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Page 4

by K. S. Adkins

  I’m exhausted. My ability to be polite and stay seated should win an award. I just want to go home, and forget tonight ever happened. Seeing the Captain again is a punch in the gut, being charged then not charged for a crime is a kick in the face, and the whole Tony thing is messing with my head. The only thing keeping me here is curiosity. You don’t make Captain by being a push over. He’s up to something and dammit I am curious and just a tad pissed. More than anything, I feel a presence, it’s hidden right now, but it’s there watching me, and I need to find the source.

  “The attorney is here? Does he know I’m free to go?” I ask politely

  “He is, and he does. Do you want to speak with him?” asks the Captain

  “Yes. I also need my cell returned. Your officer took it out of my pocket and I need it. Oh and Captain? Don’t worry yourself about the company I keep. They’ve been my family for years, and you know how I feel about my family,”

  The Captain nods and opens the door to allow him in.

  “Ms. Cross ,I’m Julian Perret, Mr. Gallo’s representation, and now yours. You are free to go, Ms. Cross. Mr. Gallo is waiting for you back at the club, and has a driver here for you to use at your disposal,” he says smoothly.

  “Thank you, Mr. Perret. Once I get my cell back, I’m going to call him, and let him know I’ll be there after I speak with the Captain. He’s um…well, I’ve known him since I was a kid, and I told him I’d have a cup before I go. I haven’t seen him since…in a long time. Then I’ll head back to the club and meet up with Tony after I settle a few things here,” I say with a bite. I’ll do what I want, when I want to do it.

  “If that is your wish, Ms. Cross. As your representation, I advise you to take care of matters and then leave,” he says.

  “I don’t want to be here any longer than necessary, you can bet your ass on that. I’m going to let the Captain know that, and then I’ll be in that car. Do you need to wait for me?” I ask.

  “We trust you implicitly, Ms. Cross. Call Mr. Gallo. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear the news,” he says.

  “Thanks, I will,” I say heading toward the door. Just as I turn to leave I say quietly, “Mr. Perret, I want to apologize for disrupting your night, but thank you for being here.”

  “Ms. Cross, Mr. Gallo was quite adamant that I be here for you in his stead. Any friend of his is a friend of mine. For him to even ask me to be here on your behalf speaks volumes. And in this case, I am happy to deliver. The DPD has a lot to answer for regarding this stunt. Between you and I? They’ve made some very powerful enemies tonight. We’ll talk soon. Here’s my card, and if you need my help, use it. Until we meet again. Goodnight,” he says.

  “Goodnight,” I say, taking his card.

  Wishing I could be anywhere but here, I gather what’s left of my courage and head toward the Captain’s office. I swear to you it was just like yesterday that I was here. It hasn’t changed a bit. It looks the same, and even smells the same. The only notable difference is that the Captain has more pictures on his desk since my last visit. I look over and see the photos of Gary and I, when we spent our summers up at Lake Michigan, playing in the dunes together. We would race our quads, and sneak out at night to swim. He was my best friend then, before everything went to shit.

  Suddenly sad, I remember all over again those I left behind. I set the photo down with care, wishing my life was different. That I was normal. I wonder if the Captain was right, and that my dad wouldn’t be proud of me. Exhausted and heart sick, I sit in the hard plastic chair and prepare to call Tony while I wait for what’s coming. I’m not getting out of here that easily, I know it.

  Dialing Tony from the Cap’s office phone, I’ll admit I’m a little nervous. Why the sudden interest? The attorney? The touching?

  “Venessa? You’re alright?” he answers on the first ring which is spooky. How does he even know it’s me? I swear he’s always one step ahead. But as always, his voice is just as beautiful as he is.

  “Hi, Tony, I am. Just tired. Thank you for sending Mr. Perret. He’s very good at his job,” I say.

  “I pay him to be. Listen, I don’t want you there any longer than necessary. Julian says they’ve released you, so go get in the car I have waiting, and meet me back at the club,” he demands.

  “As soon as I talk to the Captain, I’m leaving. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since… a long time ago. He was partners with my dad. I won’t be long,” I promise him. He knows I’m not a fan of the DPD, he just doesn’t know all of the reasons why. No one does.

  “This isn’t healthy for you, baby. I hear how sad you are. Come back to me. I need to see you, and know you’re okay,” he pleads, and I am so confused I don’t even know how to respond.

  “This was my home for a long time – a few of these people were my family. I’ll let them know I’m fine, and then I’m leaving, and I’m never coming back. But I’m not your baby, and never have been. So we’ll discuss it when I get there, okay?” I say, exasperated.

  “No one speaks to me like you do, you know that right?” he asks with amusement.

  “Yeah, well I’m not on your pay roll or afraid of you so, there’s that,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Maybe you should be,” he says darkly, causing me to shiver, something I never do.

  “Maybe I should what?” I ask, suddenly nervous about him.

  “Be afraid of me,” he answers.

  “Do you want me to be? Is that it?”

  “What I want from you scares me, so it sure as fuck should terrify you.”


  “Because it’s time.”

  Then, before I can dig the hole deeper by asking questions I truly don’t want answers to, the Captain walks in. It’s then I actually fear that when I leave here, it’s with the knowledge that I’ll be back again. Someone is still watching me, I can feel it. And that scares me more than Anthony Gallo.

  Having an office next to the Captain has always had its benefits, and today is no exception. Venessa plans to pacify the Captain, then bail. I overhear her talking to Gallo, and it puts me in a rage, but I don’t know why. She isn’t mine. I can’t tell if she’s his, either. It doesn’t really sound like it, but I’m no expert in that shit. Gallo wants her, no doubt.

  You’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to want her in your life in all ways. I’m skimming her file (again) while the Captain is taking his time getting himself prepared. What that female has gone through is unthinkable; it’s almost too much to comprehend. I can’t look at the photos taken of her, then look at her, and not want to take her and run. I live for rules, and I can’t believe a woman that I’ve yet to speak with has me justifying a double homicide. I can’t think at all with her in the next room. She couldn’t just be some random female, either. She had to have connections here, be semi famous in the club scene and genuinely nice. And to top it all off, she’s…beautiful.

  Word’s spread that she’s here and people are dying to see her. I don’t get the impression she’d welcome the attention. After living through that nightmare, I bet being here is killing her. I can’t help but wonder what her first impression of me will be. Probably disgust, with some fear mixed in; I get that a lot. I’ve been rejected my whole life, so I’m used to it. I even expect it, although I really don’t want it from her. She’s important to me for some reason, I can feel it. I’ve never cared about what anyone thought when they laid eyes on me, but just once I wish the guy in the sky could have blessed me, even just a little bit.

  Not only am I feeling sorry for myself, but the thought of her leaving here and meeting with that fucker Gallo has me white knuckling my god damn desk. Just as I’m contemplating rearranging the furniture with my fists, I get a text from the Captain. 5 minutes my office. I don’t bother replying. I hear the Captain head in to see Venessa, and like a true cop, I listen in. I couldn’t stop myself if I tried.

  “Sorry about taking so long, Venessa, I needed a fresh cup,” explains the Captain.
/>   “It’s okay, Cap. You’ve got my undivided attention. So how could tonight have gone differently? You know, so I can be prepared, if there happens to be a next time,” she says while smiling sweetly.

  “Straight to the point, just like your dad. I missed you, baby girl. You’re the daughter Diane and I always wished for, you know. Always thought you’d be my daughter in truth one day, as close as you and Gary were. Thought you two would tie the knot. After you left, I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again, and I told myself that if I did, I’d say the things I didn’t before. I, ah, shit. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you better. I’m sorry I didn’t ask how you were doing, and I’m most sorry for not tracking you down and keeping you with us,” he says. I can tell he’s choked up.

  “Cap, not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of all of you. Please, don’t beat yourself up, okay? I wouldn’t have stayed regardless. There were things I needed to do on my own. Outside of Macy, I just don’t spend much time with anyone. That’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I’m damaged. I needed to find my way. I needed to find me.” She's trying to make him understand.

  “Did you? Find yourself, I mean.”

  “Some days, I’m lost, and others I just don’t give a fuck, Cap. That’s my reality. I wouldn’t have been a good daughter to you and Diane, if I brought that to your door. I’m not that kid anymore, and I’m also not normal, you know that. I will never be a wife or a mother. That’s not the life I want, ever. I hope you can understand, and maybe someday forgive me, but when I leave here today, I’ll never willingly walk through those doors again. I love you, Cap, but if you pull another stunt like this, I won’t stand in the way of what happens next. I need you to forget about me and my friends. This is a one-time offer,” she says.

  And despite who she’s runs with, she’s good, you can see it. I’m saddened, too, that I didn’t know the carefree kid she’d been. How can I miss something I’ve never had? Fuck if I know, but there it is.

  “Ah yes, your friends, let’s talk about them,” says the Captain.

  “No. Not up for discussion. I need to go, Captain. I’ve got people expecting me.”

  “I need a few minutes more of your time. Wait here, and I’ll go sign out your belongings, so you’ll be free to go,” says the Captain. I look at my clock, and see I’m due to join the party in about three minutes, and I’m nervous as fuck.

  The Captain goes to get her things which is a stall tactic, and I check myself in the window…yep, still ugly as sin. I meet the captain in the hall and I see resolve in his eyes. He’s made a decision.

  “What’s the plan, Captain?” I ask.

  “I put a tracking app with audio on her phone. I need you to keep tabs of her, regardless of how this plays out when you come in, understand? Where she goes, you go. This is important, Rogan,” he orders

  “Surveillance is a good plan,” I say, because it is, and I’m a little pissed I didn’t think of it.

  “I need to keep her safe from these assholes she runs with. Jesus, she works at the most dangerous club in this town, and I need to know that she’s safe. She needs to be protected. You need to protect her. Follow me, and wait for my signal,” he says.

  I just stand there for a minute. Me protect her?

  “Here are your things, Venessa, but before you go, there are a couple of things I want to discuss with you. You may not be breaking the law, per se, but clearly you’ve brushed up on your studies because you have certainly covered your bases, and if you were anyone else you wouldn’t be leaving here by limousine tonight, and you know it. I’m granting you a courtesy, so because of that, I’m going to need you listen to what I have to say. You were taught by the best and, quite frankly, I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner. The fact is, in light of tonight’s fuck up, we need your help. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  That’s my cue to come in.

  “Venessa, this is Detective Rogan Black. Rogan, this is Venessa Cross, the late Detective Brent Cross’s eldest daughter. I wanted Rogan to meet you in person,” says the Captain, and we’re both stumped. At least, I know I am.

  “Hello Detective,” she says. Then she stands up, walks over, looks me right in the eye, puts her tiny hand in mine because she wants to, and I am so fucking out of my element that I literally just stand there, fighting the urge wrap my body around hers.

  “Detective Black? Rogan, yeah? I’m Venessa. It’s nice to meet you,” she says, again cocking her head to the side.

  “Rogan, for fuck's sake, man,” the Captain growls. I can’t speak, move, or breathe, I’m amazed I haven’t passed out yet. Fuck me, here come the sweats…

  “Uh, well it was nice meeting you, Detective, but I need to go,” she says, but I just can’t let her go. She’s still looking right at me and for the first time in my life I feel like I can breathe. I’m no pussy for saying it, neither. She’s not making a move to leave, and neither am I. Whatever this is? It’s right. So fucking right, I’m light headed.

  “Venessa, I wanted you two to meet, because you’ll be partners.” And there’s the bomb.

  “Excuse me? Partners for what, exactly?”

  Yeah, what she said. But the thought of being partners with her feels good. Right. So fucking right, I almost want to crack a smile, but now is not the time.

  “You have resources I’ll never have, and I have intel that big shit goes down in your club. Combine those with the fact that you were raised in this very department, you have more ability than most Detectives in this building. It’s easy to come to this conclusion. Now, hear me out. I know you have rather strong ties with some unsavory characters, but I don’t care about them. There’s a new group moving in and causing all sorts of trouble. I want them taken down. Rogan will go undercover as a personal bodyguard for you while you’re at work. It’s in the works already. Us coming in there tonight pissed Max off, and he’ll be looking for protection for you. Rogan will be that protection. Keeping you safe, and these fuckers out of my city, is top priority. Baby girl, I reviewed every anon case we’ve had in the last ten years, and I know it’s you just on technique alone. I’ll never say it outside of this room, but I am so god damn proud of you, and terrified for you at the same time. Justice is in your blood. Do this with us, and get the justice you need. I see it’s an addiction for you, so let me give you the fix, safely. In return, Rogan will keep you safe, me informed, and you get your bad guy. You won’t need to come in here ever again, unless you want to.” He ends his speech and I notice she hasn’t let me go…she’s hanging onto me for dear life. I fucking love it; her skin is on my skin, MINE, is what my mind is screaming. She takes a deep breath and looks up at me with the saddest greenest eyes, and I can’t be sure which way she’ll go. The Captain dangled a gold plated carrot in front of her face. She’s torn. She’s a loner, just like me; she’s seen the shit side of life. She knows, like I do, if something is too good to be true it probably is.

  This is so far from protocol, it’s not even funny. For me to even say that means I’m in some deep shit where this female is concerned, because I am on fucking board.

  “You set me up, Cap, I know you did. I need to think about this. I’ll call you when I have an answer. If my answer is no, then it ends there. Do I have your word that you will not interfere with my life if I say no?” she asks

  “You have my word; I will not interfere in your life if you refuse. You and Rogan can make a difference here, so consider that. The Russo op your Dad ran will be nothing compared to what happens if these people infest the city. They’ll start with Lush, and spread like a virus. I know you’ve heard about it, so think on it, and then call me. I can see you’re beat, and your ride's out front, so I’ll wait to hear your answer,” he says in lieu of goodbye.

  In a quiet voice, she says “Cap?” and she looks at me for permission to release her hand. As much as I don’t want to, I know she’s hurting and wants to go to the Captain. This tiny female has no family, like me. She’s shut th
e world out, like me. I let her go, crossing my arms to hide the loss and watch her cautiously approach the Captain. When he opens his arms, she practically runs to him and wraps her tiny body around his larger one. The Captain then does something I’ve sure as fuck never seen before…he holds onto her for dear life, and cries like his heart is breaking.

  “No matter what happens, Cap, I will always love you with everything I’ve got. I hope one day you can tell me what happened between you and Gary, too,” she says while holding on to the Captain, letting him cry.

  “God, Venessa, if I could go back, I would. But we can move forward together. Whether you say yes or no, I’m still here, okay?” he whispers

  “Okay, Cap. Okay. I have to go,” she says, looking back at me, so lost that I continue to stand there, not saying a god damn word.

  She turns to leave, but stops just short of the door and walks over to me and looks up to me then says quietly, “It was really nice meeting you, Detective. Maybe I’ll be seeing you. Maybe I won’t, but be safe out there, yeah? Keep an eye on him, too, he’s all I’ve got left.” She looks me in the eyes when she says it and, just like that, she's gone. Even though she left the room I can still feel her on my skin, and I feel the loss immediately.

  I look over at the Captain, who looks as shitty as I feel, and he says, “Either way, you can track her now, Rogan. You need to be ready for what happens next, so secure that position by any means necessary. I need you to take care of our girl, whether she says yes or not.”

  “Shit is going from bad to worse, Captain. We’ve got to take our city back, and you’re doing what needs to be done. I don’t want her caught in the crossfire, either, so I’m behind you. She’s taking you setting her up pretty well,” I offer


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