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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 113

by Latrivia Nelson

  She let out a long sigh.

  “Why so down?” Marcello asked.

  “Nothing. Just…nothing,” she said, not even looking at him.

  * * *

  Michael had been sitting in a booth at Labello’s for over an hour with Carmella. She had been chattering about something; he had no idea what. He’d tuned her out the moment he saw Nicco walk into the establishment with Kendra. When Piero had called him and said that Kendra had gone out with Nicco, Michael had called Carmella and asked her out on the off chance that Nicco would show up here. He’d figured he would, since Nicco hung out with Marcello at Labello’s all the time.

  He’d grown intensely angry when Nicco had left Kendra at the bar. Nicco had yet to return. He could kill his brother for his foolishness.

  Michael watched the ebony-skinned woman from across the room. He recognized the man constantly vying for her attention as Nicco’s friend, Marcello Perini. Michael had never cared for the young man, and now he knew why. The bartender sat the drink down in front of Kendra, and then, when the bartender distracted her and she turned, Marcello dropped something into her drink.

  “You stupid fuck,” Michael breathed.

  “What?” he heard his companion say.

  “Carmella, I must apologize, I have an emergency. I will have a car take you home,” he said, already out of his seat, already on the phone with his driver.

  “What emergency? Michael, you promised we would talk about our relationship,” Carmella whined.

  “I did not promise. I indulged you, but now I have a true emergency. I will call you tomorrow,” he said, more to get rid of her than because he really planned to call. He knew that this was the end of their association. Carmella had begun to take liberties that were not afforded her by him. Especially since he knew that she’d also slept with his brother, Nicco. The two had no idea that he knew. He didn’t care enough that they should know.

  “Make sure you do,” she snapped. “I am getting tired of waiting for you, Michael.”

  “As I have never asked you to wait for me, your empty threat is just that, empty. Our association is over. Goodbye. And before you even begin to make a scene, give my regards to my brother,” he snapped, and then turned and walked away, leaving her at the table.

  He was too late. Kendra already had the drink up to her mouth and had taken a healthy swallow. Michael reached her and gently took the drink out of her hand.

  “I would advise you not to take another sip,” he whispered for her ears only. He shot the bartender a frosty glare before turning menacing eyes on Marcello.

  “Marcello, you have until I count to one to get up and get out of here. My family’s association with yours is the only reason why I will not make this a public issue. Yet. However, watch your back, because the next time we meet, I will surely kill you,” he hissed in a deadly whisper.

  Michael, is that you?” Kendra slurred before swaying in his arms.

  “Yes, love,” he said.

  “Hey, what are doing here?” She murmured, snuggling closer to him.

  “Shit!” Michael cursed. “Kendra, I have to get you out of here.”

  “I don’t feel so good,” she moaned.

  “I know, love. Come, let’s get you out of here,” he said, turning to the man behind the bar. “We’re leaving out the back. Lead the way. I will deal with you later. You and Marcello better hope she does not have any side effects from whatever he slipped into her drink, or you both will regret the day you were born,” he snapped, and watched the young man’s eyes widen in fear.

  Michael held Kendra with one arm wrapped around her waist. He then reached into his pocket, took out his cell, and called Piero. All hell was about to break loose. Piero didn’t suffer fools, and a fool who messed with his sister-in-law would surely die. This was the one time Piero would have to stand in line behind him to get to those assholes.

  He was leading Kendra toward the back entrance when Nicco suddenly appeared.

  “Michael? What are you doing here? And, where are you going with Kendra?”

  “Nicco, if you value your life even a little bit, I suggest you get the hell out of my way. Go inside and see that Carmella gets home safely,” Michael barked.

  “What’s wrong with Kendra?” Nicco asked.

  “Your friend slipped something into her drink. Trust me, Marcello better crawl back under that rock he came out of because if she’s hurt in any way, I will rid the world of his presence. Now, get out of my way,” Michael said menacingly. “I will meet with you sometime tomorrow, and you’d better be available. Don’t make me come looking for you. You started this little pissing war, Nicco, and I’m about to finish it, even if I have to finish you. Do you understand me, Nick?”

  “I will be available, but do not threaten me, Michael. I do not scare easily. Brother or no, I will not go down without a fight. You are angry, and I can’t say that I blame you, but remember, that temper and anger you hold, I hold, too. After all, we are brothers, no?” Nicco said before turning on his heels and walking away.

  Michael looked down at the half-coherent woman in his arms and began to worry. Kendra was making little mewling sounds and looked as if she was about to pass out. Without thinking, he lifted her into his arms and walked through the kitchen, out the back door, and to his parked Mercedes. He had to set her on her feet and prop her against the car so he could unlock it and open the door. After getting her situated in the car, he first dialed for a car for Carmella. Then he phoned Piero, who answered immediately, as if he was expecting the call.

  “What’s happened, Michael?” Piero demanded in Italian.

  Michael immediately relayed the events of the evening. “I am taking her to my home and calling the doctor,” Michael said, and then had to listen to Piero go on yet another tirade about his brother and Marcello.

  “Piero, in Nicco’s defense, he had no idea of what Marcello had done. He seemed genuinely upset when I told him. In any event, I will deal with the situation. Calm down before you wake Adanna up and worry her. I am sure that Kendra does not want her sister to find out what’s happened this way. Especially since she is not even aware of what is going on. I have to go. I cannot drive, talk to you, and keep an eye on Kendra all at the same time. I will call you if I need to. Otherwise, I will talk to you in the morning.”

  “Call me just as soon as you speak with the doctor, Michael. I want to know that Kendra is safe,” Piero said.

  “She is safe, Piero. Goodbye.” Michael disconnected the call.

  Michael looked over at Kendra and wasn’t so sure if she was all right. She was fidgeting in her seat something terrible. Michael zipped along the roadway at record speed, praying all the way that he wouldn’t be pulled over by a cop. Speeding and having a disoriented woman in his car would not make him look good. He needed to get to his home immediately.

  He turned the air conditioning on as high as he could, trying to keep Kendra awake. Michael didn’t know if that was a good idea, but it was the best thing he could think to do until the doctor saw her.

  Michael couldn’t have been more relieved when he pulled up in front of his house. He haphazardly parked his car, rushed to the passenger side, lifted Kendra in his arms, and ran to his front double doors. He had a hard time maneuvering her and his keys to open the door, but he somehow managed to get the door open, disarm the alarm and carry Kendra up the stairs and into his bedroom. He didn’t know why he was taking her to his bedroom, but somehow, it just felt right.

  By the time he had laid her on top of the duvet, Kendra was sweating profusely and murmuring all kinds of craziness.

  “So, are we having sex now?” she asked through a weak smile. “I am so horny.”

  “No, we are not having sex, love. Lie still. I have to call the doctor,” Michael groaned.

  “But, why not? You’re sooo sexy. I bet you know how to hit all the right spots,” she moaned and grabbed him between his legs.

  “Oh, hell,” Michael breathed. “Kendra, love, you
have to stop. You are not well.”

  Kendra giggled. “Oh, goodness, your sexiness just made me cream my panties,” she moaned. “I want you so bad.”

  “Oh, man,” Michael repeated, removing her hand from his now rock-hard dick. “Stay here, love. I need to make a call.”

  “No, don’t leave,” she whimpered. “Don’t you think all of that thick wavy hair would look good lying across my breasts? I’ve been eager to run my fingers through it. Hmm, you look like you know how to satisfy a woman.”

  Damn. Oh, how he would love to take her up on her offer. He could picture himself nestled between her luscious thighs. If only she were coherent. He was tempted to give her just what she was asking for, but then, that would make him no better than Marcello. No, he would make sure that when he entered her, she was fully aware of just who it was sexing her up. He’d never had to force a women in his life, and he wouldn’t start now.

  “I don’t feel so good,” she grumbled. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Hold on one sec,” Michael said, rushing over to grab the wastebasket out of the bathroom and racing back to her. “Here you go,” he said placing the empty basket in front of her.

  “I can’t be sick in this. It’s so pretty,” she stuttered, just before lifting up off the bed and hurling the contents of her stomach into the wastebasket. Once she started it was as if she couldn’t stop.

  Michael held the basket up in front of Kendra as she continued to vomit into it. He was starting to get concerned. She’d wretched so much that nothing was actually coming out. This was not a good sign.

  By the time Kendra finally lay back on the pillows, Michael was sweating bullets. He’d been so frightened for her. He settled her more comfortably on the pillows before going to call the doctor. He didn’t like the way Kendra looked. She had begun to break out in what looked like hives. He took out his cell and dialed a doctor friend of his.

  He hoped Kyle was home. Michael was just about to hang up the phone after it had rung for the fourth time without an answer, when Kyle picked up.

  “What is it, Michael? Are you hurt?” Kyle asked anxiously.

  “No, not me. I need you to come out to my house. I have a problem,” he said, and went on to explain the events leading up to the phone call.

  “Hmm, I can’t say what drug he slipped her without doing a blood test first. It sounds as if she’s having an allergic reaction to whatever he gave her. Strange. Do you have any Benadryl in the house?”

  “Yes,” Michael responded. “I keep some on hand because of my seasonal allergies.”

  “Good. Give her two and keep her cooled until I get there. I want to check on her myself and draw some blood. Sounds to me like she might have thrown up most of what she consumed.”

  “I have the air on in the bedroom, yet she’s still sweating, Kyle,” Michael said, running his fingers through his dampened hair.

  “Strip her down to her bra and panties. You can cover her, but not with a heavy blanket. Stop panicking, Michael. I will be there shortly. Keep a close eye on her and report any changes. I’m hanging up and leaving now,” Kyle said.

  “Will do.” Michael went back over to where Kendra lay, pulling the duvet back and gently removing her shoes, then her skin tight jeans, and blouse. He left her jewelry on. Once again, Michael was blown away by her flawless skin. Her navel ring added to his appreciation of her body. He had a very hard time controlling his desire for her, made all the more evident by his growing member.

  Kendra began to flail her arms, revealing a good portion of her half covered breast. “Oh, my damn,” Michael groaned, covering her with a bed sheet, all the while trying to ward off her thrashing arms. “Be still, Kendra. I am not going to hurt you. I have to keep you cool.”

  “Michael?” she murmured.

  “Yes,” he whispered. His answer seemed to be all she needed to calm down. Michael rushed to his medicine cabinet and grabbed the Benadryl, went to his kitchen, poured a glass of water, and made his way back to Kendra. He lifted her up a bit and put the tablets on her tongue.

  “You need to take these, Kendra. They’re allergy pills. You are having an allergic reaction,” Michael said, inwardly praying that that was, in fact, all it was. He lifted the glass of water to her lips, and she sipped, swallowing the pills without incident. He then gently laid her back on the pillow. Michael breathed a sigh of relief and then pulled an armchair close to the bed. He sat down and waited for Kyle to arrive.

  No more than 15 minutes later, Michael heard the chiming of his doorbell. No doubt it was Kyle. Kendra hadn’t stirred since he’d given her the Benadryl. He left his seat and went to answer the door. Looking through his peephole to confirm that it was Kyle, Michael quickly unlocked and opened the door for him.

  “Michael,” Kyle said with a nod. “Where’s the patient?”

  “This way,” Michael replied, leading Kyle down the hall toward his bedroom. “She’s been fairly quiet since I gave her the pills.”

  “To be expected. Benadryl has the same effect as a sleeping aid.”

  Michael didn’t respond. He just led Kyle to where Kendra lay on the bed.

  “Hmm, why I do I feel as if I know her from somewhere?” Kyle said.

  “Because you do. You met her at Piero’s wedding. She’s Adanna’s sister,” Michael responded tersely.

  Kyle gave a long, succinct whistle through his teeth. “Does Piero know?” he asked, before sitting on the corner of the bed next to Kendra and taking her wrist into his hand.

  “Yes, and he’s driving me crazy. It boggles my mind. We are trying to keep Adanna from finding out what has happened, but if Piero keeps calling me every fifteen minutes, how does he expect his wife not to know something is up?”

  “Her pulse is a little weak but not dangerously so. Let me take a look at the hives,” Kyle said.

  “No!” Michael shouted.

  “What do you mean, no? Is there something else going on that I don’t know about, Michael?” Kyle asked with a frown.

  “She doesn’t have any clothes on. You can’t look at her,” Michael roared.

  “You do realize that I am a doctor,” Kyle said, lifting an eyebrow. “I see naked people all the time.”

  “Not her,” Michael said.

  “Are you for real?” Kyle asked, looking at Michael with disbelieving eyes.

  “Yes, I am,” Michael responded, eyeing Kyle.

  “Listen, my friend, I have no idea what kind of relationship she has with you, but I assure you that my interest is purely professional. I have to see if the hives are going away, examine her, and take blood samples. You called me, remember? So stand back and let me do my job, or I will call an ambulance and have her transported to the nearest hospital. Your choice,” Kyle said.

  Michael knew that Kyle was right. Still, he didn’t like the fact that Kyle would have to see Kendra’s almost naked body. “Okay, but don’t look,” Michael snapped.

  “Just how do you propose I do that?” Kyle laughed. “Michael, give me a break. If you’re more comfortable, just stand next to me and watch everything that I do.”

  “Just get on with it, Kyle,” Michael snarled.

  “Why, thank you,” was Kyle’s sarcastic reply.

  Michael watched as Kyle went about checking Kendra over and taking blood.

  “She appears to be okay,” Kyle said at last. “I would suggest you keep a close eye on her for the remainder of the night. I will get these samples off to the lab in the morning and call you with the results. When she awakens, give her a few glasses of milk and plenty of water to flush out the remainder of the drug from her system. I will try to put a rush on the results.

  “I’m assuming you want to keep this incident quiet,” Kyle said, packing up his things, and storing the used needle, tourniquet, and tubes containing the blood in his physician’s bag.

  “You assume correctly. Thank you so much for coming, Kyle. I appreciate it,” Michael said, stretching out his hand to shake that of his friend
and doctor.

  “No thanks necessary. I will see myself out,” Kyle said with a smirk. “Stop worrying. She will be fine. I take it you will handle the parasite that did this?”

  Michael gave him a knowing glare. He wouldn’t audibly confirm or deny what his intentions were.

  “Understood,” Kyle said as he left the room.

  Michael sat back down in the chair that Kyle had vacated and watched Kendra as she slept.

  Chapter Six

  Kendra awoke slowly. Through sleep-reddened eyes, she took in her surroundings, her eyes wandering across the expansive room, beautifully decorated with large furniture which looked very expensive. It took only a moment to realize that she was on a bed in a bedroom. Whose bed and whose bedroom, she had no idea. There was an empty chair sitting next to the bed close to her, as if someone had been sitting there, watching her sleep.

  “What the hell?” she voiced roughly. Her mouth was unbelievably dry. She smacked her lips as if that would rid her of her dry mouth; panic began to set in as she realized that she was indeed in someone’s bedroom.

  Kendra moved her legs to jump up and quickly realized that she didn’t have on any clothes. On her arm was a small piece of gauze with a band aide covering it. Had someone drugged her? Was that why she felt so disoriented?

  “You’re finally awake,” said a voice next to her.

  Kendra started, jerked her head around, and came face-to-face with Michael Alesi. Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Michael,” she cried. “Where am I and why am I…wherever…with you? In bed. Together. Oh Lord,” she grabbed her head to which was throbbing.

  “I will explain in a moment,” Michael said, swinging his muscled legs off the side of the bed. Walking in just his silk boxers over to the night table, he poured Kendra a glass of water from the decanter he’d filled with ice water during the night. “Drink,” he said, handing her the glass.


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