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2. Come Be My Love

Page 4

by Annette Broadrick

  ''And if you had it to do over again, you'd do it the same way."


  "Because you didn't think you could face Penny and tell her."

  "What makes you say that?"

  "It was easier for you to play the cold-blooded reptile for Brad than to admit to Penny that you loved her enough to let her go."

  "Now you're trying to make me a martyr. I'm far from that."

  "And you're still in love with Penny."

  "Of course not."

  "How long ago did this happen?"

  "Four or five years ago. Why?"

  "And you've still not married?"

  He laughed. "Not because I've been nursing a broken heart, I assure you. I enjoy my life the way it is. Instead of relinquishing my practice in St. Louis, I've managed to keep both offices open and busy. I don't have time for a personal life. Nor, to be honest, do I find the idea particularly appealing."

  "Because you're afraid of being hurt."

  "Now you're trying to romanticize me. Penny would have become bored with me very quickly. She quit teaching and moved to New York with Brad right after they married. As a matter of fact, they starred together in a Broadway play last spring."

  "Oh, I remember that now. The character Brad plays—what's his name? Drew Derek?—disappeared and was missing for several months."

  "I wouldn't know. I never watch the daily serials."

  Brandi tilted her head and studied him. "So you were once engaged to marry Brad Crawford's wife."

  "My one claim to fame."

  She continued to study him. "You know, there's a definite resemblance between the two of you, now that you mention it."

  "I didn't."

  "Except that you don't smile as much."

  "The courtroom doesn't encourage the practice."

  "But you're as good at acting as he is." He looked at her, startled by her comment.

  "But I'm not an actor."

  "You've been putting on quite a performance right now, trying to convince me that your engagement and the ending of it hasn't had a profound effect on who you are and what you've become."

  "Are you part witch or something?"

  She laughed. "No, of course not. If I were, I would have conjured up a spell to have those men who are chasing me turned into tadpoles or something."

  "And you could also figure out where Tim is at the moment."

  She laughed. "I gave up trying to keep up with Tim years ago."

  "A wise decision," he said quietly.

  Brandi leaned forward, gazing into Greg's suddenly serious eyes. "I take it that you know what Tim does for a living."

  Watching her warily, he said, "Maybe."

  She shrugged. "I don't want to know. Not really. All I know is that it's dangerous and that he's very good at what he does."

  "Yes. And yes."

  "That's why I thought of him when I needed help. I think Tim has the contacts to find out what's going on up there in the hills."

  ''There's a strong possibility you're right."

  Brandi stared into her glass, remembering her fright and wondering if she was safe even now


  She glanced up. "Hmm?"

  He took the empty glass from her hand and set it on the table nearby. "Try to put it out of your mind, okay?"

  She nodded. "I'm trying."

  "You're safe now. I'm not going to leave you until Tim shows up or we go back to Denver to try to get some answers without him." He recalled the unidentified footprints he'd seen earlier. "I'm not going to allow anyone to harm you."


  She believed him. Here was a man who instinctively made her feel sheltered and protected. He might not be willing to share his innermost feehngs, but he was willing to share his strength. At the moment, that was enough, but Brandi couldn't help wondering how it would feel to have this strong, polished, arrogant man in love with her. Would he allow her to see more than occasional glimpses of those other personalities hidden deep inside?

  Brandi had never had a close relationship with a man in a romantic sense. She'd purposely avoided them because she was afraid. The loss of her father at an early age had been traumatic. Losing her mother while she was still in college hadn't helped her to come to terms with her fear of getting close to someone.

  She had needed to learn how to be independent so that she would never be hurt like that again. Tim had understood her need for independence and had given her plenty of room. She'd never fully appreciated his understanding of her until now.

  Looking at the man seated beside her, sipping his drink and watching her so intently, she knew that for the first time in years she was in danger of allowing someone to get too close to her. For some reason, she didn't find the thought as threatening as she would have in the past. Perhaps her feelings stemmed from the fact that she had finally met someone who was as shy of becoming involved as she was. Brandi felt as though she were coaxing him out of his protective shell, not the other way around.

  "What are you thinking?" he asked, his hand cupping her face in a gentle caress.

  "About you," she admitted in a husky voice.

  "Very dull."

  "Not at all. I was thinking about how little I know about men." She paused, searching for words. "And how much I would like to get to know you better."



  "That could be dangerous, considering the present situation."

  "What do you mean?"

  "We're alone in rather isolated circumstances."

  She smiled. "I know."

  "And you don't feel threatened?"

  "Not by you. I feel very safe with you."

  "Thank you. I think." He rubbed his thumb softly against her cheek. "I probably represent a father figure to you."

  She burst into laughter. "Hardly."

  "I feel old enough to be your father."

  "I don't see you in that role at all, Greg. I find you very attractive..." She turned her head slightly and kissed his palm, which had been resting along her jawline. "...and very reliable..." She reached up and touched the strand of hair that had fallen across his forehead, "...and very, very sexy..." she whispered, pressing her lips against his.

  She felt him tense at her words. Brandi rested her hand lightly against his sweater-covered chest and felt the heavy rhythm of his heart. Despite his lack of expression, he was not unaffected by her. She slid her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

  Greg clearly understood the dangers of this particular situation. A couple in front of a fireplace, relaxed from a large dinner and a glass of liqueur, miles away from any other human beings. They obviously found each other attractive, available and interested. Mother Nature couldn't have planned it better if she had tried.

  So it was up to him to keep a grip on reality, to set the tone of the evening, to make sure that nothing happened between them because... because...

  Greg's iron will seemed to shatter, and his arms wrapped around Brandi in a strong grip. For the moment, all he could think about was the woman in his arms.

  Brandi quickly discovered that the kiss they had shared earlier in the snow had only been a playful sharing. What she was experiencing now was a man's desire for her, something she'd never known before.

  Greg held her and kissed her as though he were starved for the taste and touch of her, as though he had waited for centuries to hold her close to him, as though he never intended to let her go.

  Brandi reveled in the passionate intensity of the moment. Perhaps this man couldn't talk about his feelings. He might even verbally deny them, but he couldn't hide them completely.

  She responded with wholehearted enthusiasm, enjoying the sensation of feeling the surge of power in his heavy shoulder and chest muscles as he held her against him so tightly. Her hands explored the contours of his shoulders and back, wordlessly encouraging him.

  Greg pulled away slightly and looked at the small young woman in his arms. Had he lost his mind? What i
n the hell did he think he was doing? He'd always taken pride in his ability to control himself, and yet... and yet now he seemed to have lost all restraint, all the rational and reasoning processes inside him that he'd come to rely on all these years.

  This tiny wisp of a woman seemed to have reduced all his thinking processes to a quivering mass of mush. She lay in his arms with a slight smile on her face, her eyes closed. Her lips were moist and rosy from his earlier possession of them. His mouth unconsciously sought hers once more.

  The sudden crackling of the wood in the fireplace several minutes later jerked Greg's thoughts away from Brandi. The loud noise in the otherwise quiet room grabbed his attention. He looked around, forcing himself to regain his self-control.

  Brandi was lost to the sensation of the moment. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that anyone could affect her in such a way. No wonder so many of her college friends had advocated sexual exploration with their enthusiastic boyfriends.

  How could she have possibly missed such a marvelous experience before now?

  Greg loosened his hold around her and carefully moved away from what he considered a dangerous and explosive situation. He got up and checked the fire, then walked over and looked out at the moonlit, snow-blanketed night.

  "You'd better go on upstairs, Brandi," he said without turning around. "It's late."

  "I'm going to sleep down here."

  Still without turning around, he said, "No, you're not."

  "But the sofa isn't long enough for you."

  He finally glanced at her over his shoulder. "I'll be fine. I'll see you in the morning."

  "But Greg-"

  "Let's not debate the issue, Brandi. I'm afraid I'm not in the mood."

  Gone was the passionate man who had held her so closely, kissed her so thoroughly and made her feel as though she were soaring high above the universe. In his place was the arrogant lawyer she had met the night before. Hadn't what they had just shared meant anything to him?

  "If you're sure—" she began softly.

  "I'm sure."

  She walked over to the bottom of the stairs. "I'll get you some blankets and a pillow."

  "Thank you."

  "Good night, Greg."

  "Good night, Brandi."

  He waited without turning until he heard her moving overhead. Greg realized that he was shaking. He couldn't believe what had almost happened. He'd lost all control over the situation with a woman who obviously trusted him not to take advantage of their isolation from the rest of the world.

  He'd never been affected so strongly by anyone before, not even Penny. How could that be? Penny had taught him everything he knew about loving and caring. So how could he feel such an intense need for Brandi that he was willing to forget all his scruples in his almost uncontrollable desire to make her his.

  He'd only meant to hold and comfort her, to reassure her, but as soon as he'd been near her he'd wanted so much more. What a laugh. He, of all people, knew there was nothing more, nothing except disillusionment.

  Greg turned and watched Brandi bring blankets and a pillow down the steps. He met her at the bottom of the stairs and took them from her.

  "Thanks," he said in a cool tone.

  Brandi's bewilderment at his sudden change of mood slowly turned to pain. ''You're welcome," she managed to say before turning and slowly walking up the steps again.

  What an inscrutable man, she thought. She was surprised by how quickly she'd allowed him to get close to her, both physically and emotionally.

  She was determined not to allow it to happen again.

  Chapter 4

  Several hours later, Greg lay awake on the sofa, watching the trees swaying in the ever-increasing wind. A storm was brewing. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. On the one hand, he knew that anyone watching the cabin would be forced to seek shelter if the weather became severe. On the other hand, he had hoped to scout the area for further signs that the place was in fact under surveillance. Another snowfall would obliterate any clues he might otherwise be able to spot.

  He wished to hell he knew how to contact Tim. If he was someplace where he could be contacted, Brandi's innocent call to the agency would be passed on to him. Greg was fairly certain that, despite convincing her that she had a wrong number, whoever had taken her call had managed to get her name. If the relationship between Tim and Brandi was as close as Greg suspected, Tim would waste no time in coming to her rescue.

  Greg glanced over at the fire, which was going out. Throwing back the blanket that he'd tossed over himself, he got up, feeling the chill that had already invaded the room. Ignoring the fact that he had stripped down to his underwear, Greg built up the fire once more, making sure it was going before again seeking the comfort of his makeshift bed.

  Despite Brandi's protestations, Greg felt certain that there was more than friendship between Tim and Brandi. He could well remember Penny's offhand remarks about Brad. If Tim had watched Brandi grow up, how could he possibly resist her?

  Greg punched his pillow and turned over. How ironic that he continued to find himself in situations in which he was odd man out. He had long since recognized his wisdom in removing himself from Penny's life, even though the manner in which he'd done it didn't stand up very well under careful scrutiny.

  Despite his love for Penny, he'd been able to distance himself enough from his emotions to make a clear, logical decision based on the facts of the matter.

  Why was he having such a difficult time trying to deal with his emotions now?

  One of the problems he was having was Brandi herself. He'd never known a woman like her before. She was such a mixture of warmth and impulsiveness, shyness and innocence. He had seen her truly frightened and was impressed by her ability to take care of herself under trying circumstances. He'd found himself eager to hear the peal of her infectious laughter and realized that no one had ever teased and played with him as she had that day in the snow.

  Greg couldn't remember the last time he'd played in the snow with anyone, nor could he remember the last time he'd really laughed and enjoyed himself. Somehow, in his pursuit of a career, he'd lost sight of how to enjoy the little things in life.

  Brandi had pointed out so many things today while they'd been out exploring: oddly shaped trees, a couple of squirrels, the sudden flash of color from a bird in flight. Even while skiing, he had a tendency to let his mind wander, more often than not trying to solve some knotty legal problem.

  Brandi had shown him the fun of being fully conscious of the present. The first time he'd kissed her had been an impulse born out of the joy of sharing that moment with her. Her response had unnerved him, causing him to loosen his control for a few very precious moments.

  The more he was around her, the more fascinating Greg found Brandi. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if his hunch was correct and there was more to Tim and Brandi's relationship than she was telling. He respected Tim more than he respected any other human being he knew. If Tim loved and wanted Brandi, Greg had to accept that. In the meantime, he had to get a firm grip on his emotions and not let them overpower him.

  The situation at the moment was tense enough without his having to battle his sudden and totally unexplainable reaction to Brandi.

  Turning onto his side, Greg determinedly closed his eyes. He had to get some sleep.


  Brandi saw the men coming after her and tried to turn and get away, but one of her skis wouldn't move. She tugged and tugged, frantic to escape. She could hear them shouting and running toward her—big men dressed in white sheets with masks pulled down over their heads.

  They were almost upon her. She broke out of her skis and tried to run through the snow, but it was so deep that she couldn't move. She tried to run... she struggled. They were gaining on her. She couldn't get away!

  "Brandi? Honey, it's okay. It's just a dream. You're all right. I'm here. No one's going to hurt you."

  The soft, soothing words managed to seep through h
er anguished mind, and Brandi opened her eyes. She'd been dreaming. The covers were wrapped around her so tightly that she couldn't move, which explained the sensation of being trapped in her dream. Tears wet her face, and she was breathing in sobbing gasps.

  Greg hadn't turned on the lights, but she recognized his voice and his shadowy outline on the bed beside her.


  He smoothed her hair away from her forehead.

  "I'm right here."

  "Oh, Greg, it was so awful." Her shuddering breaths hurt her lungs.

  "I know, love, I know," he murmured, gathering her into his arms and holding her close. He could feel the rapid beating of her heart against his chest. Her breathing was rapid and shallow.

  Greg continued to hold her close, murmuring soothing phrases until she began to slowly relax in his arms. When he eventually loosened his hold, she stirred.

  "Please don't leave me."

  When Greg had heard her cry out earlier, his first thought had been to reach her side. He hadn't taken time to dress before racing up the stairs. She was still too caught up in her dream to realize that he was sitting there with very little on.

  "Go to sleep, little one. Nothing's going to harm you."

  "Stay with me," she whispered. "Please."

  He could not resist the appeal in her voice. Knowing that he was putting a great deal of strain on his already weakened willpower, Greg mentally acknowledged this latest test of his character and crawled under the covers with her.

  Brandi curled up against his chest like a kitten and sighed, arms draped around him. Despite the discomfort of having her so close and knowing he was not going to do anything about it, Greg found himself relaxing.

  It felt good to hold Brandi in his arms again. He was reassured by her trust in him, even though he recognized that it might be no more than the fact that she had no one else to trust. He had learned something important that day—to take pleasure in the present moment. He intended to do just that.

  ''What the hell is going on?"

  Greg fought his way from a distant oblivion in order to make sense of the noise that seemed to be filling his head. He forced his eyes open and saw a dangerously irate redheaded man standing by the side of the bed. Greg's eyes drifted closed. He felt as though he'd just managed to fall asleep, and now there was someone—


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