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Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2)

Page 9

by Young, Alexa

  “Yeah, I suppose, but Abbie’s my number one employee.” Dray shoots a wink Abbie’s way and she blushes.

  “It was chaos when you were off the other day. I swear, if anyone gives you any crap come to me. I’ll sort them out. Jo is walking a fine line at the moment. Any more from her and she’s gone.”

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble…” Abbie looks on horrified at the thought.

  “Hey, what she said to you was disgusting,” I chime in. Jo isn’t the innocent party in all of this, Abbie is.

  “Take it from me, Abbie, no one should have to put up with being degraded, made to feel embarrassed. I still have a complex today, but Dray makes me feel like a queen. Not a day goes past that he doesn’t tell me how much he loves me. I’ll always question things and have my moments, but I’ll never doubt his words. I know they’re true.” Luce walks over and kisses Dray on the lips.

  “I think every day I fall in love with you a little deeper.”

  Luce and Abbie sigh at Dray’s words. One thing about him, he never shies away from telling Luce how he feels. He doesn’t care how other people react and take the piss; he waited a long time for Luce to be his. She told me the full story one night, and I was shocked. Dray comes across as so confident in himself, but Luce said it was all down to his dad, how he had low self-esteem about not being good enough.

  I sure could relate to that.

  “Dray, even now, you still take my breath away.” Luce sighs as they sink into another kiss. Abbie watches on in intrigue before blushing and turning her head, feeling awkward. I sit down beside her and grab her hand, kissing it. She smiles shyly, and Gracie holds out hers for the same. We all laugh as Gracie giggles. Her eyes soon widen when Luce heads into the kitchen, only to walk back through moments later with the chocolate cake covered in all kinds of delicious sprinkles. You can see Gracie had a big hand in decoration, but it is the sweetest sight ever.

  “I help Mamma.”

  “You did. I think I might have to take a picture before we all tuck in.” Dray stands up and snaps the cake with his camera phone, showing Gracie before Luce starts to slice. We all willingly accept a piece and dig in.

  “Ooh, locklat.”

  I look over at Gracie to see her face already covered, but Dray will be on hand with a wet wipe once she’s finished.

  “We’ll have to go and have a girlie day, Abbie, so I can get to know you more,” Luce says, smiling in-between bites of her cake.

  “Me come, too, Mamma.”

  “Of course. Should we get sparkly nails and go to that little tea shop you like?”

  Gracie’s face lights up at the thought. “Peas. I lub spawkly nails.”

  “Oh, me, too,” Abbie adds.

  “Lex and Daddy spawkly nails.”

  “Now that’s where I draw the line,” Dray huffs, dropping his fork onto his now-empty plate. “I’ve had butterflies and flowers in my hair, even Peppa Pig tattoos added to my sleeve. I got some queer looks off people that day till they finally rubbed off.”

  “Oh, we loved the Peppa Pig tattoos, didn’t we, Gracie.” Luce smirks, much to Dray’s annoyance.

  “More, Mamma?”

  “No, we’re not getting any more of those tattoos,” Dray warns, shooting a glare Luce’s way.

  “Lex would love a Peppa Pig tattoo, wouldn’t you?” Abbie asks, looking all innocent, her lips quirking at the thought.

  “No—arrgghh, what was that for?” I rub my shin where Abbie just swiftly kicked me under the table.

  “I think that was a yes. Let’s grab some when we meet up.”

  Who is this devil woman?

  “Well, you’ve certainly come out of your shell. Think I liked you better when you were silent.”

  Abbie blushes and Luce bats Dray on the arm, giving him a warning.

  “Don’t listen to him. We’ll grab extra tattoos just for that remark.”

  Dray sends a look my way.

  We are totally screwed.

  “I want out.” Gracie holds her hands up as Dray finishes cleaning her up. “Daddy Peppa tattoo, too.”

  “No, darling, Daddy is a boy,” Dray exclaims, looking agitated by the conversation.


  Gracie’s pleading eyes meet Dray’s, and I know he’s a goner.

  “I swear I lose more of my masculinity every day. On top of that, Luce is intent on obliterating my six-pack.” He smooths his hand down his stomach in annoyance.

  “No one asks you to eat the food. Trust me, I could break my hand punching your stomach. It’s still rock-hard.” Luce scowls over at Dray.

  “Not for the want of you trying, though.”

  “Oh, stop whining like a girl.” She winks over at Abbie. She’s definitely the one in charge, despite Dray’s best attempts.

  “Daddy pay dolls?” Gracie asks as Dray places her down onto the floor. She scurries off to her play area to grab what she wants.


  She soon runs back, dragging several dolls. “Peas, Daddy. You have Molly.” Gracie gives him a look and he soon relents, taking the doll from her.

  “Fine, angel,” he huffs, admitting defeat.

  It’s best to just give in to the inevitable.

  “Thank you, baby.” Luce gives him a kiss on the way past.

  “I want way more than that later. I’ll be showing you I haven’t fully lost my masculinity then.”

  “I don’t doubt it, looking forward to it.” She winks in delight.

  I shudder slightly, grabbing Abbie as we walk through into the lounge, where we’re presented with a doll and instructed to brush its hair. Gracie plays with Abbie’s hair quite contentedly, placing clips and ribbons in her own style when the doorbell rings.

  I take a quick look out the window. “It’s Ritchie and Laurie with baby Noah.”

  “Itchie!” Gracie shrieks, rushing to the door. Dray grabs and scoops her up before opening it.

  “Hello, Gracie,” Ritchie says, beaming just at the sight of her.

  “Itchie pay dolls.”

  “Give me time to come in first, darling.” I can tell by the look on his face he’s hoping to avoid being asked again, but Gracie doesn’t work that way.

  “What about me?” Laurie asks, smiling.

  “You pay, too, Lolly?”

  “Can I get a hug and a kiss first? I’ve missed you.”

  Gracie nods in agreement as Dray hands her over. Laurie grins, kissing and cuddling her tight.

  Noah gives a little cry as Ritchie places him down. He rocks the car seat for a few moments and Noah slowly goes back over.

  “So, how’s things with Noah?” Luce asks. She looks like she’s itching to hold him, but everyone knows to never wake a sleeping baby.

  “He’s getting better, just up twice a night now. I’ve managed to go out and about with him, though it’s a hell of a fiasco getting out the door. Gone are the days we just up and leave.” Laurie sighs. “And now Ritch is back at work, so it’s just me and Noah. I feel like I have to get out just to feel a little sane. Else I’d be sporting the same sweat pants and unwashed hair day after day.”

  “I know that feeling well. When Gracie was born, I didn’t know if I was coming or going. If it hadn’t been for Dray going part-time, I would have gone crazy. It was just good to get out and speak to actual people for a few hours, but I was always ready to come back home to her.”

  “We need to organise a girls’ night. I want to dress up, have my hair done and pretend to be human again for a short time. Let’s go all out for cocktails, shots. I need a night of reckless behaviour.” Laurie’s face lights up at the thought.

  “Err, let me get back to you on that.” Luce’s face drops, her eyes searching for Dray, who stops what he’s doing and looks at her silently, asking if she’s okay.

  “No way, Luce. You owe me a cracking night out. We’re going to get drunk as skunks while the men stay at home and watch the kids. I’m not coming home till after three. It’s going to be one hel
l of a night.”

  Luce sighs, almost in defeat. “Look, we were keeping this to ourselves as it’s still early. We only had it confirmed yesterday.”

  Dray walks over and pulls Luce up into a hug.

  “What—wait, are you?” Laurie’s eyes widen in delight.

  “Yeah, six weeks gone.”

  I shoot Dray and Luce a look of hurt and confusion. I know people like to keep these things to themselves to not jinx it, but I thought I was family. Guess we’re not as close as I thought.

  I walk off to head to my room. I don’t want to ruin the moment, but damn, it stings they didn’t trust me enough to keep quiet.

  “Lex!” Luce shouts, running after me. I turn to face her. “We only found out yesterday. It was such a shock and well, I’m still getting my head around it. We didn’t intentionally keep it from you. In fact, we were going to tell you later.”

  “It’s fine, I’m happy for you both. I know how hard it’s been, waiting for it to happen again.”

  Her face drops at my response. “You’re not fine, I can tell. I’m sorry. Laurie put me on the spot, and I’m not a good liar. I wanted to tell you tonight, honestly I did.” Her eyes fill up, and I know she’s being truthful. I walk over and hug her hard.

  “I guess, for a moment, I felt like an outsider again. I love living here with you all. You’ve became so much more than family to me.”

  “And you to us. I love having you here. This house would not be a home without you. We love the bones of you. And Gracie loves you with all her heart, she’d spend every minute with you if she could.” Luce cups my cheek before kissing the other.

  Dray appears and places a hand on my shoulder as I turn to face him. “Lex, we were going to tell you, it’s just unfortunate timing of being put on the spot. You’re family to us. We want you to be godfather to this little one.” He walks over to Luce and places a hand on her stomach. “I know it’s always been a great regret you never got to see Gracie as a baby, but you’ll be here to experience every moment with this one. When I brought you home, there was a little jealousy on my part for how easy Gracie took to you, but I’ve grown to admire the strong bond she has with you. There was a time she was my little shadow and followed me everywhere. I felt a little lost at first that my baby girl didn’t need me like she did. I know she doesn’t love me any less, that she’s just sharing her love with you. The same will happen with the new baby. I’m sorry to say, kiddo, but you’re here for the duration. We aren’t letting you go.”

  “That’s good to hear.” I smile shyly at the thought.

  Dray slaps me on the back and pulls me into a hug. I’m shocked at first, but I go with it. He’s been such a rock since he came into my life. I cherish all the moments I have with my family.

  We walk back through and Abbie’s eyes meet mine. ‘Are you okay?’ she mouths, and I nod.

  Laurie comes straight over. “I am so sorry. Typical me, putting my foot in my mouth.”

  “It’s fine, really. I get to be an uncle again!”

  She pulls me into a warm embrace. “You are the best uncle to little Gracie. This new arrival is going to be blessed, too.”

  Holy shit, I’m tearing up.

  “Thanks.” I barely get the words out; I’m too choked up.

  Gracie walks over to Luce and pulls on her jeans. “Mamma, baby?” she asks.

  Luce bends down and scoops her up, walking her over to the sofa to sit down. “Yes, angel, Mamma is having another baby. It could be a boy or a girl, we don’t know yet.”

  Gracie sits there staring, almost contemplating her words. “Boy.”

  “You think I’m having a boy?” Luce asks in surprise.

  “Yeah, boy.” She smiles, such a reassuring look on her face she has us all convinced.

  “It might be a girl. Would you not like a sister to play dolls with?”

  Dray snorts; I know he’d be happy to not have to partake in those kinds of games.

  “No, Mamma, boy.” Gracie touches Luce’s stomach.

  It’s a little freaky.

  Even more so when she leans forward and kisses her stomach. “Hey, Joe.”

  “Joe? Who’s Joe?” Luce asks, giving us a look. We all stare back, not saying a word.

  Is this really happening?


  “That’s the baby’s name?” Dray walks over to sit beside them. She nods as we all stare at each other in surprise. “Who told you the baby’s name is Joe?”


  “What man?” Luce asks.

  “Man.” She doesn’t elaborate any more, just stares and smiles over Luce’s shoulder and giggles.

  “Do we know any Joes?” Luce looks over to Dray.

  “My grandad was called Joseph and went by Joe,” he offers, still looking astounded by it all.

  “Gaga Joe,” Gracie says, smiling as Dray’s eyes widen.

  “This is a little creepy,” Laurie states, picking up a now-grizzling Noah.

  Things just got too weird.

  “She’ll forget the name soon enough.” Dray presses a kiss to Luce’s lips. He always has a way of making her feel better. I look over at Abbie and she’s smiling, watching them both. I walk over and join her on the sofa as Laurie hands over a super-cute Noah for her to hold.

  The way she giggles and talks to him takes my breath away. She’s so good with kids. Well, she’s proven that already with Gracie.

  Ritchie sits beside me and nudges me. “Could be you next.”

  “We’re both only eighteen.” I frown; that is a long way ahead.

  “When you know, you know.” He winks, slapping me on the arm.

  “Ritchie, let them live a little first. I love Noah with all my heart, but babies are hard work. I’m glad I got to travel and start a career before I settled down to do the whole family thing,” Laurie adds, and I shoot her a look of gratitude.

  “Couldn’t agree more. Live your lives first, plenty time for having kids,” Dray huffs. Even though Gracie is the apple of his eye, he has a point. But looking at Abbie, I could see myself together with her forever.

  But does she feel the same?

  Chapter Thirteen

  It’s Monday morning, and it’s back to work after a great weekend. Luce had another talk with me after Laurie and Ritch went. I know she still felt bad and told me she wanted me to be a part of her pregnancy, to come along to all the scans. The thought of being included left me feeling better.

  It’s been a long morning as I head to have lunch with Abbie. We walk over to the park and sit and hold hands, sipping on our smoothies as we talk. I love to make her giggle. Within weeks, we’ve become so much more than I ever dreamed of. I get a rush every time I see her. When her eyes connect with mine, it’s like everyone else ceases to exist. We hang out and spend time watching films, though we never get as far as watching the ending, as we always tend to get carried away. Each time, we take it one bit further, but I’m not about to rush her. I will wait forever if I have to until she’s ready.

  We return from lunch and she chuckles as I drop her off back to her office.

  “You know, you don’t have to walk me back. I am capable of finding my own way.” She winks to take the sting out of her words. Deep down, though, I know she’s enjoying every moment. She likes to play it down, but she adores me being attentive towards her. I catch her every now and then almost questioning my actions. She lives with her demons, having been made to feel like second best by her mum and a dad who deserted her from an early age. I sure as hell know how that feels, so I try my best to include her with Dray, Luce and Gracie whenever possible.

  I kiss her one more time, lingering, not wanting to let go, but my time is up. I have to get back to it, despite my body’s reluctance to go. I don’t want to cause any trouble with Dray.

  I head into the office. Dray wants me to do some deliveries, so I grab the worksheet and haul the box up from the floor. It’s a good job I have fucking muscles, that’s for sure.

  I stumb
le along when I hear raised voices. It’s Jo and Abbie. This doesn’t sound good. I drop the box and rush towards them.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but he was mine first. Have you even fucked him yet, you little frigid bitch?” Jo shrieks.

  What the fuck?

  Abbie blushes; she hates any kind of confrontation. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Oh, so the little mouse does have a voice,” Jo sneers, edging forward.

  This ends now.

  “Leave her alone, Jo. You have a problem with me then speak to me.” I walk right up to her and our eyes meet. I’m not in the mood for any more of her bullshit. The girl is a grade-A drama queen.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a problem, watching you two together like sick little lovebirds. Do you even care how much I liked you?”

  I close my eyes, cursing the one stupid mistake which keeps coming back to haunt me. “Jo, it was one night, and we were both drunk.”

  “But I liked you before that,” she admits, and my heart sinks.


  “I’m sorry, I truly am, but I don’t like you that way. I’ve liked Abbie for a while, it’s just taken me this long to tell her.”

  “So, what does she have that I don’t, huh?” she yells. Jesus. I think half the building can hear what’s going on.

  “Don’t do this,” I beg. Abbie looks mortified. I can see she’s desperate to crawl under a rock right now.

  “No, I want to know how this little, pathetic, mousey bitch stole you from me.”

  “That’s it!” I snap.

  I’ve had more than enough.

  “No, I’m only getting started.” The look in her eyes tells me she’s speaking the truth.

  “Just accept it, Jo. He’s mine, and no screaming and shouting will ever change that, so just leave,” Abbie says calmly.

  I spin around, staring in surprise at Abbie, but the smile soon drops from my face.

  “You bitch.” Jo’s hand strikes Abbie’s face hard, sending her reeling back. She’s soon pulled back in when Jo yanks her hair and begins to practically rip it from her head. I spring into action, trying in vain to get her to stop, but it only seems to anger her more. Abbie’s screams grow louder. I’m on the brink of punching Jo when Dray and Ritchie rush back in from their lunch.


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