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The Craving

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “No, don’t stop.” Our eyes locked and I placed my hands on his biceps again, feeling his muscles tighten as he braced himself. He pushed farther into me and I arched my back, feeling the pleasure and pain become one. With one last thrust, he was buried deep inside of me. We groaned in unison. He didn’t move for the longest time and I knew he was letting my body get accustomed to his. Despite my knowledge that he wanted to be easy with me, a dark and delicious burn was traveling through me, demanding it be ravished by Kristofer.

  I felt stretched, filled. My pussy clamped down on his erection and he jerked in response. Kristofer closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He slowly pulled out and when just the head was lodged inside of my cunt he shoved back inside.

  “So fucking good, Payton.” His voice was a rough whisper.

  He pumped in and out of me, my pussy juice making the ride slick, noisy. He leaned back and lifted my leg over the back of the couch. I was spread wide, obscenely open to his inspection. His palms landed on my inner thighs, the sound of his skin slapping against mine erotic and arousing as hell. Kristofer rubbed my outer labia with slow, measured strokes. He stared down with hooded eyes where his cock was buried.

  “You have no idea how you look to me right now, so open, willing. In all my existence I have never seen a sight so arousing.” His gaze lifted and we stared at each other. “I want be gentle, to go slow, but I am holding onto my control by a thread, Payton.” His jaw clamped down tight and I heard his teeth grinding.

  “I want you to lose control, Kristofer. I don’t want slow and gentle,” I whispered, not knowing where that statement came from. His nostrils flared and a hunger so fierce and powerful flashed behind his eyes. I knew what was about to happen would be irreversible.

  After that he was a mad man, slamming into me, pumping his hips with such speed I could do nothing but close my eyes and hold on. The sound of my pussy sucking at his cock seemed lewd in nature, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t turn me on even more.

  “Fuck, Payton. You feel so good.” I watched as a light sheen of sweat started to cover his glorious chest. I panted, feeling my own body becoming slick with perspiration. I started to lift my hips to meet his thrusts. My clit bumped against the root of his shaft, sending me closer to an orgasm I knew would suck the very air from my lungs.

  He smoothed a hand over my hip and across my mound until he was resting his thumb right above the engorged bud. “Play with your nipples, baby. Make them hard and red.”

  I opened my mouth in a silent cry as his thumb pressed down on my clit. I let go of his arms and cupped my breasts, taking each nipple between thumb and forefinger and started twisting, pulling. I felt the skin tighten further, felt the blood rush to the surface.

  “Your skin, it gets the most beautiful blush.” His mouth was slightly open as he breathed out heavily. I could see the points to his massive fangs, actually contemplated what it would feel like to have them pierce my flesh while he fucked me. I pushed the thought far from my mind, not even about to go there.

  “I’m so close, Kristofer.” I bowed my back which caused my breasts to lift into my palms. I tweaked by nipples harder, matching what his fingers were doing to my clit. If at all possible, he started thrusting into me harder, faster. I pulled on my nipples, making them stand stiff, hard.

  “Oh fuck!” He grunted and I lost control. The combination of his crass language, his huge shaft spearing my pussy, his finger on my clit, and my own tugging motions on my nipples set off an explosive orgasm within me. I tensed, hearing an ear shattering scream and realized it was coming from me.

  I heard a string of curse words, knew they were coming from Kristofer, and peeled my eyelids back to watch him come. His whole body was tense, his muscles and veins standing in stark relief as he came in my body. I could actually feel the hot, powerful jets of his cum pulse within me and the feeling set off another orgasm inside of me.

  I watched in rapt awe as Kristofer’s fangs seemed to lengthen further, watched them puncture his lower lip, and saw the drops of ruby red blood well from the wound. His head was thrown back as his orgasm seemed to escalate. I opened my mouth in a silent gasp when a drop of his blood landed on my belly. The warmth of it startled me and I flicked my gaze from Kristofer to the crimson droplet.

  When he finally relaxed he opened his eyes and breathed out deeply. “I’m sorry.” His voice was a hoarse whisper and he hung his head, refusing to meet my gaze. “I tried to control myself. It’s just it has been a long time since…It has just been a long time.”

  The blood on my skin was momentarily forgotten as I cupped his cheeks in my hands and lifted his head. He slowly opened his eyes and stared deeply at me. “I wanted you to lose control. You made me feel so good, Kristofer.”

  He licked his lips and then glanced down at my stomach, where the bright droplet of blood lay splattered against the paleness of my flesh. A startled expression crossed his face. He was about to pull away from me but I stopped him. I knew he could have overpowered me easily, but he let me bring him closer to my body.

  He rested his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him, as much as I could. I ran my fingers through his hair which was surprising soft. “You did control yourself, Kristofer. If you had lost control I would have been your dinner right now.” I felt the rumble of his laughter seep into my body. I never thought I would have been able to joke about something like that, but as I felt his laughter travel through me, I felt my own lips curl in amusement.

  “Never.” He lifted slightly and brought his lips to mine. “How do you do it?” He murmured against my mouth and I brought the tip of my tongue out and swiped it across his lips.

  “How do I do what?”

  “Stay in control? “

  Unease washed through me and I gently pushed him away. His words brought my past threateningly close to the surface and unease settled within me. Fear and anxiousness swirled around me in a tornado of emotion that had me gasping for air. He took the hint and got off me, but not before taking the blanket off the couch and covering my body. He was ever the gentleman.

  “I apologize. I did not mean to upset you.”

  Pulling myself into a sitting position, I stared at my feet and brought the blanket tighter around myself. Guilt washed through me and I cocked my head to the side to look at him through the fall of my hair. “You didn’t upset me. It’s just…It’s just that I try hard to suppress that side of me.” I had never really spoken to anyone about what had happened and, although Kristofer and I had only known each other for a short period of time, there was this undeniable connection I felt with him. I took a deep breath, knowing I needed to tell him because it was eating me up inside.

  “When I was younger I thought monsters were only in movies. I never knew that my neighbor, or anyone else in the world were vampires. When my mother finally told me, I accepted it. I was young enough that I was able to see them as just another person. Just like there are so many different races in the world, I just figured they were the same. I didn’t see them for the monsters they truly were until years later.” I stole a glance at him and saw that he watched me intently, his sole focus on me. There was no judgment in his expression, no condemnation over how I described his species.

  “I came home from work and immediately knew something wasn’t right. The house was too still, too quiet.” I rubbed my eyes, refusing to cry. “I found her sitting at the table. At first I thought she had just fallen asleep again, she did that all the time when she was grading papers. I smirked, recalling how I would find my mother hunched over the table, her breathing heavy and even, a sheet of paper stuck to the side of her face. This wasn’t like any of those other time, though. I saw the pool of blood on the ground.” I dropped my hands and stared out the window. The snow was so pure and white, so fresh and clean. “Her face was as white as the snow falling outside. He had been waiting until I came home. I didn’t know it at the time, but he had been watching us, waiting for the right time to strike.” I
felt Kristofer’s hand on my back, strong, supportive. It felt good to tell someone, but I was reliving the nightmare.

  “He didn’t even give me time to scream. One minute I was alone, staring at my mother’s body and the next he was behind me, his fangs buried in my throat. I can still smell him to this day, that acidic stench of death and decay.”

  “Did you know who he was?” There was a bite in Kristofer’s voice and I turned my attention back to him. His teeth were gritted and his eyes flashed anger. I breathed out roughly and let him pull me toward him. He wrapped his arms around me, giving me strength and compassion. I did cry then, finally letting myself feel something other than hatred.

  “No. He didn’t give me a chance. He drained me to the point that I couldn’t even stand, that all I could see was darkness. I remember shivering so hard from the cold.” I wrapped my arms around my stomach and curled slightly forward, remembering it all too well.

  “Did he say anything?”

  I nodded, my eyes unfocused as I heard his taunting words over and over in my head. “Yes. He said I was special, that he had been searching for a companion for ages. He told me he would be able to find me no matter what. He said he would be back for me.” I started to shake and burrowed closer to Kristofer. “I passed out after that and woke up the next night. After that I ran away from everything. I couldn’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror, knowing what he had done to me, what he had done to my mother.”

  “Oh, Payton. I’m so sorry.”

  He held me for hours, the only sound being the crackle of the fire and our combined breathing. I allowed myself fall asleep, let myself feel safe for the first time since my attack.

  Chapter Seven

  The following day the snow finally stopped. The sun had just set and I stood on the snow and ice covered porch. I held a hot cup of tea between my hands and stared ahead of me. Inches upon inches littered the ground and covered the trees. It was a beautiful sight, but essentially I was trapped. There was no way I would be able to drive anywhere, not unless I had a snowmobile, which I didn’t. I made a mental note that when all of this was over with I would invest in one.

  I wondered if Kristofer’s brothers were out there, if they would find us. His leg was healing nicely, and I surmised he would be as good as new within the next few days. The thought had an uncomfortable pain settling behind my sternum. I walked over to the front window and used my coat-covered forearm to brush away the icicles and snow from the glass.

  I peered inside and watched the deep rise and fall of his chest as he slept on the couch. The sun had just set and I knew he would be up soon. I quickly went back inside, not wanting to alarm him when he woke and I wasn’t there.

  “Hi.” He turned toward me and smiled. That pressure in my chest made itself known. I had only known him for a short while, but there was something between us, something that connected us. He had been hurt and so had I. The feeling I felt when I was around him went beyond any and all logic. Who would have thought I would have grown to care for a vampire? I couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled from me.

  “What’s so funny?” He stood and stretched before coming over to me. Kristofer wrapped me in an embrace and I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. The sound of his heart beating lulled me and I sighed in content. “You know I have to leave soon?”

  I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the front door, memorizing the grain of the wood. I had just been thinking about this, but to actually hear him say it aloud wasn’t something I was prepared for. Pulling back from him, I walked over to the sink and rested my hands on the cool ledge and breathed out deeply. His hands were on my hips before I even heard him move.

  “What’s wrong, Payton?” His voice was low by my ear.

  I shook my head, not about to say what I was truly feeling. “Nothing’s wrong.” He turned me around, but I kept my eyes averted.

  “Don’t lie to me.” He lifted my chin with his finger until we were looking into each other's eyes. I could see a flash of fire erupt behind his gaze and swallowed. I knew he would never harm me, but I had never seen this fierce side of Kristofer before. “Tell me, Payton.”

  “I-I just don’t like the fact that you have to go.” He let me turn away from him and I started fidgeting with the hem of my sweater. I sensed him retreating. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as he started to pace. He continuously ran his hands through his hair, making the short strands stand on end.

  “I didn’t mean for things to go this way. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “What?” I don’t know what I expected from him. Maybe him returning my sentiments, telling me he didn’t want to leave, that he also felt this strange and wondrous connection. What a fool I had been. “That’s your response to what I just said?” My heartache was starting to become a slow burn of anger in the pit of my stomach. I tried to stay calm, but something inside of me was slowly starting to crack. I felt stupid and embarrassed. Here I had opened myself to this man, this vampire, and he was telling me he didn’t want to hurt me? That he didn’t mean for things to go this way?

  “You don’t understand, Payton. If I stay it would only end up putting you in more danger. I couldn’t live with myself if I got you hurt.”

  “Maybe you should have said all that before you begged me for help and then fucked me!” I saw him wince and felt a flare of triumph. I slowly started to feel the strong hold I had over myself unravel. I breathed heavily, trying to rein in my anger. “I shouldn’t have let myself feel anything. I should have just kept my distance.” Stay calm! Stay calm! “Oh God. This is a nightmare.”

  “Payton. Look at me!”

  I hadn’t realized I closed my eyes, but when I slowly opened them and stared at the concern in his face, I felt the world tilt. I had never let myself get this far. Tears pricked my eyes and I started to pace. Strong hands gripped my shoulders and stopped my erratic movements. Never had I acted like this, like a fool.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me.” I had no right to act this way toward him. He owed me nothing. He needed my help and I had offered it, and here I was acting like a complete bitch. Kristofer pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me. His hand cupped my head and slowly I felt the anger, the wild emotions inside of me subside.

  “This is my fault. I am so sorry. Believe me, I don’t want to leave.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I think everything that has happened, and talking about my past, was just a little too much in a short period of time. Although, who am I to blame my anger on that. I’m sorry, Kristofer. You have been nothing but kind and here I am treating you like shit.” My head started to clear and I felt my control slip back into place.

  “Shhh.” He stroked my hair. “Don’t apologize. Emotions are what make us all human.” I stiffened and pulled back to look up at him.

  “I may not be a human any longer, but I still like to think I hold a little part of my former humanity. I still feel things, feel emotions that stop my heart and take my breath away.” His fingers brushed along my cheek. “Like the way I feel about you.” I closed my eyes, leaned into his touch, and let myself feel what he was saying, what he meant. I opened my eyes and looked into his. We stared at each other for a long moment and his head slowly descended toward mine.

  When our lips brushed, I felt my pulse accelerate. I stepped closer to him, felt his hard shaft press against my belly, causing warm liquid to slip from my pussy. I knew this was most likely the last time I would feel this with Kristofer, feel this with another living being. The thought was sobering, but I shoved it to the back of my mind, determined to enjoy this moment. I wanted it to last forever, even though I knew it would be over before I knew it.

  He slid his hands down my body, gripped my hips and lifted me easily. I wrapped my legs around his waist, his cock rubbing along my jean clad pussy. I slipped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, running my tongue along his. He moved us over to the
bed and gingerly laid me upon it. His hand skimmed along my breasts, my nipples standing so hard the material of my shirt abraded them. I arched my back, pressing my breasts into his palm.

  He ground his cock against my cunt, dry humping me until I was withering against him. We broke the kiss and quickly undressed. My breath halted as I looked at his muscular body once again. I knew no matter how many times I saw him naked, I would always become breathless from the sight.

  He slipped onto the bed and I turned to face him. Kristofer took my mouth in a bruising kiss and skimmed his fingers along my side and across my hip bone. He curled his hand around my thigh and lifted it over his leg, exposing my sopping wet pussy to his rock hard cock. His hand slipped between my legs and he started rubbing my clit in quick, fast motions. I pressed my breasts into his chest, my softness against his hardness.

  “Are you ready, Payton?”

  Chapter Eight

  Just hearing him say my name, in that deep, breathless tone made me want to press my legs together to stem off the flow of cream. He stared at me with such longing, such heat and desire, that it was as if he was seeing me for the first time.

  “Do you feel good, Payton? Does my hand playing with your cunt make you want more?”

  I breathed heavily against his mouth. “Kristofer,” I whispered, his name falling from my lips on a moan. “You make me feel so good.”

  He kissed along my jaw and down to where my pulse beat rapidly beneath my skin. He slipped a finger into my pussy and I clenched around the digit, sucking it in, pulling it deeper. His thumb continued running slippery circles around the hard little bud and I squeezed my eyes shut as my orgasm neared.


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