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His Darkest Embrace

Page 29

by Juliana Stone

She felt her claws rip through flesh and bone and she screamed, her battle cry full of every single emotion inside of her. It was shrill, loud, and it echoed in the morning mist.

  Azaiel reacted instantly, his arm swatting at her as if she were no more than an annoying bug. He slammed his fist into her chest; the force of it knocked her several feet into the air and she landed in front of the doorway.

  Skye was up in an instant, her body feeding on the adrenaline that rushed through her, and she was outside in seconds. The rain slammed into her, the sheets of water nearly solid as they fell from the heavens in a torrent.

  Time slowed then. She could hear her heart beating a furious rhythm, her lungs drawing in great gulps of air.

  The entire area was surrounded by every kind of otherworlder imaginable. She stumbled forward, moving so that she was away from the structure, aware that Azaiel had exited as well. She held the disc tight against her body, her left claw in front of her, the deadly weapon held high.

  To her right were several shifters and her eyes widened at the sight of Degas DaCosta. He scowled at her and licked his lips menacingly. To his side was Jaden and she looked tense, worried. They were surrounded by jaguar warriors, wereshifters, vampires and a few with the aura of demon.

  Skye felt the panic rip into her mind and she struggled to keep a cool, calm head.

  “So we meet again, little bird.”

  The voice slid at her from the murky area to her left. He was in shadow, and solidified in front of her. Everything else faded into nothing as she met the eyes of the one man she hated more than anything.

  Cormac O’Hara smiled at her, his handsome face twisted into a wicked grin. “I knew you’d eventually lead me to the disc.” His cold eyes flashed as he looked beyond her to Azaiel. “I see you’ve brought me a present.”

  Skye could feel Cormac’s power. It floated in the air, a tangible, living thing. It was stronger than before, darker. He’d been dipping into some heavy shit and that meant that the playing field was muddied even more.

  “You know not what you’re toying with, sorcerer,” Azaiel said as he moved closer to Skye. The weird gray mist that clung to him continued to swirl and she noted the wary looks from the demons present.

  They were afraid of Azaiel. Cormac, in his arrogant stupidity, thought he could manage him. He had no fucking clue. However, if they wanted to get into a pissing contest, that was fine by her. This was the opportunity she needed to get the job done.

  “I know exactly what you are,” Cormac said softly. “Why do you think I allowed the eagle to let you escape?”

  Skye began to edge away from Azaiel and through the rain she noted all eyes were focused on the showdown between Cormac and Azaiel.

  She chanced one last look at Jaden and nodded as she focused and began to chant softly in her mind. Skye had no clue if the words needed to be uttered aloud; she only knew that she had to try. There was no more time.

  She’d come to the end and no one was taking the portal from her. She was in control and would end it. Now.

  Jagger slid to a halt, feeling the heavy magick as it crackled and slid through the rain. It rode the wind hard, slamming into his gut and when the sweet scent so unique to Skye rippled across him, he growled softly.

  It mixed and mingled with a whole host of otherworld scents and the need to protect his mate bled deep from within his soul. Its strength was furious and he began to pant in an effort to control his impulses. He needed to focus.

  They were close to a large gathering of all sorts of nasty creatures. His nostrils flared as the scents of many slithered down into his lungs, agitating the beast within him. He tensed, gripping the modified Glock Declan had provided in one hand and a charmed machete in the other.

  Declan slid up beside him. “Cormac’s here. I can sense him.” The Irishman’s tone was calm and menacing. “Looks like it’s time for a family reunion.”

  Jagger squared his shoulders and warned the eagle shifter to his right. “Skye must be protected. I don’t give a damn about the portal or any of that crap.”

  “Don’t worry, jaguar. You get my sister and I’ll get to the portal.” The eagle exhaled and shook out his limbs as he stopped alongside him. “It never should have been her. It’s time for me to end this, make it right.”

  His brothers nodded to Jagger and disappeared into the darkened interior, followed in succession by Cracker and Ana. The rain and fog had stolen what little bit of sunlight there was, leaving the entire jungle swathed in near darkness. Nervous energy clawed at him and tremors wracked his frame.

  A scream ripped through the jungle and he reacted instantly, jumping forward with Declan and Finn at his side.

  Silently they slid forward, swiftly cutting through the jungle, and Jagger was thankful the protection charm Declan had invoked was still working. From what he could gather, they were outnumbered by a huge ratio.

  As he slid to a halt near the edge of a clearing he felt his stomach muscles clench at the sight before him.

  Skye was dead center, encircled on all sides by a motley assortment of the freak show that had gathered. Relief flooded him as his eyes ate her up greedily, running the length of her body. He noted the half shift of her arm and the fact that she clutched a round stone artifact in the other.

  The portal. If he could, he’d destroy the goddamn thing himself.

  When his eyes slid to the tall man nearest her, he felt the blackened rage inside of him push to the surface and he growled loudly, wanting to kill, maim … do anything to get Skye away from him.

  He knew without a doubt it was the Azaiel. His body began to burn and his eyesight blurred as the beast inside of him threatened to explode. Jagger hissed at the pain that ripped across his body as he forced his jaguar into obedience.

  “That one’s mine,” Declan said as he pulled abreast of Jagger. He paid no attention. All of Jagger’s energy was focused on Skye and he felt alarm rush through him as he saw her begin to chant.

  In an instant he knew what she was attempting and without another thought he rushed forward, yelling loudly as his machete sliced cleanly through the neck of the shifter closest to him, severing the head from its body.

  All at once he heard the cries of his brothers and the power inside of him fueled his body. Everything except Skye faded from his view and he rushed forward, swinging his machete and firing off rounds from the Glock.

  He was aware Declan had broken off to the right and that Finn was close on his heels. Other than that, the only thing he saw was the woman who meant more than his own life. And he would give it, if he had to, in order to protect and keep her safe.

  He’d just cleared the perimeter, when he was knocked to the side. Snarling, he went with it and rolled, bringing his gun hand up and shooting straight into the serrated mouth of a large demon.

  The head rocked back but the bastard held on, black liquid oozing from the gaping hole at the back of its throat as its heavy weight landed on his chest, nearly knocking the breath from his lungs. Jagger brought his other arm up and stabbed the end of the machete deep into its neck, trying to force it through.

  Still the demon held on, its deadly teeth dripping with black saliva that burned as it fell onto his skin. He heard another grunt and tried to twist his body as a jaguar warrior climbed up the back of the demon and smiled down at him.

  He kept driving the machete deeper into the demon’s neck while twisting to avoid the serrated teeth that snapped closer to his face. He was just about to try and fire the Glock when the warrior screamed in pain.

  A large machete sliced his back and poked out through the warrior’s chest. The jaguar grimaced and fell into death’s grip as he tumbled from the demon’s back. Jagger shot the demon yet again and used every ounce of strength that he had to plunge the machete clean through.

  With a mighty heave he pushed the demon from his body, his eyes meeting Finn’s. The eagle warrior looked fierce. “Get to my sister and toss me the portal. I’ll cover you.”

Jagger jackknifed his body and was on his feet in an instant, his eyes seeking out Skye as she stood pressed up against the stone shelter. Her lips were still moving and in that moment her eyes opened and met his.

  The shock and surprise that flashed across her face was replaced in an instant with heart-wrenching sadness. She looked at him and nodded slightly, her eyes telling him good-bye.

  The air around her began to shimmer and he saw her smile through the tears that fell freely from her eyes.

  I love you, she mouthed and the pain that lashed across his chest propelled him forward.

  He rushed toward her, feeling the heat of bodies flying at him, enemies that were downed by the strength of the eagle knight at his side. The rain continued to pour, blurring her image as his eyes filled with water. Or tears of rage.

  He shook his head and kept on, his body building speed until he was there. In front of her.

  Her eyes rolled up and he feared he was too late.

  Jagger grabbed her and wrenched the portal from her hand, not hearing the scream of rage that echoed in the wet air.

  All around him the battle raged, and he whirled around, gripping the hot, electric disc tightly in his fingers, searching with his eyes for Finn.

  The eagle knight jumped over the fallen bodies of their enemies, leapt up high into the air as Cormac did the same.

  Jagger saw his chance and tossed the disc into the air, watching as it rotated slowly. It began to glow in earnest, and as Finn’s fingers closed around it, he was grabbed from behind.

  Loud shouts and echoes of pain and terror rent the air as a great blinding light flashed across the jungle. It sizzled along an invisible conduit, showering the entire area in sparks of energy that glowed brightly.

  Jagger pulled Skye close to him and covered her with his own body in an effort to protect her from whatever the hell was happening. He felt the heat at his back and he fell to the ground as the earth trembled and the smell of burning flesh rode the air.

  Seconds later, all was quiet and he slowly lifted his head and looked around. The faces of those left standing looked shocked and they melted into the jungle, retreating like the cowards that they were.

  Bodies lay strewn about and as he met the eyes of his brother Jaxon, he knew something terrible had just occurred.

  Skye began to stir and then went limp. She was alive though unconscious. He needed to get her to safety. He rocked her gently in his arms and stood up, holding her close to his chest.

  Jaxon closed the distance between them, his expression pained, confused. “They’re gone,” he said. “I don’t know what the hell happened. There was a flash and they disappeared into thin air.”

  Jagger felt his throat tighten as he asked, “Who?”

  Jaxon paused and the pain in his eyes was beyond words. “Julian, Cormac, Declan, and the tall one with the fucked-up eyes.” Jaxon shook his head. “What the hell did she do? Did she close it? Are they lost to us forever?” he whispered hoarsely.

  “They’re gone, but not to the hell realm.” Finn limped toward them, his right leg bleeding profusely. He grimaced. “The portal is not sealed. It’s still out there.”

  “How the hell do you know that?” Jaxon asked as he ran his hands through his hair.

  “Only one of purity can open it and only an eagle knight can seal it.” Finn nodded toward the still unconscious Skye. “My sister is still here; the portal is not sealed.”

  “Well, where the hell are they?” Jagger shouted, his frustration and anger making him hoarse.

  Finn looked at him and shook his head. “I don’t know where, or what,” he said softly. “But it can’t be anyplace good.”

  Chapter 27

  Their plane was wheels up several hours later. It was funny, really, how quickly they’d managed to get out of the jungle. The place he’d called home for the last several months.

  Jagger cuddled Skye, tight to his chest, where she’d been ever since he’d grabbed her in the jungle. He studied her face and his thumb traced the soft line of her cheek. She was feverish, still unconscious, and worry ripped at him relentlessly.

  “How’s she doing?” Jaxon slid into the seat beside him and Jagger remained tight-lipped as he shrugged his shoulders.

  “I don’t know,” he managed, hearing his voice tremble slightly as Jaxon’s warm hand grabbed his shoulder with a reassuring squeeze.

  “She’s tough. Hell, what she’s been through … she just needs some time.”

  Jagger nodded. “Any word on Julian?” His heart was heavy at the thought of his older brother.

  Jaxon sighed and shook his head. “We don’t know anything. I’ve got my contacts on it and Cracker is interrogating a few of our guests, but so far nothing. We get back to PATU, I’ll be able to dig deeper.”

  His brother rubbed weary eyes and grimaced. “Cormac is one slippery son-of-a-bitch, but we’ll get him.”

  Jagger looked at Ana. The vampire was distraught. She’d curled into a chair and had not said a word since they’d left Belize.

  “She gonna be okay?” he murmured, his mouth nuzzling the top of Skye’s head.

  “I don’t know. She’s taking Declan’s disappearance hard.”

  Jagger leaned his head back and stared out the small round window, not seeing anything as his mind continued to circle.

  “I’m taking Skye home with me.” Jagger blew out a ragged breath.

  Jaxon looked at him, surprised. “We could use you at headquarters.”

  “I need to take her to the cabin, at least for a little while.”

  “But she might need a doctor—” “I will go with them.”

  Both men looked over at Ana. The vampire’s eyes were bloodshot but they shone fiercely. “I’ll make sure she’s all right.”

  Jagger nodded and Ana looked away once more, her chin trembling slightly as she gazed out her window.

  Jaxon stared at Jagger for several long seconds and then nodded. “Take all the time you need, but keep in touch. I have a feeling the shit’s gonna hit the fan sooner rather than later, and we’ll need every man we’ve got.”

  The ragged group of survivors made it back to the States several hours later. Jaxon left for northern Canada immediately, taking Cracker, Finn, and their “guests,” the few prisoners they’d taken. Their destination was the new headquarters of PATU.

  Ana accompanied him back to his cabin. She was very quiet and seemed almost morose. He’d never seen the vampire in such a state.

  Jagger sighed heavily. It was a bitch to navigate, the whole love thing.

  They’d been at his cabin for nearly thirty-six hours, and Skye was still dead to the world.

  A fever raged through her body and she’d been held firm in the grip of a nightmare for most of it. Jagger hadn’t left her side once, had been quite rude to Ana, in fact, when she’d tried to get him to rest.

  Wearily he rose to his feet, stretching his legs as he crossed by the bed and stared out the window. Spring had fled and summer had come to his little paradise. Outside the sun shone, touching the wild array of flowers that bordered his property. Goldenrod and lilies grew in abundance.

  He thought that Skye would like them.

  He’d had so many plans for this place and after Iraq they’d been shoved aside. He’d been empty, half broken, until Skye had fallen into his life and changed it forever. But now? He had no clue what the hell had happened back in Belize and he didn’t know if she was damaged or whole. His eyes followed the play between two squirrels, a ghost of a smile lifting the corner of his mouth as they tumbled about, foraging for food to store.


  He whipped around at the sound of Skye’s voice and was at her side in a second. She looked weak and her eyes were dull, shadowed.

  He grabbed the glass of water off the bed table and held it to her mouth, gently coaxing her to take the cool liquid between her lips.

  “What happened?” she asked as she struggled to right herself. “Where are we?”

; “Shhh,” Jagger whispered as he sank onto the bed beside her and gathered her close to his chest. “You’re safe with me.”

  He felt her shudder and then bury her head in the crook of his neck. “I had such awful dreams,” she whispered against him.

  “Can you talk about them?” he probed gently, not wanting to force her but desperate for any information on what had happened to Julian and Declan.

  She inhaled deeply and pushed against his chest. As he looked down at her, Jagger felt his heart constrict. She meant everything to him.

  “I was going to do it.” She met his gaze, unflinching, and sat up straighter. “I would have done anything to keep you safe. You need to know that.” Skye paused and took another sip of water.

  “I was going to hell for you and I would do it again if I had to.” Her eyes were intense as they bored into his. “You know that, right? To keep you safe from Azaiel I would have done anything.”

  “I know,” he said simply.

  “Is he …?” Skye paused, a look of confusion crossing her features. “Was he destroyed?” “No, at least I don’t think so.” “And the portal?”

  Jagger shook his head. “We’re not sure what happened exactly, but your brother seems to think it’s disappeared into the twilight zone or whatever.”

  Skye smiled then and in that moment Jagger knew he’d do whatever it took to keep the smile pasted to her face.

  “Finn’s alive. I don’t remember much, but he was there …” Skye laughed softly. “He was there.” Her face sobered and she quieted, the blue of her eyes glistening with emotion. “But the others … I have vague memories and recollections of what happened.” She paused and looked up at him, her eyes intense and full of pain.

  “The dreams I’ve been having …” She swallowed thickly and shook her head. “Is it true? Are your friends … your brother, Julian …” Her face darkened and she grabbed his arms tightly. “Are they gone?”

  Jagger’s hands moved up to her chin and he cupped her face between his large hands, moving until he was so close he could count the tiny veins that fed her eyes.

  “They’re gone, yes, but we’ll get them back.”


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