What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia
Page 14
This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather, G.C. Monroe, who passed away just before we went to press. My grandfather was the warmest, most gentle man I have ever known. He was raised on a mountain in Virginia and it is fitting that we have found our new happiness here in a place that reminds me so much of him. When I think of my grandfather, I hear Walt Whitman in my head: “For every atom belonging to me as good as belongs to you.” I am grateful for the gift of his memory, and the memories of men and women like him, who raised us and radicalized us with tremendous kindness, love, and solidarity.
Elizabeth Catte is a writer and historian from East Tennessee. She holds a PhD in public history from Middle Tennessee State University and is the co-owner of Passel, a historical consulting and development company.