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The Immortal Scrolls

Page 6

by Kristin Secorsky

  “Domina,” he said in a low, gentle voice. He wanted to reach out and comfort her. “If you want my opinion, you should choose the legatus. He is the better choice. At least you would have some chance at happiness,” he said, though it pained him to do so. She was silent. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you married to that vile senator,” he said in a low voice. He took a few steps closer to her.

  “You can’t bear it,” she said in a whisper. “I would rather die. How can my father be so heartless? I never thought about marrying without love.” She turned around to face him. Her beautiful face was streaked with tears.

  Androcles walked closer until they were almost touching. He raised his hand and wiped the tears off her cheek. Araceli closed her eyes when he touched her. Then she opened her eyes and looked deep into his. “Why do you look at me like that?” she asked.

  Androcles almost didn’t trust himself to speak. “How?” he managed to say.

  Araceli looked down. “You said it’s different when you are in love. I wish I could know at least once,” she said in a loud whisper. She looked back at his handsome face. “Show me, Androcles,” she said shyly.

  Androcles was stunned. “What are you saying?” he asked.

  She reached her hand up and touched his cheek. “Isn’t it obvious? I love you, Androcles,” she said. “I know it’s crazy. It’s too fast.”

  “Araceli,” he said. Androcles put his arm around her and pulled her to him. He cupped her chin with his hand and gazed deep into her eyes. “I have loved you from the moment I saw you,” he said huskily.

  Araceli smiled and closed her eyes. He kissed both eyelids ever so gently as if to stop her tears. Araceli’s heart was racing as she waited for him to kiss her. It felt like years, not seconds, before his lips met hers. He kissed her lips tenderly. She opened her mouth a little, and he slipped his tongue inside. His hand that had been on her chin dropped down to her shoulder. Androcles tore himself away from her.

  “Araceli, we can’t. This path will only lead to heartbreak for the both of us. I am your guard. Your father will never allow this,” he said.

  Araceli looked crushed. A loud clap of thunder sounded overhead. “You’re right,” she said sadly. “This can never be.”

  Androcles leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. She broke away tearfully and headed for the stairs of the guard tower. Androcles cursed the gods for being so cruel. He gave her a few seconds before he went after her.

  A few days later, Androcles found himself in the presence of the emperor. Marcus, his wife, Araceli, Senator Gaius, the Legatus Antonious, and a few other privileged families were sitting with the emperor at the amphitheater to watch the gladiator games. It was early morning, and the games were about to begin.

  “How goes the building of your coliseum, cousin?” asked Marcus.

  “It should be finished in no more than a year’s time,” said the emperor.

  Androcles watched Araceli sip her wine and shift uncomfortably in the heat. A slave fanned her slowly. They had not spoken since the other day in the tower, though they were constantly around each other. Senator Gaius sat on one side of her and Antonius on the other. She tried to listen equally to the men, not showing a preference for one or the other. She knew when it came time to choose she would choose the legatus, but she refused to make her choice now in order to give her time to think of a way out of this. So she pretended for the men and her father that it was a difficult choice. In the meantime they showered her with gifts and attention.

  Androcles hated the games. He had seen plenty of men die in battle, but killing for sport turned his stomach. The emperor signaled for the games to begin, and the crowd cheered. A few moments later a few gladiators entered the arena from gated doors. They were heavily armored. As a former weapons trainer, Androcles could tell by looking that the men had not handled weapons often. A trapdoor in the middle of the arena floor opened up, and out came a large tiger. Then another trapdoor opened, releasing another tiger. The men were frozen in fear. Androcles watched with disdain. The men moved to attack the tigers, swinging their swords clumsily. The tigers swatted back with their large claws. One of the gladiators got too close, and the tiger grabbed him by the neck. Blood gushed from the man. The other gladiator struck one of the tigers, wounding it superficially. The tiger growled in pain and lashed out at the man. The gladiator fell down, and his helmet was knocked off. The tiger pounced on him and placed his large, open jaw on the man’s head. The man was screaming.

  Androcles heard Araceli gasp. He looked over at her. She was averting her eyes but pretending to watch. She must have felt him looking at her because she looked over at him for a moment. Their eyes met.

  The legatus was laughing and cheering as he watched. Then he looked over at Araceli, who was looking at Androcles. Antonius glared at Androcles. He ran his finger down Araceli’s arm to get her attention. Androcles looked back at the arena before his feelings gave him away. Antonius was no fool like the senator. Androcles was sure if Araceli chose Antonius that he would dismiss Androcles’ services as guard. He would never see her again. It is probably better that way, he thought.

  “More wine?” Antonius asked Araceli. She nodded politely. A slave came and refilled her glass. The first round of fighting was over.

  “Do you enjoy the beasts?” Senator Gaius asked Araceli.

  “I think it is cruel to cage and fight those magnificent creatures,” Araceli said defiantly.

  “I find it enjoyable myself,” said the senator.

  Androcles could tell by the look on the senator’s face that he thought Araceli to be a little too opinionated for his taste. He also knew that Araceli was trying to turn both men off. If both men would withdraw their requests to marry her, she would not have to choose. Androcles thought this might work with the senator, but not Antonius.

  “Please excuse me Senator, Antonius,” she said to both suitors as she stood up. “I will be back in a few moments.” Araceli needed to relieve herself. She walked away from the covered balcony into a private area for the emperor and other aristocracy. Androcles followed close behind.

  When she was done, she started to walk back to the balcony. They were alone, so Androcles spoke to her. “Araceli,” he said. Her silence made him desperate, though he knew their relationship to be impossible. She kept walking. He grabbed her and pulled her into a little alcove used to store wine. He closed the curtain behind them.

  “What are you doing, Androcles?” she asked.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart he said, “I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t stand to watch Antonius touch you, and I hate the way the senator watches you.”

  “But what can we do?” she asked with a hint of desperation in her voice. “You said it yourself. My father would never let this be.”

  “We could run away together,” he said.

  “Where would we go? My father would have the entire Roman legion hunt us down,” she said. Araceli thought quietly for a moment. “I have to get back out there before someone comes looking for me and finds us here. You must meet me in secret.”

  He looked at her, wondering what she had in mind. “How?” he asked.

  “There is a secret passageway to my room. All the private quarters have secret escape passageways. In the main hall before you turn down the corridor to the bedrooms is a statue of my father.”

  “Yes, I know it,” he said.

  “You’ll notice the lines on the wall are slightly different. There is a switch on the floor behind the statue. Step on it, and the wall will open enough for you to get through. But make sure you aren’t seen.”

  “This is crazy,” he said.

  “Come to me tonight, Androcles. Please,” she begged.

  “I could try to get in after I leave you for the night,” he said.

  Araceli smiled. “Be careful no one sees,” she said nervously.

  Androcles kissed her again quickly, and then they slipped out of the alcove.
There was no one around to see them. Araceli went out and rejoined the group on the balcony. Androcles stood back by the other guards. The warmup matches were beginning. Araceli watched for a few moments until the first blood was shed. Then she averted her eyes once again.

  Later that evening Androcles was waiting anxiously for the night guards to relieve him from his post at her door. He was wondering where his sense of honor and duty went. Then he saw the two guards turning the corner. He joked around with them for a few minutes and then left. He turned from the corridor to Araceli’s room into the main hall. He saw the statue she had mentioned and walked to toward it. Sure enough the wall looked odd. He found the switch easily and looked around to make sure no one was there. All was clear, so he pressed the switch, and the door opened slightly. He took a deep breath and went in the room.

  The passageway was dark, musty, and full of cobwebs. Androcles stretched out his arms and ran his hands along the walls to guide him. He stepped slowly and cautiously until he reached another wall. He bent down and felt around. His fingers finally passed over the switch. Androcles opened the passageway and squeezed through. He was in Araceli’s private bath. The torches had been blown out. Her room was darkened too, with only a few candles to light it up. She had drawn shut the curtains on the open balcony doorway.

  “Araceli,” he whispered hesitantly.

  “Over here, Androcles,” she whispered back. “It’s all right. We are alone.”

  Androcles stepped out from the bath. He saw Araceli stand up from her bed. His heart stopped as she walked slowly toward him. She was dressed in a long golden gown so sheer he could see right through it. Her wavy hair was down. She finally reached him and smiled. He reached a shaky hand out and gently stroked her soft hair. His hand fell down, and he untied her gown from around her neck. Her breathing was shallow and nervous as he touched her. Then her gown fell swiftly to the ground.

  “You are beautiful,” he said. Androcles smiled at her as he leaned in to kiss her. Her arms reached around his neck to pull him closer to her. She began tugging at his armor, but she couldn’t get it off. Androcles laughed softly and stepped back. He removed his chest plate and his boots. Araceli grabbed the hem of his tunic and pulled it up over his head, revealing his chiseled body. His skin was scarred from battle. Her eyes explored his body hungrily. She had never seen a naked man before. Her parents had kept her well away from their more questionable parties. Araceli stepped close and ran her hands down his strong, smooth chest. He trembled at her touch.

  Androcles could not restrain himself anymore. He grabbed her suddenly and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. His lips crushed hers passionately as he walked toward the bed. She could feel his hardness against her. Her body ached with a desire she had never known. He knelt down on her bed and lay her body gently down. He quickly positioned himself between her legs. His hands began to caress her generous breasts. His mouth covered her pink nipples, and he began to lick and suck until they were taut. She let out a tiny moan of pleasure. His tongue moved from her nipple up her neck to her ear, where he bit her gently. She turned her face to his and kissed him on the lips. His tongue explored her warm, wet mouth as he slid his hand further and further down until he found her nub. He stroked her gently at first and then faster and faster as she moaned more and more. Then he took his finger and slid it inside of her. She gasped, and he kissed her again. He took his other hand and guided her hand to his hard shaft. He moved her hand up and down so she would know what to do. She took him with both her hands and slid them up and down. He groaned quietly and stopped her hands. He wanted to draw out the pleasure. He moved himself back and bent his head over to kiss the inside of her thigh until his mouth covered her nub. She gasped and sighed as he licked her.

  “Androcles, wait,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Androcles moved away quickly. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Araceli didn’t answer. Instead she sat up on her knees. She placed her hands on his chest and leaned him back gently. She smiled at him mischievously and bent over. She took his hardness into her mouth and licked the tip. Then she began to stroke him again as she sucked. Androcles groaned, and his hips began to move slightly. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He gently twisted their bodies around until she was back underneath him. He pushed his way gently inside of her. She gasped in pain at first. He waited a moment to let her adjust to him before he began to move.

  “Kiss me,” she said. Androcles kissed her passionately, and he began to thrust softly and then harder and harder. Her body moved in sync with his, faster and faster until they both cried out in ecstasy. His body shuddered and he arched his head back on his final thrust. He gazed down at her face and she smiled.

  “I love you, Araceli,” he said.

  “I love you too, Androcles,” she said, smiling wider.

  Androcles removed himself from her and snuggled up beside her. He stroked the hair away from her face.

  “How long can you stay?” she asked.

  “A while, but then I must return before someone notices my absence,” he said regretfully.

  “Can you come again tomorrow night?” she asked.

  “I will try, my love,” he answered. Araceli buried her face in his chest. His skin was warm. He wrapped his arms around her. “We must be extremely careful. If we were to be discovered it would surely mean my death in the amphitheater,” he said.

  Araceli shuddered at the thought. “I wish I could choose you,” she said sadly.

  “Me too,” he agreed and held her tighter.

  Androcles held her until she fell asleep, and then he slipped out of the bed. He dressed quickly and walked to the secret passageway in her private bath. He pressed the switch and squeezed through. When he got to the exit, he listened for a few minutes for any signs of people in the corridor. When he thought it was all clear, he slipped out. Androcles walked speedily and quietly through the villa to the guards’ quarters. He made it into his room unnoticed and crashed on the bed and tried to sleep.

  Androcles was able to slip unnoticed into her room every night for the next few weeks. They didn’t just make love. They talked, and she would even arrange for food so they could pretend they were actually having a normal life together for a few fleeting hours.

  One afternoon Araceli was playing the lyre in the courtyard. Her father and his guards and slaves were away on business, so he felt a little more relaxed. Androcles stood off to the side, listening to her play a happy melody. When it was over, her slaves offered her water.

  “Some water for my guard,” she ordered. The slave girl looked at him strangely as she handed him a cup of water. It was not customary for the guards to be offered their master’s water. “You may go,” she said to her slaves. When they were gone, she turned to Androcles.

  “I have been working on this at night while I wait for you,” she said. Araceli began to play a hauntingly romantic melody. Her fingers moved elegantly over the strings. Her eyes were closed in concentration. He moved closer to her bench, hypnotized by the song. When she finished, she looked up over at him.

  “That was beautiful,” he said.

  She blushed. “Thank you.”

  Androcles reached out his hand to tuck a curly strand of hair behind her ear.

  “The legatus, domina,” said a slave.

  The legatus strode into the courtyard in the exact moment Androcles was touching Araceli’s hair. He paused momentarily and gave them a suspicious look. Androcles backed away to a nearby column where the slaves waited. He was sick with worry that he might have cast suspicion on the two of them. The legatus smiled widely at Araceli.

  “Araceli, my flower, you are looking radiant today,” he said as he took a seat beside her on the bench. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. His eyes met Androcles’s with a dark look. “Play something for me, my dear.”

  “As you wish, Antonius,” she said obligingly with a strained smile on her face.

  Antonius watched with a
smile, throwing glances back and forth between Araceli and Androcles. Androcles was sure that the legatus was wary of them.

  “Antonius!” exclaimed Araceli’s mother as she walked out into the courtyard. “No one informed me of your arrival.”

  Araceli stopped playing, and the legatus stood up. He walked over to Araceli’s mother and kissed her on both cheeks.

  “Claudia, how are you?” Antonius asked happily.

  “I am well. You must stay for dinner,” said Claudia.

  “I would love to,” he replied.

  “Come, come. Let us go in,” she said, waving her hand at Antonius and Araceli.

  Araceli handed her treasured lyre to her slave and followed them inside. She shot a quick glance at Androcles as she passed by. He gave her a quick smile and followed behind her. After they finished their meal, they sat around drinking wine and talking. Araceli sat silent, laughing when appropriate. Her mother did most of the talking. Antonius was pleasant enough company, but all she could think about was Androcles. He was only feet away, but it seemed like worlds.

  “I think I’d better retire,” said Claudia. She was drunk, and her slaves had to help her up off the cushioned bench she was lying on. “You must come back soon, Antonius.”

  “You can count on it,” said Antonius as he gave Araceli a sidelong glance. “Good night.”


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