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Lyon's Den (The Lyon Book 6)

Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  “Well if getting up with me is such a bother you don’t have to.” Crazy lady flounced down on the pillow and turned her back to me. Why…the fuck…me?

  I finished getting undressed and climbed into bed behind her, pulling her carefully into my arms with her back still turned. I let my dick brush against her thigh through the soft silk nightie as I leaned over her.

  “You trying to get your ass spanked right. Why the fuck would I be mad about getting up with my wife who happens to be carrying my children?” She didn’t answer but that pout was hard to miss.

  I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with her this time. Her pregnant ass could destroy a nation with her fucking moods.

  I reminded myself that she might not be exactly sane at this point, what with three kids tumbling around in there and bathroom runs every half an hour or so like she’d been on a bender.

  I feel like shit because I can’t do much for her when she gets like this. When her hormones are going nuts and she can’t even see her own damn feet. She basically has my ass hooked up to a guilt meter.

  So for the one thousandth time in my life, I checked my ego at the door, throttled my shit back and reminded myself that she was my babygirl even if she’s fucking nuts.

  “What’s bothering you baby? Tell me.” I put my hand over her big ass tummy and caressed her soothingly. I’ll be glad when these damn kids get here.

  On the one hand my wife might regain the few sane brain cells she had left, and on the other I’ll have three more females to fuck up my shit.

  “I don’t know.” Whining ass!

  “Do you feel sick? Are you hurting, is that it?” I rubbed her tummy again until I felt her body relax but she was still not my Kat. I’m so in tuned with her that she can’t hide shit.

  “It’s not that damn depression shit again is it? Cause you ain’t got fuck to be depressed about.” I could see her rolling her eyes like her ass wasn’t flipping the fuck out just a few short months ago.

  “I’m not depressed, just feeling a bit off.”

  “Is this helping?” I’m an expert at rubbing her pregnant tummy by now and my kids always seem to know it’s daddy because they calm their little asses down quick.

  She nodded and turned her head for a kiss. Then she grabbed my hand and lifted it to her milky tit.

  So that’s what’s wrong with her.

  “Greedy fuck! If you wanted dick all you had to do was ask.” She elbowed me in the gut and scooted her ass back against my growing cock.

  She reached back between us and grabbed my dick, stroking until pre-cum coated her hand. “Lift your leg up baby.” I helped her get into position with her leg up and back, with her foot resting on my thigh.

  I moved my hand down from the hard mound of

  her tummy and found her clit with my fingers. Her pussy was sopping wet and she was already making fuck me sounds.

  I don’t even wanna know what nasty shit she was reading to get her like this. She’d swear up and down that it wasn’t the book, but I know better. Freaky ass authors and their shit.

  I ran the head of my cock back and forth along her slit until it was soaked in her juices and mine. Pushing forward gently, I entered her inch by inch until her greedy pussy swallowed my shit whole.

  I reached around and held her tummy protectively fucking slowly into her until she got happy. My Apadravya with the frenum piercing I’d added over the years were doing their jobs, scraping along the insides of her wet pussy just right.

  She cooed into the pillow and shoved her pussy back onto my rod while I diddled her clit and licked her ear. I let her set the pace until she tried syphoning my balls dry with her squeezing shit.

  Her pussy gets twice as hot when she’s breeding so my boy was in his element, dripping cock snot into her at an alarming rate.

  I wanted to pound into her but knew that was a dick move, even though she was now digging her nails into my ass and begging me without words to fuck the shit out of her.

  I brought her off first so she’d be nice and wet and then eased her off my cock. Stuffing a pillow under her for comfort, I lined up behind her and nosed around her cunt until her pink shell opened up and let me in.

  It’s always a testament to my strength and endurance when I can fuck her like this without losing control. I ran my hands over her ass with glee.

  A pregnant Kat has the finest ass this side of the Mississippi let me tell you. Add the tits that make my mouth water each time they jiggle and it’s a damn setup.

  The only thing stopping me from going full ham on her ass is because I would never do anything to hurt her or my children. But it’s a fucking trial.

  I had to bury my face in her neck when I came, to keep my roar in check. Her throat paid the price when I sunk my teeth in and marked her.

  I had barely enough strength left to roll to my side taking her with me with a hand under her tummy for added support. One of my nosy ass daughters was doing somersaults in her tummy, freaked me the fuck out.

  I tried to pull out but she clamped down on my dick. Now when she’s this far along I try not to stay in her too long, but that’s just when her horny ass wants extra.

  “Kat let go.” I grabbed the base of my dick and tried to tug it out of her, she pushed her ass back and squeezed her legs tight, locking me in. Of course my dick started hardening again.

  Swear to fuck if it was anyone else, if I’d been unlucky enough to get hitched to anyone but my baby, my dick wouldn’t still be in such good form.

  She just fucking does it for me. Maybe that’s why I let her get away with everything. Like now. I know her ass isn’t supposed to overdo it, she knows it too, but she wants to fuck. So we fuck.

  When she’d had her quota of dick her selfish ass sighed loud and fell right the fuck asleep. I just looked over at her and shook my head. This fucking girl.

  Chapter 3

  In the morning it was daddy’s turn to corral the herd and get them situated for the day. I had Cody on my hip while I prepared breakfast.

  These fucks don’t know what dry cereal looks like, except during summer vacation, ain’t that a bitch. Their mother and grandmothers spoil their asses and what they don’t do, the grandfathers pick up the slack.

  I got the bacon from the oven and scrambled a couple dozen eggs. The noise level was off the charts because…Mengele. She was arguing with her brothers that our night out was better than theirs.

  I guess I should be happy that my kids don’t have anything more serious to argue about. Their mother waddled in just when they were finishing up and I had to feed her miserable ass.

  Of course she didn’t want anything I made and it took damn near half an hour to figure out what she wanted. I got her the fruit she said she wanted and sat with her while her kids tried to tear my fucking

  house apart with their shit.

  “What you got doing today?” I sipped my coffee and bounced my kid on my knee while he ate half his mother’s fruit and laughed, drooling all over himself.

  “I have a few things to pick up in town.” She rubbed her lower back and I knew my day was fucked. “Why don’t I take care of that for you?”

  “Oh could you, that’ll be great. I just wanna lay down and put my feet up.” Like that wasn’t her plan all along.

  I made sure the kids weren’t getting into shit and headed out half an hour later after warning them not to bother their mother.

  I only took Cody with me because I don’t want Caitiebear thinking she always has to babysit. The twins and Caleb can take care of themselves and I have to worry more about Mengele fucking somebody’s shit up than about her getting hurt.

  I got what she needed and headed back to the house already tired just thinking about whatever the fuck it is that my kids were going to be getting

  into today.

  I put her shit away and headed upstairs to put Cody down for his nap before heading for our room where she said she was going to be.

  As I g
ot closer I could hear crying coming from the tube through the door so I was sure she was in there tucked up with a box of Kleenex and a pint of ice cream. Fucking hormones!

  I opened the door and sure enough her eyes were glued to the screen, nose red and runny and eyes swollen. She does this to herself just for fucking kicks.

  “Kat swear to fuck, what are you watching? What died? Cat, dog, human what?”

  “Somebody that shouldn’t have.” She hiccupped through fresh tears.

  I walked over and grabbed the remote from the nightstand and turned the shit off.

  “Why don’t you write the fuck who wrote it and tell him to fix his shit?” She’s a damn screen writer now.

  “Colton turn that back on.” Like fuck! When her ass gets weepy that usually means trouble for yours truly. Not to-fucking-day. Can I get some peace in this bitch?

  “If I see one more tear you’re not watching TV for a month.” My bitch ass turned it back on because…pussy whipped going on seventeen fucking years.

  “I’m not Catalina or Caitlin or one of the boys for that matter. And if you’re practicing for when the trips get here I should warn you. By the time they get here that kind of threat might be old school.”

  She’s trying to make me nuts. “Kat, serious talk, no joke. Don’t you ever think about making a run for it? Just packing up one day just you and me and hoofing it to the border?”

  I said that shit to get her mind off of whatever the hell was making her cry on the stupid TV. She howled with laughter like I knew she would and the knots in my gut untangled themselves.

  “Speaking of which, I meant to tell you something.”

  “Oh no-no-no-no-no. It’s Saturday, my down day. I ain’t doing shit.” Every time she starts a statement like that my ass ends up in a sling.

  “Colton, grow a pair.” The fuck! She dug into her nasty ice cream with marshmallow shit and rolled her eyes at me.

  I dropped down on the bed beside her and braced myself for whatever fuckery she was about to hit me with.

  “Fine, what is it that you want now?”

  “You need to call your mom.” I sat up and looked at her but her face didn’t tell me shit.

  All kidding aside, my parents aren’t as young as they used to be and every little thing sends my ass into a panic these days.

  “Why what’s wrong?” I was already reaching for the phone, expecting to hear some off colored shit like one of them had fallen and busted their head open in the shower or some shit. I should’ve known better. Elena’s hippie ass thinks she’s fifty.

  “Ma, what’s wrong?” I didn’t even let her get out the hello.

  “Oh hi son you finally remembered me? I’m sure Kat told you since last night that I needed to talk to you.”

  I’m sure she didn’t because she was trying to get some dick. I eyed her but she was glued to the damn TV with her sniffling shit again.

  “I’m sorry ma, I got a little tied up.” What with six kids and all. She found that shit funny for some fucked up reason. “I don’t need to know about your bedroom peccadillos.” This woman.

  “Was there something you wanted Elena? You and dad okay? The house still standing?” Mengele gets her penchant for blowing up shit from the pothead so it’s always a toss up on any given day.

  “Your dad’s been retired for almost a year now as you know. He’s still doing some consulting but it’s so nice to have my dude all to myself for the most part. That’s what I want to talk to you about. You’ve got to come get this man out of my house.”

  “Elena, mom….”

  “Uh-uh-uh I don’t want to hear it. Find something for him to do. He’s got way too much free time on his hands and all he does is sit around here smoking and making me nuts.”

  What the fuck does she expect me to do with him? And why isn’t she calling one of her daughters on

  this shit? I should find a home for both their asses but I know if I even hint at that shit both her and my wife would scalp my ass.

  She muttered something that sounded like ‘sex maniac’ but I pretended not to hear that shit because fuck, gross.

  “Okay mom I’ll see what I can do.” I don’t know what she’s complaining about because my wife drags the lot of them to my place every chance she gets like I’m running a home or some fuck.

  “I’m not playing Colton, between him and Cyrus I don’t know who’s worst. The two of them are always up to something in my backyard, and on the weekends Drake joins them and it’s all I can do to get anything done around here.”

  “My friends can’t even walk through the door in peace without your father offering them pot. Our last book club, nobody got anything done because they were all too high.”

  I tried not to laugh at this shit, imagining a bunch of seventy year old women high off their asses. I could’ve told her what her husband and Cy were doing in the backyard but why bother.

  She’d figure it out soon enough when dad starts drying his grow in her damn kitchen or some shit. “I’ll take care of it.” The fuck am I supposed to do with him?

  Kat was trying to pretend she wasn’t listening in, but I’m pretty sure she was partly responsible for this. “That’ll be good. Me, and the girls have a lot to do to get ready for the trips and I can’t have him constantly underfoot.”

  “I said I’ll take care of it.” Meanwhile what the fuck is she and her pack planning for my kids? I listened to her gripes for twenty minutes before her husband hustled her off the phone for a reason I don’t think I wanna know.

  “What did the two of you already decide that I should do with the pothead?” She did the whole, oh I gotta think about this shit; lying ass.

  “Well school is almost out. I was thinking, why don’t we have him come over here and teach Catalina stuff.” Who the fuck is she kidding?

  “You know how much she loves spending time with her grandpa, and this way her little mind would stay focused, her teachers all say that’s best.” Pitiful!

  I covered my mouth with my hand but I couldn’t hide my shaking shoulders. That got me one of her bitch please glares and a huff. “What’s so funny?”

  “You, you’re always telling me to be nice to her and you’re scared shitless.”

  “Am not, it’s just. Colt, I cannot deal with triplets and Catalina when the babies come.”

  “Yeah, I know…fuck.” The pothead and Mengele is not a combination I want in my fucking rearview. I must not have sounded very convincing because she dove into a rant with her hormonal ass.

  “Look, we both know he’s not going to hurt her, or let her get hurt. This way we’ll kill two birds with one stone. Your mom can have her space and Catalina would have someone watching over her.”

  She says that shit now, but wait until they blow the first floor of her dream house to shit. Then I’m the one who’ll have to listen to her nagging ass.

  I didn’t say shit, because that was her hormonal ass talking and there’s no winning against that shit. She always wants family around when she’s getting close to her due date.

  Then in a few days when they start getting on her damn nerves she starts talking out the side of her mouth, asking me when they’re leaving. But today she wants family so I’ma give her family. Fuck me!

  Chapter 4

  I spent most of the morning and afternoon with her needy ass, listening to her gripes and painting her toenails because she didn’t feel like going to the salon.

  If anyone sees anything wrong with me doing that feminine shit, then they should’ve seen me with my daughters when they were toddlers. I don’t give a fuck, whatever my girls want, that’s what the fuck they get.

  My boys can’t say shit because most of the time they were right there with me, especially Jared’s ass. My boys are already dreading the three she’s carrying now. They just know they’re gonna be worst.

  If anything is worst than Mengele Kat’s on her fucking own, I didn’t sign up for that shit. “How’s your tummy this morning?” Shit looked like it d
ropped to me but I kept my opinion behind my teeth.

  In this house whenever I say something about her pregnancies either she or Elena tries to shoot me

  down. Because I have a dick I don’t know shit. Like I didn’t monitor her ass through five pregnancies.

  She looked over the tub of ice cream at her stomach. “They’re fine I think they’re asleep.” I looked at that shit like it was a ticking time bomb. That shit looked painful as hell.

  They had her tummy stretched all to hell and on her small frame I don’t know how she even walks around. She must’ve pressed the switch on my guilt meter because I started to feel bad.

  To make myself useful I grabbed the cream she likes to rub into her skin over her stretch marks and got to work while she finished off the ice cream.

  I don’t say shit to her about her eating habits because one of her species made the mistake of telling her what she should and shouldn’t eat while pregnant and Kat damn near decapitated her with her tongue.

  Fuck that! I’m not getting between her pregnant ass and whatever trough she wants to feed at. I needed a nap by the time I was through seeing to her every need, which was a lot.

  When she started asking where the kids were I knew what she was up to. Her horny ass is always on the prowl. My poor dick don’t know if to be happy or look for cover.

  “Last I saw they were alive, nobody’s bleeding and Cody still has about an hour left on his nap. Why what do you want?” Like I didn’t know.

  She did her twirling eye shit and slid down on the bed, eyeing my dick. “Now you know there’s no way in hell you’re getting any while the sun’s up on a Saturday. Not with your hellions running around.”

  Her pout was too cute. “Don’t give me that look, you’re the one who wanted all these damn kids.” She played peekaboo with her tits, lifting her top higher until I could see the plump tops of her breasts over the bra.

  I licked my lips with my eyes glued to that shit and my dick sprung a leak. I eased over to the door and turned the lock gently hoping that the nosy one didn’t hear it from wherever the hell she was.


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