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Kindling Flames-Flying Sparks

Page 18

by Julie Wetzel

  Karl looked down at the sleeping woman before finding a place on the couch next to Sue to wait. It had been a long time since the wolves and vampires had spent any time in the same room, and tensions were high.

  Clara stepped into the living room and stood behind the loveseat. She looked at Rupert and his wolves on one couch, then back to the woman resting on the other. A small smile slipped across her face as she thought about what this young woman had done. Without even knowing it, Vicky was responsible for getting two groups that had been fighting to sit in the same room quietly. True, they were here for Darien’s sake, but if the ifrit hadn’t attacked the girl, they would still be in the warehouse, exchanging insults and blame. “I know we have had our differences, wolf,” Clara locked eyes with Rupert, “and we’ll never see eye to eye on our past, but we have to come to some agreement.”

  Rupert sat up a little taller.

  “We’ve both been holding grudges, and it makes us weak.” Clara’s voice grew in firmness as she decided what was best for her people. Many would not be happy about it, but it was what needed to be done. “We have unknowingly relied on Master Darien to keep us safe as we have bickered. Without his protection, we would’ve been walked on by any number of things. Is there a way we can come to some understanding?”

  Rupert let out a deep sigh and hung his head. He knew the truth in Clara’s words. The ifrit had been the first thing that had been brave enough to step into the city for a long time. Had the wolves and vampires been working together, they might have been able to stop it before all hell had broken loose. “I see your point, vampire.” Rupert looked up as he agreed with her. “If we call a truce, will you stop calling for the blood of my wolves?”

  Anger rose in Clara’s face, but she pushed it back. “If you stop calling for the lives of my vampires,” she countered.

  A matching anger flared in Rupert at not getting justice for his murdered people, but he bit his rage back and stood up. Walking over to Clara, he looked down at the shorter woman. He held out his hand, and Clara took it. “Let there be peace between us,” Rupert said and squeezed her hand, sealing the deal.

  Clara squeezed back, accepting the truce.

  “About damned time,” Darien said as he stood leaning against the partition between the family room and the living room.

  Both Clara and Rupert looked at him and released the handshake. Darien pushed away from the wall to walk into the room. They could tell he was still weak, but he was looking a lot better than he had a little while ago.

  “You’ll find life easier when you work together on things.” Darien reached out to steady himself on the couch.

  “Are you feeling better?” Clara asked.

  Darien shook his head. “I need to rest before we talk about what needs to be done.” He leaned heavily against the furniture for support. “You’re all welcome to stay.” Darien offered his hospitality to the group. “All the windows have blackout blinds that pull down from the top. I would suggest the vampires take the room on this floor, over there.” He pointed to the bedroom near the family room.

  “It’s the darkest during the daytime. There are two more bedrooms upstairs that you can use. The green room contains Victoria’s stuff. You’ll have to answer to Zak if you mess it up, but you are welcome to sleep there. The yellow room is empty.” He paused, taking a breath.

  “Please stay out of my office at the top of the steps.” This was one request he hoped everyone would heed.

  “There is extra bedding and blankets in the laundry room upstairs, and there is food in the kitchen. My housekeeper, Odette, is around somewhere and will get you anything you can’t find for yourselves. Just ask for it and she’ll get it to you, but don’t go looking for her. She is very shy and easily frightened. Otherwise, try not to break anything. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bed.”

  Darien wobbled a little as he tried to circle the couch to where Vicky was sleeping but stopped at the arm, knowing he would not be able to pick the woman up. “Could someone give me a hand?”

  Elliot pushed away from the wall and was at Darien’s side before anyone else could move. “I got her.” He pulled back Dakine’s cloak and lifted Vicky up against him.

  “Thank you, my friend.” Darien turned to lead the way out of the room.

  Elliot smiled to himself as he watched Darien bounce against the wall while climbing the steps.

  Zak barked at him from the landing, and Darien leaned over far enough to pat the small creature. Zak skittered into Vicky’s doorway, waiting for Elliot to bring her in.

  “Not in there tonight,” Darien said as he worked his way into his room. “We have company who will need Vicky’s room.”

  Zak gurgled at him.

  “Don’t worry. You can chew on them if they hurt anything.”

  Zak yipped happily and wobbled after Darien.

  Elliot chuckled again before following them towards the door at the far end of the hall.

  Opening the door, Darien turned the corner into his room.

  Elliot stopped short as the power of the cross hanging on the wall hit him. He felt his strength wane, and he leaned against the wall, recovering from the unexpected shock. “A little warning next time,” Elliot growled as he pushed himself into the room and past the holy item decorating Darien’s wall.

  “What?” Darien looked back at his friend, slightly confused.

  “You’re the only vampire I know that keeps a sacred item in a place where he has to look at it every day,” Elliot growled as he carried Vicky into the bedroom.

  Enlightenment dawned on Darien as he remembered the cross. “Oh. I don’t even notice it anymore.”

  “Liar.” Elliot snickered. He had seen the way Darien had leaned against the wall as he passed the cross.

  Darien grinned and pulled back the covers on the bed.

  Elliot carefully laid the woman down as he thought about the decoration. Darien had that cross for as long as Elliot had known him, but he didn’t know the story behind it. It always hung in Darien’s home somewhere he would have to pass it every day. Elliot had once asked him why he would keep something that weakened him displayed so prominently, and the man had just shrugged as a deep sorrow passed over his eyes. The cross must be something from Darien’s past that he didn’t like to talk about.

  Darien tucked Vicky into bed before turning to his friend. “Thank you.”

  Elliot chuckled again. “Get to bed, idiot.” He patted him on the back as Darien went to the other side of the bed. “We’ll be close if you need us.” Turning to head back out, he paused to watch Darien crawled into bed next to Vicky.

  Zak had jumped up on the bed, turning tight circles near Vicky’s feet before plopping himself down in a comfortable position.

  Elliot took one last look at the pair and the strange fay before turning out the light and leaving. He should go help the others sort out who was staying where. It had been a very long night for everyone.


  Vicky pulled free of her dreams to a smell she was familiar with. Darien’s warm, spicy scent, with that coppery tang, filled her as she yawned. She opened her eyes to find herself staring at the light-blue ceiling in Darien’s room. The sun filtering in around the curtains was just enough to light the peaceful space. She paused for a moment as her brain unsuccessfully tried to work out how she had gotten there. Vicky rolled her head over to look at the man beside her.

  Darien’s face was relaxed as he slept. No movement came from him, and she could feel his cooler skin against her stomach. His fingers had found their way in between the tears the ifrit had made in her shirt. Pushing away the uneasy feeling that filled her, she slipped carefully from the bed. Darien wasn’t dead—or at least, she knew he would wake back up later—but it had been weird waking up next to a body so still. She had woken up next to someone on many occasions, but they always moved, if nothing more than breathing.

  Vicky looked down on the sleeping vampire and smiled softly. Even in this form, he warmed
her heart. It had been a little weird, but she could get use to this. She stifled a laugh as she thought about the possibilities. If she did choose to stay with Darien, she would never have to complain about him snoring too loudly.

  Movement from the foot of the bed drew Vicky’s eye, and she smiled again at the small fay sprawled across the bed. Zak looked like a pile of dark spaghetti as he snored away. Just the ends of his tentacles twitched lightly as he dreamed about something.

  She stood, looking at the males who had changed her life. Her boys. Vicky paused as the epiphany struck her, and she looked back over the pair in a new light. They were her boys. Yes, one was a wobbly ball of tentacles with attitude, and the other was the oldest and most powerful vampire in the area, but they were hers, and she would do anything to keep them that way. Wrapping her hand around the wrist she had given to Darien, she thought about how much she had been willing to give to save him. Her thumb rubbed across her new scars, and she looked down at the two marks set the same width apart as Darien’s fangs. She let out a little laugh that made Zak’s tips twitch. Vicky covered her mouth so as not to wake either of them. She slipped quietly from the room and headed out to find something more suitable to wear.

  Vicky was surprised when she entered her room and found several piles of pillows and blankets folded on the foot of her bed. Confused by the additional bedding, she got out some yoga pants and a T-shirt before heading into the bathroom to get a quick shower before finding food.


  The noises coming from the living room drew Vicky as she flipped her damp hair back over her shoulder. It sounded like several people were arguing over something. Worry creased her brow as she turned the corner and looked into the living room.

  Dark shades had been pulled down over the windows, and a woman she didn’t recognize sat on the end of the couch nearest the lamp, reading through Darien’s copy of Sherlock Homes. Vicky paused to consider her presence before following her ears to the loud cries from the connecting room. She moved quietly and was shocked to find a whole herd of people in the family room.

  Karl, the werewolf, and Roger, the mechanic, were sitting on the floor in front of Darien’s entertainment center while a mess of people sat behind them on the couch, cheering. Karl and Roger each held a controller and were furiously punching the buttons, trying to beat each other in a fighting game on the screen.

  Vicky had never played the iconic game, but it wasn’t hard to recognize Street Fighter from where she stood. Looking over the crowd in Darien’s family room, she realized she recognized most of them, but she was surprised to see them all in Darien’s home.

  “Yes!” Karl cried as the game announced KO, and Roger groaned in defeat. Cheers and awws came from the audience as Roger got up to let the next person play against Karl. Sue took the controller and sat down to try to kick his butt.

  Roger stretched and looked up to see Vicky watching them from the entrance to the living room. “Hey there,” he said, and everyone looked over to see what had caught the mechanic’s attention.

  “Sweetie!” Jenny cried as she got up from the couch and came over to Vicky. She wrapped the surprised woman in a hug that Vicky returned. “It is so good to see you up. How do you feel?” Jenny released her and looked Vicky over.

  “Okay.” Vicky said. She was still a little tired and very hungry, but she didn’t feel too bad.

  Jenny pulled her into the room, and the rest of the group greeted her.

  Vicky was introduced to Phelan, Rupert’s second, and Tina and Billy from Elliot’s menagerie. The woman from the other room came in and was introduced to Vicky as Annie.

  “I love your hair,” Josie said as she gave Vicky a hug. “How did you get it so long?” She played with the knee-length, damp hair.

  “Fay.” Vicky laughed wryly.

  “Do you think I could get them to do to this to mine?” Josie asked.

  “I wouldn’t suggest it,” Vicky said with an ironic smile. A few more pleasantries were made before Vicky excused herself to go find something to eat. She waved the group back to their game and left for the kitchen.


  Vicky smiled at the plate sitting out, waiting for her. Even with the addition of nine people in the family room, Odette had made sure Vicky had a good meal. She called a thank you to the mysterious housekeeper and added a glass of milk to her food. Picking up the plate and drink, she turned towards the breakfast nook and paused when she saw three men sitting around the glass table.

  Dakine, Brian, and Rupert sat in the cheery, English-style room, talking. They looked up from their conversation when Vicky entered.

  “Pardon me,” she said, starting to back out of the room.

  Brian stood up before she could leave. “Please sit down, darling.” He pulled out the empty chair for her.

  She took another step back. “I don’t want to interrupt you.”

  “Sit and eat,” Rupert growled.

  Vicky stopped her retreat. She wasn’t about to argue with the alpha wolf, so she came over and took the chair Brian pulled out for her. Odette had already set her place at the table like normal. Vicky sat down between the werewolf and Clara’s right-hand man.

  Dakine looked at her from the other side of the table, where he sipped on a cup of tea. The other two men also had cups they were drinking from, but they looked like coffee.

  Brian sat back down to pick up the conversation where they had left off. “You’ll need to check the gap on the spark plugs to make sure they’re right,” he explained, picking his cup back up. “That could cause part of the issue. If you like, I can get Roger to check it out for you. He’s pretty handy when it comes to things like that.”

  Vicky ate her food as she listened to the two men talk about motorcycles and their upkeep.

  Dakine listened to them and added his insight occasionally, but the elf’s lavender eyes watched Vicky as she ate.

  She could feel him evaluating her as he listened to the other two talk. It was like he was trying to identify what about her had caught the interest of both Darien and Zak. Vicky shifted in her seat as she finished her meal under the man’s watchful eyes. Her attention was pulled back to the conversation between Brian and Rupert as the subject switched.

  “We’ll have to wait for Clara and Darien to wake up before we can make any specific plans,” Brian answered to a question that Vicky hadn’t registered.

  “It has to be done before Thursday’s full moon,” Rupert said. “Otherwise, we’ll have to wait a full month till my wolves are strong enough to be able to help against this thing.”

  “How the hell did it get inside the circle in the first place?” Brian asked, thinking about the scene from last night.

  “It has a link with our lady here,” Dakine said, and the other two men looked at her. Vicky suddenly wished she hadn’t sat down.

  “Please show them your hand.”

  She held out her left hand to show the burn mark on the palm. It had finally healed enough for her to stop covering it.

  “That’s nasty.” Concern filled Brian’s voice. “Did you get that in the fire?”

  Vicky nodded. “It’s the only burn Darien couldn’t heal,” she told them and pulled her hand back.

  Brian turned to Dakine. “Will we be able to use that to track the ifrit down?”

  Dakine nodded. “It will give us the scent of our quarry, and the hounds of the Wild Hunt will be able to follow it from there.”

  “The Wild Hunt!” Brian gasped. “You’re calling The Hunt on this thing!”

  Vicky looked at the man next to her. The fear in him was easy to read. “What’s the Wild Hunt?” she asked, not understanding why Brian was so terrified by the mere mention of it.

  “The Wild Hunt is a tradition older than record,” Rupert answered. “There are many legends and tales about it.”

  “It’s a call to hunt down something,” Dakine explained. “The fay will ride forth on dark horses, led by hounds…”

  “Hellhounds,” Bria
n corrected.

  “Hellhounds,” Dakine amended, “in search of a given prey. In this case, the ifrit and whatever is controlling it.”

  “The Hunt is relentless,” Brian added. “It doesn’t matter where the given target runs, the Wild Hunt will not stop till it finds what it is looking for.”

  “What happens when they find it?” Vicky asked as goose bumps ran up her skin.

  “We kill it,” Dakine said with a wicked smile. She shuddered at the joy held in those three words.

  “But the Hunt isn’t safe for humans,” Brian protested. “The mounts have been known to run off with their mortal riders after the prey is downed. I can’t ask my people to risk that.”

  “That’s why we need the werewolves.” Dakine looked over to Rupert. “The magic in the wolves will allow them to keep control over the horses. The only mortal that has to go is our lady here. She’ll need to give the hounds the scent.”

  Vicky’s eyes widened at the prospect of joining something that might carry her off, and Brian’s worried eyes turned to her.

  “Don’t worry,” Dakine said to them. “Darien and Zak will see the Hunt doesn’t make off with her.”

  Vicky heard a gurgling bark from behind her and turned to see Zak speeding towards them. She scooted back as he lifted himself into her lap.

  He wiggled menacingly at the three men before turning around and rubbing his face in her stomach. She giggled at the tickling movement and pulled her hands over him, tucking his tentacles in around him. He purred in pleasure as he curled in her lap, contented.

  Brian looked at the little horror sitting in Vicky’s lap. “I don’t think I will ever get use to that.”

  She played with one tentacle curling around her fingers. “He really is very sweet.”

  Dakine chuckled at her comment and sipped his tea quietly. He wasn’t about to tell her the truth about the creature resting in her lap.


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