or cotton. Not real sure, but didn't stop to ask. Just know they're red."

  "The Princess has red sheets?"

  "No." He took a long drink, then glared at the man. "Ley's sheets are lavender. Mine are red. I'm in the room next door. Yes, I've seen her naked - when I sewed her back together. Yes, I've picked her broken body up from the sands of the arena. And yes, I know all about her sheets, because I have to walk through her room to get to mine."

  "Bet she could suck a man hard enough to make him scream." The guy lifted his cup, expecting everyone to laugh with him.

  Tristan surged to his feet. "Get out."

  "What?" The poor guard had no idea what he'd done.

  Tristan pointed at the door. "Five minutes ago, you were going to be announced at one of the Heir's guards. Now? I will not have you close to her."

  "Because you're fucking her!" The fool stormed up the length of the table.

  Tristan met him halfway, with a fist to his face. The guard's body barely hit the ground before Tristan's foot connected with his ribs, then his hand twined in the guy's hair. "I said out!" Forcefully hauling the soldier to his feet, the Lion escorted him to the door. All around them, the pub fell silent.


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