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Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Carolyn Rosewood

  “Blade…what a wonderful way to wake up. I thought I was dreaming.”

  “Me, too. The moment I first saw you.” He rolled on top of her and kissed her, wondering why the hell he’d just said that. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and he was grateful for her reaction because that meant he wouldn’t have to analyze his words. Not now, at least.

  When he slipped inside her wet pussy, she groaned and pulled him closer, burying her face against his chest. He fucked her slowly, gently, because he knew she must be sore from last night. She came so quickly it surprised him, and from the way she giggled and her eyes flew open, it must have surprised her as well.

  He let go and came inside her, kissing her neck and face as he did so. She sighed in his arms then suddenly her body stiffened.

  “Shit,” she whispered.

  He lifted his head to look into her eyes. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “No. You didn’t use a rubber.”

  Blade silently cursed his carelessness. None of them needed to use them, but they kept up the pretense for the guests. He scrambled to put a carefree look on his face. “You don’t have to worry about that with me.”

  She looked confused. “But you used them last night.”

  Yes, he had. Think, Blade. Think fast. She’s not stupid. “I didn’t want Cristian to feel like an oddball.”

  Joelle didn’t look convinced. Blade rolled off her and began to dress. Why the hell had he fucked up like this so soon? This woman confused his thoughts, but he couldn’t stay away. Not now. Not after he’d held her in his arms and inhaled her scent. He’d have to find a way to put her mind at ease without revealing more than he wanted to.

  One glance at her face told him she was still troubled. He couldn’t leave her like that. He sat on the bed and took her hands. “Joelle, please don’t worry. I can’t knock you up. I use them so there are no awkward questions or worry. I slipped up just now. I’m sorry. You were so warm and enticing I couldn’t stop myself.” He caressed her cheek, holding her gaze.

  Finally she smiled, and the anxiety left her eyes. “I understand. And thank you for staying here all night.” She looked around, as if noticing for the first time that Cristian was gone. “I guess Cristian left.”

  “He likes to start work early so he can knock off well before evening. No conventional nine to five for him.” The lie slipped out of his mouth as easily as a knife cuts through butter. Why the hell hadn’t he been able to lie that smoothly about the fucking condoms?

  “What does he do?”

  Not much. “He and Zach take care of accounting and personnel.”

  “And what are your duties?”

  “I’m in charge of the food.”

  She smiled. “No wonder you asked me last night if I enjoyed it.”

  Blade didn’t think it necessary to tell her he’d only asked out of politeness. “Would you like to have breakfast with me? I can order it sent up here.”

  “Don’t you have to get to work, too?”

  “It can wait for an hour or two.”

  She gave him a wicked smile. “In that case, breakfast in bed sounds heavenly.”

  Chapter Six

  When Joelle woke, she was hungry. She’d fallen asleep again after Blade left. They hadn’t eaten much breakfast, unless you counted licking each other’s bodies as food. She was sore all over, but it was a delicious ache that made her long for more. She’d never had this much sex in such a short time. She’d need another vacation when this was over just to recover.

  She took a quick shower and dressed then walked through the suite, admiring the little touches like snacks in the refrigerator and satin hangers in the closets. Everything smelled rich and clean. She imagined herself just living here until her savings ran out. Unfortunately that wouldn’t take long.

  She cringed as she imagined the look on her father’s face if she told him she wanted to stay here for a few months, and hoped he’d hold her job open until she returned. He was upset enough—still—that she’d broken off her engagement. Neither of her parents had seen the side of Scott that Joelle had. She’d tried more than once to explain, but the only thing they’d been focused on was what they were going to tell their friends.

  Joelle poured herself a drink. She didn’t care that it was before noon. Her resolve not to think about Scott on this trip had fallen through again. Why couldn’t she just forget everyone’s reaction to her calling it off? It’s not like the wedding had been planned and anyone was out money—quite the contrary.

  Joelle had avoided setting a date or making arrangements because she’d known in the back of her mind she’d never be able to stay with Scott for the rest of her mortal life. Her parents, on the other hand, were more worried about appearances than their only child’s happiness. She and Scott had been engaged almost three years, and not once had either of her parents bothered to ask why she refused to set a date.

  Joelle dumped the rest of her drink in the sink. She was on vacation, and she was not going to spend it in a hotel room, commiserating over Scott or her parents. She was about to leave the suite when someone knocked on the door, and a voice said, “Housekeeping.”

  Joelle opened the door and watched the curvy, dark-haired woman push the cart into the middle of the room. Something about the way she walked and the set of her jaw was familiar. “Have we met?”

  The woman looked up in surprise, and Joelle couldn’t be sure but she thought a spark of recognition flitted through her eyes, along with fear. Both were gone so quickly she must have imagined it.

  “No, Miss. I don’t believe so.”

  The woman took a feather duster off the cart and began to dust the furniture. Joelle left, trying to remember where she’d seen the woman before. She wished she’d thought to look at her nametag, considered returning to do so, but decided that would seem too bizarre. No doubt she’d run into her again during her stay here and could figure it out then.

  She wandered into the lobby and walked toward the wall of portraits. In addition to the picture of Lilith, there were photographs of people dressed in clothing from the twenties, thirties, and forties, including one that caught her eye because Blade and Cristian were in it.

  She stepped closer and squinted. The photo featured twelve men in a semicircle gathered outside in front of the resort, dressed in clothing from the late twenties or early thirties. In it, Blade and Cristian looked exactly as they did now. Of course, it couldn’t possibly have been taken twenty years earlier. Cristian and Blade weren’t that old. At least, they didn’t look that old. They both looked to be in their midthirties. The photo must have been taken during a costume ball. Did they still have them here? That would be so much fun. She made a mental note to ask one of them.

  The scent of maple syrup wafted past her nose, and she spun around to find Cristian standing behind her, an anxious expression on his face. “Well, hello there,” she said.

  “Good morning,” he said. “Or rather, good afternoon.”

  Joelle usually didn’t feel awkward around men, but something in Cristian’s eyes threw her off, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Did he feel guilty over leaving her bed this morning?

  “Are you finished with work for the day?”

  He frowned in confusion then cut his gaze to the photograph again. What was his problem?

  “Blade said you like to start early in the mornings.”

  Cristian blinked a few times, then finally the anxiety and confusion left his face. “Oh, yeah…yeah. He’s right. I do. And yes, I’m done for the day.” He grinned and took her hand, looping it around his arm. “So, now that I’m free, what would you like to do?”

  Joelle glanced outside, where the freshly fallen snow shone like diamonds in the sun. “I know it’s cold outside, but I’d love to take a walk. I packed my snow boots, just in case.”

  Cristian’s face lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. “I’ll get my coat and boots as well and meet you back here in five.”

  Joelle was hoping the housekeeper was still in her suite so she could figure out where she’d seen her before, but she was already gone. She walked quickly through the suite, and everything was tidied up and fresh, so it didn’t appear she’d rushed through her duties. Joelle shrugged. She’d been here less than twenty-four hours. How much was there to clean?

  After Joelle retrieved her coat, scarf, gloves, and boots, she returned to the lobby to find Cristian waiting for her. She linked her arm in his as they exited a door at the back of the property. “This path leads to Pine Lake,” he said. “I think it’s the prettiest of the three.”

  “Isn’t the snow beautiful?” Joelle breathed in the fresh, clean scent, not minding how the air chilled the inside of her nose and lungs.

  “Yes. I love this time of year.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled up at him. His eyes sparkled as much as the snow, and she wondered what it would be like to fuck outdoors. She’d probably end up with frostbite on her ass, but it might be worth it.

  Their boots crunched on the ice packed under the powder as they walked along. As he led her closer to the lake, she gasped at the sight of snow-covered pines reflected in the water. “It’s like a painting. So perfect.”

  The longer they walked, the less Joelle felt the cold. Cristian’s hand in hers was as toasty warm as if they were indoors in front of a blazing fire. He pointed out markers on the trail where they planned stops on the sleigh rides. “Don’t know if it will ever happen though.”

  “Why not?”

  “We’ve been planning this second set of horse trails for over two decades. The other trail isn’t as long and gets crowded when we have a lot of rides booked at once. But we’re running into opposition.”

  Joelle stopped walking and studied his face. “Over two decades? Forgive me for asking, but how old are you?” A sliver of fear shot through her body at the look on his face. It was as if he’d suddenly realized he’d been caught in a terrible lie. As she watched the emotions pass through his eyes, she also realized his cheeks and nose weren’t red. It was no more than twenty degrees outside. How could he be so unaffected by the cold?

  She let go of his hand and the immediate blast of cold air took her by surprise. She glanced at the trees, but there was no wind. When Cristian took her hand again, warmth spread through her body. What the hell was going on?

  “I mean that our family has been planning it for that long.” His quick laugh sounded forced.

  They continued walking, but the beauty of the landscape was dimmed somewhat. Something odd was going on here, and an unsettled feeling swept over Joelle. “You mentioned opposition. Who’s opposing new trails around the lake? Doesn’t your family own this land as well?”

  He nodded. “Yes, we do. The opposition is coming from city planners in Chicago, who don’t have jurisdiction over this area, but there’s an alderman who’s trying to make a big name for himself. He’s getting too nosy about the resort and is using the planned horse trails as an excuse.”

  Fear shot through Joelle’s body. It couldn’t be…“An excuse for what?” Her voice came out small and tight, but Cristian didn’t seem to notice.

  “As an excuse for the bee in his bonnet about the…um…services we offer. That’s his real agenda. It’s not as if we plan to cut down miles of forest, you know? We’re talking about a few trees here and there, and he knows that. His target is our moral indecency, as he called it.”

  Joelle nearly tripped over her own boots. She stopped walking again and stared at Cristian, who still hadn’t noticed her reaction.

  “The rumor is that he’s planning on running for the state senate, and he needs to look like a hero to get enough votes. The atmosphere in Washington is fairly conservative right now, and, well…we do have a reputation that wouldn’t sit well with them.”

  Joelle swallowed hard. “What’s this alderman’s name?” She hoped her question didn’t sound forced.

  “Scott Malloy.”

  Her heart hammered so loudly she was sure Cristian could hear it. Had she told them his name when she’d talked about him the night before? She couldn’t even remember right now. “Are you sure it’s from him? The opposition, I mean.”

  “He showed up here one day, along with a team of attorneys. Just to talk, they said. Zach and Emmett sent them back to Chicago, but, well, you can imagine we’re all a bit worried. I mean, we aren’t breaking any laws, but like I said, given the current political climate, we don’t need unwanted attention.”

  She’d filled out a ten-page questionnaire before coming here. It was required of each of their guests, but she’d never mentioned Scott’s name. It hadn’t seemed relevant. She’d checked the “never married” box because it was true. The form hadn’t asked about broken engagements, only current ones.

  The air around Joelle grew chilled again, so she linked her arm in Cristian’s, and this time didn’t question the warmth that spread through her body. There would be time later to ponder that phenomenon. Right now, she had to figure out what to do about Scott. That fucking bastard. Why this place? Cristian was right—he was only trying to get his name in the papers—not to mention crawl up the ass of everyone in Washington. He had his sights set on the White House one day, after all.

  She recalled a conversation she’d had with him shortly before breaking off the engagement, where he’d gone on and on about the decline of morality in the country. He had told her there were places right in Illinois where people were allowed to carry on with indecent behavior, unrestrained and unchecked. He was going after them, one by one.

  His dark eyes had shone with sinister light as he talked about the campaign he’d lead, straight to the White House. When he’d asked her how she’d feel about being the First Lady, she’d nearly retched. The idea of standing by Scott’s side on the White House lawn was so ludicrous she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.

  A sudden horrible thought occurred to Joelle. Did he already know she was here? She’d only told Peggy where she was going, and Peggy would never say a word to anyone, especially not Scott. No, it wasn’t possible. If he knew he’d have telephoned or shown up by now.

  But why this place? And how was he getting information about it? She hadn’t been able to find anything about this resort other than the article in H&E. It was as if the place didn’t really exist. A shudder ran through Joelle, and she gripped Cristian’s arm tighter. “It’s not fair.”

  “What isn’t fair?”

  “That an alderman from Chicago has any power up here to harass you and your family about this resort.”

  Cristian stopped walking and gave her a curious look. Joelle averted her gaze. Could he read her thoughts? If they found out she’d been engaged to Scott, would they send her packing?

  “Thank you, Joelle.”

  “For what?”

  “For caring about our business.”

  “You’re welcome.” She should tell him. But he might assume she was in league with him if she did. The guilt coursing through her body was worse than any feeling she could imagine at that moment. She shivered again.

  “Are you cold? Want to go back indoors?”

  She didn’t want to, but suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable outdoors, as if Scott were hiding in the trees with a telephoto lens, just waiting to ruin this resort and discredit her.

  “Yes, let’s go back inside. There are plenty of places inside the resort I haven’t seen yet. Will you give me a tour?”

  She smiled into Cristian’s face, and the lust rolling off him nearly knocked her to the ground. Erotic images of them naked and fucking in front of a roaring fire filled her head. Her nipples tingled, and her clit began to throb. She didn’t want to worry about what Scott might or might not do. She wanted to have fun with this gorgeous man on her arm.

  “Would you like to see the billiards room?” he asked. “Last year we decided to close the nightclub because it wasn’t very popular anymore, and we’re building a billiards room in its place.”

�d love to see it. Could we play a game as well?”

  Cristian’s laugh was easy and carefree. “If you want to be humiliated by my expertise, sure.”

  “Oh really? You know, I just happen to be pretty good.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  The billiards room was the size of a dance hall, tucked into a corner of the basement. Most of the pool tables were still covered with thick plastic. Racks of cue sticks lined the walls. At one end, a gleaming mahogany bar ran the entire length of the room.

  Cristian pointed to an area walled off by large sheets of plastic. “Over there we plan to put in card tables.”

  Joelle walked around an uncovered pool table and ran her hand over the green felt. “Why do you not advertise? Seems to me an attraction like this would rake in the dough.”

  “Like I said, we don’t want the wrong kind of attention. Our guests are our best advertisement. We’re always full.”

  She spun to face him. “Really? That’s amazing.”

  Cristian grinned in a way that made her panties flood. “Word gets around.”

  The room was so quiet she could hear him breathing. “When do you plan to open this?”

  “We’re at least six months away. Finding contractors to trust has proven to be a challenge. It wasn’t always like that.”

  “Why is no one working today?”

  Cristian grinned. “They don’t work on Saturdays or Sundays.”

  Joelle laughed. “I’ve totally lost track of time. It’s Saturday, isn’t it?”


  “That means we won’t be disturbed down here, right?” She slipped her arms around Cristian’s waist, moaning softly as she pressed against his erection.

  His grin lit up the room. “Joelle Albright, you are a wicked woman. Or is this just a ploy so I won’t beat you at a game of pool?”

  “Are you complaining about my wickedness?”

  He shook his head. “Not even close.” He bent his head to kiss her and fireworks exploded inside Joelle’s head. The man knew how to use his lips and tongue. She opened her lips and rolled her tongue against his. His scent filled her head until nothing else existed.


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