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The Hand of Grethia: A Space Opera

Page 30

by Guy Antibes

  “Release Merinnia? I don’t think so.” Trimpnell said with his mouth set in a grin. The bull was lowering his horns.

  The two men advanced on Jan. There was a struggle and Jan ended up being bound hand and foot and tied to the chair Merinnia previously occupied. Trimpnell was holding Jan’s body armor. Trimpnell slapped Jan hard across the mouth. “There! That’s for all the trouble you and your mother have caused me and my mother.”

  Jan tasted blood and checked his teeth with his tongue. “Why me? What have I done? I never was high enough on the Smith Mercantile hierarchy to be a threat to you, even if Father would have permitted it. Let me go. You’ve got a billion and a half credits worth of my money. That should be enough. I can keep quiet.”

  “I don’t think so. You and Merinnia are going to be blown to bits in your own cabin. It’s too bad that it has a defective energy pack. It’s going to explode and destroy everything, including you two. Such a thing doesn’t happen often, but it does happen often enough so that Impollon law enforcement will conclude that you and your girlfriend are the victims of an unfortunate accident.”

  “Don’t!” cried Merinnia. “I’ll tell you everything. Let Jan go!”

  “Tell me everything? What is there to tell? When you and Jan are dead, I am sure the secret of the portals will be revealed. My father has a highly placed inside man in his hip pocket. We’ll find out.”

  “You have Riban on your payroll?” Jan said.

  “Ah, so it’s Riban mal Dantano. That makes sense. Artis would only have the number two man in his employ.”

  “I can tell you more, just release Jan,” pleaded Merinnia.

  Trimpnell took Merinnia’s chin and lifted it up so she looked directly into his face. “What can you tell me?”

  “We didn’t get the technology from Gyron III. I’m really from a planet called Grethia. The technology was found there. Grethia is a lost planet. Jan found it when his ship became disabled. My father, the king, befriended Jan. Jan found that our ancestors had discovered the portal. I even went with him to the forbidden continent where we found warehouses full of portals. There is a lot more technology to be evaluated!”

  “What class is your planet?”

  “Class? I don’t know what you mean?” Merinnia said.

  “Do you have space travel?” Trimpnell towered over her.

  “Only Jan and his ship.” Merinnia looked at him confused.

  “Do you have much industry?”

  “Only what my father and his father before him have started.”

  “Is this true, Jan?” Trimpnell sneered.

  “Yes. I’ll give you the planet’s coordinates if you let us go. There are more technologies to exploit. Grethia is the ultimate Space Quest bonanza. Smith Mercantile can easily get a writ for the planet and assume ownership. Just let us go.”

  “What are the coordinates?”

  “They’re in my ship’s computer. Now untie me.”

  “Where are your keys?”

  “In my pocket, where else would they be?” Jan said.

  Trimpnell fished around and pulled out Jan’s keys. He identified the fob, which operated the ship. “Come on boys. Let’s blown them up. Artis will make me managing director for sure.”

  He stood in front of Jan. “Enjoy thinking about what dying will feel like.” He showed Jan the timer for 30 minutes and left the cabin followed by his minions, and then Trimpnell came back. He looked Jan right in the face. “I didn’t get you the first time when I had your ship tampered with, but I’ve got you now. I hate you and hate everything you stand for.” He punched Jan in the nose. Blood ran down Jan’s face as he lost consciousness.


  “Jan wake up! Wake up!” Merinnia called. “There’s not much time left!”

  Jan shook his head. Merinnia was kneeling at his feet and Riban stood at her side. “I guess we should get out of here as soon as we can.” They helped Jan to a portal. Suddenly there was a charge in the air and the three of them materialized in the forest a mile away.

  Riban quickly untied them. “Jan, you are a mess. What did they do?”

  “No time for that, get those two bodies transferred now!”

  Riban took two cadavers from the back of a utility van. Jan and Merinnia and laid them on the portal. Jan accompanied the cadavers to the building. Jan dressed the cadavers in the same clothing that he and Merinnia had worn and were bound to the chairs and tied with the same cords as before. Jan looked at the timer, he had only a few minutes.

  He ran as far as he dared, sunk the portal down in the soft earth and set the return to Riban. Just as he stepped off the portal, the blast from the cabin rocked the forest. Merinnia shuddered at the closeness of the timing. Jan transported back and retrieved the portal that he left after the blast had finished depositing debris on the landscape. The pain in his nose nearly made him faint as he struggled to the road holding the portal. Riban arrived and Jan entered the waiting utility van. They took off directly north, away from the city. With Jan setting the controls, Riban looked after the bruises on Merinnia and then the two hugged each other.

  “I do believe we did it.” Jan said, looking at them in the rear view mirror. “Now off to our new spaceship and back to Grethia. The autodoc will finish with your bruised face and my broken nose. It really hurts.” Jan began to wipe his still bleeding nose, again.


  Chapter 43

  “Father!” Merinnia said as she ran to Obsomil’s arms. The scene was a clearing close to the lodge. “It’s so wonderful to see you after all of this time.”

  There was a slight chill in the air, which only made the air clearer and more fresh. Jan introduced Riban to the king, who then reached for his daughter again, smothering her with a ferocious hug.

  “Jan,” when Obsomil had finished with greeting his daughter, “you have changed my daughter. Look at her clothes. Her bearing is different. It is no longer Grethian! Look at the way she paints her face. No woman of Diltrant has ever looked so! But the smile... the smile of my daughter is still there and as bright as ever. Come into the lodge and let’s discuss our progress here and your progress out there.”

  The four walked into the lodge followed by the rest of the welcoming group.

  Once Jan introduced Riban, he looked at the men in the room. A smile came to his lips. “Gentlemen, our enterprise is a resounding success. Portal sales have, of course, been incredibly successful. Our work will lead us to be one of the leading companies of our universe. Grethia will be one of the richest planets. We haven’t yet begun to tap the other unique designs of the equipment your ancestors left you. The legacy of the portal will ensure your future alone. What to do next? We still agree that we cannot thrust your people into the mainstream?”

  “Maybe we can sooner than you think. I feel we’ve made real strides since you left, Jan. But we have all discussed it and we still agree that we still need a lot more time.” Fosan said.”

  “How about medical and technological information through the Grethian Priesthood?”

  “Again, we have greatly increased the availability of information. Even our “friends” the Murgrontians have come to us for instruction and are now with our program after some ‘adjustment’ to their political structure, initiated by the Murgrontian people, I might add. The institute is helping us change the world.” Fosan continued.

  “What about the enemy, the competition?” Obsomil queried.

  “Taking inspiration from your boat engine, I changed the portal circuitry so it was protected by a self-destruction device. We now have the company in place and our sales continue to soar. We’ve released the portal technology through licensing. The market is far too big for one company, so instead of us going after all of the business, we sell the small protected circuit and have others do most of the manufacturing. We are making many people wealthy and increasing the distribution of the product. Everyone will benefit, but Grethia most of all.” Jan answered. He was glad to have been so successful and wanted
to minimize the amount of money that he had made.

  Obsomil looked significantly at Jan. “The timing of your visit is due to desired circumstances? Is it not?”

  “Yes we decided it was time to return when, ah, certain information came to my attention and certain events transpired. I’ll be surprised if we don’t hear something shortly. I took the necessary actions to ensure our success before we left.” Jan said. The others in the room looked somewhat perplexed except for Merinnia who looked at Jan with a very concerned face.


  “Sir, wake up. A ship from space has landed at Port Alchant.” A messenger shook Jan awake.

  “Good. Please arrange for King Obsomil, Lord Bloodin, Lord Fosan, Lord Garst, my business associate and the Princess Merinnia to be at my ship.” Jan groggily replied. He had a hypernet message to send before he dressed.

  “They are already awaiting your arrival, sir. Permit me.” The servant brought a portal with him and set it.

  Jan quickly got ready and transferred to his ship. The others were talking inside his craft. Jan entered, looking a little sheepish. “I guess I’ll be well rested for our meeting today.” The others laughed. Jan went to the controls. ‘I’m surprised it took them two months to make their move.”

  Jan piloted his new spaceship to Port Alchant to the same place he had landed just before the Grethians destroyed their own temple. Jan, Obsomil and the rest of the group rushed to the plaza. The rubble from the temple had been cleared away. In its place Grethian Institute buildings were under construction. Another space ship three times as big as Jan’s took up a large part of the plaza.

  Jan looked at the insignia as they entered the square. “This is one of my father’s ships. That symbol is the logo of his firm.”

  “His trading company, eh?” Obsomil said with his eyes gleaming with anticipation. As usual, Obsomil radiated energy. His smile was fierce. “You’ve waited a long time for this, Jan? I can hardly wait to witness what transpires today.” He rubbed his hands with glee.

  “How do I even know if my father is on the ship?” Jan didn’t relish this day like Obsomil, but it wasn’t fear that he felt, but anxious anticipation and dread.

  Crowds had filled up every open space in the square. Jan, Merinnia and Riban slipped in and hid among the people as the occupants of the larger craft began to emerge. Guards came out first. The pressing crowds stopped their advance when confronted by these strange men.

  The two parties, less Jan, Riban and Merinnia, walked towards one another. The spacemen were led by Artis, himself. Erect and with his typical self-confidence, Jan’s father advanced and stopped short of Obsomil’s group. Just behind Artis towered Trimpnell.

  Obsomil led the other party accompanied by Bloodin, Garst and Fosan. The three founders of Grethia Industries looked out from the crowd. Six guards stood behind the king. They were armed with large blasters like Smith’s party. The appearance of Obsomil’s guards with blasters raised some eyebrows on the visitor’s faces.

  “Greetings to Grethia. I understand you are sire to Jan Smith?” Obsomil waved his hand to quiet the crowd. He struggled to modify his speech to a more conventional version of Galactic Standard. “Why are you here? Where is Jan?” Obsomil made a show of searching Smith’s entourage with his eyes. “I am anxious to see him and my daughter. They haven’t communicated with me for some time.” King Obsomil said with a concerned tone.

  “I have come to take possession of my planet. You see, I can license planets and my company,” he turned and pointed to the logo, “has licensed this one. Since it has been unregistered, I may do this with the full force of the Galactic Federation.” Smith said sharply. His words were forceful, his chin jutted forward, but beneath the words Jan could detect some strain

  “How is it you can do such a thing? I am King here.” Obsomil looked crestfallen. “Even I don’t own the planet. I just rule most of the inhabited areas.” Obsomil’s visage began to darken as he knit his eyebrows together. “You will have to fight the people for it. Where is Jan? Where is Merinnia?” He threatened Artis’ group by nodding to the Grethian guards.

  Smith’s guards shifted. Hands went to blasters. Tension filled the air. A confrontation seemed imminent.

  “Jan isn’t coming. In fact, you might say he has been permanently detained.” Trimpnell said, just as Jan’s father was about to speak. Artis gave Trimpnell a sharp look of warning.

  “A confrontation would be an unwise action on your part.” Trimpnell blurted. “Surely you know the power of our modern world. SM ships have the power to make this continent a ruin like the other one. Jan Smith is dead. He died ten weeks ago on Impollon IV with his companion, Merinnia Wankle. Ms. Wankle was from Grethia, I do believe. Your daughter? How fitting.” Trimpnell stood with fists clenched as he spoke. “Smith Mercantile is now the owner of Grethia and there is nothing you can do about it!” Trimpnell Smith sneered as he drew up to his full height.

  King Obsomil turned bright red. All could see the anger emanate from his body. Through clenched teeth he replied, “That may be true, but your investment really would be worthless if the world was in ruins, wouldn’t it? Did you know Merinnia was my only daughter?”

  A red flush worked its way up Artis Smith’s neck. “Don’t forget, I have the power to instruct Trimpnell to make this continent the twin of the other. Under Galactic Law, I can do what I want with this planet. If I can prove resistance, I can kill in self-defense. Power rests with the trading companies. Mine is one of the most powerful.

  “Is that so? You are as wrong as you are arrogant. As for your stupid son behind you, he will never be lord over anything.” Obsomil said quietly between clenched teeth. His words even sent a chill down Jan’s back.

  Jan walked forward through the crowd followed by Merinnia. “Is it the portal technology you seek, father?”

  The SM contingent became agitated. Trimpnell’s eyes bulged, his tongue tied as he looked on in horror.

  “You’re alive!” Trimpnell gagged. “You were dead! I saw your remains.”

  “Any dismembered arm looks pretty much the same, Trimpnell,” Jan said as he beckoned for Merinnia to join him.

  “It doesn’t matter if you are alive or dead, Jan. Grethia is still the property of Smith Mercantile.” Artis had regained his composure at the sight of Jan and continued with a smile that surprisingly reminded Jan of Wilton, the late High Lord of Murgrontia. “Your friends here are so naive. You didn’t know Riban regularly communicated with me. I have known your every move and your every strategy. When Trimpnell finally discovered the true source of your mysterious portal technology, not the trail you expected us to follow to Gyron III, we knew we could just license the planet and take over the source. In the end, it’s been so simple.” Jan’s father said without a tinge of regret.

  “My father,” Jan said in quiet despair, shaking his head. “It is regretful that you feel this way. Let me say that even your miniscule regard for me has been appreciated. When I worked at SM it was excellent training for what I have done with the portal technology. There were obviously those who felt I was overstepping myself.” He looked Trimpnell in the eyes, observing the burning hatred reflected in them.

  “I’ve been able to work freely on this project without too much of their ‘help.’” Jan continued. “What ‘help’ you may ask? My stepmother and her children? Possibly you, yourself? I have just gathered proof that nearly three years ago, when I left the company, my ship was sabotaged. Those hired to kill me, failed. I did finally find out the identity of the culprits. Expert investigation led to your wife and her oldest son. Trimpnell and Josette Smith sought my death through sabotage.”


  Artis looked blankly at Jan.What is going on?he thought.What is all this about Josie and Trimp? Trying to kill Jan? Artis could feel his control over this confrontation slipping away.

  “The timing was interesting,” Jan continued.

  Artis could feel the confidence in Jan’s voice. This wasn’t a person tryi
ng to talk him out of taking over the planet. It dawned on him that Jan knew more about the situation than he did.

  “My trust fund was to be passed on to me when I was twenty-one. But Rollo lied and told me it would be mine at twenty-five. I still don’t know the reason for that. I had never known what was in the trust fund. I knew mother had a good-sized chunk of stock as part of it. I received trust fund checks to augment my initial legacy, but Rollo sent me only a miniscule portion of the trust income. Freemen was in Trimpnell’s employ and skimmed a certain amount for himself. The rest of the income was spread to your wife and children through various means. However, as chance would have it, I discovered the fraud and recently regained control of my trust. Grethia Industries has been buying up SM stock since it started. Billions and billions. You might be interested to know that I have more stock than you do, father. In fact, through my various corporations, coupled with the stock in SM that King Obsomil owns, I now control a majority interest in Smith Mercantile.”

  Jan looked at his father squarely in the eye. Smith shrank a little at the words. “I have filed documents with the proper authorities to apprehend and charge your ‘other family’ for fraud and attempted murder. That includes the episode with my spaceship and the explosion at the cabin where I supposedly died. I recorded that particular episode and sent it along to some interested parties. Trimpnell makes a convincing murderer, I might add. I am sure you’ll agree. I certainly hope they don’t implicate you. And now, the conclusion to our meeting.” Jan spoke into his phone and looked up.

  Artis followed his gaze and couldn’t believe his eyes. A Federation Police Force ship descended onto the square while Obsomil’s guards cleared spaced enough for it to land. Eight officers disembarked and walked over to Jan.

  “You already have the filings. There is Trimpnell Smith. He has attempted to personally kill me twice. He has diverted my trust funds, which by Federation law I now claim back as well as the interest I’m entitled to. He has bribed the local police on Impollon IV and freely broke that planet’s law by hiring thugs to break and enter into the premises of Grethia Industries for the purposes of stealing private property, obstructing commerce and planting illegal spying devices on the premises. He also was responsible for desecrating the cadavers that I placed in my cabin in an the act of attempted murder.”


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