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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 116

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Confident, aren’t you?”

  “Very. Now I really have to go. I’ll be back as soon as possible,” he said, standing up and walking out of the room without another word.

  “He’s cocky as hell,” she whispered to the empty room. “Sweet.”

  Kendra flipped through the channels and settled on an old re-run of Martin. She loved the show. It was sure to bring laughter to her bleak situation. She laughed so much her sides hurt. It wasn’t until she’d watched two full episodes of the show that she realized that Michael hadn’t returned yet.

  “Hmm, I guess he’ll be back soon enough,” she whispered to herself, and then settled back down to watch another episode of Martin. “Thank goodness for marathons.” Kendra loved to watch marathons of her favorite shows.

  Before she could get fully into the show, she heard the distant ringing of her cell phone. Kendra jumped up and went into the bedroom to retrieve the phone before it stopped ringing.

  “Hello,” she said, as she quickly hit the button to answer.

  “Hi. I’m running a little late. I had to stop and pick something up. I will be home some with your food. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Still watching television.”

  “You sound out of breath.”

  “I am. I had to run to the room to get my phone.”

  “Sorry about that. Keep your phone near you.”

  With a heavy sigh, Kendra agreed. “Okay.”

  “Good. Oh, I forgot to set the alarm. The code is,” he said rambling off the code. “Did you get that?”

  “Yes, Michael. I’ll set it now,” she said dryly.

  “Make sure you do. See you soon.”

  “Okeydokey,” she said disconnecting the call. “I don’t even know why he would even bother to set the alarm. Just like Piero burglar would get lost in this maze. There isn’t a thing anyone can walk out of here carrying on their back. Everything is oversized,” she said wryly, walking back towards the entryway, cell phone in hand. Her phone rang again as she walked. “If this is you again Michael I am going to strangle you,” she groaned, hitting the answer button without looking at the caller i.d.

  “Hello,” she practically screamed.

  “Well, hello to you too.”

  “Sorry, I thought you were…never mind. Hold on a second, I need to do something.

  Kendra did as Michael said and quickly set the alarm.

  “I’m back. What’s up?”

  “I have info.”

  “Really? Great! Shoot,” Kendra said trying to sound enthused.

  Kendra listened for a good five minutes before cutting in. “Listen I have to go. I’ll call you back later,” she said, she felt a headache forming right between her eyes.

  “No problem. Take care.”

  “Thanks. You too, Bye.”

  Chapter Nine

  Michael was sitting on his sun porch enjoying an espresso when his cell phone rang. Quickly looking at the caller ID, he groaned audibly. Piero. If his cousin called him one more time, he would surely strangle him. Kendra had been in his home for almost a week now, and Adanna and Piero were driving him crazy.

  “Yes!” Michael barked into the phone.

  “Dammit, Michael! Why are you yelling?” Piero said.

  “Because you are annoying me, cousin. Are you really going to call here every day?”

  “Yes. How is Kendra?”

  “She fine, as you damn well know. Just as she’s been every day that you’ve called. Did you and Adanna finally stopp having sex? I guess the newness of the marriage is wearing off,” Michael said sarcastically.

  “Stop having sex? Please. Am I dead? My wife and I are fine. She wants to see her sister. Bring Kendra over today,” Piero said and hung up.

  Michael looked down at his phone and cursed. He felt like throwing it. He was tired and horny. Ever since he’d kissed Kendra, he’d wanted more of her. However, not wanting her to have any regrets, he’d held back. Since then, he’d been trying to get her to feel more comfortable with him. Michael knew she wanted him, and he could have had her, but he didn’t just want her body. He wanted her trust as well, and in his line of work, trust had to be earned.

  “You seem to be deep in thought. Is something wrong?” Kendra asked.

  Michael started and looked up at her. She was wearing a pair of his sweats and a t-shirt, her signature clothing since she’d been here. Kendra’s hair was in some sort of twisty thing atop her head. Another signature of hers. He couldn’t wait to rid her of it. Her face was devoid of makeup as it always was, and she couldn’t have been more beautiful in his eyes. Her ebony skin glowed flawlessly. She looked healthy.

  “Michael. Michael,” he heard her call.

  “Yes.” He cleared his throat.

  “Are you okay? You were staring as if something were wrong.”

  “Nothing’s wrong at all. In fact, everything is right,” he smiled.

  “It didn’t seem like it. When I first came out you were scowling down at your phone, and then you turned your hawk-like gaze on me. Who pissed you off this time?”

  “Piero, of course. He keeps calling. Oh yeah, the order today is that your sister wants to see you. I have been instructed to bring you to her, like I’m his errand boy or something. I swear, Piero forgets who’s the oldest,” Michael said.

  “He doesn’t forget. He just chooses not to acknowledge it. Piero’s problem, along with the lot of you Alesis, is that you’re used to getting your own way. You guys walk around as if the world is your oyster. A superior attitude,” she finished.

  “Is there any other way to be?” he smiled. “You are correct. I do like getting my way, but I am fair in everything that I do. I suffer no fool. I don’t like idiots. That is all,” he shrugged, not at all apologetic.

  “See. There you go again with that superiority complex. ‘I suffer no fool. I don’t like idiots,’” she mocked. “So what time are you supposed to have me at my sister’s?”

  “Are you up to going today?” he countered.

  “I guess. I just wanted to make sure I could mask my feelings from my sister. As you can tell, I am very playful with my sister. She looks up to me in a lot ways. Always has. I don’t want to worry her with that other foolishness. Besides, your sister is her best friend. I don’t want her to look at your family differently because of that business with Nicco and his friend. I’m good now. Thank you for letting me stay in your home,” she whispered.

  “Why do you keep thanking me?” he said in an exasperated voice. “I assure you. My reasons are now purely selfish.”

  “Selfish, how?”

  “Stop playing games, Kendra. You know I want you just as much as you want me. Sit,” he said.

  “Are you asking me or telling me?”

  “You decide,” he said and smiled when she took the seat next to him. He had to laugh at her act of defiance. Not saying a word, he took her by the hand. “Come here,” he said pulling her up out of the chair and sitting her on his lap. “I want you here.”


  “Yes. Oh. We won’t be going to Piero’s until later,” he whispered, taking her by the neck, pulling her face down to his, and taking her lips in a passionate, almost desperate kiss. The kiss went on and on. Two tongues dancing in tune with one another.

  Michael quickly took over the kiss and began demanding more of her. She gave as well as she got, and still he wanted more. Tilting her head, he deepened the kiss, his tongue practically down her throat. He made sure that he touched every inch of the inside of her mouth. Kendra would have no doubt where she belonged after today. He fully intended to have her today, tonight, tomorrow, and every other day if he had his way…which he would. He knew it and so did she.

  Releasing her lips he murmured. “Let’s take this inside. I like my neighbors well enough, but not that much. Not enough to show them my woman, anyway,” he snickered.

  “So, I’m your woman,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “What do you think, Kendra?” he ask
ed looking her directly in the eye. “If I just wanted a simple lay, I could have had you days ago. Instead I wanted you to trust being with me and me only. The fact that you haven’t left and have actually taken a few weeks off from work leads me to believe that you want to be with me too. I’m right aren’t I?”

  “Let me get this straight. You want a relationship with me?”

  “We’re already in a relationship, Kendra,” he snorted. “If you’re asking if I am strictly ‘committed’ to you, then the answer is yes. Just as long as you know we are strictly exclusive.”

  “You’re saying that after only a few days we’re exclusive?” she eyed him suspiciously.

  “I take it you’re having a hard time comprehending the word ‘yes’ and ‘exclusive’?” he said with a frown. “What’s the problem Kendra? I know you’re not seeing anyone, and even if you were, oh well, his loss.”

  “No, I’m not seeing anyone, but you are,” she said.

  “No, I’m not,” he countered.

  “What about this Carmella person?”

  “How do you know about Carmella?”

  “Never mind how I know. I know. Is she the one you came to the wedding with?”

  “Yes. And Carmella and I have never been an item. We had sex,” he said bluntly.

  “You sit here boldly and tell me that the only thing you and Carmella had was sex, and then want me to believe that in a short span of time you want a relationship with me. Really, Michael?”

  “Listen, Carmella and I knew exactly what we had going in. Nothing but sex. In fact, I have made it abundantly clear from the start that I was not interested in a relationship with her. If she had it in her head that we were going to be anything more than sex buddies, that’s on her, not me. Especially since she’s been sleeping with my brother, too,” Michael snorted.

  “Eww, that’s just nasty.” Kendra shuddered. “You knew she was sleeping with your brother and yet you still slept with her? What the hell does that say about your character?”

  “It says that I didn’t give a damn. Listen, Kendra, I’ve never claimed to be a saint. I am a healthy, normal heterosexual man who enjoys the company of women. However, I am telling you here and now that I will not share you with any man.”

  “Same goes for me. I don’t share, Michael. The moment I even sniff that you’re being unfaithful to me, I will walk out and not come back. No explanation. Men seem to look at my body and think that’s the only thing to me. I’ve been in too many relationships to count where, I’ve been promised faithfulness and the only thing I’ve gotten so far was regret, disappointment, and almost taken for everything I’ve worked hard for. Just as long as you know, I won’t be your flavor of the month, nor will I be arm candy.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to be. I said I want a ‘relationship,’ Kendra. And for the record, just how many relationships have you had?” he scowled.

  “How many have you had?” she countered.

  Michael stared at her for a moment. He knew of the boyfriend who had stolen her money, and he suspected that there was someone else who had hurt her, but he refused to pay for someone else’s sins. He had enough of his own. He knew from her stance and attitude that she was one strong woman. He liked that.

  “Touché, my love,” he smiled. “Now enough with the talking. Let’s get to the loving. And before you form your lips to say another word. I want you to know that there will be no other woman for me. I have all the woman I need right here in my arms.”

  “Just so you know it.”

  “Oh I know it,” he said, standing up with her in his arms. He lifted her as if she were just a child, and brought his lips down on hers.

  “Um,” she breathed against his lips.

  “If you think that’s good, just wait until we get to the real stuff,” he whispered against her mouth, walking with her in his arms from the sun porch through the house and to the master bedroom. There he laid her down on the duvet and proceeded to strip out of his clothes. When Kendra went to pull her shirt over her head he stopped her.

  “No. Let me,” he said, sitting on the bed beside her, and then bending down to take her lips in a scorching kiss. His hand slipped under her shirt and bra and cupped one full breast. Her soft moan spurred him on. He gently pulled on her nipple. She began to squirm under his ministrations and grabbed a handful of his hair. She did that a lot…grabbed his hair.

  Michael’s lips left hers and trailed down and over her neck, planting little kisses on her earlobes, and on the pulsing vein in her neck. Kendra still loosely held a fistful of his hair in her hand, which made it difficult for him to do what he wanted. Slipping his hand inside her sweats, he cupped her mound. She almost came off of the bed. She also loosened her hold on his hair, which made it easier for him to remove his hand and swiftly lift her shirt up over her head; he then unhooked the front clasp of her bra.

  “Thank God for small favors,” he said bending down and grasping her hardened nipple between his teeth before pulling it fully into his mouth.

  “Oh my,” she groaned. “Don’t stop.”

  He hadn’t planned on stopping. He was just getting started. His mouth assaulted her nipples as his hand moved down and between her sweats and panties. He slipped his finger inside of her moist heat. She screamed out his name.

  He continued to push his finger in and out of her wetness as he suckled her nipple…switching from one to the other. She was putty in his hands. Kendra’s moans were getting louder and louder.

  “Michael. I need you now,” she rushed out breathlessly.

  He continued as if he hadn’t heard her. Michael knew she was on the brink of orgasm by the quivering of her thighs. Her silkiness pulsated against his finger; her juices creamed his finger.

  Michael lifted his mouth from her breast and took his finger out of her softness to pull off her sweats, and to remove her bra while she protested loudly. He then walked over to his bureau, took out a pack of condoms, and walked back over to her.

  “Michael,” she moaned.

  “I know. I feel the same. We’ll take it slower the second go around. Right now I just have to have you,” he said. Ripping open the condom and quickly sheathing himself, Michael rejoined Kendra on the bed, and spread her legs wide before crawling between them and aligning his hardness with her womanly core.

  “Next time,” he groaned, surging up and into her. Damn she was tight. Even with her being so wet, it was still a tight fit. Very tight. He hoped he hadn’t hurt her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she whimpered.

  “Good. Now wrap your legs around me,” he whispered, withdrawing from her and then pushing back into her.

  Kendra cried out.

  “Hold on,” he growled, placing one hand on the bed. The other he used to lift her mouth up to his. He kissed her thoroughly. Each thrust of his hips caused his member to grow more. Michael didn’t think it was possible for him to get any harder, but he did. Her legs wrapped around his waist gave him better access. He sank deeper into her with each plunge. The kiss was as desperate as their lovemaking.

  “Michael! I’m going to come,” she cried against his lips.

  From the trembling of her body and the way her womanly folds gloved his cock, he knew she was on the brink again. This time he would let her come. Releasing her lips, he lifted her; palming her hips, and continued to surge into her wetness.

  “Come Kendra. I’m right behind you. Damn, you feel so good,” he groaned.

  “Michael, I can’t. It feels so good,” she murmured.

  “Yes, you can,” he countered breathlessly. “Just let go. Let yourself feel, Kendra. It’s okay.” She met him thrust for thrust, but for some reason she was afraid to let go. Without thinking Michael pulled out of her and flipped her over.

  “What the hell?” she cried.

  “On your hands and knees, Kendra. Trust me. You will enjoy this,” he said positioning her and then himself behind her. Michael took a second to slip his hand between her legs, part
ing her folds before aligning his hardened cock with her center, and pushing into her.

  “Ohmygoodness,” she cried out, and pushed back against him. That was all the encouragement he needed before grasping her hips and thrusting in and out of her. She felt so good, Michael felt like throwing his head back and howling. In fact, he did just that when he felt her shiver against him.

  “Michael, I’m coming!” she screamed.

  “So am I. Come, Kendra. I don’t think I can hold on any longer,” he forced out, barely holding onto his release, using one hand to pinch her nipple. He thrust up and into her one last time before they both cried out their release.

  “Dammit! Dammit! Dammit,” Michael howled.

  “Oh my! Oh my!” she cried out on a breathless moan.

  “Damn!” Michael said one final time before gently collapsing against her back, which caused Kendra to fall flat on the bed. They both chuckled.

  “I guess you don’t know your own strength,” she giggled.

  “Hmm. I would say not,” he grumbled against her back. “You know we’re not finished yet, right?”

  “Oh goodness. You’re trying to kill me,” she groaned.

  “Not at all. I can’t do all that I want to do to you if you’re dead,” he snickered.

  “Ha ha ha. Real funny, Michael. Real funny.”

  “I try. Come, let’s take a shower. Tell me. Have you ever made love in the shower?” he asked.

  “Yes. Why?”

  He scowled against her back. “Well not like this,” he grumbled.

  “Well if you’re going to get upset with my answers, stop asking questions you don’t really want know the answers to,” she said.

  “Trust me, after this, you will feel as if you’ve never been taken in the shower before,” he said, getting up and helping her up as well.

  “That sure of yourself, are you?” she questioned.

  “Or course. Is there any other way to be?” he shot back, leading her to the bathroom.


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