Book Read Free

One Night

Page 7

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Uh, I think I’ll just go to bed now. It’s been one hell of a day,” she says, breaking me out of my lust filled reverie. My eyes snap up to her face and see a light blush creeping up her cheeks. Damn, why is she blushing, does she know what I was thinking just then?

  “Okay, the guest room is ready, and I placed your bag in there already,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Yeah, this shit is awkward.

  “Good night,” she says, quickly turning on her heel and rushing toward my guest bedroom.

  “Fucking hell, this night was a damn disaster!” I groan, throwing my head back on my shoulders before heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of beer.

  It’s 11PM now, but I don’t feel tired at all, so I decide to go to the living room. I start setting up my gaming system. If anything will make me think of anything but following Bri into that room and getting my way with her, this is it. My phone vibrates in my pocket just as I start to relax and start my game.

  I fish it out and see that I’ve got texts from both Carson and Olivia. I groan out loud when I see that there are also texts from Sabrina. I immediately delete the texts from her without even reading them and then read the ones from Carson and Olivia. They both just wanted to make sure that Bri was alright and what the doctor said. I quickly type out a response to both of them, letting them know that everything is fine.

  The phone vibrates again just as I’m about to put it down so that I can go back to my game. I sigh before checking it.

  Unknown: Stay away from Brianne she’s my woman!

  What in the actual fuck? Who the hell is this from? Another text comes in from the same Unknown number while I contemplate on whether I should reply or not.

  Unknown: Stay away from her and my kids!

  Mother freaking shit, are these texts from Ethan? Great! Just what I fucking need, to deal with both Ethan and Sabrina in one day. I really don't have the energy for this shit!

  Can’t those two just get a fucking life and stay out of mine and Bri’s? I’m starting to get sick and tired of this shit. I decide to ignore the texts and just carry on with the rest of my night. Neither Ethan nor Sabrina are worth any of my time. I grab the wireless joystick and start my game, wishing the zombies I’m about to slay on the game were Ethan and Sabrina.

  Fifteen minutes into my game, I hear a strange muffled sound coming from somewhere in the house and I pause for a few seconds to listen more intently. Nothing. I’m just about to continue playing my game when another sound catches my attention. What the hell is that?

  I stand and make my way toward the bedrooms because that’s where I think the sound came from. I stand quietly in the middle of the hallway but again, nothing.

  Okay then, it’s official, I’m going crazy!

  I sigh before making my way into the hallway bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror and take off my shirt then take out my eye contacts before turning the tap open and splashing my face with cold water. I’m starting to get tired. Maybe I should just go to bed and hope tomorrow will be a better day for both me and Bri.

  I sigh again as I slide the mirror cabinet open and grab the extra glasses I keep in here and put them on. Man, I hate wearing these damn Clark Kent glasses, they’re just too-

  “Oh, my!” A loud scream or moan I’m not sure which, coming from my guest room snaps me out of my reverie.

  Shit, what just happened? I take quick strides toward the room and burst in, ready to go head first with whatever made Bri scream like that.

  “What hap-” I stop dead in my tracks before even finishing what I was about to say when I take in the scene happening in front of my eyes. Bri is on top of the bed with her back supported by a few pillows against the headboard, completely naked with her legs wide open and her hand between them. Holy mother of getting hard, is that a damn vibrator?

  “Oh my God, Jaxon. Don’t you knock?!” Brianne squeals, dropping the vibrator as she tries to cover her gloriously naked body with a sheet.

  Mother of fuck, this is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen!

  I don’t say anything as I take slow steps toward her, my dick getting painfully hard with each step. I want this woman so bad right now I swear one wrong move could break my dick right off.

  “Wha- what are you doing?” Bri asks, her face a beautiful shade of red and her eyes glued to my half-naked body. A smile forms on my lips when I see her swallowing hard when her eyes land on my abs.

  I still don’t say anything as I close the short distance between us and sit on the bed so close to her body that I can smell her arousal. Fucking hell, this is torture! I take my glasses off and place them on the bedside table before my attention going back to her.

  “I didn’t know you wore glasses,” She says, her breath hitching when I inch closer.

  “Yeah, I do.” I talk for the first time, my voice low and seductive as I lean so close that my lips brush against her soft ones.

  “Jaxon, I don’t think this-”

  I don’t wait for her to finish. My lips lock with hers in a hungry kiss. I expected her to stiffen or push me away, but she immediately kisses me back like she’s been as hungry as I am for this. Her soft moans bring all the blood to my already painfully hard dick. The first thing my hand does is go straight to those tits that were taunting me earlier.

  “So fucking perfect, Bri.” I groan as I briefly break the kiss. Her tits really do feel fucking perfect; they feel swollen and fuller than the last time I had the pleasure of kneading them like this.

  My hand starts sliding south of her body, over the bump encasing our kids. A loud moan slips through her lips as she throws her head back in pleasure when my hand reaches its destination.

  “God Bri, you’re so wet, so ready,” I say as I insert two fingers inside her warm wet pussy. I watch as her eyes dilate when I slowly start pumping my fingers in and out of her.

  “Jax!” She moans even louder as she starts pushing against my fingers when I press my thumb to her swollen clit. “I’m gonna…!” She shouts as her walls tighten around my fingers indicating that she’s close to her release.

  “Yes baby, let go,” I whisper as I start pumping faster and applying a bit more pressure on her clit.

  It doesn’t take her long before she throws her head back against the pillows again and the sexiest version of my name bubbles loudly through her lips as she cums around my fingers.

  I remove my fingers before kissing her baby bump. She’s still panting when I stand to finally get rid of these freaking jeans. I was starting to damn this zipper to hell.

  “We’re not done just yet, baby. We are just getting started,” I seduce, looking down at the gorgeous panting woman sprawled on the bed.

  I guess this night didn’t turn out so bad after all!

  Chapter Ten


  “We’re not done just yet, baby. We are just getting started,” he tells me seductively, and I think he’s trying to kill me. I watch as he rids himself of his boxers. I instinctively lick my lips as he approaches me. “Bri, baby, get on your knees and face away from me.” The command sends shivers down my spine.

  With anticipation running through me, I do as he asks and faces the other way. As soon as I turn his hands are on my ass, kneading his fingers into it. It hurts but in a good way, and I moan, bending my head, so it’s hitting the mattress. He moves his hands up my body, running his fingers along my skin leaving goosebumps as he does. He reaches my breasts and tugs on my nipple; I grimace in pain, “Jax, they’re sensitive.” I whine.

  He quickly removes his hands, and I instantly feel the loss. I don’t want him to not touch me. I’m not disappointed as I feel the heat of his body closer to me and his hands on my hips. It’s not long before he enters me and oh God, it feels so good. “Ohhhh...Jax.” I cry as he slams into me.

  “Fuck Bri, you feel so good.” He sounds out of breath as he pounds into me, sending me climbing with each thrust.

  “Harder, please Jax…
I need you to go harder.”

  “But I don’t want to touch the bab…”

  “You won’t touch the babies; you’re not Thor. Now fuck me harder.” I scream at him.

  He does exactly as I ask and loses himself in me, I can tell by the way he’s thrusting into me, they’re wild and hard. It’s amazing; I’m clawing at the sheets beneath us. I bend further into the bed, so I can get him deeper into me.

  “Christ Bri, I’m not gonna last much longer.” Jaxon grits out as he tightens his grip on my hips. His fingers digging into my skin, the pain sends tingles through my spine, and I know that I’m so close to orgasming.

  “Jax…” I whine, needing to find that release. One of his hands withdraw from my hips, and he goes for my clit, as soon as he touches it, I come apart, screaming his name as I do.

  Jaxon thrusts a few more times before he pulls my ass against him, holding me in place as he cums. Groaning my name as he does. I’m exhausted, but fuck that was amazing. Jaxon pulls out of me, and I turn over and fall into bed. I probably look like a beached whale at this stage, but I don’t care, I’m fully sated. I pull the sheets up over my naked body, too tired to even get dressed.

  I look over at Jaxon, who is looking at me with a weird expression on his face. “Um, Bri? We um… We didn’t use a condom.”

  “Do you have an STI?” He shakes his head, still looking weirdly at me. “Then we’re okay; it’s not like I can get pregnant again,” I tell him as my eyes start to droop.

  He starts laughing nervously. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I’m going to get cleaned up and then we can talk.” He leans down and kisses my head. At this stage, I’m too tired to even comprehend what he’s telling me.

  I awake with the pressing urge to pee. The sun is shining through the gap in the drapes. What time is it? As soon as I pull the covers off me, I’m hit with coldness. Oh, that’s right, I didn’t get dressed last night. Oh God, I fell asleep right afterwards. Damn, I hope Jaxon isn’t mad. Quickly gathering my nightie from the floor and quickly put it on and rush to the bathroom. “Bri?” I hear just as I lock the door behind me.

  Shit! Jeez, was he waiting for me?

  “Hold on a sec.” I quickly hurry as I know that he’ll be waiting. What the hell am I meant to say? Hey Jax, thanks for last night, but I still don’t think we should be together?

  He’s waiting for me, and as soon as I’m out of the door, he’s on me. “Bri, about last night…”

  I cut him off as the sun is too bright for my liking, that can only mean one thing… I’m late. “What time is it?”

  “9:20. Why what’s wrong.”

  I do a sort of shuffle type run as I go into the bedroom and start stripping, I’m late, my first appointment is at 9:30. Shit, this never happens. I hear a cough. Shit, I completely forgot about Jaxon in my mad rush. I turn and see him standing there with a smirk on his face. “Yes, can I help you?” I carry on getting ready, acting as though it’s the most normal thing in the world. Besides, it’s not as if he hasn’t seen it all before.

  “What the hell Bri? I’m trying to talk to you, and you’re completely ignoring me.” He looks pretty mad.

  “Um, I’m late for work, my first appointment is in less than ten minutes.” Thankfully, he understands as his expression softens. “Oh, that reminds me, does your mom know about us?”

  He frowns, “No, I haven’t gotten around to telling her yet, why?”

  “Well, that’s who my first appointment is.” I watch the color drain from his face, for some reason that makes me smile, I’m such a twisted bitch right now. I sit on the bed and put on my shoes, while I wait for him to recover.

  “When the hell did she get back? Did she bring Lance with her?” He fires these questions off at me, and it looks as if he’s panicking.

  “Um, she’s your mom, not mine and how the hell am I supposed to know if she brought Lance with her or not. I’m only just home; I haven’t fully caught up on the gossip yet.” Mrs Johnson and Mrs Clarkson didn’t give us the full low down; they were more interested in talking about hussies.

  “I’ll drive you, that way you won’t be that late. Are you ready to go now?” He’s anxious, and I don’t blame him, he and his mom are on very tender ground. As much as he loves his mom, he also blames her for staying with his dad when he believes she should have had the strength to leave him.

  “Almost, I just need to brush my teeth. I won’t be long!” Although I’m hungry, I don’t want to eat something, just in case I throw up again. Damn, that was nasty. I need to kill Carson; I mean what the hell was he thinking.

  “Ah, you’re finally here...Oh, and you brought your baby daddy with you too. Hmm, you look refreshed.” Livie says as soon as I walk through the salon doors.

  She’s the only one here, where the hell is Loretta? “Um, where’s my client? It’s 9:40 and she’s not here yet.” I know I’m late and it’s something I pride myself on not doing as I know how much I hate it when my clients are late. If my clients late then the rest of the day's appointments are going to be running late.

  “She’s not here, but your mom will be soon. She called me on my way in and told me that she wanted to check up on you. She was really worried about you last night. Your dad had to ban her from leaving the house. A couple of times she tried to leave and go to Jaxon’s.” Livie can’t help but laugh, and I hope to God she’s laughing about my mom being banned from leaving her house.

  I hear the bell above the door sound, but something pops into my head. “How the hell do you know that?”

  I watch as her cheeks start to become flushed. Wait… Is Livie getting embarrassed?

  “That will be because she and your brother got kicked out of the club.” I hear my mom’s voice behind me, right before she places her hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay Bri? I’ve been so worried about you and those babies.”

  “I’m okay mom. Jaxon looked after me.” This time it’s my cheeks that flush when I hear Livie whisper ‘I bet he did.’ Just as the bell sounds again.

  “Glad to hear, but I could have murdered your brother last night. Firstly, he poisons you and Jaxon, and then he and Olivia get into a fight in the club. I’ve never been so ashamed in my life.” Mom is so angry just thinking about it that she starts tapping her foot.

  “Who were you fighting with?” Jaxon asks what I was thinking.

  “Well, that would be Ethan and Shyanne. I heard that Livie gave that poor young woman a black eye, and poor Ethan, he’s a broken tooth.” Ugh, Loretta’s here, she can be so nice sometimes and then other times she can be insufferable.

  “Ma,” Jaxon says tightly, and I don’t blame him, she hasn’t even acknowledged him.

  “Oh, hi Jaxon, what are you doing here?” Oh Lord, what the hell is wrong with this woman today? She’s never usually this rude to him.

  “Anyway, Loretta, if you take a seat, we can get started,” Livie says trying to get her away from Jaxon who looks as if he wants to leave.

  “Perfect, I’m in kind of a rush. Now Jaxon, what’s this I hear about you and that lovely lady Sabrina breaking up?” Loretta says, and I’ve just realized that she hasn’t said a word about me being pregnant.

  “Ma, Sabrina and I were never together,” He follows her to the station while my mom gives me a hug.

  “Now, Jaxon that’s not what I’ve been hearing. Was she not at your house just the other night?” Oh God, I don’t want to hear this.

  “Yeah ma, but we’re not together, and we never will be. That woman is not lovely. She’s a viper.” Jaxon tells her while looking directly at me.

  I take a deep breath, ignoring the sympathetic look my mom’s giving me and walk towards Loretta, God, I really hope Jaxon leaves soon. “Morning Loretta, what can I help you with today?” I plaster on a fake smile as I look at her, still feeling Jaxon staring at me.

  “Good morning Brianne, so the rumors are true. You are really pregnant; Claire and Forrester are overjoyed at the ne
ws.” She says it as if there’s something wrong with me being pregnant.

  “We are, we’re both really excited to be grandparents. Wouldn’t you be if Jaxon we’re to have kids of his own?” My mom acts all innocent like she doesn’t know that Loretta was being sarcastic. But as I turn to look at her, she’s staring at Loretta as if she wants to slap her.

  “I’m much too young to be a grandma.”

  “Ma, you’re older than Mrs Bentley.” I don’t have to look at Jaxon to know that he’s angry, I can tell by the way he spoke, almost as if it were through clenched teeth.

  “Well yes dear, I may be older in age, but I look younger. Now, Brianne, I’d love a chic bob look, just like Cameron Diaz has, but with color on the ends.” She smiles, and I so wish I could do to Loretta what Livie did to Sabrina.

  “Of course, what color would you like?” I spread her hair through my fingers, seeing the strands of grey, that if she kept and also had blonde through, would look phenomenal. But, I know she’s too vain to keep the grey, she’ll probably go dark just to try and hide it!

  “Oh, I’m thinking dark on top and light at the bottom.” Yep, just as I predicted.

  “Brown and Blonde?” I ask trying not to sneer at her. I shouldn’t hate my children’s grandmother.

  “That will be perfect Brianne.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long mixing the color. Would you like a magazine?” I ask and watch as Livie and Mom are talking by the nail station, and I still haven’t gotten the details about last night. How the hell did they get into a fight with Shyanne and Ethan?

  “No thank you, but while you're out there, can you get me a coffee?” Why is it everything she says grates on me? Ugh, “And Jaxon, that’s no way to talk about a woman. She’s not a viper, in fact, I was talking to her mom just last night, and she was telling me how much Sabrina and you make a lovely couple, and I’m inclined to agree.”


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