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The Honeymoon That Wasn't

Page 8

by Debbi Rawlins

  Another wave knocked them off course, not a big one, but enough to dislodge his finger, and force her to cling to him with both hands. He gave a wry chuckle and brought his hand up slowly, as if memorizing her body. Finally, he held her by her upper arms.

  His mouth curved in a smile that was different than normal. Or maybe it was his eyes that were different, black almost and so full of desire it made her tremble with want. “Now are you ready to go inside?”

  “I am so ready.” Her voice came out a whisper barely intelligible above the crash of waves around them. “I’m ready,” she repeated, but by the look in his eyes, he’d already gotten the message.


  “You’re kidding.” Tony barely got the door of their suite closed when he took the beach bag out of her hands and dropped it on the floor. “I hope.”

  “Um, well…” Dakota wished she knew what she’d said that was so wrong.

  “I have every intention of washing this very soft, very delectable back,” he said, drawing her close and hungrily kissing the side of her neck.

  “I see.” She let her head drop back. Showering together seemed so intimate for the first time. She thought about what they’d just done in the ocean with a dozen people still on the beach and a giggle threatened to escape. “That makes your back fair game.”

  Tony chuckled against her throat. “Baby, any part of me you want, it’s yours.”

  She kicked off her sandals. “That’s quite an offer.”

  He kicked off one deck shoe. “I hope you take me up on it.” He had trouble with the other one, and taking a small hop, he muttered a curse.

  Dakota laughed and offered her shoulder. “Here, hold on to me.”

  “That’s what got me in trouble in the first place.” He cupped her shoulder with one hand and used his other to loosen the shoe.

  Looking down, she caught a glimpse of the front of his trunks, and understood what might have thrown him off balance. She swallowed and clutched his arm. Nothing but lean hard muscle. Not an ounce of spare flesh marred his taut belly. And it was all hers for the taking.

  Tony got rid of the shoe and they left everything right there in front of the door, slowing making their way toward the bedroom. He untied her pareu, but held on to both ends drawing her along with him, kissing her as he walked backward, oblivious to the table he nearly tripped over, her laughing and the door frame he bumped into.

  He pulled back to look at her. “I’m kissing you and you’re laughing. How is this thing supposed to work if you take shots at my ego?”

  She smiled. “What thing?”

  “This thing.” He lightly pinched her behind, and she yelped. “And this—”

  She blocked his hand, not sure where he was headed, not sure if she really wanted him to stop. “No, I get it.”

  “You sure?” He bit her lower lip.

  “Um, give me a minute.”

  “Just one.” He reached behind her and pulled free the strings of her top before she knew it. Gasping, she caught the front before it fell, cupping a hand over each breast. He smiled, covering her hands with his. “Only looking for something to occupy myself while I wait.”

  She hesitated, and then he stroked the backs of her hands, and she loosened her grip and let the bikini top fall to the floor. He moved back, his gaze lowering to her bare breasts, his nostrils flaring slightly and his eyes as black as midnight.

  “Dakota.” He gave a slight shake of his head, and exhaled.

  “What’s wrong?” She shrank back a little, wanting to cover herself, wanting to replay the last ten seconds.

  “Nothing.” His laugh came out shaky. “You’re just so damn beautiful.”

  She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, and tentatively reached out a hand and put it flat against his chest. “So are you.”

  “Hey, think up your own lines.” He seemed genuinely embarrassed, which was totally unexpected.

  Kind of fun, she thought. “You have a perfect man’s body—broad shoulders, muscled but not too much—”

  “Would you shut up?” He gave her no choice by kissing her hard and cupping her breasts with his slightly rough palms, kneading gently, grazing her hardened nipples, just enough to make her insane.

  Lowering his head, he took one into his mouth, sucking, nibbling lightly, the sensation so sweetly satisfying that she moaned softly. Then he took the other nipple into his mouth, using the pads of his thumb and forefinger to console the one he’d abandoned.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders. She flinched at what she’d done. He didn’t seem to notice. Tony had gotten down on one knee, his hands bracketing her waist as his mouth moved lower, laving her navel, and then taking the bikini elastic between his teeth.

  “Hey.” She pushed her fingers through his hair and fisted the thick dark strands. “Shower first, remember?”

  “Hmm?” He didn’t stop. His tongue kept doing wicked things to her skin, and her resolve.


  He looked up, his lips moist, his eyes glazed.


  “Right.” He bowed his head again, gave her a quick nip, and then slowly got to his feet, stopping to swirl his tongue around each nipple.

  She wasn’t so anxious to jump in the shower as she was to see him naked. His blue bathing suit was covering all the important parts and she’d felt enough of his firm, full ass to make her a little impatient. And that wasn’t even the main event.

  Thinking about it, her composure slipped and she roughly jerked him up. He looked at her, startled, but she kissed him, and then took him by the hand and headed for the bathroom.

  She adjusted the water to the right temperature while he stripped off his trunks. She turned around and held her breath. He wore nothing but a tan and budding hard-on.

  “Your turn,” he said, his gaze going to her breasts, lingering, and then finally to her bikini bottom.

  Boy, she’d screwed that up. She should’ve made him ready the shower. She’d always hated undressing in front of anyone. Way too awkward, even though there wasn’t much to take off.

  She hooked her thumbs on either side and slid the tiny yellow bottom to her ankles and sure enough, had some trouble stepping out of it. She grabbed the towel bar for support and swore to herself that if he was laughing, she’d sock him. After untangling the bottom from her left foot, she straightened.

  He wasn’t laughing. His arousal was at full bloom, thick and ready, and she couldn’t help but stare. She tried to think of something clever to say. She couldn’t even come up with anything stupid. Her brain totally shut down.

  Her only consolation was that he seemed just as powerless. He stared back, his gaze so primal and hungry it sent an electric shock down her spine.

  She moistened her parched lips and spoke first. “The water is ready.”

  He grinned. “Me, too.”

  Her laugh came out nervous. One of them had to make a move. Her feet didn’t seem to be cooperating. “I think there’s another bar of soap on the vanity.”

  He turned around. “Got it.”

  God, he had a great ass. She raised her gaze just as he looked back at her. He gestured for her to go first, and she smiled to herself. That was one for him. She did, and quickly got into the large glass enclosed shower to stand directly under the spray of warm water. He slipped in right behind her, bringing his arms around her middle and pulling her back against his chest.

  Her ass pressed against his arousal and when his hands came up to cup her breasts she was certain he could feel her heart pounding so hard and so fast that she didn’t think she’d survive. He toyed with each nipple, rubbing and lightly pinching and then one of his hands moved down her belly. She sucked in a breath and slowly moved her hips, her ass taunting his long hard penis.

  He groaned, his hand slackening on her breast, and then she felt him shudder. He took her by the shoulders and turned her around to face him. Cupping her face, he kissed her hard, slant
ing his mouth over hers, he delved in, leaving no virgin territory.

  Horribly in need of air, they pulled apart to take a breath. Dakota laughed softly, her breathing still uneven. Wet strands of hair clung to her cheeks and he gently brushed them back, sinking his fingers in her hair and massaging her scalp.

  Dakota let her head loll back briefly and then brought it forward before she got too relaxed, and smiled. “You have a thing for water, don’t you?”

  He grinned. “Seawater, pool water, showers, baths, it’s all good when you’re naked.” He glanced down and muttered a mild oath.

  “What’s wrong?” She glanced down, too.

  “Look what I’ve done to you.” He gently touched the red area on her breast, and then his hand went to his jaw. “I should have shaved first.”

  “It’s okay.” She touched his face. It really wasn’t too rough yet. “I have sensitive skin.” Especially since it hadn’t had any roughness on it for so long, but she didn’t tell him that. “But I don’t feel anything. Promise.”

  He gave her a look of mock horror, his eyes sparkling and crinkling at the corners. “You don’t feel anything?”

  She realized where he was going with this and tried to hide a grin. “Nothing,” she said, all innocence.

  “We’ll have to fix that.” He didn’t hesitate and went straight for the juncture between her legs.

  Evading him just in time, and grabbing the soap she said, “Turn around.”

  His mouth curved in a cocky smile. “Oh, baby, I like it when you give me orders.”

  “Well, then, do it.” She’d make a lousy dominatrix. The urge to laugh was almost too strong.

  “Be still my heart.” He turned around and flattened his hands against the beige contoured tile.

  For a moment she just stared, letting the water pelt her back. His cheeks indented on the sides as flesh molded muscle. With his arms raised, his pec muscles bunched and mounded. Sinew stretched across his powerful back, making him look impossibly broader.

  How she wanted to run her palms over every inch of him. Feel every dip and bulge, even the rather long scar on the side of his thigh. She gingerly traced it with her finger.

  He looked over his shoulder. “Happened at work about seven years ago. My own stupidity.”

  She kissed his back and then started soaping him, starting at his shoulders, and then reaching around to his chest. She felt his sharp intake of breath as she brought his nipples to life, and then traveled to his stomach. She stopped there, smiling to herself, knowing his anxiety was increasing. But so was hers, so who was she tormenting?

  “Okay, you.” He abruptly turned around, and produced a pink squishy bath sponge.

  “Where did you get that?”

  “Up here.”

  She followed his gaze to a small ledge that had been discreetly built into the tile. There were two more, housing a tube of bath gel and something she didn’t recognize. She got closer and realized that was what was providing the herbal scent she’d smelled. “Wow, how cool is that? I totally missed it. How did you find them?”

  He shrugged. “I did something similar in my shower. Only the nooks are bigger, almost the size of the tile and I put—” He smiled. “I’m not telling you any more. You’ll see for yourself.”

  Dakota stiffened. See for herself? She would never see the inside of his apartment. Didn’t he understand? They wouldn’t see each other once they got back to the city. This was a one-time thing. A brief escape from reality. When they got back, it was over.

  She was so swamped with work that she spent most of her time at the office. A social life wasn’t optional. Not at this point in her career. Anyway, they’d have no reason to see each other again. Except for sex maybe. But that was way too close to home. She couldn’t take that risk.

  Tony frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head. “Actually, I’m feeling a little waterlogged.”

  He looked at his palms. The skin on the pads of his fingers had shriveled. “Yeah, I’m feeling like a prune myself. Let’s hurry up and get out of here. I think horizontal might be nice for a change.”

  She accepted his kiss without the enthusiasm she had earlier. Fortunately, he didn’t notice. They finished washing without playing around. Any move he made she playfully blocked. But she wasn’t feeling so playful anymore. Not until they talked. Not until she was certain he understood where she was coming from. Not until she presented the terms of their brief relationship.


  AFTER SHE’D DRIED OFF, Dakota reached for the white hotel robe. While slipping into it, she caught Tony’s confused look. He was still naked, although not as aroused. He looked so good she wanted to throw away caution. Forget the short speech she’d been preparing in her head. But she knew better. That would be incredibly foolish. Better to spell out the ground rules first.

  “There’s another robe behind the bathroom door,” she said. “I’ll get it for you.”

  He got hold of her wrist. “I was thinking naked would be best.”

  “I’m thirsty. Let’s have something to drink first. Otis said the fridge is stocked with beer.” Headed toward the parlor, she said over her shoulder, “But feel free to stay naked.”

  She kept going, trying to ignore the puzzled hurt in his eyes. He thought something was wrong. Of course that wasn’t true, and the sooner they discussed the arrangement the sooner everything would be fine again.

  She found a diet cola in the fridge and brought it out along with his brand of domestic beer. By the time she got a glass and some ice for herself, he joined her, dressed in the matching robe. Frowning, he sat on one of the bar stools across from where she stood.

  “What’s wrong, Dakota?” he asked, taking the beer she offered, but setting it on the bar while he looked her in the eyes.

  “Nothing.” She popped the top of the can and started pouring the cola into the glass. “Seriously. Nothing. But I do want to talk.”


  “Don’t look so worried. It’s no big deal.” She set down the can and came around the bar to face him. She grabbed his lapels and pulled him toward her for a kiss.

  He readily accommodated her, taking hold of her hips and pulling her between his legs. She tried to keep a level head, which wasn’t easy knowing he wore nothing under the robe and only inches away was the mother lode. This wasn’t at all how she wanted things to go.

  Tony was a dangerous man. At least for her he was. He disturbed her mental equilibrium. Tempted her to be imprudent. Not good. Not good at all.

  She broke the kiss. “The sooner we talk, the sooner we get back to the fun stuff.”



  “This sounds bad.”

  She stepped back and put her hands on her hips. His gaze immediately went to her chest and she realized the robe had fallen open, exposing one of her breasts. The longing on his face was almost her undoing.

  Quickly turning away, she pulled herself together, and then took a deep cleansing breath.

  “Okay, let’s talk,” he said, uncapping his beer bottle and taking a big gulp.

  “Okay.” She cleared her throat. “I realize this is a little late but I think we should establish some rules for the weekend.”

  His dark brows drew together in a frown. His hair was still wet and a thick lock fell across his forehead. He looked so adorable she could just eat him with a spoon.

  “That’s not quite accurate. We don’t need rules now. That’s what’s great about being here. Away from Manhattan. Here nothing counts.”

  She smiled, but he didn’t.

  “That’s a good thing, right?” She sighed when she got no reaction. “Here’s the reality. When we get back to the city, work is going to be a bitch. I’m losing two days I hadn’t anticipated. Even in the best of circumstances I don’t have the kind of free time to grab a last-minute dinner or if you find cheap same-night theater tickets.”

  Realizing she’d begun her p
racticed pacing, like she did in court when she addressed a jury, she moved behind the bar and leaned over across from him. His face was an unreadable mask. And she was damn good at reading people.

  She cleared her throat again. “I’m sure this is a relief for you. No expectations once we leave the island.”

  He didn’t look relieved. He didn’t look anything.

  “Tony, do you understand what I’m saying?” They stared at each other for a long time, and she was tempted to point out his remark about good running shoes.

  “Why do you feel the need to bring this up?” he asked finally, flatly.

  “I just wanted to set the record straight. I’d think this talk might put you at ease.”

  “Oh. So this is for my benefit.”

  “For both of us.” She sensed his anger, yet didn’t understand it. “I’m not saying any of that affects us now. Maybe I didn’t need to bring it up.”

  “I’m glad you did.” He nodded pensively, his gaze straying out the glass doors before coming back to her. “Finished?”

  “You’re taking this totally wrong. Remember that I didn’t have the benefit of preparing the night before this trip. Plus I wasn’t exactly sober last night, if you recall.” Panic needled her. “Not that I’m unhappy to be here.”

  He got up, without a word, leaving his half-full beer on the bar.

  “The silent treatment doesn’t help,” she said when he headed toward the bedroom.

  “I’ll be right back.” He didn’t even turn around, or spare her a brief look.

  She stared after him, angry, bewildered and a little sad. He just didn’t understand. And she wasn’t sure how to explain her situation. Her career had become increasingly demanding. So had her parents. She laughed humorlessly. Her brother, too. Everyone seemed to want a little piece of her and she didn’t have anything left to give. To top off everything, it meant she was a miserable coward.


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