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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 124

by Latrivia Nelson

  Eminence peered over to see a tall, mocha-colored man who looked like he never heard the word “no” from many women. He kept his head cocked to the side as though the smirk from his lips dragged him down. From his arrogant demeanor, she would be one of the few to turn him away. Instead of answering him, she returned her gaze to the selection.

  “My name is Andre, but my friends call me Dre. You can call me for breakfast if you want.” He chuckled and gave her a wink he must have thought was cute or appealing.

  “You have a good night.” Eminence grabbed one bottle of merlot and headed to the cash registers.

  “So that’s it? You’re not going to give me your name?” Andre followed her to the register.

  “I’m not interested.” Eminence tried being polite even while her knees itched to make contact to his balls if he continued to trail her.

  “You don’t know what you’re passing up.”

  Eminence placed her bottle of wine on the conveyor belt, thankful to be away from this idiot soon.

  “Let me buy you a drink.” Andre picked up her bottle of wine as he laughed.

  Eminence snatched it from his grasp. “I’ve tried being polite to you but if you keep bothering me, I will have them call security, and then the police.” She placed the bottle back on the belt and turned her back on him again.

  She heard Andre snicker behind her. He stood so close to her that she felt his breath blow by her ear. Eminence shivered but kept her back to him.

  As soon as she got up the cashier, the knot that had developed between her shoulder blades and the back of her head started to dissipate. She would just need to get out of the store and back home. She hoped this jerk didn’t follow her to her car or, worse yet, to her apartment.

  “I need to see your I.D., ma’am.” The cashier held out her hand.

  Eminence pulled out her driver’s license from its snug compartment in her wallet. Before it could reach the cashier’s waiting hand, Andre snatched the plastic card from her grasp.

  “Now I can see what your name is.” He cackled as he started to look at her name and other vital information.

  “Give that back!” Eminence turned to the cashier. “Call security, please.”

  Before the cashier could pick up the phone, another customer grabbed Andre by his collar and pulled him back. With Andre off kilter, the man, who stood about Andre’s height but had way more muscles than him, managed to get the license from his grasp.

  “Hey! What the fuck are you doing? Get your hands off me!” Andre tried righting himself.

  With flailing limbs, Eminence barely saw her savior’s face. She caught the obvious traits. The white man had on a white t-shirt that showed off his summer tan, and black track pants. His white sneakers squeaked against the tiled floor as he tussled with the jerk. The man kept his hair short in a buzz cut. Probably a military man. In Virginia Beach, that wouldn’t be out of the question.

  As soon as this stranger released Andre, Eminence nearly dropped to her knees. She had to blink a few times and truly stare into the man’s face and especially his eyes to register what she thought she saw.

  “Keys?” Eminence covered her mouth with her hand.


  “I believe the woman asked you kindly to leave her alone.” Tank took the license from Andre’s hand.

  Tank had gone to the store for something over-the-counter to combat his cold. He never thought he would see Eminence Dutton, the woman who had been a lot of firsts for him: first love, first sexual experience, first one to break his heart, and now, first one to surprise him during his trip home.

  As soon as he spied her, he reacted like his old seventeen-year old self again. His heart pounded to the point that the thumping beat in his head and ears. As he lurked behind her, he longed to move in closer to take in her scent. In her skirt and cardigan, she looked as bookish as she did back in high school. He knew the sensual being that existed under her conservative clothes.

  Tank’s fingertips tickled, wanting to touch her again, feel her curvy body all over again. When that thought hit him, he took a deep breath and had to steel his nerves. She’d broken his heart once. He couldn’t give her another opportunity to do it again. When he started to walk in the opposite direction, he heard Mr. Casanova sidling up to her and throwing out his bad pick-up lines. Tank, the protector, had stood off to the side to make sure the dude behaved himself. When he didn’t, Tank took action.

  “Don’t touch me!” The creep kept his arms and legs moving as he tried getting out Tank’s iron grip.

  Tank released the man and made sure to position his body between the asshole and Eminence. “I suggest you go home or continue shopping. You get near this woman again, I won’t be as kind.”

  The stranger smoothed his hands down his clothes as he glared at Tank and Eminence. “That bitch ain’t worth my time anyway.”

  At the slur, Tank charged toward the man, who decided to continue his shopping while doing a light sprint. Tank kept his stare on him until he ducked behind an aisle and out of his sight.

  A few customers gave Tank some applause, but he didn’t acknowledge them. He did what he did out of duty. Had it been a different woman, he would have done the same thing. Only his chivalrous act hadn’t been for an unknown person. Tank had helped Eminence.

  Tank turned to her and held up her license. “Here you go.”

  Eminence smoothed her hand over her curly hair before taking her license. As soon as her fingers brushed against his, Tank felt an electric current flow from her body and shock his into life. He held his breath for a moment during the connection before finally releasing the card and taking a step back from her.

  “Thank you.” Eminence turned and handed it to the cashier. “I can’t believe you’re –”

  Tank had to stop her speech. He couldn’t stroll down memory lane with her. Not here. Not now. The memories hurt too much. “As long as you’re okay. Have a good night.”

  He turned and continued down the store back to the grocery section. Rosalie had asked him to buy her some chocolate-covered peanuts. Tank had told her he wouldn’t because he didn’t want any candy in his home. After seeing Eminence, he needed to talk to someone, and Rosalie would be a better captive audience if she had something she liked to occupy her time and taste buds.

  As he walked toward the market aisle again, he thought about Eminence. He had imagined the moment he would see her again in his head a million times. In most scenarios, he would have told her that she should have trusted him. He would have profess that he would never hurt or betray her like she thought he had done. Then he would tell her that leaving him had been the biggest mistake of her life because he’d managed to make something of himself...kind of. If Tank didn’t secure more businesses soon, he would have to cut back on his expenses, meaning his staff.

  Tank stood in front of a shelf full of different types of chocolates. Chocolate-covered raisins. Chocolate-covered pretzels. Once he found the type of candies Rosalie wanted, the ones without the candied shell, Tank reached for it. Before touching the package, he stopped his hand in midair. He brought his hand to his nose and took in a deep whiff.

  What he suspected had happened. Eminence’s scent managed to transfer to his fingers in their brief encounter. He caught her delicate, flowery aroma. Against what his head screamed for him to do, Tank smiled at the sensual memory. He felt his cock throbbing under his pants.

  Tank turned his gaze to the side when he caught an image of someone at the end of the aisle. The dick who had bothered Eminence stood there, staring at Tank. In his weakened state, Tank really didn’t want to fight this asshole. Although he’d driven himself to the store, he did feel a bit unsteady on his feet. His head throbbed with every step he’d taken. He’d summoned every bit of his strength to subdue the guy and get Eminence’s license back.

  Not one to turn down any confrontation, Tank turned to the man and took a step toward him. Again, the jerk continued with his shopping. Once the asshole moved out of si
ght, Tank released a long breath.

  Tank had to laugh, which triggered a slight coughing fit. He needed to get home and take care of himself. Medicine, juice, soup, and chocolates. He grabbed those items and headed back to the register, the same one where he had his meeting with Eminence.

  He had held her license in his hand. He could have turned it over and seen her address. He could have seen if she no longer carried the Dutton surname. Maybe she had gotten married and popped out some babies. Whenever his mother tried bringing up Eminence’s name to him, Tank shut the conversation down quick.

  With his items paid for, Tank walked back out to his sports utility vehicle. He hit a button on his key fob to activate the door. As soon as he touched the handle he heard a voice behind him, one that sent a warm sensation over his entire body.

  “Excuse me.”

  Tank knew the voice. It had haunted his dream for years. He opened the door and tossed his bag onto the passenger side seat before turning around. Eminence strolled toward him still holding her purchase in her hand.

  “Hi.” Eminence stood a few feet from him. Her stoic expression let him know that perhaps she had run a few scenarios in her head as well.

  Tank wanted to lay his whole life story out to her, tell her that seeing her again caused him a bit of heartburn and something he wanted to avoid. Instead he answered in the only way he knew how at the moment. “Hey.”

  If manhandling that guy sapped him of his reserve strength, then standing here with Eminence truly drew out all his power. If she touched him again, he would be powerless to do anything but what she wanted, and that did not fit Tank’s DNA.

  Eminence clutched her bag in both hands and wrung the handle. Looked like she carried as much anxiety and Tank. “I didn’t get to really thank you for what you did. Thank you.”

  Tank nodded. His throat scratched too much for him to carry on a full dialogue, not that he would know what to say to her. He thought he would have. He also thought he wouldn’t have been attracted to her.

  His body reacted to her as soon as he came within a few feet of her. Getting wrapped up with Eminence and her lack of trust would keep him from pursuing his business goals. Tank would be more than just the meathead from high school.

  “I didn’t know you shopped here.” Eminence nodded her head behind her toward the store. “Are you here in town for good or are you –”

  “I have to go.” Tank climbed into his truck. “Good night.”

  Before anything else could be said, he started up his vehicle and pulled out of the parking space. Against his better judgment, he took a glance in his rearview mirror to see Eminence again. Looking defeated, she kept her stare on his truck before dropping her gaze to the ground and heading to her vehicle.

  Damn. After all these years, Tank still felt something for her. He kept his hands gripped to the steering wheel and had to convince himself from turning around and talking to her again.

  Talking. Right. Tank wanted more than to share stories of their good times. Seeing her body again, he wanted to touch her. He wanted to hear her calling out his name again.

  Times had changed. He had changed. Tank hadn’t been the boy who wore his heart on his sleeve in years. He learned to be detached. Tonight he had to remember that.

  As soon as Tank arrived back home, he showered and changed to jeans and a white tank top. He heated the chicken-and-vegetable soup he’d just bought. He normally stayed away from eating before playing, but he needed to build up his strength.

  With dinner done and dishes washed and put away, Tank sat on the couch and made a call to an old local friend. He needed something to erase the memory of Eminence from his mind. Playing would do that. It would remind Tank of the life he would have in D.C. away from his old home, away from past pain.

  “Long time, no hear,” Edgar began.

  Tank settled back into the couch, pressing his back against the cushions. “I’m in town for work. I won’t be here for long.”

  “Miss seeing you at the local parties. You know Lady Grave still talks about you, her favorite student.”

  Tank smiled. The older woman had been a great mentor, teaching him everything he ever wanted to know about the BDSM lifestyle. She’d been patient and thorough in her lessons. Because of her, Tank thought about all aspects of being a Dom, beyond just play. He lived the life.

  “I need to call her.” Tank scratched his head. “Hey, I need a favor.”

  “Got an itch?”

  Tank shifted in his spot. “Can’t scratch it on my own.”

  “Who would you like doing the scratching?”

  Tank thought about the question. His head told him to pick someone who didn’t look like Eminence. He should have asked for a blonde, blue-eyed woman. Hell, he could have asked for a guy if he needed to play and get Eminence out of his system.

  Before he could stop himself, Tank blurted, “You know any available African-American women who can come over to play?”

  “Tall? Short? Thin? Voluptuous? Lesbian? Straight?”

  “Tall. Thin is fine.”

  Stop it, man.

  Tank continued with his eyes closed. An image of Eminence filled his head. “Dark brown hair. Medium length or longer.”

  Christ, what are you doing?

  “Hmm, okay.” Edgar paused as though writing down Tank’s wish list.

  Tank could almost imagine his friend pondering the list of available women. Edgar, a few years older than Tank, had also trained under Lady Grave. The subsequent affair Edgar had with Grave separated their experiences. His friend should have known that two Dominants together wouldn’t work in a relationship.

  Tank cleared his throat. “She should have brown eyes, and not be afraid of caning or paddling.”

  Just shoot the man a picture of Eminence, why don’t you?

  In this instance, Tank wanted his conscience to shut the hell up. Maybe playing with someone who looked like Eminence would help him work her out of his system. Or maybe it would ramp up the feeling even more.

  Tank had done some edgy play with Eminence back in high school before he knew about BDSM. He just knew that he liked controlling her body and seeing her react whenever he’d pushed her.

  “I think I have the woman for you,” Edgar said. “You want her –”

  “Tonight.” A tickle crept up the back of Tank’s neck. He turned his head away to cough.

  “Oh wow. Okay. Let me make some calls and see what I can do. A little short notice.”

  Tank nodded. “I know. This is the first time I’ve had a free moment, and since there are no clubs around here –”

  “I know, damn Commonwealth.” Edgar laughed. “I’ll make some calls and call you back. You want her to meet you at a hotel?”

  Tank shook his head as though his silver-haired friend could see him through the phone. “No. Here’s my address.” He spouted the address of his temporary home.

  Since he would only be at the place for a week, he had no problems sharing the information. Besides he knew Edgar. He knew his friend only associated with trustworthy people.

  A phone call and an hour later, a knock sounded on Tank’s door. Tank took a beat before he answered it. His heart slowed when he saw who stood on the other side.

  “Hi, my name is Pet. I’ll be yours this evening.”

  Chapter Three

  Tank thought he had described Eminence so well to Edgar that a carbon copy of his former girlfriend would have shown up at his front door. Instead the woman standing on his porch had matched Eminence’s race, but otherwise looked nothing like her.

  The dark-skinned beauty with her short hair in a bob kept her gaze down to the floor, only occasionally looking Tank in his eyes for his response, his approval. Edgar had prepped her well. Her dark brown eyes looked nothing like Eminence’s.

  Damn it, if you wanted someone who looked like Eminence then you shouldn’t have run away from her.

  Tank could have kicked himself for expecting something more. Then again, Eminence ha
d run from him first. Hell, high school ended for both of them years ago. He needed to react to her differently. Easier said than done.

  “Are you not pleased with my appearance?” Pet asked, splitting her gaze from the floor to his eyes.

  “You’re fine.” He took a step to the side to allow her passage. “Beautiful, actually.”

  Tank’s body didn’t react to the sight of her as it did as soon as he spotted Eminence. A few women he’d dated since Eminence had come close to giving him that rapid heartbeat and jelly bones.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Pet padded into his home and stopped in the middle of the living room.

  In a long, black trench coat, Pet kept her hands on her belt as though preparing to undo it and remove it at his command. Her black platform heels pumped up her muscled calves. The sight of them made Tank wonder if Eminence’s body looked the same.

  “Would you like for me to remove my coat, Sir?” Pet split her gaze between him and her belt.

  “Yes.” Tank strolled by her. “And don’t speak unless spoken to.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She unfastened her belt and undid a few buttons before Pet opened her coat.

  No surprise, Pet had been completely naked underneath. Silver rings pierced both of her jet black nipples as well as her navel. Although Tank didn’t look down, he suspected that Pet had a matching ring in the skin over her clit.

  “Follow me to the den.” Tank strolled ahead of her to the minimally decorated den area.

  He didn’t need much. A brown sleeper couch lined the wall while the complementing love seat sat next to it. A standard coffee table rounded out the trio. All of this would travel well when he moved back home.

  Tank coughed and it spurned a slight coughing fit. Damn summer cold. When he glanced at Pet, she looked like she wanted to ask him about his wellbeing. Her full lips parted, then she clamped them shut and crossed her arms over her body, covering her shaved pussy.

  A smart man wouldn’t have called for a play bottom knowing his current condition. Tank had done a lot of kneejerk reacting lately. Just like everything else, he could work through this. He needed to push himself.


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