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His Darkest Embrace

Page 22

by Juliana Stone

He laughed then, softly, and Skye shuddered at the raw power that emanated from deep within the warrior.

  “I think you know exactly what I mean.”

  He took another step toward her; she could feel the heat that emanated from his tall frame. His eyes burned with a fire that, truthfully, alarmed and frightened her. He was on the edge, this warrior, straddling the line between sanity and clarity in such a way that was unpredictable.

  He could ruin everything.

  She swallowed thickly but held her ground. “Nico, I don’t have time to play twenty questions.” She decided to be honest. “Look, I’m grateful you’re leading us to the Cave of the Sun, but let me be blunt. I think you’re more than a little crazy and I don’t trust you.” She paused before adding, “So why don’t you just ask me what it is you want to know?”

  He growled softly and she could sense the anger that lay just beneath the surface. “You know what I find interesting, little eagle?”

  She could only shake her head in answer.

  “No?” He leaned in closer and Skye tried to turn away but she couldn’t. The blackness that laced his words and burned in his eyes had her gut clenching, and for the first time she began to fear for her safety.

  “I find it interesting that you don’t trust me, when in fact you’re the one with something to hide.”

  His voice lowered, falling in layers from his lips, and Skye flinched at the intensity of his gaze. He was close to turning. She could see it.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Nico laughed. The sound was harsh, unfriendly. “No?” he said as he cocked an eyebrow. “Care to explain how the female jaguar escaped?” He leaned down toward her, and Skye held her ground. His voice was barely above a whisper. “I found the remnants of the female jaguar’s bindings. They were cut. Clean and precise.”

  Skye tried her best to appear calm and kept her face blank.

  “I don’t like what you’re implying. Why the hell would I let a jaguar warrior escape, especially considering she’s hunting me?”

  Nico grinned down at her, his handsome face fierce. “I was hoping you’d be willing to share.”

  Skye looked away and shrugged her shoulders as her mind whirled into a million thoughts. She’d never been good at lying, although lately, it seemed to be a skill she’d had no problem acquiring.

  “Move away from her.”

  Jagger’s growl erupted from the edge of the cave and Skye turned toward him, her heart pounding heavily inside her chest. The warrior stood with legs spread, a casual stance, really, but the anger and blackness that clung to him was unmistakable.

  Nico whirled around and snarled as he took a step toward Jagger. Skye’s throat constricted and she jumped forward. “Stop it! Both of you.” She ran toward Jagger, her eyes beseeching. “We’re so close to the end, we can’t fall apart now.”

  Jagger’s eyes shot sparks of energy and the green of them took her breath away. He didn’t take his eyes off Nico, but his warm hand fell to hers as he pulled her in close to his body.

  “Did he touch you?”

  Skye shook her head. “No,” she whispered. “No, we’re good. I just want to go and find the cave.”

  Jagger looked down at her then, his face unreadable, and the emotion that welled up from deep inside of her was like a physical ache.

  “You’ll take us to the cave and then I want you gone.” The words were directed at Nico. They were flat, cold.

  Skye could feel the other warrior move behind her and by the way Jagger’s arms tightened around her protectively, she knew Nico was close.

  She held her breath.

  “I have no problem with that,” Nico answered softly.

  The relief that washed over her was nearly incapacitating. Her legs buckled and Skye leaned into Jagger, resting her head against his chest.

  Nico exited the cave, leaving the two of them alone with their silence.

  “Are you sure you’re all right? I shouldn’t have left you alone with him. He’s screwed up. Has been for a long time. I just never thought he’d—”

  “Ssshhhh. I’m fine Jagger, really.” Skye’s eyes were captured whole by the intensity of his gaze. “I just need this to be over.”

  Jagger’s fingers trailed softly across her cheek until they lay against her lips.

  “Let’s do this,” he said quietly. He lowered his mouth and the pain around her heart sharpened. His lips caressed hers softly, teasing her with the merest whisper of pleasure before they were gone.

  Skye turned from Jagger, hoping the sheen of tears had gone unnoticed. She quickly grabbed her bag, making sure all of her precious notes and maps were in place. When she turned back, Jagger was waiting, the intensity of his gaze more than a little unsettling. He cocked his head to the side and she moved to the edge of the cave.

  It was still dark, a few hours away from dawn, but she had no problem navigating down. The jungle was silent, eerie. It was more than a little unsettling. Every single alarm bell was ringing deep within her. Nothing was right. Everything was wrong.

  Yet there was nothing out there. The jungle lay empty.

  Smart, she thought. All the animals had fled. They could sense the darkness that was slowly seeping into the very heart of the jungle. Sad thing was, if she wasn’t able to stop it, there would be no place to hide.

  Skye looked toward the last mountain to cross, the one that sheltered the Cave of the Sun. It lay dark, silent, and forbidding. A shiver crossed her body and her heart began to beat against her chest as the adrenaline kicked in.

  It was time. Before the end of this next day, she would hold the portal in her hands. She would fulfill her destiny by sealing it forever.

  Skye squared her shoulders and avoided Jagger’s gaze. She had no time to dwell on the what-ifs or the could-have-beens. She had no time for love.

  She would do this.

  And have the rest of eternity to think about regret.

  Chapter 20

  They hiked for hours through dense forest, cool rivers, and across waterfalls that fell hundreds of feet. The sun broke from the dark of night although it couldn’t penetrate the fog and mist, which lay like a blanket and shrouded the entire area. The vibrant blues and greens of the jungle seemed dull, lifeless, as if a paintbrush of gloom had washed over the entire area.

  Skye took a long draw from a flask of water and wiped the sweat from her brow. Her eyes remained fixed ahead, on a point near the summit of the mountain. It was where Nico had indicated the cave was located.

  Nervous energy tugged at her and Skye had to concentrate in order to stop her hands from shaking. After shoving the water canister back into her bag, she flexed her fingers and cracked her neck from side to side. She was tense, on edge.

  She found her gaze drifting to Jagger and felt everything inside of her still at the burning look of need and hunger in his eyes. She tried to swallow but found that she couldn’t.

  Jagger watched as Skye turned from him, his gaze resting on the delicate curve of her cheek and jaw. She was so beautiful it hurt him, physically hurt him, to look at her.

  To know that she was only a few feet away and he had no claim on her, yet, was painful. The desire to brand Skye as his had been riding him hard all night.

  It was something he could no longer deny.

  Skye Knightly was the woman he wanted. He was ruined for anyone else. There would be no other.

  A feeling of uneasiness washed over him then. As much as he desired Skye, he knew next to nothing about her and he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was holding something back from him.

  Would he end up as Eden had? Broken? Desperate for a love that couldn’t be returned? Even now the guilt he felt punched him hard in the gut. If only he’d been stronger.

  Bitterly, he pushed those thoughts away. He couldn’t go there. Not now. He needed to remain focused and alert.

  “The cave is there.”

  Nico stopped beside him. They were the first words spoken bet
ween them since they’d left predawn.

  Jagger followed his direction and narrowed his eyes, but couldn’t see an opening.

  “To the right, just past the large boulder on the other side of the waterfall.”

  Jagger’s gaze went to just beneath the summit. Low-lying mist curled lazily along the rock face, hanging over the water like a curtain. The jungle was still abnormally silent. Unease sat low in his belly and he shook it away as his eyes drifted over the entire area.

  From what he could tell it looked to be at least another hour or so before they would reach the cave. He turned to Nico, but before he could speak, Nico continued.

  “Be careful. The entire area is protected with ancient wards. I hope your little eagle knows how to navigate them.”

  Jagger nodded.

  “Do not trust her.” Nico’s warning was whispered softly. “She has your heart, so she’s basically got you by the balls. Don’t think she doesn’t know that.”

  Jagger’s eyes narrowed menacingly. They glittered, glowing green as his anger began to churn. He snarled and felt the beast inside of him awaken. He didn’t like the warrior’s tone or meaning.

  “I think it’s time for you to go.” Jagger bared his teeth and let the animal show briefly.

  Nico held his ground and shook his head. His voice was bitter, resigned. “Bad times are coming. I can feel it. Nothing will be as it was, but one thing will always remain the same.”

  “I don’t have time for riddles.”

  Nico snorted, his eyes cold and steely. “Betrayal tastes like shit and if you get enough of it, it’ll drive you fucking crazy.”

  Jagger watched as the warrior turned and disappeared into the fog that continued to swirl in ribbons around him.

  He felt like punching the crap out of something. Anything. Impotent rage began to burn in his gut, and he had no clue why. Jagger felt like he was on the precipice of something life-changing. He just didn’t know in what direction it was headed.

  Hopefully not to hell.

  “Where’s he going? Will he be … all right?”

  Jagger turned to Skye. She stood a few paces from him, her long blond hair tied loosely at her nape. She was all golden sunshine, lush curves, lean lines, and soft skin. Even through this cold mist that hung over them like a gray film, she shone like a beacon.

  “I don’t know.” His eyes moved to just behind her. “But we’re here. The cave is just beyond that waterfall.”

  Skye turned to follow the direction of his finger and he took a few moments to drink in the beauty that she was. He felt the familiar burn, the itching beneath his skin as the jaguar craved the woman who was his. It was painful, but he relished it.

  It meant that he was alive. That there was hope and a future he could grab on to. One worth fighting for.

  He hiked his satchel as he sized up the best way to climb to the cave.

  “Okay, you ready?” he asked Skye, feeling his heart clench as her blue eyes shone out at him. Her mouth was tense and he could sense the fear that lurked just beneath the surface. He couldn’t blame her. Only a fool would approach the end of a mission and not feel fear.

  But that was good. Fear could make you strong if used properly.


  “Nico said the entire area is protected with wards. Otherworld I’m sure. I’m hoping you’ll know what to do?”

  He watched as she swallowed slowly, and ached to run his tongue along the hollow of her neck, easing his way upward until he could claim her lips as his. Her eyes darkened and he smiled gently. She felt it. The physical connection between the two of them.

  His groin tightened at the very thought, and images of her in front of him, legs splayed open, assaulted him.

  “Our people have certain … protective magicks we’ve used for centuries. I will be able to get us through.”

  “Great.” His voice was thick and he sounded drunk. He couldn’t help it. His mind had gone to a place that he needed to stay away from. Even now, he could taste and smell her. His cock twitched painfully as he envisioned her warmth perched above his mouth. Of her hands in his hair as he fed from that secret place between her legs.

  “We should go,” he ground out from between gritted teeth.

  The sounds of desire that had fallen from her lips had been enough to drive him crazy the other night, but now? They echoed in his mind and were pure torture.

  “Are you all right, Jagger?” Skye asked and moved toward him.

  “I’m fine. Let’s do this.” His answer was curt, and he exhaled slowly, holding back a groan as she bent over to retrieve her bag.

  Something then slid over him and gave him pause, effectively dousing his desire with a cold, hard dose of reality.

  It was ancient, black, and invading. Inside, the animal began to growl and Jagger scented the wind, turning his body so that his eyes could scan the immediate area.

  The feeling rushed him and then was gone, but the whispered words that flooded his brain brought a snarl to his face.

  She’s mine.

  The otherworld stink was unmistakable. It belonged to the phantom fucker from down below. Azaiel.

  “Jagger? Seriously, you’re starting to act as crazy as Nico.”

  He shook his head as his eyes skimmed the top of Skye’s blond head. “I’m good. Let’s go.”

  She paused for a second and then started up the trail toward the waterfall with Jagger close behind.

  A line had just been drawn. The gauntlet thrown, and he was not backing down. Jagger would not let another touch Skye.

  If this Azaiel thought to make a play for his woman he’d find out soon enough that a jaguar warrior would stop at nothing to protect his mate. He smiled viciously as he followed her upward.

  Bring it on, asshole, he thought. Bring it on.

  They climbed higher, carefully picking their way across the nearly sheer rock face until just over an hour later they approached the waterfall. The mist was cool against his face and Jagger noticed that Skye had lost her tie somewhere along the way. Her long hair blew in the breeze like caramel candy and he longed to grab hold of it, to bury his nose in its softness.

  She turned then and caught his heated stare. Jagger felt a sense of satisfaction rush over him as her cheeks deepened with a rosy blush.

  “I think the opening is on the other side.”

  He nodded and followed her. They slid down into the pool of water that welcomed the rush from hundreds of feet above, and Jagger grabbed her bag, holding it aloft so as to keep the contents safe.

  When they made it to the other side, his animal began to make noise once more. Jagger couldn’t be sure if it was the sight of Skye, her clothes wet and pasted to her body like a second skin, that excited the jaguar deep inside, or rather, the heavy weight of magick that blanketed the area.

  Whatever it was, he had to force the animal back and concentrate. Skye was breathing hard as well, and as she began to climb up the other side, he searched along the rock face, looking for the opening that would lead to the cave.

  He saw nothing and was beginning to lose his patience when Skye stopped abruptly. He very nearly slammed into the back of her.

  “It’s there,” she whispered.

  Jagger followed her gaze and felt impatience rush through him. He couldn’t see shit.

  Skye moved past the large boulder that stood like a soldier and he quickly followed suit. She carefully set her bag down, the fog swirling hard and fast around them.

  Jagger inhaled deeply, all senses on full alert. The magick that coated the surrounding hillside was ancient, and though it didn’t set off alarm bells, he couldn’t help but pause at the power it wielded.

  Skye closed her eyes and he stood back. He could feel little pulses of energy in the air, almost like a force field was in effect. Which in fact was what the magick was for. It would be enough to repel wild animals or humans with no knowledge.

  The wind picked up, tossing the long strands of caramel into the air so that Skye�
��s hair surrounded her head like Medusa’s snakes. She looked wild, untamed. Fucking magnificent.

  Slowly her hands drifted out on either side of her body, and he was mesmerized by the elegant fingers. She looked so fragile then, with the wind whipping around her.

  His breath caught in his throat as gentle words began to roll from her tongue. Ancient, powerful words laced with a magick he could feel. They were not anything he’d heard before, and as her voice rose to crest the wind, the powerful emotions that rocked him were hard to contain.

  She was his warrior woman and she tapped into a savage need inside of him. He’d never seen anything like it and felt pride for this woman who was before him.

  Her hands began to make intricate movements, precise and detailed as they wove some foreign charm into the air. When Skye’s body began to waver he stepped in close to her back, but she raised her right hand and halted him when he would have touched her.

  The air was thick and it was hard to breathe. His heart began to accelerate as the fog swirled ever closer, slick with a mist that drenched their clothes and cooled their flesh.

  And just when Skye’s voice faded, her last words echoing softly into the wind, he saw it. The waterfall itself began to shimmer, to pulsate and move. He narrowed his eyes, and slowly, like a film had been pulled back, he was able to see the opening.

  It was slim, the merest whisper of a passageway in the rock wall beside the waterfall.

  “We need to hurry. I can’t hold it much longer. I’m not powerful enough.”

  He looked at Skye, saw the exhaustion in her face, and scooped her into his arms, grabbing her bag from the ground and ignoring the protest from her lips. Quickly his long legs ate up the last few yards to the opening, and as he slid through, he felt a subtle pressure. Almost like a pop, but then he was inside and the sensation fled.

  It was dark, silent. Cold and damp.

  For several long seconds the only sounds heard were the breaths from each of them.

  Skye clung to his body, her arms tight around his neck, and as his eyes adjusted to the gloom, he nuzzled the top of her head, inhaling her scent deep into his body. It felt so right, having her in his arms, and the immediate ache that accompanied the thought hit him hard and fast.


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