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Their Proposition

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by Charisma Knight

  Their Proposition


  Charisma Knight

  Charisma Knight

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  Bondage and Darkness Copyright © 2012 Charisma Knight Editor: Stephanie Parent Cover Art: Shara Azod

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  Chapter One

  Melanie Carruthers damn near snapped the pen she held in her hand in half when she saw Nick De Luca and Pete Ferguson exiting the elevator.

  Since all district meetings had been cancelled for the day, she’d figured these two birds wouldn’t show. Both were district managers of the top teams in the Mid-Atlantic region, and both were on their game when it came to their numbers. They were also her ex-lovers.

  Last month, they’d met in her office for Quarterly Reviews, and in a few weeks, the duo were preparing to attend a business conference in New Jersey. She’d wished a few more months had passed before they visited again, simply because of the familiar feelings they invoked within her each time she laid eyes on them.

  She nervously tweaked her shoulder-length braids and sighed.

  The arrangement, she’d thought, had been strictly sexual—friends with benefits. Melanie had landed two equally handsome, well-to-do men; but then, later in the relationship, she realized her feelings had developed into something more. Eight months ago, that would have been too much for her, but now, she found herself regretting her decision. They regretted it too—or so she thought.

  Slyly, she opened up the cosmetic mirror next to her computer and glanced in it. Yup, makeup was just right. Earlier, she’d applied her favorite fuchsia lipstick to her full, pouty lips. Her mocha skin was flawless, but sweat had begun to bead on her eyebrows. Damn them! She so wished they didn’t have this effect on her.

  Closing the mirror, she looked up. She loved the game of

  cat and mouse they played. Now they’d grown impatient. She

  realized this quite some time ago..

  Both men had godlike appearances and the ability to melt

  the panties off any woman. Nick was about six feet tall with wavy black hair to the nape of his neck, green eyes, and a goatee.

  Beneath his expensive suits was a chiseled body from hell. He looked damned good in his expensive suits too, though you couldn’t tell him that. The handsome Italian already knew it, but still managed to maintain a wholesome, boyish quality. That was one of many things she loved about him.

  In bed, he was gentle, and could get her off with just a few strokes of his cock, tongue or fingers. He knew her well and satisfied her every whim. He spoiled her; he enjoyed outings like plays, football games, and festivals. He was more of a simple, laidback man, and it didn’t take much to please him.

  Pete, on the other hand, was blond with blue eyes. He looked like a modern-day Viking with the exception of his crew-cut hairstyle. He was a snob, and unlike Nick, he refused to show his feelings. He was more demanding, and often sought control. Where Nick was gentle, Pete was rough at times, creating a certain balance between the two of them. He was Yin, Nick was Yang. She didn’t want one without the other. Her mind, body, and soul demanded she have both.

  She turned and opened the file cabinet to avoid hitting the button to let them in. Fuckers! The last thing she wanted was to face them now. She felt her face flush- , among other things. Surely they knew they had captured her heart. Why, after eight months, did she still feel the same way about them? Physically, and mentally, she still carried their mark, and it was bloody annoying.

  Both men worshipped the ground she walked on. They treated

  her like a queen. If there was something she wanted, they gave it to her. They’d taken her to fine restaurants, shopping anywhere she wanted, and Nick had even leased a car for her. They’d never wanted the ménage to end, but she called the shots. When they were together, sometimes both men became jealous if one spent more time with her than the other, and it all became too taxing.

  Fortunately for her, they weren’t the vengeful type, or else the entire office would have known of their trysts. One thing she was sure of, although they were good at being cocky, they’d never intentionally hurt her. Their year-long relationship had roused feelings from all three of them. When she felt herself falling for them, she immediately threw up walls.

  Someone tapped on the glass window causing her to turn.

  Smiling, Nick held his badge up against the window. They thought flashing their badges would allow them access. She hated it when big dogs used their status to get what they wanted. Corporate rules meant wearing badges so everyone could see them and letting yourself in. They were no exception.

  She grunted when Nick rang the doorbell while Pete

  impatiently tapped his foot. She hated that too, and they knew it.

  She picked up her badge and held it in the air while pointing to it.

  Hopefully, they’d get the message. She rolled her eyes when Nick waved and rang the doorbell again. He was being an ass, as usual.

  Sort of like the last time they’d visited.

  “Let the games begin,” she said, grinning to herself. She was determined to be the winner in this power struggle. She produced a cheesy ass smile that seemed to ignite a little frustration in Pete—she loved ruffling the Viking’s feathers. It had made for awesome down and dirty sex, back when they got together.

  Nick rang the bell again and returned her smile, until Pete whipped out his wallet in sheer agitation and swiped his badge. He strolled in, getting ready to say something until his BlackBerry rang.

  Nonchalantly, Melanie shuffled some papers to flaunt how busy she was while holding the Viking’s gaze. Lust brewed in both men’s eyes.

  A few months ago, Nick had sent her chocolate-covered

  strawberries, while Pete gave her a large box of Godiva chocolates.

  Each one tryiong to one up the other. Why did both men have to compete for her affection? This was the very thing that had destroyed their relationship in the first place.

  “Good morning, Melanie,” Nick said as he strode up to the ledge. “Got a conference room for us today?” He leaned on his elbows while tapping the conference-room book with his fingers.

  “Morning, Nick,” she replied as she stared into the big Italian’s baby blues. Yeah, he still had the same effect on her. “Are you guys expecting visitors, or will it be just the two of you?” She cleared her throat as her core clenched, moisture pooled between her legs.

  While arrogance was their middle name, she yearned to be

  sandwiched between them again; for old times’ sake, of course.

  Nick frowned while stroking his goatee and staring into her eyes
. “No, just myself and Pete,” he said. “Red is definitely your color,” he added with a smile. “But then, you already knew that, or you wouldn’t be sporting it, eh darling?”

  Her nipples pressed against her bra and she squirmed in her seat. “Thanks,” she said, clearing her throat. “You guys can take one of the guest offices in the back,” she went on before answering a call.

  Just as she hung up, Pete ended his conversation and joined Nick. One glance and she knew he was pissed. His jaw was tight and squared and those icy cold blues peered right through her. She swallowed as her nipples hardened.

  “I see I’m going to have to put you in your place while I’m here,” Pete said, arching a blond brow while awaiting her answer.

  She glanced up at the man, smiling. “According to security, all visitors are supposed to let themselves in, and wear their badges instead of keeping them in wallets. You know that, Pete. It’s corporate policy.” She paused briefly, but decided she wasn’t going to bite her tongue. “Besides, you couldn’t put me in my place if your life depended on it.”

  Pete frowned and peered at her through narrowed slits and

  spoke in a soft voice. “Is that an invitation?”

  Melanie exhaled sharply. “An invitation for what?” She bit her bottom lip as the big blonde’s jaw muscle twitched a few times. She loved plucking at his nerves as much as they enjoyed vexing hers.

  He always had to be in control. Nick chuckled causing her eyes to turn to him.

  “An invitation for me to bend you over the bed and pound the living hell out of that tight little pussy of yours.” He leaned across the ledge. “I can think of plenty of ways to—put you in your place,”

  he whispered without blinking. “You know what you need?” He paused, giving her a chance to answer. When she didn’t, he

  continued. “You need to be tied down while I’m smacking that ass of yours, hard!” He leaned in closer. “Nick can stuff his cock in your mouth so we aren’t subjected to your cries of pain.” His lips curved into a slight smile. “Then, after I’ve tenderized your ass, I’ll take you from behind, and fuck you raw. Keep messing with me, Melanie, I’ll make damned sure your ass is walking funny when I’m through with you!”

  She stood her ground, soaked panties and all. “Do you always have to be in control, Pete?” she asked. He’d painted a pretty picture for her; she had no doubt that he could make her walk funny after a passionate night of sex.

  “Yeah, I do,” he shot back quickly, with a penetrating gaze.

  “Looks like you’re out of control to me, Melanie.”

  Nick laughed out loud. “You two, simmer down.” He poked his buddy in the side with an elbow. “Come on, man, we’ll take one of the guest offices in the back.” He checked his watch. “We’ve got conference calls in half an hour.”

  “No, I want this conference room here, next to her,” Pete said as he strolled over and peeked in. “Looks like no one’s using it.” He glanced over at her. Melanie’s temper was rising. Right now she wanted to kick dude in the kneecap.

  “That’s if it’s all right with Ms. Carruthers,” Pete added and cocked his head to the side.

  “Fine by me,” she replied with a sigh. Damn! She’d never be able to go to her favorite social networking site with those two birds peeking over her shoulder. It was a slow day in the office, but she didn’t want them to know she was just sitting at the front desk goofing off. Besides, that was none of their business. They didn’t need to know every little aspect of her life.

  “Maybe, if you’re nice, we’ll treat you to lunch,” Nick chimed in. “Might even take you to that fancy Japanese place down on Snowden River Parkway.”

  She wanted to slap the shit of Pete when she heard him

  chuckle. Yeah, they were fucking with her. “No thanks, I’ve got lunch,” she replied as the men went into the conference room. Nick came back out and sat in one of the chairs across from her cubicle.

  “Mind brewing us some coffee?” Pete asked as he emerged

  from the conference room, after setting up his laptop.

  Something snapped inside her, but she fought to maintain her cool. The jerk knew damned well she didn’t brew coffee. Her face flushed when a certain memory came to her. Pete got off on her wearing the French maid outfit he’d bought for her. Before sex, she pretended she was his maid, while Nick watched. She’d brew coffee and bring it to them. As she poured his coffee, he’d run his hands up and down her body and would slowly undress her, until she wore nothing with the exception of her spiked black heels and thigh-high fishnets.

  “You know damn well what I meant, woman,” Pete said with

  an agitated sigh.

  “Yeah, I know, but I’m not interested,” she said, quickly

  turning her head, for fear he’d call her bluff.

  “Why are you in denial?” Too late. Pete moved so he was right in front of her. “Do you have to make everything so difficult?”

  “Don’t you have work to do?” she shot back, placing her hands on her hips. Pete’s face was stern, and his eyes narrowed.

  He wanted to say something smart, but he held back.

  Scratching his head, he sighed throwing back his shoulders. “Listen, I need an admin in New Jersey.”

  A spark ignited in her loins at the thought of the three of them alone.

  “Come on, you’ll enjoy the trip.” Pete crossed his arms over his broad chest. “We had a blast in Vegas last year—let’s have some fun in Jersey.” He frowned. “Maybe, in a few months, we all can go to the Bahamas.”

  “Not interested,” she said quickly. Why was she being a fool again? Goose bumps erupted on her flesh as she found herself gasping for air. She even felt their strong gazes upon her. “And could you lower your voices? There are other people in the office,”

  she huffed.

  Nick peeked into the next room and sat down across from her cubicle. “No one can hear us. We’re not talking that loud, doll.”

  “You haven’t even heard my offer, and you didn’t answer my

  question,” Pete said, almost smiling.

  “What offer?” Melanie filed more folders away before looking at them both. She observed Nick sitting across from her, pretending to fiddle with his BlackBerry. She would have believed he was busy with emails if it wasn’t for the smirk etched onto his handsome face.

  “Come to lunch with us, and we’ll explain in more detail,” Pete insisted. His gaze captured her, causing her pulse to quicken.

  Already, she was wishing she’d brought an extra pair of panties to work.

  There was something magnetizing about the blonde’s lust-filled gaze that forced her to stop what she was doing. “We’ll make it worth your while,” he murmured, almost rendering her speechless.

  “How so?” she asked, cocking her head to the side. “Do I get a raise or something? I sure as hell could use one, but I’m not under either of you.”

  “Come to Jersey. You’ll be under both of us, like old times,”

  Pete said in a husky voice. Those words turned her into a quivering pile of jelly. “We’ll be staying at The Borgata. You won’t have to spend a dime, of course, and all your expenses will be paid, and—”

  “So, the company will be paying my way?” She wanted more

  details. “I know the conference starts Friday, ends Wednesday,” she said, looking at her desk calendar.

  “No, we’ll both pay, of course.”

  She gasped. Now Ferguson had her full attention. The Borgata in Jersey was no joke. They’d had a ton of fun at The Bellagio in Vegas. When they were stuck in meetings all day, they’d given her money so she could till she dropped. She’d often found herself alone in the plush hotel, but so what? She found other ways of occupying her time—that was until both men returned. She smiled at the memory.

  Against her better judgment, she let the men take her to

  lunch. Old feelings stirred in the pit of her stomach, her throat became parched. She’d called thin
gs off, but now, they were trying to rekindle something she’d wished had died when she’d dismissed them.

  The three walked to Pete’s black Lexus. She was shocked when he opened the passenger side. “You sit up front with me,” Pete said, motioning her to climb in. Nick chuckled as he climbed in the back.

  A strange sensation fell over her. She knew what these two wanted, and she was determined to make them work for it. With a toss of her braids, she climbed into the truck and situated herself in the leather seat.

  Sushi Haven wasn’t too far, and was one of the best places in the area. The popular restaurant sat beside the lake next to Columbia mall. Now, it was less crowded.

  “Table for three?” the hostess asked as she sauntered over to them. Nick nodded, and the woman guided them to a small booth next to the window with a breathtaking view of the lake.

  Melanie exhaled as she slid into the booth. When Pete sat

  beside her, it seemed like someone turned the temperature in the room up a few notches. She looked over at Nick, who held her beneath his scrutinizing gaze.

  “Finally, we can talk business,” Pete said, clasping his hands together.

  “All right, spill it,” she demanded, glancing at both men.

  “Nick—” Pete motioned for his dark-haired companion to


  “Well, I’m just gonna break it down to you like this, honey.

  There’s one hell of a connection between us, and we want you back,” Nick said with a grin.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, shifting in her seat.

  She knew what the fine-ass Italian meant, but she wanted them to say it aloud. No way in hell she’d let on that she felt the same.


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