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His Darkest Embrace

Page 18

by Juliana Stone

His were dark with need, and with a growl he pushed the thin T-shirt she wore up roughly. His hand claimed one breast while his hot mouth closed over her other nipple. He suckled the turgid peak, hard, and each pull drew a line of desire from deep within the folds of her sex.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered against her soft flesh. The stubble that adorned his cheeks was rough, and as it scraped across the sensitive skin of her breasts she moaned once more.

  Skye arched her back, her hands digging into his thick hair. She pulled him into her roughly and smiled when he chuckled at her display before treating the other nipple to the same wicked sensations.

  She began to gyrate in his lap, her softness pushed hard against the hard bulge that lay between his legs.

  “I’ve never felt like this,” she said breathlessly. “Never wanted someone so bad that it hurts.”

  Skye’s eyes widened. The sight of Jagger’s dark head against the golden skin of her breasts was incredibly erotic. It fed her passion, inflaming her desire to a level she’d never reached before.

  She didn’t care that he was jaguar. The world was going to hell. Literally. It was time for Skye to take what she wanted and damn the consequence.

  She grabbed the baggy top and pulled it over her head and then stood up.

  She could feel the first rays of sunlight beginning to break across the morning sky. It sang to her, and the rush of power that filled her soul only enhanced the emotions and sensations that ran across every single nerve ending in her body.

  Jagger lay at her feet, his body resting against a tree, his panting, naked chest heaving. The green of his eyes literally glowed, and Skye couldn’t help but think he was the most incredible man she’d ever come across.

  Strong. Wild. He was an animal, and one she had every intention of taming.

  She smiled down at him, slow and seductive, and then grabbed the waistband of her shorts. Without hesitation she stripped them from her body and stood proudly before him, her golden skin alive and open to his hot gaze.

  “Don’t tease me, Skye.” His eyes darkened. “I don’t think I can take it.”

  The warning was there and she paused for a second, a blush coloring her cheeks. She’d brought him to the brink several times before, but this time was different.

  “I want to make love to you, Jagger.”

  She took a step forward and began to pant as his eyes feasted on the blond patch of hair between her legs. His handsome face was focused entirely on her, and the look of hunger that adorned his features was laid bare to her. It was raw. Honest.

  “Come here,” he said hoarsely.

  Skye took one more step and when his arms snaked out and grabbed her around her butt she nearly stumbled. Automatically her hands reached out and she braced herself against the tree.

  Every limb trembled and if not for the strength of the man beneath her, she would have surely collapsed.

  She looked down at him and her breath caught in her throat at the heated glance he threw up at her. His lips were drawn back and a growl ripped from deep in his chest.

  “You belong to me,” he said, and she could do nothing but nod. There were no words for what she was feeling.

  His fingers trailed over the taut skin of her belly and he stopped near her navel. Skye looked down and felt something break inside of her as he reached over and gently kissed the flesh that was still raw from three mornings before.

  Slowly he spread her legs until she was open to him—the part of her that was trembling, swollen with the need for his touch. And when his fingers sought out the wet heat hidden between the folds of her sex, she threw her head back, her mouth open, her breathing ragged.

  His touch passed over her clitoris softly, and then again more aggressively, each time eliciting sensations inside of her that fired off into every direction imaginable.

  He held her ass with one hand and thank God for that. Surely Skye would have melted into a pool of liquid nothingness. His other hand continued to caress her slick folds, teasing, tugging, and when she felt the heat of his mouth on her inner thigh, Skye thought she’d go mad from desire.

  Small sounds erupted from the back of her throat and her fingers gripped the tree, the nails digging in hard.

  She spread her legs even more and began to gyrate, loving the rough feel of his whiskers as they brushed against the softness of her thighs.

  Anticipation was running rampant through her body and as the moments ticked by, with her desire running hot, the need became nearly all-consuming.

  “Please,” she whispered hoarsely, shoving herself at him. Wanting him to do more than caress and tease.

  She heard him laugh against her, his fingers rubbing along the inside of her wetness. The sensation was pleasing, but left her wanting a whole hell of a lot more.

  “What do you want me to do, sweets?”

  Her hips nearly buckled as he licked along the inside of her leg, his tongue long and firm.

  “Jesus Christ, Jagger, I want …” Her voice trailed off as he continued to run his tongue along her inner thigh, circling the entire area.

  “What do you want? I need to hear you say it.” His voice was thick, heavy, and Skye knew that he was as close to the edge as she was.

  “I want your mouth on me,” she yelped softly as his tongue made a quick pass, dipping just along the inside of her center.

  “I want your tongue inside of me.”

  The hand at her back dug in and he brought her close. Skye looked down at him, felt the cream of her desire begin to pool as the feral look on his face fed her like a bowl full of chocolate and cherries.

  He growled softly, smiled a wicked smile, and then answered her call.

  Jagger’s tongue plunged deep inside her opening, working her over with a ferocity that brought screams from her mouth. Deftly he played with her clit, suckling the engorged nub until the pressure inside of her began to shake along her inner channel.

  When his teeth scraped along the sensitive peak she leaned back and her hands fell away from the tree, finding their way to the dusky nipples that stood erect and needful. She massaged her breasts as Jagger continued to pleasure her in a way she’d not thought possible.

  His tongue was like magic and he fed from her like a hungry man. When he inserted two fingers deep inside of her while continuing his assault with his wicked mouth, Skye truly thought she’d faint from sheer pleasure.

  Was it possible to lose consciousness from the act of lovemaking?

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “I’ve just never … ever …”

  She couldn’t even articulate her thoughts.

  Jagger paused against her. She could hear his ragged breathing and knew he was as affected as she was. “That’s because you were made for me and no one else.”

  His fingers began to work their way deeper inside of her, and when he curved them, found that special spot that lay hidden, she nearly collapsed.

  Skye looked down again, her eyes drawn to the man beneath her.

  “You will never belong to anyone other than me,” he said again. His words were simple but she knew what they meant. He was a warrior; they played for keeps.

  It was then, in that moment, that she knew. Their future would never be a together thing. How could it? She had a mission to finish. And it broke her heart.

  Her sad thoughts melted away as Jagger continued to worship her body, his fingers, tongue, and mouth giving her pleasure beyond what she thought possible.

  Skye feared she would rip apart, so intense was the orgasm that exploded over and through her.

  Her hands fell to Jagger’s head and she rested against him as her body continued to shudder from its release.

  When she could stand no more, she slowly slid down until she was face to face with the man who had not only rocked her world, but had also changed her forever.

  He grabbed her chin gently and brought her lips to his. She opened beneath them, wanting to crawl inside him, to caress and touch every inch of his body.
She wanted to fulfill every wish and desire.

  If only she had enough time.

  Skye kissed Jagger with such passion that the ferocity of it startled her. Her arms wrapped around his powerful shoulders and she pressed every inch of her flesh against his.

  He broke away, breathing hard. “You’re fucking killing me, woman.”

  His beautiful eyes regarded her, hooded and full of need.

  There was so much to say. Could she trust him enough? To tell him exactly how she felt? That amidst all this craziness she felt the same?

  Was it fair considering her days on earth were numbered?

  “Jagger, there’s something—”

  Her words were lost as a harsh voice cut through them.

  “I’d throw some clothes on if I were you two. We’ve got a situation brewing and you’ve got maybe ten minutes before a nasty group of magicks crash your little love fest.”

  Skye stilled. She didn’t recognize the voice but the scent was unmistakable. The man was jaguar and by the reaction in Jagger’s face, she was guessing he was the mysterious Nico.

  Jagger’s arms tightened against her, effectively shielding her nakedness from the stranger.

  “Turn your back. Give the lady a little privacy.”

  She heard Nico laugh softly, dangerously. “Well I’ve been standing here for a few minutes. It’s not like I haven’t seen the goods.”

  Jagger’s hands tightened even more.

  “You will turn the fuck around and show some respect.” There was no arguing with his tone and the energy in the air tripled. It became dark and threatening.

  She heard Nico moving behind her and chanced a quick glance back.

  The man that stood staring at the two of them was something else entirely. He looked savage. Lethal. He looked pissed.

  “If you want to make it to the Cave of the Sun, I suggest you get your ass in gear.” Nico’s dark eyes glittered through the gloom and Skye swore she could see his jaguar, just beneath the skin. “I’ll get you there as promised, but then I’m done.”

  His eyes slid to Skye’s and she swallowed thickly, sensing the danger that lurked just beneath the surface. This jaguar was volatile, unpredictable.

  She held her chin up, refusing to look away even though the man unnerved her.

  “I don’t trust you,” he said, baring crisp white teeth. Nico then grabbed their water bottles and disappeared.

  Skye rested her head against Jagger’s fast-beating heart.

  “Don’t mind him,” Jagger murmured against her hair. “He’s always been an asshole.”

  Skye didn’t answer. Truthfully, her mind was on other things. There was so much left unsaid. She just didn’t know if she had the balls to put everything out there.

  “We need to go.” Jagger kissed her quickly on her forehead and pulled her up, his hands caressing every inch of her along the way. They were gentle, but the light in his eyes was anything but.

  “Jagger, I …”

  “Sshh.” He shook his head. “There’s a lot that needs to be said, but we don’t have the time.”

  He grabbed her clothes from the jungle floor where she’d tossed them earlier and handed them to her.

  He flashed a smile that tugged at the very center of her soul. So much that it hurt.

  Oh God, how she wanted him.

  “When this is all over, I’m bringing you back to my place. We’ll spend an entire week in bed.” He winked. “And then we’ll talk.”

  Skye looked down quickly and pulled her shorts up over her body. The bittersweet sadness that she felt was worse than anything she could imagine.

  To find someone like Jagger, now, was tragically ironic.

  Nico appeared from out of nowhere, it seemed, his presence cutting a sober path through a moment that really could not happen. There wouldn’t be a happy ending for Skye; she might as well accept it and move on.

  “We need to get going,” Jagger said, and the urgency in his voice snagged her attention quickly. “They’re not far.”

  The silent jungle bled through and Skye paused, her eyes scouring the immediate area that they were in.

  Gold and red shot across the sky now and already the humidity clung to her skin, curling her long blond hair into thick waves. Hurriedly she tied it back, nervously aware of Nico’s dark eyes on her.

  He turned without a word and slid into the darkened interior. Jagger motioned for her and without hesitation, she grabbed her satchel, slung it across her shoulder, and followed suit.

  There were no words spoken on the long, arduous trek. The pace Nico set was tremendous and it took everything in her to keep up. Skye didn’t complain once, but when they finally stopped for a break, several hours later she fell to the ground, exhausted.

  They were along the banks of a small stream, one of many that fell from the great Maya Mountains around them, weaving their way across jungle and rock as they ran toward the rivers that would eventually dump into the Caribbean Sea.

  The air was heavy, thick with moisture. Skye knew there wasn’t much time until the rainy season was upon them.

  She watched tiredly as Nico left yet again, melting like a ghost into the trees that surrounded them. They’d covered a lot of area, making their way south, deeper into the Toledo district.

  “Where’s he going?” she asked, curious.

  Jagger’s eyes followed hers and they narrowed. “He’s running a perimeter, there’s something off out there.” He rolled his shoulders. “Can’t you feel it?”

  Skye shook her head. “No,” she murmured softly. But then again, she’d been distracted all morning by her thoughts. None of them pleasant.

  “Do you remember anything?”

  Startled, she looked up at Jagger.

  “About the demon attack.”

  She held his gaze and answered, “Not really.”

  And that was a total lie.

  She’d remembered the ferocity of the demon attack in minute detail as they’d trekked through the jungle. But it was the other memory that gave her pause.

  Azaiel. His rage and power had been earth-shattering.

  Skye wasn’t sure what freaked her out more: the fact that she’d almost been cut to ribbons by a ten-foot freaking demon, or that she suspected Azaiel had destroyed said demon.

  Was it possible? How else could she explain what had happened?

  It scared the crap out of her to think that he had such an ability, to transcend dimensions.

  Jagger studied her in silence and eventually she looked away. She’d never been good at lying.

  “Nico seems a little …” When in doubt, change the subject.


  Skye shook her head. “No, I was going to say ‘damaged.’ ”

  Jagger shrugged his shoulders. “He’s got some issues. Hell, he’s still the grade-A prick he’s always been, but considering what he’s been through, I’ll cut him some slack.”

  “Has he said … I mean, did he mention anything about my brother? About crossing paths with another eagle shifter?”

  “No, that hasn’t come up,” Jagger said gently as he crossed to where she sat. “Once we get our hands on the portal, I’ll contact Cracker. Maybe they’ve come across him. Jaxon might have some intel as well. Even without the full arm of PATU available to him, he’s got a hell of a lot of contacts.”

  Skye looked away, lips tight. She doubted she’d ever see her brother again. Hell, she didn’t know if he was alive and even if he was, there was no time.

  She had to shut down her emotions, because when she took the time to think about the state of her life and the role she needed to play in the coming days, it was just too much.

  She bit back the bitter tears that threatened and tried to keep her composure.

  “Hey, you all right?” Jagger’s hand caressed her cheek and she leaned into the warmth of his touch.

  “I’m fine,” she managed to say. “I’m fine.”

  She was so not fine.

Eden?” The words slipped from her mouth and even she was shocked that she’d vocalized them.

  Jagger’s face went blank and she looked away, embarrassed.

  “It’s all right. You don’t owe me anything.” Skye tried to move from his embrace but was held firm. She felt tears begin to prick the backs of her eyelids and she struggled to hold them back.

  What the hell was wrong with her? So he had a past. It’s not like she’d never been with anyone before.

  His fingers cupped her chin and he forced her face upward.

  “Open your eyes and look at me,” Jagger whispered.

  Even though Skye wanted nothing more than to fade away and melt into the earth at her feet, she found herself looking deep into the green eyes above her. They were full of pain. And regret?

  “Eden was a woman I was … involved with.” He paused and inhaled deeply. She could tell he was struggling with his thoughts, trying to articulate what was in his heart.

  “Jagger, really. It’s none of my business.”

  She began to wiggle, trying to get away, because the truth was, she didn’t want to hear about Eden.

  “She was a member of my unit in Iraq, a young woman who was under my protection.” His voice had changed, deepened, and Skye winced at the emptiness that colored his words.

  “I should have stayed away from her, but I was weak and she paid with her life.” He looked down at her then and her breath caught in the back of her throat, nearly choking her.

  “Seems to me anyone going to war knows what the risks are,” Skye whispered.

  “I failed to protect her,” he continued, as if he’d not heard her words. His eyes were stormy, the green similar to the dark moss that clung to the jungle rocks. “I should never have touched you.”

  Skye reached for him then and swept her lips against his in a kiss that was achingly sweet. “I touched you, remember?” she murmured against his mouth. “And really, I don’t need a jaguar watching my ass, I’m more than capable of looking after myself.”

  A loud crackle echoed through the air. It sounded like muffled thunder. Jagger reacted instantly and shoved her to the ground just as a huge limestone boulder behind them exploded into thousands of fragments.

  “Jesus fuck,” he shouted, rolling to the side and taking her with him. “Go!” he shouted, pushing her away, the mist already crawling up his body. “Now. Shift, and get the hell out of here. I’ll find you.”


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