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His Darkest Embrace

Page 15

by Juliana Stone

  She inhaled raggedly and he felt her body shudder violently. “I just wanted to make him go away but he wouldn’t stop. The things he said to me, I don’t—”

  Skye stopped abruptly and was silent.

  “Don’t what? It’s all right, he’s long gone.” Jagger’s senses had picked up nothing and he was dead certain they were alone.

  His gaze took in her long elegant talons once more, as they shimmered and shifted, returning to their human form.

  “He’ll never stop,” she said softly, almost in a daze. “He’s coming. We need to go. There isn’t much time.”

  “Here, let me help you get cleaned up.”

  Skye ignored him and wriggled out of his grasp. He let her go without a struggle, afraid that he would hurt her again. The raw skin at her waist made him cringe.

  She grabbed a remnant of material at her feet and plunged it into the water that swept by.

  Jagger turned to give her some privacy as she finished cleaning her wounds. The occasional sniffle echoed into the silence, and when she was done, his jaw ached from tension and self-loathing.

  They made their way back to their supplies in silence. Skye had no more clothes and he found an extra T-shirt in one of the bags. It was large, obviously her brother’s, and she tied it at her hips, effectively hiding the chafed skin.

  They ate quickly, filled up their water bottles back at the stream and began the long, arduous hike over Victoria Peak. With luck they’d reach the summit by nightfall, then head to the jaguar reserve, in the Cockscomb Basin, by morning.

  If there was a god, Nico would be easy to find and hopefully direct them to the Cave of the sun.

  Yeah, and I’m blowing lucky charms out my ass.

  Jagger grimaced at the thought, but he had to prepare himself. There had to be hundreds of hidden caves and grottoes just in and around Victoria Mountain alone. The Maya mountain range, where they’d just come from was a whole other story.

  He chanced a quick glance down at the woman, who was having no problems whatsoever keeping up with him. Her golden skin was covered in a fine sheen of moisture, her hair curled in long caramel-colored ringlets, and her clothes clung to her frame.

  The air was incredibly humid and Jagger could feel rain. He’d been in the wild for at least three months. If his calculations were correct, it was mid- to late May, and the rainy season would be upon the region in the next little while.

  Making their mission much more difficult.

  Jagger pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He’d deal with it, if and when the situation presented itself. Right now, he needed to concentrate on getting them safely over Victoria Peak.

  They continued to climb higher, pushing through the thick stands of mahogany and cedar that were abundant in this part of Belize. The pace set was relentless, and by early evening they achieved their goal: they reached the summit. The last bit of sun lay bright across the darkening sky, the view unfettered by the tall canopy below.

  Jagger turned to Skye. She stood a few feet away, panting slightly from the exertion of the climb. Her face was raised, eyes closed, and the soft curve of her cheek was illuminated by the last dying beams of sunlight. All around her a fine mist from the clouds created an otherworld effect.

  She looked ethereal. As if she weren’t real.

  The sight held him still.

  His gut tightened and a knot formed at the back of his throat. Jagger gave himself a mental shake. What the hell was wrong with him? So the lady enjoyed a bit of sunlight.

  A loud call echoed down at them and they both turned to the right. A large bird drifted lazily on the wind, its wings spread languidly.

  His eyes immediately fell to Skye but she was focused on the raptor. As it swooped lower, he was able to ascertain that it was indeed an eagle. The wind was blowing in the opposite direction. He couldn’t catch its scent. He didn’t know if it was otherworld.

  “Is that one of yours?”

  She just shook her head and answered softly, “No. That one is free.”

  Skye turned toward him abruptly. “Can I have my satchel?”

  They’d barely spoken all day and while his first instinct was to keep the bag, he found himself handing it over. He still felt like an utter ass for what had happened the night before.

  He turned from her and looked out at the Maya Mountains. They ran along the western side of the Victoria, and even cloaked in the dull gray of early dusk, they were magnificent.

  “We’ll camp here for the night. Make our way down into the basin by midmorning.”

  Skye ignored him and grabbed a bunch of papers along with a tin of beans before she settled herself into a small crevice carved into the ground. Atop the exposed summit, there wasn’t much shelter, so they took what they could find.

  They ate in silence, and as the long moments ticked by Jagger found himself growing more and more annoyed. He couldn’t take the silent treatment any longer.

  “Look, I’m sorry I left you the way I did this morning, but I couldn’t take the chance you’d fly away.”

  Silence still.

  “For Christ sakes, Skye, give me a break. You would have done the same thing if the positions were reversed.”

  Blue eyes pinned him with a look that could shred intestines.

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “No, it’s the truth.”

  She shook her head and even though he could tell she was furious with him, Jagger preferred the anger to the total wall of silence he’d been treated to all day.

  “You’re so full of it your eyes should be brown, not green,” she spat as she came to her knees.

  The wind had picked up as the coming night began to blanket the horizon, and long wisps of her hair floated on the breeze. She pushed them away impatiently, chest heaving, eyes blazing with anger.

  “Last night was about control and nothing more. You were pissed you didn’t get a little action and took it out on me. Last time I checked, a woman still has the right to say no.”

  Her words stopped the automatic denial that lay on his lips. Truth was, he’d wanted to hurt her, humiliate her the way she’d done him.

  She marched over and thumped him in the chest.


  “But what more could I expect from someone like you?” She shook her head. “You’re no different than the DaCostas.”

  The insult hit him hard and his reaction was quick. “That is something you’ll not say again.” The whispered words were a deadly warning.

  One that Skye did not heed.

  “Fuck you. I’ll say and do whatever the hell I want.” Her voice rose shrilly. “I’m done with the fear, the uncertainty, the chaos.” She turned from him. “I’m done with all of it. I’ll get my hands on that portal and end it, once and for all.”

  Skye shot a look of loathing at him. “And I don’t need a fucking arrogant jaguar to accomplish my endgame.”

  Jagger grabbed her arms, even as he felt his own skin begin to burn. For a second the air around him shimmered and he had to fight like hell to hold his animal inside.

  Skye Knightly pressed every single button he had going. Hell, she fucking smashed them.

  “No? Seems to me you and your kind have been out here screwing the pooch for months. Christ, you couldn’t even avoid getting caught by the jaguars. What makes you think you have what it takes to find this so-called portal?”

  “That’s low, even for you. The only reason the DaCostas were able to get their filthy paws on me was because—” Skye stopped abruptly and Jagger paused, feeling an edge of unease surpass the anger that he felt. She was holding something back. It was in the way her eyes darkened just before she looked away.

  “Don’t stop now.”

  Her body was tense. She was obviously hurt, tired, and God knows, he was getting sick of the constant battle between the two of them.

  He felt his own anger deflate and let her go, pushing her away. “Actually, fuck it. I don’t care.”

  “They attacke
d at dusk,” she said quietly and he stopped. “Like the cowards that they are, they attacked when I was at my weakest.” Skye snorted and shook her head. “Even then it took three of the bastards to bring me in.”

  He watched closely as her golden skin flushed dark and her eyes shadowed before she looked away. Her delicate throat contracted as she swallowed, but when she turned back anger was quite evident in her face.

  Her mouth was closed tightly and she shrugged her shoulders. He could tell there was some sort of internal struggle going on.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” he asked harshly.

  “I can’t …”

  “You can’t what? Look, I don’t have the time or patience for these games.”

  Jagger was beginning to think he was better off distancing himself from the blonde. He needed to get this mission done and get away from her. Because the truth was, he did care. A little too much for his liking.

  And he’d learned the hard way that it was a road he didn’t want to travel on. Someone always got hurt.

  Her face went blank. “Whatever,” she muttered under her breath.

  He watched as Skye gathered up her satchel and the extra supply bag. It was obvious she was going to leave but he made no attempt to stop her. His anger was a slow burn that left his gut roiling.

  He was torn. On one hand the need to protect was nearly overwhelming, but the desire to protect his sanity, his soul was pretty high on his agenda. He’d let the little bird fly the coop for the night and deal with her in the morning.

  It took too much energy to fight and he needed sleep badly.

  He turned away from her and rotated his head in an effort to relieve some of the tension that scraped along the edge of his shoulders and down his spine. God, what he wouldn’t give for a refreshing swim.

  Still ignoring the blonde he grabbed food from his own supply bag and was about to relax when the merest of whispers tingled down his back.

  Jagger whirled around, nostrils flaring, as a scent drifted up his nasal passages, one that he’d not expected to run across out in the Belizean jungle.

  He immediately crossed to Skye, his hand snaking out to stop her cold.

  “Be still,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Her head whipped up but his hand was over her mouth before she could speak. Skye began to struggle and it was all he could do to keep her restrained in his arms. When she bit his hand, he clamped down on the curse that lay trapped in his throat and applied pressure, his arms brutally strong.

  Eventually she ceased her struggles, although Jagger was pretty sure it was more to do with the fact that she’d not eaten or rested properly in days.

  But it was already too late.

  Two shapes materialized from the gloom that shrouded the entire area. One tall, obviously male, the other female. Their scent was otherworld and it was one that he knew well.

  A deadly calm slipped through his veins. The situation had just gone from bad to worse. Only he knew how much the stakes had just been upped. The fact that the two mercenaries had snuck up on him like he was a wet-behind-the-ears freaking newbie was unacceptable.

  Skye Knightly was too much of a distraction. If he didn’t deal with that soon, she’d get them both killed.

  “Jagger Castille, been a long time.”

  He clenched his teeth so hard his jaw ached. But first things first.

  It looked like Jagger’s past was about to bite him in the ass. Big-time. If only he’d had more time back in Michigan, when he’d first realized they were tracking him.

  “Tag,” he said calmly. “Was hoping I’d never have to lay eyes on your ugly-ass face again.” He then turned to the woman, whose smile was empty, cold. “Dani, you’re looking a little pale. Short supply of O-neg around these here parts?” The sarcasm of his words was hard to miss.

  “Good to see you too.” The female spoke softly. “Although I’m guessing, you’re not quite as happy to see us as we are to find you out in this godforsaken corner of the world.”

  Power surged through Jagger’s veins as he smiled at the two before him. They both had a major hate-on for all things Castille.

  Especially the one named Jagger.

  Chapter 14

  Instant dislike ripped through Skye’s body as she carefully observed the newcomers. She could sense the animosity, the hatred, emanating from the two of them, but there was something else. Something subtle.

  There was a history between them and Jagger. She could tell that it was ugly.

  The female, Dani, was obviously a vampire. There was no mistaking the sickening scent that clung to her skin or the otherworld glow that hung in the air around her.

  Of course the fangs that half slid from between the plump red lips were a dead giveaway as well.

  The woman’s eyes passed over Skye, dismissing her instantly, to rest on Jagger as if he were a yummy piece of meat she wanted to enjoy. Skye’s hackles rose and for an instant she visualized her fist connecting with the perfectly white skin, marring the paleness in some violent way.

  The other one, Tag, was something else entirely. That he was otherworld was without question. Yet his scent was something she’d not come across before.

  His eyes were flat, dead, and at the moment their black roundness was directed solely at her. The intensity behind them made her skin crawl.

  She moved back without thinking, her body melting into Jagger’s warmth. Her reaction drew a wicked smile from the man.

  Bastard knew exactly how he made her feel.

  “Christ, Dani, you could have sent a postcard, although I guess I should be flattered I’m worth a trip to the Belizean jungle.”

  What the hell was Jagger doing, baiting them? Did he have a freaking death wish?

  “But really, a little overly dramatic, don’t you think? Seems an awful long way to carry a grudge if you ask me.”

  His hands tightened around Skye’s waist. “You need to shift and get as far away from here as you can,” Jagger’s voice was a whisper in her ear.

  A low growl escaped from Tag’s mouth and Skye felt her belly flip over when she caught sight of the deadly row of serrated teeth. She couldn’t stop staring at them, not even when he licked his lips and hissed at her.

  It was then that she knew. Tag was a demon.

  Shit, this put a whole new spin on the situation. Demons were still relatively few and far between in the human realm, and not much was known about them.

  “Oh, Jagger, you silly animal. Haven’t changed at all, have you?” Dani looked at his arms, still pressed possessively at Skye’s waist. A shadow passed over her face and when Dani turned her attention to Skye, the vampire made no effort at all to hide the contempt and utter disregard that she felt.

  “Want to weigh in on that one, chica? Is Jagger still an arrogant son-of-a-bitch who thinks the world revolves around him?”

  Skye remained silent, not willing to be drawn into whatever the hell was going on between the two of them.

  Jagger was slowly trying to shift his body so that she was no longer in front of him, his hands urgent at her waist. Once more he whispered softly into her ear. “You need to get out of here, now.”

  The tension in his voice lent credence to the severity of their situation, and Skye felt a myriad of emotions wash over her. On one hand she’d love nothing more than to call to her eagle, shift, and get the hell away from everything.

  Aside from the fact that it was impossible for her to do that once the sun had set, she was more than a little surprised to realize she didn’t want to leave Jagger.

  At least not here, alone, to face the two deadly otherworlders who stood before them.

  The vampire began to move toward them, her long legs not seeming to touch the earth as she drifted across the ground. She stopped a few feet away and hissed, baring her perfect white fangs as she laughed at them.

  “You really think you’re going to be able to protect her?”

  “I really think we need to finish things and leave Skye the h
ell out of it.”

  The vampire’s eyes darkened. “You’re such an arrogant prick. You actually believe Tag and I spent the last week hiking through this fucking jungle because I wanted a piece of you?” She sneered and shook her head. “Typical, but that would be wrong.”

  An eerie fog began to drift over the hard, barren ground. It slid along the earth and rock like a snake, moving sensually as it crept closer, caressing the vampire like a lover.

  Dani licked her lips and her voice dropped as a cool breeze lifted her long dark hair.

  “A call went out on the wire a few days ago.” The vampire nodded toward Skye. “There’s a shitload of mercenaries crawling through this jungle looking for her. She’s worth a small fortune. Tag and I aim to collect.”

  Skye’s heart began to beat heavily inside her chest as adrenaline rushed through her body. A fight was imminent, and even though she couldn’t call upon her eagle, she still had enhanced strength and fighting skills.

  She wasn’t going down easily.

  “The fact that we’ve finally got Jagger Castille in our sights is just an added bonus,” the vampire added as she licked her lips salaciously. “Unexpected, but I’ll take it.”

  Jagger shoved Skye behind him. She felt the heat from his body against her cheek and she swore the air shimmered around his form. He was on the cusp of change, his energy dark and dangerous.

  Jagger kept his voice light. “Hate to point out the obvious, but dude, you’re gonna have to go through me first.” He growled then. “And though I don’t make a habit out of hitting women, I totally am looking forward to bitch-smacking your white, bony ass.”

  Dani’s eyes narrowed into small slits. “This has been a long time coming, Castille. I’ve thought of nothing else since Iraq. Speaking of …” The vampire began to move again, while the demon held back, his eyes glowing brightly in the early-evening gloom.

  “You took out half my unit, and for that alone you will pay. Eden’s death was only a small reward.” Her voice deepened and shook as her anger became palpable. “Although I did enjoy hearing her beg for your life, just before I took hers.”

  Skye felt Jagger go still. It was one of those moments where the scenery faded into nothing but background noise. The trees still existed, the earth was still warm at her feet, but everything was fuzzy, unclear. The world shrank and became small. So small that the only things she was aware of were the four of them and the deadly game they’d become embroiled in.


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