Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2)

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Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2) Page 3

by Young, Alexa

  “It’s like they can sense it,” Ritch adds.

  “Too bloody right. I get enough of the evil eye around Luce as it is.”

  “It’s going to be a killer. Laurie already corrects me on my swearing. She'll slap me if our child starts.”

  “How far along is she?” Dray asks between bites of his snack.

  “Twelve weeks. We’ve known for three, but she wanted to make it past the twelve-week mark before we told anyone. God, it’s been killing me after waiting so long, but Laurie was afraid even telling you might jinx it.”

  “It’s only natural after all you’ve been through.” Dray smiles.

  “I know, but we’re finally having a baby,” Ritchie says, like it’s still slowly sinking in.

  I sit there, watching these two guys talk, and I can’t help but wonder if the day will ever come along when I'll want my own child. My parents sure did a great job of putting me off having kids for life, but sitting here, I feel indifferent.

  “Well, that’s enough yapping, Ritch. The second half is due on.”

  “It’s you who thinks you’re the fucking commentator round here. Maybe you should take your own advice and quit chiming in all the time.”

  “Fine, fine. We need this game, though, to get back up to second place. We can’t afford to let Chelsea climb above us.” Dray bites his lip in concentration. As a football fan, winning is everything; we need all the points we can get.

  “Chelsea is losing at the moment, so if it finishes as it stands, we’re second and three points behind. We have Liverpool next, so I don’t know. We could take all three points, but I’d settle for a draw.”

  “We needn’t count our chickens yet, we have thirty minutes to go,” Dray warns. One thing you learn in football is it isn’t over until the whistle blows.

  I smile at the serious expressions on their faces. I love the 'man room', sitting here in sheer luxury discussing the beautiful game. I can think of nowhere else I’d rather be.

  Chapter Three

  I groan, feeling something lightly touch my skin. I move slightly, but I’m reluctant to open my eyes. I’m dreaming, I’ve got to be. Then I feel it again. This time, I’m definitely awake and staring into the big, blue eyes of Gracie.

  “Lex,” she says, smiling while sucking on her dummy. I blink again in surprise. Dray said she was an early riser, and he wasn’t lying. I look at my watch and, sure enough, it’s barely five o’clock. I don’t remember ever being awake at this hour.

  Gracie raises her arms, looking slightly impatient. I guess she wants inside. I pull back the quilt and lift her up. Her little body instantly snuggles against me, her face nuzzling my neck as her other little fist plays with my hair. I hear her lightly sucking on her dummy as she sighs in contentment. Her feet start to move, and I know exactly what she’s after.

  “You want me to tickle your feet?”

  She nods before closing her eyes, and I humbly oblige. Within minutes, she’s sound asleep and I lie there smiling. I can’t believe how trusting she is after barely knowing me a day. I fall back to sleep, breathing in her delicious scent with a huge smile on my face.

  I wake to movement, and at first, I’m shocked.

  Where the hell am I?

  I look down to find soft, brown curls and a pair of beautiful, sapphire eyes staring at me.

  “Morning, Gracie. Did you have a nice sleep?”

  She nods and smiles, then her eyes widen hearing Dray call her name. She drops her head back down, pretending to be asleep.

  This kid is just too cute.

  Seconds later, Dray peeps his head around the door and smirks. “There you are. Did you get into bed to snuggle with Uncle Lex? Daddy wondered where you were. I’ve just made us our porridge, are you getting up?”

  Gracie giggles softly and Dray smiles, shaking his head before walking closer. He lifts the duvet to expose her body. “You know, I’m really hungry. If I’m not having porridge, I might have to eat these cute little toes.” Dray picks up her foot as his mouth heads for her toes. It’s enough to spark fear in Gracie; she sits up, eyes wide in horror.

  “No eat my toesies,” she says so seriously both Dray and I laugh.

  “Well then, get up, you little rascal.”

  She fumbles as she turns over and holds up her arms.

  “Hey, Gracie bear. Are you going to give me a hug and a kiss because Daddy missed you?”

  “I miss you,” she says so softly, snuggling in, arms wrapped around him.

  “Let’s take this dummy out. Daddy wants a kiss.”

  She humbly obliges, and Dray's face lights up with so much love for his daughter. He stands and Gracie turns to me.

  “C’mon, Lex.”

  I smile so hard my face hurts. It’s amazing to feel included in this family I barely know. I’ve felt more love from them in this short space of time than I’ve ever felt from my own parents.

  “Come on, Lex. Princess Gracie demands you dine with us, too.”

  “Pwincess,” Gracie repeats, giggling.

  I jump out of bed and grab my sweats then head for the en-suite to change and brush my teeth. I follow them down minutes later to find Gracie digging into her porridge.

  “Lub powidge,” she says, shoving another spoonful into her mouth. There’s another bowl beside her with a half-drunk coffee, so I guess that’s Dray's. I sit down and wait to be asked; I don’t like to help myself.

  Dray turns and places down a bottle of warm milk for Gracie. I pick awkwardly at the table cloth.

  “I didn’t make you porridge as I didn’t know if you liked it. Luce hates the stuff, so there’s only me and Gracie who love it.”

  “It’s fine, I’m not that hungry.” My stomach lets out an almighty gurgle at that exact moment, calling me out on my lie. Gracie and Dray laugh as I cringe and turn red.

  “Well, if you’re not hungry then you won’t be wanting this.” He pulls open the oven door to reveal a tray with two toasted bacon sandwiches.

  Now, we’re talking.

  My eyes widen in response and he chuckles, handing it over. I’m more than eager to devour the entire plate.

  “Oooh, baycan,” Gracie mumbles through a mouthful of porridge.

  “Do you want some?” I ask, looking over to Dray who nods in approval. He’s busy demolishing the huge bowl of porridge in front of him.


  I rip a small piece and her mouth is open, waiting like a little bird. I pop it inside and she chews away. Putting aside a slice, I eat the rest; it’s divine. I help myself to the small jug of orange juice on the table and take a long sip. Turning, I see Gracie is waiting patiently for another piece. This continues until the bacon is gone. She takes a long slug of milk afterwards; bacon is thirsty work.

  Dray stands and begins clearing the table. I move to help but he waves me away, so I sit back down next to Gracie, who’s transfixed watching the TV. She giggles every now and then, and Dray and I both smile each time.

  Dray lifts her from the chair. “Come on, Gracie. Let’s get you dressed and this face nice and clean.”

  “Lex.” Her eyes dart to me.

  “Lex will be here waiting for you.”

  “You pay?” she asks.

  I scrunch my brows in confusion.

  “Will you play with her?” Dray confirms.

  “Of course, what do you want to play?”



  I frown at her words. “Is there nothing else you want to do?”

  “No, dolls,” she says adamantly.

  Dray chuckles. “If you live here, Lex, you’ve got to play with the dolls. Gracie insists. You'll love it.” He winks, and I cringe. “Don’t worry. What goes on in this house stays in this house, else I couldn’t set foot in my own gym. But for Gracie, I do it to keep my baby girl happy.”

  I nod, resigning myself to the fact I’ll be doing the same; after all, she has us twisted round her little finger. But to see that smile on her face is enough.
  I sip the rest of my juice, flicking through the sports headlines in the newspaper. I read a review on the match we thankfully won. Last night was great, and I’m hoping to be included in more match games. It was nice to listen to banter and sip on a beer.

  Ten minutes later, Gracie bounds into the room wearing dungarees, Converse and a T-shirt with her hair in pigtails. She looks as cute as a button as she rushes over and grabs my hand.

  “Pay dolls,” she insists.

  I guess I don’t have a choice.

  I have to bend to accommodate for my height as she leads me over to her play area in the lounge. I sit and she walks over with a long blonde-haired doll. She hands me a brush, smiling.

  “Bwush hair,” she orders as I chuckle.

  “If only my friends could see me now,” I mutter as Gracie sits beside me with three dolls. She spends time brushing each one’s hair gently then grabs a little floral bag beside her, unzipping it to reveal lots of cute little clips decorated with flowers and butterflies. After handing me some, I watch her carefully take each doll and slide a clip into their hair. She looks over at me, so I start to do the same. I finish and she smiles.

  “Pwetty.” She takes the doll from me and places it down along with the others then hands me some clips. “Me pwetty, too.”

  I take the clips and pop two beside each pigtail.

  “Me see.”

  I lift her up and walk her over to the mirror.

  "Oooh, pwetty. Lex pwetty?”

  “No angel, I’m a boy. I don’t wear girly clips in my hair,” I say chuckling, hoping for a reprieve.

  “Peas.” She gives me the sad eyes.

  I’m gone.

  “Fine, okay,” I relent.

  She grins, placing the clips into my hair.

  “Ooh, Lex pwetty,” she says, grinning.

  There goes my man card.

  “Mmmm.” I can barely look, but the smile on Gracie’s face is huge so I bear with it to keep her happy.

  “Lex, Gracie!” Dray shouts.

  “Here, Dadeee,” Gracie calls out.

  “I’ve just had a call about—” He stops dead and chuckles as I roll my eyes.

  “Pwetty, Daddy.”

  A smirk crosses Dray’s face. “You sure are, and you, too, Lex. Those flowers really bring out your eyes.”

  I glare in response as he takes Gracie from my arms to hold her.

  “Daddy has to go into work, are you going to come with me?”

  “No, I stay Lex.” She shakes her head like leaving isn’t even a possibility.

  “Is that okay?” Dray asks, and I nod. “Are you sure now, Gracie? You won’t cry, will you? I’m going to be away a while.”

  “No cwy, I stay Lex,” she adds, more determined.

  Dray looks torn and a little uneasy about leaving her.

  “She’ll be fine. We’ll sit and play, and before you know it, you’ll be back.”

  He nods and kisses her cheeks. “There’s plenty of food in the fridge for sandwiches. She only likes warm milk, so if she asks don’t make it too hot. Her juice is on the top shelf if she gets thirsty.”

  “Dray, it’s fine.” I smile.

  “I know, I know. I’m like an old hen flapping. If you need me for anything just ring me on the mobile; the number’s pinned to the fridge. I’d better go. Be home soon, Gracie, Daddy loves you.” He kisses her once more then reluctantly hands her over.

  “Bye, Dadeee.” She waves her little chubby fist as he stops one more time before rushing out the door.

  I look over at Gracie. “What do you want to do now?”


  It’s going to be a long day.

  Chapter Four

  I hear the front door slam and Dray's voice calls out in the distance. We’re now lying inside the 'Pwincess house', as Gracie likes to call it, colouring. We’ve been making our way through the Disney’s Beauty and the Beast book for the last hour, lying side by side. I’ve smiled the whole time, watching Gracie deep in concentration.

  “Lex, Gracie, where are you?”

  “In here!” I shout.

  Several moments later, Dray sticks his head in and laughs at the sight of us. By now, I have another eight clips in my hair, courtesy of Gracie.

  “You two look cosy. You had a good time with Uncle Lex, angel?”

  “We colour, look.” She grabs the book as Dray crawls inside so she can sit on his knee.

  “You’ve done all this?” Dray asks.

  She nods, wearing a serious expression. Dray and I try to keep a straight face.

  “Well, this is amazing. I think my little angel needs a reward for being such a good girl. Would you like a present?”

  “Oooh, pwesent, peas.”

  “Okay then. Did you have any lunch?” Dray's eyes flick to mine.

  “Yeah, I made sandwiches and Gracie had her juice.”

  “Did you eat it all up?”

  She nods and smiles. “Daddy, pwesent?”

  “Come on then, let’s go and see what we have." He goes to crawl out and Gracie starts laughing.

  “Horsey!” she shouts before launching herself onto his back. Dray grunts, lowering himself so she can climb on, then starts making neighing sounds as Gracie laughs hard.

  “Horsey faster.” She clings to his neck as Dray circles her room, making lots of noises, much to Gracie’s amusement.

  I step out and watch in awe. He’s such a good dad. I hope I can be the same with my kids when that day arrives. I certainly don’t want to be anything like the old man, but being here with Gracie, sitting playing for hours and hours, I know I have the patience and tolerance to be far different.

  Gracie continues to giggle as poor Dray slowly runs out of steam.

  “Horsey,” Gracie pouts when Dray collapses to the floor. She climbs off and stares, unamused.

  “Bad horsey.” Gracie points in anger.

  “Tired horsey,” Dray mumbles. “Hey, come on, let’s go find the present.”

  I smile at the good distraction tactic. Gracie’s little face lights up as Dray sweeps her into his arms, kissing her hair as we head downstairs to find out what he bought.

  Dray hands over the bag and Gracie looks on in wonder. When she opens it, her eyes widen before screaming, “Peppa Mismas!”

  I look at her bewildered.

  “Peppa Christmas.” He chuckles. “She only had the one, and I swear if I have to watch it again…”

  I can only imagine.

  “There you go Gracie, A Merry Peppa Christmas and A Jolly Peppa Party. To add to your collection.”

  Dray did good.

  “Ooooh, want it on.” She holds them up to Dray for him to take and rushes over to the sofa. “Come, Lex.” She beckons with her hand.

  I follow her over and help her up before sitting down beside her. She snuggles into my side as Peppa begins to play.

  Dray heads off into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he walks through, sipping on a coffee. He hands me mine then gives Gracie her milk.

  “Fank ooh.” Her eyes never leave the screen once. I can see what Dray means; from the looks of this one, it will be on permanent repeat.

  I zone out a little, but Gracie’s giggle brings me back down to earth. Dray smiles over as he reads the paper.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you.” He hands over the bag, and I stare in intrigue as I pull out a box to reveal an iPhone.

  “Ritch took out a contract through work. We all have one.”

  Holy shit.

  “I can’t—”

  “It'll just sit in the box, so you may as well use it, get it set up. I need to be able to contact you.”

  I nod and fumble to open the box. Apart from an old 'pay as you go' hand-me-down, I’ve never owned a decent mobile. The minute I see the shiny piece of technology staring back, I stop. I have no clue how to set it up.

  Dray walks over and sits beside me. He then proceeds to boot up the phone. He talks me through all the basics, then programmes
all their numbers into my contacts, including mine should I forget. He spends the next ten minutes buying all kinds of games off the iTunes store then hands it over, smiling.

  “Trust me, this will be a lifesaver having something to play on when you’re watching Peppa Pig for the millionth time.”

  I smile in gratitude; Peppa is already sending me a little nuts.

  “If you want any more games, then just buy whatever. Ritchie set up your account which is linked to my card, so you don’t have to worry about paying.” Dray smiles.

  “Thanks,” I mutter.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Peppa finishes, and Gracie leans over to look at the phone. She shuffles down the sofa to head over to her play area, proudly carrying her own phone covered in Peppa Pig stickers.

  “Pwetty phone.” She hands it over, and I smile.

  “Oooh, that’s nice. Did you put all these on yourself?”

  She nods in a serious way.

  “Peppa your phone.” She points, and my eyes widen.

  “No, angel, boys don’t want Peppa on their phones,” Dray quickly cuts in, smirking.

  “Be pwetty,” she replies, giving me the look.

  “Only girls have stickers on their phones. Although looking at Lex, he might want them.”

  I stare at him confused then remember the clips.


  I quickly pull them out, but the damage is done as Dray laughs loudly.

  “I forgot about those,” I mutter, feeling embarrassed.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He winks at me.


  “Come and sit on Daddy’s knee and let Lex have time to play on his phone. Tell me what you did today.”

  Gracie scurries over, and I place the clips back into her little bag before clicking on my phone to have a play around.

  An hour later, a tired-looking Luce walks through the door. It’s only two in the afternoon, but she’s been doing the early shift and looks exhausted.

  “Mamma!” Gracie shouts, itching to get down. Dray lowers her to the floor and she runs over. I watch Luce’s tired face immediately brighten.

  “Hey, my angel. It’s good to see you.”

  Dray walks over and kisses her softly before heading to the kitchen. I’m guessing caffeine is involved. Luce sits down beside me and curls her legs underneath her as Gracie sits on her knee.


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