Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2)

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Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2) Page 4

by Young, Alexa

  “You look tired,” I remark.

  “I am.” She lets out a long sigh. “I’m not used to the early shifts. I’ve gotten used to the nine till three rota, and I’ve been spoiled. So when I have to cover, it’s a real eye-opener.”

  “Luce is no early worm, that’s for sure.” Dray smiles, placing the coffee on the table beside her. She picks it up and takes two long sips.

  “Oh, that’s good. I haven’t stopped all day, even for a drink.” She nuzzles into Gracie, who shows her the colouring book. She picks out her favourite picture.

  “I think that one should be pride of place on the fridge, don’t you?”

  Gracie nods and turns to me, pointing at the picture. “Fwidge.”

  “Did you have a nice time with Lex when Daddy was out?”

  She nods again. “I lub Lex.”

  My eyes widen and glaze over. I turn and quickly blink them away, but Dray and Luce have already noticed.

  “Aww, darling, you love him,” Luce repeats, almost tearing up herself.


  “He was sporting some lovely butterfly clips earlier. I wish I’d taken a photo.” Dray laughs as I cringe.

  Fucking hell, that’s going to haunt me.

  “Hey, you’ve worn the clips enough to know no one wants that parading around, or I might have to take pics of my own.” Luce winks at me, and I grin.

  I like how she has my back.

  Dray’s eyes flash in annoyance. “Don’t you ever parade that around. What goes on in here stays in here.”

  “Well, you need to remember that, too,” Luce retorts, sticking out her tongue.

  He does have double standards.

  “Fine, fine. I know when I’m done,” Dray snorts.

  Luce whispers into Gracie’s ear and her face lights up. She lifts her off her knee and hands over the clip bag, smiling as Gracie rushes towards Dray.

  “Daddy pwetty.” She holds her hands up and Dray hesitates for a moment. He shoots Luce an evil eye as she giggles, curling up beside me.

  “Should have kept my bloody mouth shut,” Dray mumbles.

  “Buddy mouth,” Gracie repeats.

  Luce shoots a glare his way, and I start to laugh at the look on Dray’s face as Gracie begins her makeover.

  Oooh, pwetty.

  Chapter Five

  I hit the shower after another strenuous gym session, which is really paying off. I’ve turned from the lanky bag of bones into a more ripped version of myself. Sure, I’m not in Dray’s league and I doubt I’ll ever be, but I’m sporting an amazing six-pack with biceps to match. I pull quite a crowd at the gym, and I have my admirers. Working there, I’ve built up friends and we hit the clubs regularly at the weekend. There’s no one special in my life… well, there’s one girl, but she doesn’t feel the same. So I hook up with someone new every week; it’s become my routine. I never take them home, though, because Dray and Luce would have my balls.

  It’s hard to believe I’ve been with Dray, Luce and Gracie for six months now. In that time, I’ve come to know what a true family home is like. Gracie is my little shadow, my girl, the one person who will always come first in my life. I love her with all my heart.

  We still share morning snuggles, but now she alternates between me and Dray so he doesn’t feel left out. She’s really coming along and is starting to say more words, but she’s still a stickler for her dummy no matter how many times Dray and Luce try to wean her off it. I think they’re about ready to pull their own hair out, especially after finally getting her through potty training. There were a lot of accidents, but now she proudly wears her ‘big girl’s knickers’, as she likes to put it.

  I wipe the condensation from the mirror and smooth back my blond hair, staring at my complexion. I need a quick shave before going down to see Gracie, else she’ll grumble that I will ‘pwickle’ her.

  God, she’s too adorable.

  Ten minutes later, I’m downstairs, much to Gracie’s delight. I know she must really love me when she leaves an episode of Peppa Pig to come hug me. It’s the best feeling in the world watching her face light up the moment she sees me. No money could ever buy this kind of happiness.

  “Lex.” She hurtles towards me, nearly falling over, but she manages to stay upright so I can sweep her up into my arms.

  “How’s my girl?” I ask, kissing her cheek.

  “Good,” she replies, hugging me hard. Her face rests against my cheek contentedly as I walk towards the kitchen. Dray is busy making breakfast for us all.

  “Good to see you have your shirt on this time,” he adds dryly.

  “Worried your wife might like what she sees?”

  “Hey, I’m your sister-in-law.” Luce bats me playfully on the arm as I chuckle.

  “It’s a good job I’m too busy to respond to that quip, you cocky little—” Dray stops dead just in time but, as ever, Gracie loves to pick out new words.

  “Cocky,” she repeats, giggling.

  “I swear, Dray.” Luce warns.

  “Sorry,” he mutters, sending a glare my way.

  “Cocky doodle doo,” I say as Gracie repeats it back, and we all sigh at that narrow escape. There are certain words which should never be repeated.

  “Is my Gracie bear ready for breakfast?” Dray asks, serving it up.

  “Yes, peas.”

  I help her into her high chair and secure a bib around her neck to catch all the fallen food. Her eyes widen when the little bowl of chopped-up breakfast is placed in front of her.

  “I lub sosage,” she says, spearing a piece with her fork and quickly gobbling it up.

  We all snort in response; it’s one of our favourite Gracie words. She pulls such a cute face when she says it, and it slays me every time.

  We all tuck in as Gracie amuses us throughout. It’s great to be around family, to have some stability and routine. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  I help Gracie out of the high chair, carrying her through so we can veg on the sofa while she continues watching Peppa Pig.

  I scroll through my texts and sigh when I see Jo from work has messaged me several times. I normally don’t hook up with girls I know. It’s one night, in and out and never to be seen again, but last weekend I got drunk and let my rules slip. I slept over at Jo’s, and now she has the wrong impression. I’ve been trying to give her the slip, and working different hours has helped, but now she’s messaging me constantly. I know it’s something I have to take care of before it gets any more out of hand.

  “Silly Peppa,” Gracie says, giggling.

  “She is silly, isn’t she?” I tickle her and she giggles some more until her face drops.

  “Wee-wee,” she gasps, looking alarmed. We barely have a minute before accidents happen, so I grab her, head over to her potty and place her down.

  That was a close one.

  I clean her up and we return to Peppa Pig. She snuggles in beside me, and I know the only girl I’ll ever need in my life is Gracie.

  * * *

  I pull back the door to the gym, ready to start my shift, when I’m met with a more-than-eager Jo. She heads towards me, sashaying so the guys around us get more than a floor show, flicking her long, blonde hair for maximum impact.

  But it does nothing for me.

  “Hey, Lex, I’ve been texting you. Is something up with your phone?” She instantly loops her arm through mine, but I’m not up to acting all touchy-feely in front of everyone I know.

  “Nope, just been busy, that’s all.” I shrug her off, eager for an escape route. If Dray gets wind of this, he’ll go apeshit. He always drills into me to not shit on my own doorstep, and I’ve done precisely that.

  “Well, do you fancy doing something this week? We could go to the new wine bar in town, or go see a film. Or you could always come round to mine for a cosy night in.”

  “I told you I’m busy,” I bite out.

  Does this girl never take the hint?

  “What, every night? Are you kidding me?”
Jo shrieks.

  Fucking hell, my ears.

  “I lead a busy life.”

  I owe her no explanation.

  “You know, I more than like you Lex, if you could just let us give this a go,” Jo pleads, but it’s to no avail. I’m just not interested in that way.

  “It’s not happening. I don’t want commitment.”

  Well, not with her, anyway.

  “You say that now, but you could change your mind.” Her eyes hold mine, trying to search for some indication.

  “Trust me, I won’t.” I bypass Jo to head to Dray’s office, needing to speak to him about my hours. I almost collide with a busy-looking Abbie, carrying a stack of files. She manages to swerve around me at the last moment, but the files go flying. She seems flustered, and her emerald-green eyes flash with a look of annoyance. I know she’ll be slightly mortified right now. Dray is protective of Abbie, says she’s the best PA he’s ever had. I don’t think the woman has taken a sick day in the whole time she’s been here. She comes in, does her job and leaves with no drama. Just how Dray likes it. There are enough contenders trying to win the drama queen award around here already.

  “Let me help you with these,” I offer as some form of apology.

  “I got it,” she snaps. I stiffen at her abrupt tone, but I’m not that easily thrown.

  “No, please.”

  “I said I got it.”

  I hold up my hands, not wanting to infuriate her any more. In the six months I’ve worked here, this is the most she’s spoken to me. Every time I see her, I wait for a look, a sign, but it never comes. I’m a woman magnet to everyone except her. It’s like I barely exist.

  “Okay, see you around, I guess.” I walk away, feeling defeated.

  She huffs, stacking the files which are now out of order. I feel bad for causing her any more work than what she has already.

  I knock and wait for the signal.

  “Come in,” Dray booms. If he wasn’t my brother, I’d be slightly scared of his hard demeanour. At work, he rarely drops his guard; only Ritch and I get to see his softer side.

  “Hey, Lex.” Ritch does the whole chin lift as I smile.

  “Just wanted to check my hours for next week,” I say, walking in. Dray hands me the rota and I flick through the file to find my name.

  “Still going strong with the workouts, I see,” Ritchie adds.

  “I’m getting there. I’m a long way off ever getting to your league, though.”

  “Oh, you have a long way to go to get to us. This took years, and coupled with hard work and eating the right diet. Cut down on all that snacking crap and you might just get there faster,” Dray scoffs.

  Easier said than done.

  “Err, it’s your wife and daughter who force it on me. You know what they’re like. I’m sure Luce still thinks she needs to fatten me up.”

  “She does it with everyone.” Dray chuckles. She’s the best, always concerned about those around her.

  “Laurie’s the same. She’s in nesting mode at the moment. She’s finished work, so she’s going apeshit cleaning and getting ready for her due date. The bloody bag has been packed and placed by the door for the last month.” Ritchie shakes his head in annoyance. I can just picture Laurie right now; she comes across as always being well-organised.

  “She just wants to be prepared. Trust me, when ‘operation baby’ is coming, you want all your shit together because everything flies out the window,” Dray snorts, shaking his head. I could only imagine him when Luce’s water broke with Gracie.

  “Don’t remind me. I’m dreading this birth. You’ve totally scared the life out of me.” He drags his hand down his face as Dray smirks in delight.

  “Just telling you how it is. Luce sounded almost demonic towards the end. Even I was fucking scared.”

  I shiver at the thought.

  “It’s the waiting around I’m not prepared for. Could be hours, could be days.” Ritchie looks stressed just at the thought.

  “The baby will only come when it’s ready,” Dray adds, looking amused.

  “Well, that’s fucking helpful.”

  Dray leans back in his chair. “What can I say? Babies don’t have a schedule; they do what they want. They’ll have you not knowing which way is up for the first few months.”

  “Here he goes again with his scare tactics, the voice of doom,” Ritchie fumes, shooting a scowl Dray’s way.

  “I’m the voice of experience, but please continue on thinking you know best. You’ll soon see I don’t lie, and then I want an apology.” Dray fixes him with a stare that could bend steel.

  “It will be a long day in Hell before I ever apologise to you.”

  They continue glaring until Dray relents. “Do you want me to ring Gracie to cheer you up, get you out of this grumpy mood?”

  “That would help,” Ritchie admits.

  Dray picks up the phone and dials. “Hey, baby, I’m good. What are you wearing?”

  “Jesus.” Ritchie lobs a pack of paperclips Dray’s way. He manages to duck in time.

  He laughs and winks at Ritchie while smiling. “Is Gracie there, baby, or is she napping?” He pauses for a moment. “She is? Can you put her on the phone? We need her to try and cheer grumpy Itchie up.”

  Dray presses the speakerphone button, ready for Gracie’s voice to come through.


  “Hey, Gracie bear, what are you doing?” Dray asks, his tone lighter. His face breaks out into a large smile at the sound of his daughter’s voice.

  “Daddee.” Her voice sounds so excited my heart skips a beat.

  “Hey, angel, you been helping Mamma bake?”

  “Yes, me bake cookies.”

  There goes the plan to cut down on the carbs.

  “Oooh, cannot wait to taste them. You know Daddy loves Gracie’s cookies.”

  “I thought I was speaking to her,” Ritchie pouts, looking impatient.

  “Fine. Gracie, Uncle Ritchie is here and he’d like to say hello.”

  “Itchie!” she shouts down the phone. “I lub Itchie and Lolly.”

  Ritchie looks like he’s almost about to cry. It’s amazing what this little girl can do to a man.

  “We love you, too, sweetheart. You got a special cookie for me and Auntie Lolly?”

  The line goes quiet and Ritchie’s eyes widen.

  “She’s probably nodding,” Dray tells him, grinning.

  We all laugh together. She’s too adorable.

  “Make sure you save us some cookies, Gracie. Daddy, Uncle Lex and Uncle Ritchie want one,” Dray urges.

  “I will.”

  “I love you, Gracie bear. Hand the phone back to Mamma.”

  “Come home soon, I miss you.” We hear a soft sound as she blows a kiss into the phone.

  “I miss you, too. Daddy and Uncle Lex will be home before you know it.” Dray clicks off speakerphone and says goodbye to Luce before ending the call.

  “How the hell did you end up with the sweetest kid ever?” Ritchie asks, shaking his head in annoyance as Dray smirks back.

  “She’s something special, isn’t she?”

  She certainly is.

  “You know the universe usually balances out these things. You are in for a world of pain once she gets older,” Ritchie retorts, smiling in delight.

  “Not my Gracie. She’s going to stay as sweet as she is now.”

  “What, even as a teenager? I think that’s wishful thinking, even on your part,” I add, shaking my head.

  “Not even puberty is changing my baby. She’s staying a sweet angel who worships her daddy.”

  “You are deluded,” Ritchie snorts. He has a point, but I think when it comes to Gracie, Dray would never want to believe it. And I don’t blame him.

  Chapter Six

  “Are they here yet?” Luce asks for the millionth time.

  “I think we would know if they were here, silly Mamma.” Dray and Gracie chuckle together.

  “Silly Mamma,” Gracie repeats,
much to Dray’s delight.

  “Here’s a car now,” I remark as everyone jumps up to look. Baby Carr finally arrived three days ago, a little baby boy, Noah. Luce has been on tenterhooks to see him; it’s all she’s talked about since the moment we found out the happy news.

  Luce makes a beeline to the door as Dray stands holding Gracie. Several minutes later, in walks Ritchie with a huge, beaming face, carrying Noah, who’s fast asleep in his car seat. Luce and Laurie are close behind talking non-stop; anyone else would be hard pushed to get a word in.

  Gracie stares all wide-eyed at Noah and, in that moment, he decides to sneeze.

  “Bess you.” Gracie giggles as we all laugh.

  Ritchie sets Noah down and holds out his arms for a Gracie hug. We all need our Gracie fix; she has everyone under her spell. Dray hands her over.

  “Itchie, you have baby?”

  “Yes, this is my little boy, Noah,” Ritchie says, introducing them to each other.


  “That’s right.” Ritchie smiles in delight.

  “Lolly’s baby?”

  “Yes, he is, darling. Are you going to help feed him later?”

  She nods as Laurie turns around, smiling.

  “Hello, sweetheart. You have a hug for Auntie Lolly, too?”

  She nods again and holds out her arms. Ritchie gives her one last soft kiss on the cheek before reluctantly handing her over.

  “Lolly, your baby?”

  “Yes, Noah is my baby.” She kisses her hair as Gracie turns to face her.

  “I no baby, I big girl.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re getting bigger every time I see you,” Laurie remarks.

  “I wee-wee in the potty.”

  Everyone bursts into laughter as Gracie grins.

  “Oh, my sweet girl, I’ve missed you.” Laurie nuzzles against her cheek as Noah begins to grizzle. Laurie hands her back to me.

  “Lex, your baby?” Gracie asks.

  “No, I haven’t got a baby. You’re my only girl Gracie.” I kiss her cheek, and she stares in confusion.


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