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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 13

by Latrivia Nelson

Catalina smiled at her first. “Kyra right?”

  “Yes ma’am, ah, Ms. Battaglia.”

  Catalina tossed her hair back over her shoulder and glanced to Renaldo. He stared directly at Kyra. “She’s your friend, Renaldo?” Catalina asked.

  He gave a nod.

  Kyra glanced to Marietta who again was staring at her shoes. She felt her heart race.

  “Well, let’s start with you first, then. Meet me in the conference room in ten minutes, okay?”

  “Thank you, Ms. Battaglia.”

  Catalina winked and walked off. Marietta Battaglia followed. She sought Renaldo with her eyes but he didn’t look her way. The snub hurt. All that he left in his wake was the faint spicy trail of his aftershave. Kyra balanced the cup of coffee and walked it back to the office where Theodore Tate paced in his office. He hung up the phone when she entered.

  “Kyra,” he accepted the coffee from her hands. “I need you to transcribe the notes from our Friday meeting. Phyllis called in sick.” He checked his watch. “Can you get it done within the hour?”

  “Ah, Mr. Tate. I might not be able to finish that quickly,” she said.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I have an interview,” Kyra smiled.

  Tate looked at her as if she cursed at him. Kyra was confused and embarrassed by her smile and let it slip from her lips. “Ms. Catalina said I can meet with her in the conference room within ten minutes.”

  “What are you interviewing for?” he seethed.

  “Ah… well a job in Paris, and my shoe…”

  “Damn it, Kyra! Did I not tell you what was at stake? That we were to convince the Battaglias to keep the New York office open?” he shouted. “What the hell did you think I took you to the dinner for?”


  “You won’t be doing the interview. Because we aren’t relocating the damn office! Now transcribe the fucking notes!” he said and then dismissed her. Stunned she had no choice but to leave and close his office door. Kyra wasn’t sure of what to do next. In five minutes the chance to secure her dream job awaited her. If she did the interview Mr. Tate could fire her. She walked back to her desk on shaky legs.

  Renaldo approached. Kyra smiled at him. She tried to speak but he turned and headed for the doors. Kyra hurried. She rushed out the doors and caught him by the elevator. “Are you just going to ignore me?”

  He glanced back at her.

  “I called you last night. Invited you over. You stood me up,” Kyra said.

  The elevator doors opened. He stepped inside.

  “Renaldo?” she said. He punched the button. He stared through her. “Fine! I won’t bother you again!” she turned before the doors closed. When she walked back into the office she decided she would go for it. Kyra grabbed her portfolio case and marched down the hall with her head up high. Inside the conference room Catalina laughed with Marietta over a cup of coffee. The women both looked up at her.

  “Hi. Are you ready for me?” Kyra asked.

  “Have a seat.” Catalina gestured. One of the men that shadowed them and worked under Renaldo closed the door to the room after stepping outside. Kyra put her portfolio on the table and unzipped it. She let it flip open to the first large glossy image of the best shoes in her and Jamie’s collection.

  “What’s this?” Catalina asked.

  “May I?” Marietta gestured to the portfolio.

  “Yes, please,” Kyra said and pushed it across the table to the women. “My name is Kyra Okeeno and I’ve been with Mirabella’s for under six months. I’m a temporary employee. I have a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from—”

  “You answer the phones with a degree in Chemistry?” Marietta asked, flipping from one image to the next. Catalina seemed to be interested in what she saw as well. “Yes. But for me the receptionist job was a transitional role. As you see I’m a designer too.”

  “Nice,” Catalina said.

  “Impressive,” Marietta said.

  Kyra smiled. “Me and my best friend Jamie. We have an entire collection. Everything from daywear, to evening shoes. We design boots, and sneakers too. We have a name for our collection. It’s called S-n-H, Sassy n Heels.”

  When neither of them looked up with interest Kyra struggled to find something else to add. The women continued to leaf through the portfolio, pointing at different shoes. “I’m wearing a pair!” Kyra exclaimed. She pushed back from her seat and stepped out from around the table. She posed. The women stared at her shoes for a moment and then exchanged a glance. “I know Mirabella’s doesn’t have a shoe line. And I know that I’m inexperienced. But I’m willing to take on an apprentice role, prove myself.”

  “Who owns the rights to S-n-H?” Marietta asked.

  “Me and Jamie. It’s our company.” Kyra said. “She’s the creative side for the platform heels. Those are her signature shoes.”

  “Un hunh,” Catalina said. “Do you mind if we keep this for a moment? To review and discuss?”

  “No, of course not. Go ahead. And thank you both for meeting with me,” Kyra grinned.

  They nodded. “We will be making decisions by the end of the day with our first round of interviews. We don’t have much longer here in America. I’ll let you know what we decide, Kyra.” Catalina said.

  “Thank you!” Kyra nearly skipped out. She couldn’t stop grinning. When she hit the hall she was bubbling with excitement. She had to call Jamie. If they wanted her shoe line then of course she could pitch bringing her onboard. She and Jamie could take Paris by storm.

  “It went well?” a voice spoke behind her.

  Kyra glanced back over her shoulder. Renaldo’s shadow covered her. He stared at her with those intense eyes the color of cognac. “I thought you weren’t talking to me?”

  He took her hand and pulled her to another conference room and inside. Kyra went willingly. Renaldo paced away. “I am sorry for… my behavior.”

  “I cooked for you,” Kyra said with a pout. “And what was with ignoring me this morning?”

  His brows arched in surprise. “You cooked for me?”

  “I can cook. I left you messages. I said I was making dinner so we could talk. Oh never mind it.” She tried to walk around him but he stopped her.

  “I was going to walk away. Let it go. I cannot.”

  She sighed. “I’m sorry for overreacting. But you kind of freaked me out. Cezar’s a jerk. He deserved to be chased away, it’s the violence I don’t like. Hell I can’t even watch scary movies. You went intense and I… it scared me.”

  “I was wrong. To hit him. To scare you,” he brushed her cheek with his thumb. “I’d never hurt you, shoe maker.”

  She smiled up at him. “My interview went well. I think it did. They said they would let me know by the end of the day. If I get the job we should go out and celebrate.”

  Renaldo’s hand fell away from her face. “I can not.”

  “Okay, then when?”

  “My boss will arrive tonight. I wanted to apologize. And say goodbye,” he said.

  “Goodbye? Why are you saying goodbye?” Kyra took a step toward him. “You’ve got another week here, at least.”

  “It doesn’t matter. If I stay a week or a day, I will have to go. And you… you and I won’t see each other.”

  The truth burned in the pit of her stomach. Yes, it was a temporary fling. But it hadn’t even begun. He was pulling back too soon. “So that’s why you didn’t bother to come last night? Call me back? You figured you had your fun so no need to bother.”

  “No.” Renaldo said. “I was ashamed of my temper. I couldn’t face you.”

  “Whatever. You’re dumping me, plain and simple. Trust me I know what this is, I’ve been the girl to love them and leave them. Guess what comes around goes around.”


  “Well it was nice knowing you, Renaldo.” She walked around him toward the door. There she paused. She looked back. “You’re more than a soldier for those people you know. You’re a father, a man wit
h feelings. You should try harder to be both.”

  Renaldo gave her a nod.

  She gave him a sad smile and walked out. To her dismay goodbye really hurt. She’d never met a man who made her head spin and body pulse with need like Renaldo. Kyra sat down at her desk and pulled her chair in. She put her head in her hand and tried to collect herself. Until she heard someone give a slow clap.

  Kyra looked up.

  Mr. Tate stood before her and clapped his hands once more. “Well played. So you get the interview through the Battaglia Neanderthal? I saw you two go in the conference room.”

  “Mr. Tate… I can explain.”

  “No need. After all, look at them,” he nodded to those in the hall hurrying about. “Scurrying like rats on a sinking ship.” His eyes flashed angry and his face turned red hot. He glared back at Kyra. “I hope you get the job, Kyra, because today is your last day. Clean out your desk this afternoon and don’t come back.” He turned and marched off. Her gaze shifted and she saw Renaldo had been witness to her dismissal. She couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t face anyone. Kyra leapt from her seat and hurried off to the bathroom. She rushed into the first stall and closed the door. Alone she burst into tears. She silently prayed. If this didn’t work out then she had little faith that any of her foolish dreams ever would.



  Glancing up at the sound of her name she looked into the eyes of Marietta Battaglia. She smiled. “Yes?”

  “Come with me please,” Marietta said.

  She waited to be summoned all day. It was close to three in the afternoon. Besides the brief twenty-minute lunch she ate alone in the break room Kyra remained at her desk. The longer time took to progress the deeper her agony. Her stomach kept doing belly flops. Now Marietta Battaglia wanted to deliver the news.

  Kyra pushed back from her desk and followed the woman down the hall. Catalina sat at the same conference table shuffling through a stack of papers. She looked up and smiled. That had to be a good sign.

  “Have a seat, Kyra,” Catalina said.

  Kyra did as she was told. Marietta closed the door. She walked down to the other end of the conference table and retrieved Kyra’s portfolio case. She brought it to Kyra and placed the zipped leather bag on top of the table in front of her. She then stepped back and stared at Kyra.

  “First we want to tell you that we respect your talent. We spoke to Mirabella and she too was impressed to hear what you’ve accomplished,” Catalina said.

  Kyra smiled. Mirabella was her idol. A fierce fashion designer whose clothes were worn by the most famous people in the world.

  “Thank you,” Kyra gushed.

  “Truthfully I have considered starting a shoe line for Fabiana’s. Have you heard of it?”

  “Yes. It’s the new fashion house under House of Mirabella’s. In Milan?”

  “Right,” Marietta chimed in. Kyra looked up into the face of Mirabella’s sister. She was mostly a silent observer during her interview and even now she didn’t look as pleased as Catalina was with her. “But that project is at least two years away. Right now we are focusing on getting Carole Montague out of the company.”

  “Marietta!” Catalina admonished.

  “Oh? Okay,” Kyra frowned.

  “Kyra,” Catalina said with a smile. “We can’t accept your application at this time. I’m sorry, sweetheart. But I will keep your file and maybe when we move forward with Fabiana’s we will consider you again.”

  The news speared her. Rejection was the last thing she expected to hear. “But… you said Mirabella was impressed.”

  “Oh she is. We all are. But we have only a few slots for Paris and no openings in Milan. I will make sure you get a compensation package.”

  “I’m a temporary employee, I can’t get a package.” Kyra said, her eyes welling with tears. The women looked at her unimpressed by the emotional response. Kyra blinked away her tears.

  “I’m going to have to be honest here,” Marietta began.

  “Marietta, stop!” Catalina said.

  Kyra looked into Marietta’s eyes wondering what could’ve changed their minds. “I saw you the other night at Renaldo’s suite. Didn’t I?”

  “I…” Kyra swallowed. “Yes.”

  “I knew it. And you had him come and ask for the interview. You think sleeping with him is what got you through the door, kid? Well it wasn’t. It was your talent. I liked your shoes from the first time I saw them. I think you’re talented. If you had relied on your talent instead of seducing our bodyguard we might have considered it,” Marietta said. “I told my sister to pass on your shoe line. I’m teaching you a lesson here, Kyra. One I wished I had learned when I was your age. Come see us in a few years.”

  The news crushed Kyra. She could try to explain away her actions but it would only make her sound more pathetic. There was no point in discussing it further. She had hit another dead end in life. It was time to accept it. “Thank you both for your time,” she mumbled. She grabbed her portfolio jacket and walked out of the room. By the time she reached her desk was she was in full tears. Bette walked up behind her as Kyra collected her things.

  “I take it things didn’t go well? Or are those tears of joy?”

  “Go to hell, Bette!” Kyra fired off on her. “You talk about all these principles and how I should have some. When you could give a damn about them yourself when it comes to your career.”

  Bette glared at her. “I hear Tate fired you, I think that’s for the best too.”

  Kyra gave a snort of disgust. “What you think stopped mattering to me when I saw your resume in the reject pile next to mine.”

  Bette blanched. Kyra had no idea if Bette would keep her job, but it felt good deflating her balloon of superiority. Kyra snatched her jacket and the small box with her pictures and her little cactus she kept on her desk. She stormed around the desk and marched out. She wouldn’t let them see her cry. Anymore.


  Renaldo opened the door for Dominic Battaglia. His boss exited the back of the vehicle. As soon as he closed it he looked up into Kyra’s eyes as she left the building in tears. She carried her things in her arms. Conflicted by the sight of her distress he froze. Kyra would not hold his stare. She looked away.

  “Kyra?” Renaldo said. She hurried on the sidewalk to keep him from saying anything. Renaldo wanted to run after her, but he glanced back to his boss who waited at the door with his men staring curiously. Renaldo had no choice but to follow the men in.

  Quick and assuredly he fell in line with Dominic and walked toward the elevator. “Who was she?” Dominic asked with dry disinterest.

  “A… friend. She had an interview with the ladies today. To save her job,” he replied.

  He could feel Dominic’s eyes on him as they stepped on to the elevator. The men were regulated to waiting for them in the lobby. The elevator climbed the floors and they rode it in silence. Renaldo never brought personal issues to work. Never asked a favor from any of the Battaglias. Not that they didn’t treat him as family, but because he was keen on propriety. However, Kyra’s tears were a game changer. Last night he had to fight against his own nature to succumb and return to see her. Her reaction to his behavior had hurt and sobered him. She was a sweet kid, a beautiful woman, and she didn’t deserve a bastard like him.

  The elevator stopped. The doors opened. Renaldo stepped out ahead of Dominic and held the glass door to Mirabella’s open for his boss. Dominic entered. He wore a dark trench coat over his broad shoulders and a critical scowl creased his brow. Catalina was the first to greet him.

  She walked over and kissed him. “How was your flight?”

  Dominic nodded. “Where is Tate?”

  “In his office. I think,” Catalina glanced back to Renaldo and then again to Dominic. “What is it? Why did you insist on coming? We were going to be done by the end of the week.”

  “Plans change. I expect you both to be ready to leave tomorrow morning.” Dominic replied. The sho
ck on Catalina’s face matched Renaldo’s. He had no idea they would leave so soon.

  “Renaldo, tell Teddy that Dominic and I want to meet with him,” Catalina said.

  He nodded. Renaldo clenched his fist. Earlier he witnessed Tate fire Kyra. Whatever lie in store for the scumbag he deserved it. The boss hadn’t forgotten the lies from Theodore Tate and his connection with the Mancinis, a rival crime family. He’d gladly administer justice. Renaldo opened the door without knocking. He caught Tate snorting a line of cocaine up through a straw into his nose off a mirrored plate. Tate sat back and rubbed the powder traces from his nose.

  “Dominic would like a meeting.”

  “Dominic? He’s here?” Tate asked as he picked up the plate and put it in the drawer of his desk. He stood up rubbing his red and inflamed nose. Renaldo seethed silently. His jaw was so rigid and tight he feared his teeth would crack inside of his mouth. He glared at the man before him.

  Tate fixed his tie and held his head up high as he passed out of the door Renaldo held for him. He walked a few paces behind Tate and followed him inside the conference room where Dominic, Catalina, and Marietta waited. Renaldo was the only one not invited to the meeting who stayed. He closed the door and stood by it, observing the scene.

  “Dominic! Good to see you!” Tate walked around and extended his hand. Dominic stared at him. Tate lowered his hand. He then glanced to the women who stared up at him. “I wish I had known you were coming. I could have arranged a car, made dinner plans.”

  “Have a seat,” Dominic replied.

  Tate pulled back his chair. He flopped down in the seat. And again he fidgeted with wiping at his nose.

  “Catalina tells me you didn’t take the news well that we will be closing the New York company. Is that true?” Dominic asked.

  “Ah, well. I had hoped that I could speak with Mirabella. Her connection to America, her vision was to keep things based here. It’s not just New York. We have factories in Virginia. People will lose their jobs.”

  “You’re fired,” Dominic said.

  Tate doubled back. He blinked as if he misunderstood.

  Dominic narrowed his eyes on the stammering man. “Your contract will be paid. Legal will be in contact with you about any additional negotiations. Effective immediately you are to leave these premises.”


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