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The 'N' Word, Book 1

Page 27

by Tiana Laveen

  Kent burst out laughing, and then a bit louder as he took a couple steps towards Aaron – the kind of steps that caused big ass shadows to grow, loom and threaten. Aaron’s men advanced too, finally forcing the man to halt in his tracks, a slight look of trepidation taking over the fellow’s expression as his eyes danced from man to man to man.

  “Rodger!” Aaron yelled out and snapped his fingers high in the air, causing the place to echo with the sound of his voice like an old church bell chiming. A few moments later, the young man broke out from the small crowd, looking afraid, despondent, and damn near as if he were going to faint on the Johnny apple spot, turn into a human pile of bloody stew and allow the wolves to feast. “Stand up like a goddamn man! What the hell is wrong with you, huh?!” Aaron briskly grabbed the slither of skin wrapped around thin bones of the tormented soul who had no damn spirit left. He made him stand closer to him, shoulder to shoulder.

  “Let me tell you somethin’!” he screamed in Rodger’s ear, ensuring everyone heard what was uttered as he eyeballed the guy down. “As God is my witness, you are NOW officially a white nationalist under my leadership, do you understand?”

  Rodger nodded his head emphatically in agreement, his eyes skipping about as if he’d had too much damn caffeine. They glossed over, coated with troubled tears – the kind of tears tied to his kidneys by an invisible string, the kind that made a man cry and urinate on himself at the same damn time, sob in sheer terror until the stinkin’, cowardly yellow piss and lily-livered cries mixed together right under his damn feet. The fucker could pretend to be singin’ in the goddamn canary yellow rain!

  “If any of you motherfuckers touch a hair on his head again, you’re dead!” Aaron pointed to the crowd as his veins throbbed in his damn neck. He imagined he looked like one of those damn lizards with the bulging throats that throbbed in and out like a waving flag. His pulse raced within him, his flesh itchy as he became antsier for a fight. He missed fighting, loved wrapping his paws around a bastard and fucking him up, blow-by-blow, so well one would swear he could play the tuba. He stomped the damn floor with his heavy boot, slightly stinging the balls of his feet.

  “You are not law, Aaron!” a wayward voice called out, whiny and broken. Whoever the owner was of the words uttered was a weakling, for they did not step forward and claim the lyrics to the pusillanimous song they’d recited.

  “You know what?” He cracked a jagged grin. “Whoever said that – in your wildest dreams, man! Nothin’ but a buncha punk, pussy ass bastards,” he stated coolly as he reached into his pocket, removed a cigarette, and shoved it in the corner of his dry mouth. The thing dangled there, like a dime on the edge of a sidewalk waiting to be kicked. The sensation kept him calm, the feel of the tightly rolled papers against his lips… giving him a moment to think, to sort of his damn thoughts, to resist marching closer to Kent and ripping his big, empty head from his shoulders with his bare hands.

  “You motherfuckers get no respect from me. You never have, you never will.”

  He snatched the cigarette out of his mouth, clutched it between his fingers, and calmed down enough to let the matter go. He turned to walk away but before he could swing back in the direction of the crowd, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A weighty object flew in the air like a lopsided, awkwardly shaped bird with no wings to flap. He heard a load groan and several curses as one of the guys buckled a bit and ran his fingers along his scalp. A trail of bright red blood trailed from his bald head as a chair lay on its side beside him, slightly rocking until it settled motionless.

  “You hit me in the head!” Kent looked at his fingertips, seemingly amazed by the shiny blood that glazed them. “You son of a bitch!”

  At that, bodies of all shapes and sizes dressed in white jumpsuits began to leap upon one another like frogs in a torrential storm. Hearty profanity and manly screams echoed throughout the place, the shit horror movie theme tracks were made of… The guards yelled out during the mayhem into their radios, while Aaron calmly walked across the damn floor towards his cell, dragging Rodger with him by his fucking ear, and leaving the pandemonium and violence-infused havoc behind. He had no one escorting him, no one leading the way for his retreat. He knew a guard would be waiting for him by his cell. If he fucked up and swung on someone, he’d be thrown in the hole. If he didn’t get into any altercations, he could go back to his cell. That was the agreement after all. He was prepared for either outcome…

  As he distanced himself further from crowd, he turned towards Rodger, pulled him close and got his lips right up to his ear so that the young man wouldn’t miss not one damn syllable spoken.

  “Look, little boy, you better grow the fuck up, right here, right now. You better grow some damn balls, speak up for yourself! I ain’t gonna always be around to protect you. Playtime is over. You are one of us now; that’s it, that’s final!”

  Rodger nodded and swiped another tear away as he gripped Aaron’s shoulder with long, spindly fingers. In that touch, he felt the young man’s gratitude, and his fear, too.

  “You’re safe for now, but this ain’t all roses. The bad news is that you now have a new set of enemies. The good news is, the attacks are over and you have a new set of friends. Tomorrow, you’ll be relocated. I got word that you’re being moved to another cell, it’s been approved… and this incident today was to ensure it happens. Sometimes they like to go back on their word in here, make promises and then break ’em. The warden will find out what happened and make sure you are in protective custody for a little while. It’s for your own good. You’ve got a ten-year sentence, right?”

  The young man sniffled then nodded.

  “You have a record of a bunch of petty crimes, but this is your first big offense. They might cut you some slack. If you keep your nose clean, that could be reduced to seven, maybe even six… Bottom line, don’t you ever let these motherfuckers punk you, make you into a bitch!” He pointed towards the crowd now being subdued by a host of armed guards. “This is your second chance! Do you understand me? DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME you chicken shit motherfucker?!”

  “Yes! Yes, sir!” The fellow stared down at the ground.

  “Look me in the eye when I talk to you!”

  Rodger lifted his weak chin, and did as he was instructed.

  “Don’t trust anyone in here, notta one of ’em, and you should barely trust even me. Whatever they tell you, it’s usually the opposite and my best advice to you, son, is to stay away from people that get into a whole heap of penitentiary trouble and keep shit goin’, and that makes up for 99% of the population in here! Fred will set you up, get you trained and indoctrinated.” Aaron paused to take a breath. A sudden rush of emotions seized him, made his gut roil as a pang of guilt ravished his mind. His stomach tightened, hurt, and flipped as if he’d eaten three-day-old raw chicken parts that had decayed out in the blazing sun.

  But it’s the only way to keep him safe in this hellhole. He’s got to be in the group; he can’t just be out here on his own… They’ll kill him, kill him dead.

  He swallowed his concerns and continued.

  “I’ll follow up with you later. Keep your nose clean, kid… mind your business.” He pointed in the guy’s face, a stern look in his eyes. “And be aware at all times. Your life could depend upon it.”

  And then he turned his back on the young man and walked away…

  “DOES YOUR UNDERWEAR always match? You seem like the kinda lady that would like Victoria’s Secret, or stuff like that?” He chortled, pleased as pudding to be on the phone with his baby again.

  “Yes, I try to buy sets. I do like nice lingerie.”

  “That’s good… I’d like to see you wearin’ it.”

  “You will, trust me.”

  Aaron tossed Dr. Owens a glance, glad to see the man distracted, swimming in his own nerdy world.

  “I can buy you all sorts of lingerie, Melissa… whatever you want, when I get outta here.” He cleared his throat and ran his hand discreetly over
his budding erection. “Do you like it when a man takes control, darlin’?”


  “I like to take care of my woman, take care of everything… just as it’s supposed to be. That includes in bed.” He swallowed. “You gonna give me some of that pussy when I get up outta here? Don’t try to be stingy now, string it out.” He grinned.

  “Yeah…” He could hear the sly smile in her reply. “You know I will.”

  “I imagine you naked more times than I should, lookin’ so beautiful, with your long, black hair and silky, cream colored skin… and I grab you ’round your waist, kiss all over that body of yours, take my time… my sweet time… and then I disappear between your legs and eat your pussy…eat it real good, ’cause I’m famished, baby.”

  The woman audibly swallowed, her gesture urging him on.

  “I’d rub all over your pussy with my fingers and face, bury my face all in it… Shit, Melissa… what I’d do to taste your pussy right now!” He gripped the damn armchair with all of his might as he fell into a hedonistic spell. “Mail me your panties when we get off the phone.”

  “What?” She laughed.

  “You heard me. When we get off this phone, take those panties off and mail ’em to me.”

  “You know I’m not allowed, but it can’t stop us from dreaming, right? Mmmm… I’d like you to be next to me right now, Aaron.”

  “Dreamin’…yeah, that’s all I got. It’s what I hold onto. I thought about sittin’ your pretty little ass down on my lap, but in my imagination, you’re wearin’ a dress…”

  “And what happens next?”

  “I’m pulling your dress up…”

  He was met with a band of stilted silence, then he heard the woman gulp. His face creased with a devious grin.

  “I’d shove your panties to the side, feel the softness, slick wetness of your pussy lips and then work my fingers inside you… two, then three… spreadin’ you open, thrustin’ in and out of you, deeper and deeper. Your walls feel so soft and warm…”


  “And then you’d start riding my hand real fast and hard, but I don’t want my hand to have all the fun, so I’d slide my fingers outta your pussy, suck ’em, lick each one clean, then undo my pants…” He shot another glance over at Dr. Owens who appeared to be in own world, oblivious to the shit he was doing.

  “And then what?” she panted.

  “You sound breathless, baby. Are you playin’ with yourself? Rubbin’ your pussy real good?”

  “Yes…” She moaned.

  He smirked with sheer satisfaction. “And then I’d shove my big cock inside of you…”

  “Ahhh, yes…yes!”

  “Hold you real tight around your waist, keep you steady while I pound real hard and fast up inside you.” He moved his hips, thrusting instinctively upward as if the woman were truly there on top of him, but soon, he checked himself.

  Jesus I wish he wasn’t in here!

  He shot Dr. Owens a venomous look, letting show his irritation and antipathy toward the man.

  “I’ll keep goin’ and goin’… making you take it! Take every fuckin’ thrust! You afraid to let a real man fuck you, baby? To have this dick go up inside of you?!” he said between gritted teeth.

  “No! Give it to me! Fuck me!” Melissa gasped, and he was certain she’d almost reached her peak…“Mmmmm!”

  “Come on, baby! Take this dick! Take this good fuckin’! Take it! Don’t run!”

  “Ahhhhh! Ah!…Ah!”

  “Ohhh, baby.” He threw his head back. “You have no idea how damn bad I want YOU!” He waited for a moment or two; gave her a chance to compose herself.

  “I want you just as much… This is torture.” She swallowed. “I better stop… you’re getting me too worked up again.” She chuckled. “You want to touch me; hell, I want to touch you, too. I would love to wrap you in my arms, Aaron, and give you a hug… and then a kiss…make love to you.”

  “I need you so badly, Melissa. I know you ain’t no ordinary woman. I say these things to you, ’cause I love you, but can’t be with you right now. I don’t mean no disrespect. I respect you, you know that don’t you?”

  “I need you, too, and yes, I know you respect me. We’re just horny.”

  He burst out laughing.

  “It’s been a while, Aaron… like a very long while. I don’t tend to have casual sex. I prefer to be in a committed relationship…just like what we have.”

  “I knew it, and I like that, honey. I like that a lot.” His cock rose high and saluted the damn ceiling.

  I bet she’s tight as fuck…

  “Melissa, I’m going to get out of here. We’re going to build a life together and I’m going to be your last lover. The last man in your bed, the last man you fall in love with, the one you say, ‘I Do’ to. Do you understand me, baby?”

  “Yes I do, honey…” she answered breathlessly.

  “This is it for you… and me.” He pointed to his chest. “This is a brand new start. When I get outta here, I can’t wait to look you in your eyes and do just that, Melissa. Like I told you at the beginning of this, I’ve been lookin’ for a woman like you for a long time. It’s crazy that I found you while I’m in prison, of all places, but I’ll take it whatever way it comes. Maybe it happened this way so I’d be more grateful, more appreciative. I don’t know. But I’m lookin’ forward to holding you close, to us being there for one another, starting a new life together.”

  “I… love you, Aaron. Please remember that.”

  “I know you do, baby.” He grinned hard and wide. “I can feel your love in the letters, the gifts you send me, the things you bake for me, your perfume all over the notes, and most importantly, the words you write and say. Even during our argument, I knew you felt like that ’cause you love me… You want what is best for me, and I can’t be mad at you for that; I just can’t. You’re sweet, beautiful… kind. Kindness… Yeah, I think I forgot along the way what that was, what it felt like.”

  “Being good to people and giving second chances is important, Aaron. Everyone sooner or later needs a second chance.” The woman’s voice almost sounded as if she were pleading with him, begging him to listen. He was – he was listening closely, hearing everything that rolled out of her mouth.

  “Do you believe in me, Melissa?”

  “Yes I do, Aaron. If I didn’t, we would not even be talking right now. I love you so much, you have no idea.”

  “I need that. I need someone to believe in me, Melissa.” He sighed. “Most people didn’t think I’d amount to anything. But I became somethin’ and now… now…”

  “Now what, Aaron?”

  “Now, I need to become somethin’ else. I just need to find out what that is…”

  Chapter Eighteen

  AARON COULDN’T BELIEVE his damn eyes…

  There Darryl stood, the big 6’6 son of a bitch with a salt and pepper, bushy beard practically down to his damn knees. His right eye, the color of a muddy turtle, drooped low while the other shined bright blue like Caribbean ocean water glinting under the rays of the sun. The blue one was kissed by God and Satan at the same exact time, for two thick scars framed the damn thing as if attempting to make it a work of art.

  My best friend!

  “Darryl! My man!” He slapped hands with the guy as they sat outside, under the furious hot embrace of the unforgiving midday light. “What’s going on, man?” Aaron slicked two cigarettes out of his pocket and handed the guy one. Darryl’s deeply tanned face cracked into a smile as he gingerly took the thing, then shoved it into his mouth.

  “Shit… same ol’ shit, man.”

  A guard came over like clockwork and lit both of their cigarettes before taking a few steps back from the pair who sat on the concrete bench.

  “What’s your back up against this time?” Aaron blew out several dense rings of ashen vapor from the side of his crooked mouth.

  “Some doorknob shit…” The man smiled, then burst out laughing, expos
ing a missing front tooth.

  “Yeah.” Aaron’s eyes narrowed as he looked directly into the sunlight then surveyed the area before setting his sights back on the guy. “Doorknob shit, huh…”

  “Yup…dead ass a damn doorknob…” The man raised his heavily tattooed hands, now the ink a little faded, to his mouth to draw hard on his cigarette, eyes on the table.

  “Who was it?”

  “Two fuckers at the bar. Shot their asses clean and cold.” His lips curled in a smile.

  “You was always a good shooter.” Aaron snickered, though his heart sank, fell low and deep.

  Fuck, Darryl! You will never get out of here with charges like that!

  …But he kept the down and out thoughts to himself…

  “Yeah, they was messin’ wit’ my ol’ lady…”

  “Kimberly? What did they do?”

  “Tried to hem ’er up in the ladies’ bathroom. She got to squealin’. Arnie heard ’er screamin’ when he was in the men’s room. He came runnin’ outta there and told the bartender that some lady was carryin’ on in the ladies room. He didn’t know it was Kim, but I knew she was the only one in there ’cause Prissy and Kitten had already come back out. Me and Jesse jumped up and busted in there. I saw one of ’em had her up against the wall, shirt pulled up, and the other one was tryna get her pants down. They’d cut ’er cheek, too.”

  “Awwww, fuck man!” Aaron grimaced. He’d known Kim for five damn years. She was like a sister, a devoted member of their group. At that moment, he wished he could dig the motherfuckers out of their grave, resuscitate them and shoot them all over again.

  “I pulled out my gun and blasted both their asses.” He took another toke of his cigarette, this one a bit harder. His eyes tapered, practically sealed shut. “I ain’t even think twice about it. Not twice, man.”

  “Who the hell were they?” Aaron leaned in a bit closer.

  Who would dare do something like that in our spot?

  “Goddamn meth heads.” The big man shook his head, turned and spit onto the ground. “I’d never seen ’em before. They didn’t know that was our place, I guess. Well, I made sure they found out… They knew soon enough, yes they did…” His voice trailed at the end.


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