Sword Art Online - Volume 3 - Fairy Dance
Page 19
Kirito’s reaction speed was unbelievably fast. He acted without any excess movements, expanding his wings and blocking Eugene’s overhead strike. After parrying his opponent’s attack, Kirito would immediately counter - predictable enough, Lyfa thought, but…
At the moment the black sword and the crimson sword crossed, the crimson sword seemed to change to vapor. It passed through Kirito’s sword, and returned to normal.
Dagaaan!! With a burst of sound that could shake the world, Kirito was hit in the chest by an explosion of tremendous strength. He looked like a black leaf blown through a storm as he plummeted earthward. There was another roar, and the dust rose as he struck the ground.
“What just…!?”
Lyfa’s speechless question was answered by Alicia Rue.
“«Demonic Sword Gram» has a special ability called «Ethereal Shift». When it comes in contact with defensive shields, swords, or other objects, it phases. In other words, it has a ‘pass through’ extra effect.”
“How, how could…”
Lyfa hurriedly checked Kirito’s HP value. But suddenly, a shadow leaped from the dust cloud, rushing straight at the still-hovering Eugene.
“Oh, he’s still alive!”
As if nothing had happened, Kirito stopped and asked:
“What was that earlier attack!?”
Kirito remarked while swinging his sword.
KLANG KLANG! Metallic sound continued. Kirito didn’t seem to be one to give up due to having inferior weapon. Even though Lyfa’s eyes could not discern Kirito’s countless strikes, Eugene was repelling the attacks with his two-handed sword.
For just a brief moment, Kirito’s assault seemed to pause, but that was enough.
Gram once again shined a fierce light. As Kirito was about block an attack aimed at his side, the sword dissolved, only to reappear beyond his guard and bite deeply into his abdomen.
Kirito cried as he coughed up air from his lungs, this time he was spun in the air. With his wings fully extended, he managed to stop and regain his balance.
“That is definitely effective.. Hey, hasn’t thirty seconds passed yet?”
Hearing Kirito’s remarks, Eugene just laughed arrogantly.
“Sorry, now I really want to cut you down. I’m changing the plan, this time I’ll remove your head!”
“This guy.. I’ll make you regret it!”
Kirito again prepared to attack, though unfortunately, there seemed to be no doubt as to who the winner would be.
To prevent the special attacks from «Demonic Sword Gram», Kirito could do nothing to defend. Instead, he had to avoid all attacks. But that was almost impossible in this high-speed, close-quarters-combat.
Coming to the same conclusion, Sakuya whispered:
“The situation is grim. Although the players might be seen as equal, the performance of their weapons is far too different. For the one and only «Demonic Sword Gram», only the legendary weapon, «Holy Sword Excalibur», can compete against it, but no one knows where or how to obtain it…”
Even so, if it is Kirito… Although he appeared to be just a novice, he had demonstrated great strength… This Spriggan was certainly an enigma. While thinking this, Lyfa clasped her hands to her chest as if praying.
Eugene’s red wings blurred into a band of light as he thrust his sword forward. Kirito avoided the attack with dangerous random flying.
While fighting, the two of them flew in a complex pattern, time and time again there were attack effect flashes before they separated. Kirito’s health had already been reduced to about half by the two attacks he had taken. Eugene was not a normal opponent though, easily able to cut through Kirito’s defenses that had withstood multiple magic attacks earlier.
Kirito suddenly turned around and thrust out his right hand. He chanted an incantation, and black dust sparkled from his outstretched hand…
Bang, bang, bang, bang! Jet-black streams of smoke erupted around the two opponents. A long-range fascination magic quickly expanded to cover the entire airspace.
The darkness descended to above Lyfa’s head and the surroundings became dark. Lyfa`s vision was obscured by the darkness, and she desperately searched for Kirito.
“Lyfa, lend me this for a little bit.”
A voice suddenly whispered in her ears, and she felt her katana being drawn from its sheath at her waist.
Lyfa hurriedly turned around. There was no one there, but her sheath was inexplicably empty.
“Are you trying to stall!!”
Eugene cried from the center of the thick smoke. Immediately came the sound of a spell incantation.
WHACK! A red light burst out in an expanding sphere, dispelling the smoke. The smoke faded quickly, once again restoring light to the world.
Lyfa hurriedly looked to the blue sky. There was…
No sign of Kirito.
The only one hovering in air was the Salamander general. The little Spriggan is nowhere in sight.
“No way.. he fled…”
Behind, a Cait Sith cried in astonishment. But before he finished, Lyfa cried out:
“Of course he didn’t!”
There is absolutely no way. Even if any other player would flee, he would not run.
This young man, Kirito, did not «play» VRMMO games; he «lived» them. He believed that this world was another reality, and that all the trust cultivated, all the bonds formed, and all the love created here was the truth.
Therefore, hey.. I can hear it…
It was coming from above, the sound of a flight so powerfully beautiful it resembled the sound from a flute. Approaching closer and closer, louder and louder.
The moment she finally found his figure, it was cast in rainbows by the tears appearing in Lyfa’s eyes.
From the middle of the sun, the object that created the strongest light effects in ALfheim, falling from the sky through the white light of heaven, a small shadow rapidly descends.
Eugene noticed a few seconds later than Lyfa and looked up. Frowning at the strong effect, he raised his left hand to shield his eyes from the sun’s strong light. An average player would have moved horizontally to avoid the sun’s rays and to follow the space where the shadow was falling.
However, the general Eugene, worthy his reputation, he closed his mouth, then opened it greatly.
With a yell that seemed to make earth and heavens tremble, he turned toward the sun like a true Salamander. With a streak of red light, he shot up like a rocket.
Kirito incoming from above held his black greatsword, which he normally used with both hands, in his right hand only. His left hand was hidden behind his back so could not be seen.
In the strong light, what he held in his left hand flashed, and it was raised up high.
What caused that silver flash? That was the katana that Kirito had just taken from the sheath at her waist, if Lyfa was not mistaken. That was, Kirito now held a sword in each hand.
Two-sword style - this concept was not entirely new. Despite the many people that attempted to use it, Lyfa didn’t know of any who had succeeded. It was incredibly difficult to manipulate swords with both hands and to have them work in sync.
During kendo competitions in the real world, it was not against the rules to use two bamboo swords, one large and one smaller. However, it was prohibited in middle or high school competitions, and the number of university students who could use two swords is very small. Anyway, she had never used two swords, it might have its advantages, but it was too difficult to be practical. It was said that the same was true in the virtual world.
Still, Kirito was armed with two swords. Eugene apparently thought it was an act of desperation and had a contemptuous smile on his face.
Lyfa opened eyes wet with tears and wholeheartedly believed in Kirito.
The Salamander raised his demonic sword and, with a solemn twist, swung it at Kirito. The Spriggan’s left-hand sword rose in an intersecting orbit to meet it.
Bang! The dark red sword began to vibrate. «Ethereal Shift» activated, penetrating Kirito’s guard and plunging toward his neck.
KLANG! With a sharp metallic sound, Gram was deflected. What stopped it was Kirito’s exactly timed thrust using the greatsword in his right hand. Like threading the eye of a needle, perfect timing.
Kirito faced the astonished Eugene, and issued a thunderous roar.
With swords in both hands, he attacked with speed so overwhelming that the swords appeared to turn into mist.
The katana in his left hand swept out, followed by a thrust with the great sword in a perfectly linked motion. As the greatsword pulled back, the katana slashed once again, from the lower left, and, after returning along the same path, the greatsword chopped down heavily from above.
Silver and black melded together as the onslaught of attacks fell like meteors through the night sky. How much training it would take to achieve that kind of speed with a two-sword style, Lyfa could not imagine. Eugene retreated and tried to use Ethereal Shift to fight back, but his sword could not pass through twice, it was blocked by Kirito’s double barrier.
As General Eugene was rapidly forced toward the ground, he roared deeply. The special effects of his armor formed a thin wall of flame like a hemisphere, pushing Kirito back a little. In that moment, the demonic sword came up -
KONG! With loud noise, Eugene went on the offensive.
Kirito did not hesitate in rushing in either, and the katana in his left hand gleamed as it swung down at a speed matched only by lightning.
JANG! The shrill scream of metal flowed out. Blinding sparks cascaded down in an arc through the air.
Before the Ethereal Shift could even activate, Kirito’s sword hit Gram’s side and deflected it. Eugene’s attack grazed Kirito’s left shoulder and moved to his back. Right after…
With amazing ease, the sword in Kirito’s right hand thrust straight forward.
Thunk! Low notes sounded, the black blade went through the Salamander`s body.
Kirito’s nearly god-like speed coupled with their incoming speed resulted in terrific damage. Eugene’s HP bar plunged into the yellow zone in an instant.
Kirito’s attacks did not stop there. As Eugene tried to recover, Kirito quickly pulled his great sword back, resuming his attack form and using his left hand katana to start a combo that Lyfa was unable to follow. In one breath, four cuts of his sword drew a beautiful track in the air, forming a square that wrapped around the Salamander`s huge body.
General Eugene expressed astonishment as his upper body, from right shoulder to his left waist, slid away without a sound. The light forming the square dispersed in every direction.
Right after, General Eugene`s body began burning, and he collapsed into a huge End Frame.
No one moved.
From the Sylphids and the Cait Siths to the over fifty members of the Salamander assault force, everyone froze.
It was a battle at such high level that no one had ever seen anything like it.
In general, fighting in ALO was a graceless brandishing of weapons at close-range or a mindless reliance on magic without even a hint of skill in long-range combat. Defense and evasion were techniques performed only by very experienced long time players, things like face-to-face high skill combat could only be seen at the final rounds at fighting tournaments.
But this time, the fight between Kirito and Eugene was much more than that.
Ornate sword-dancing tearing the air, high-speed flight, Eugene and his earth-shattering sword, and Kirito’s ultra-high speed two sword style that defeated it…
Sakuya was the first to break the silence.
“Wonderful, wonderful!!”
She said in a forceful voice as she clapped her hands.
“Amazing! Nice fight!”
Alicia Rue said immediately, followed by the twelve people behind her. Grand applause, mixed with whistles and a loud “BRAVO!” resounded in an immense tumult.
Lyfa watched the Salamander forces with bated breath. Surely, in the case of their commander being defeated, they won’t be able to take it lying down -
Surprisingly, the wave of applause also transmitted from the Salamander troops there. Continuous cheers rang out, they raised their lances and waved them like a banner.
Lyfa smiled unintentionally.
Up till now, she had only thought of the Salamanders as enemies – a lawless group of robbers, but they were still players of ALO before any of that. The amazing duel between Eugene and Kirito was enough to sway their hearts.
Caught in the exaltation, Lyfa also clapped her hands with all her heart.
In the center of the ring of applause, Kirito’s face emerged with a smile, he resheathed his sword and raised his right hand.
“Ah, thank you, thank you!”
Kirito bowed in every direction, turned in Lyfa’s direction, and shouted:
“Will someone please use revival magic?!”
Nodding, Sakuya floated through the air and stopped beside Eugene’s Remain Light. With the hem of her kimono fluttering, she began the incantation for revival magic.
A blue light emerged from Sakuya’s hands and wrapped around the red flame. The complicated magic circle solidified and the flame expanded, eventually forming a human shape.
Then with a final strong flash, the magic circle disappeared. Kirito, Sakuya and the revived Eugene landed in silence on the platform edge. Silence once again descended upon them.
“…That was impressive skill. You bastard, you are the strongest player I have ever seen.”
Eugene said with a calm tone.
“Thank you.”
Was Kirito’s short response.
“That a Spriggan like you exists, the world is a very big place.”
“My story, do you believe it now?”
Eugene narrowed his eyes, suddenly silent.
At this time, from the Salamander vanguard, a player ran over to Eugene. The player in armor stood at attention, then used his left hand to lift his visor.
He had a rugged face, Lyfa could tell as he bowed to Eugene before speaking.
“Gene-san, do you have a moment?”
“Ah, Kagemune, what is it?”
Where have I heard this name before? - Lyfa thought for a moment, before remembering. That was the name the surviving Salamander from the lake had mentioned. Kagemune was the captain of the troop of Salamanders that Kirito had wiped out at the Ancient Forest yesterday.
“I think you already know, but yesterday my party was annihilated.”
Hearing him talking about that, Lyfa swallowed her saliva and strained her ears to listen.
“It was this Spriggan, I’m sure, but he also had an Undine companion.”
Surprised, Lyfa looked at Kagemune’s profile. Kirito’s eyebrows twitched momentarily before his poker face settled back into place. Kagemune continued:
“In addition, from the information of the ‘S’, a team was sent to hunt this man. They seem to have been repulsed.”
‘S’ was probably a code for a spy. But the ‘S’ might also stand for Sigurd…
Eugene looked down at Kagemune’s face. Most people around them began whispering to each other, and Lyfa’s palms began sweating, waiting for the other’s response.
Finally, Eugene nodded and said:
“Is that so?”
He smiled slightly.
“I’ll leave it at that…”
Then he turned to Kirito.
“Neither our Lord nor I have any desire to provoke the Spri
ggans and Undines under the current conditions. We will leave this place, but, one day, I would like to fight you once again.”
“I await that day.”
Kirito thrust his fist in front of him. Eugene knocked his fist against Kirito’s and turned around. Spreading his wings, he kicked off the ground and flew away.
As he flew away, Kagemune looked back at Lyfa, and, with a laugh in his eyes, awkwardly winked his right eye. I repaid what I owed you - that’s probably what he meant, Lyfa thought with a slight smile on her face.
Seeing the two Salamanders fly away, Lyfa released the breath she had been holding.
As the people on the ground watched, the Salamander troops formed up neatly and with very little confusion. As they left, their wings issued a dull tremble with Eugene’s wings leading. Their presence soon faded, and, as they entered the clouds, they were swallowed up and completely disappeared.
The silence descended once again, this time to be broken by Kirito’s laughter.
“…So there are Salamanders who can understand talks.”
Lyfa was lost for a few seconds, then the words building in the depths of her stomach finally flowed out.
“…You, are too much.”
“I’ve often heard that.”
“…Ha ha ha.”
Their laughter was finally stopped with a cough from Sakuya, before she said:
“Sorry… but it would be helpful if you could explain the situation.”
As the calm was restored on the platform, Lyfa told the whole story, although some of the content was speculative. Sakuya, Alicia Rue, and the elders of the two communities listened quietly until Lyfa finished, then they all made a deep sigh.
“…So that’s what happened.”
Sakuya, arms crossed over her chest, gorgeous eyebrows arched down, nodded her head.
“For the past few months, Sigurd’s attitude became very restless, I felt he was up to something, but I couldn’t remove him from the council for fear of being seen as a dictator.”
“Sakuya-chan, it seems your popularity put you in a difficult position.”
Alicia Rue, who had been in power even longer than Sakuya, nodded deeply.
“Restless… from what?”